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Daniel Dubie's Murder And Margaret Crane Case


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Since the ThaiVisa forum newsclippings "Canadian journalist shot dead by girlfriend in Chiang Mai" site was closed there have been various scattered reports of developments in both the status of Margaret's case and in understanding the history that led up to this tragedy.

ThaiVisa was a exceptional forum site for this dialog and other sites seem to be dabbling but not allowing real live time exchange of ideas such as the previous:


Since the newsclipping aspect had run it's course, the moderator suggested that we move to the general disucssion site if there was interest in discussing and following the developments of the case.

Anyone up for futher discussion??

all shook up in Hawaii (earth quake double entendre)


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Apart from general discussion on the topic, I'd like to add that should there be any further official news bulletins released on the subject, I'd be quite happy to re-open the topic in the News Forum so the thread can continue.

Please PM either George or myself (or another online moderator) with the news update (and reference links) and we will re-open the original thread for continued updates/discussion.

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Thanks for the update, Hawaiianeyes. Glad you are OK after the quake. Good idea to re-open the thread, as there have obviously been new developments.

I still have heard nothing from Margaret/Jeana's friend re my offer to visit. Time to contact her again, as I have some spare time and am living in town now.

It's great that Kay Danes is involved: she has been through hel_l in Laos, and is a strong compassionate advocate on behalf of prisoners.

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There is a group of people from Jeanas childrens school who are donating money and arranging food to be delivered to Jeanna from various restaurants around the jail. There is also a woman coordinating visits as she can only have 1 person per day. Her fellow inmates speak very highly of her, she is teaching yoga and english to some of them. I have not gotten a legal update recently.

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Perhaps someone can help me with some questions I have:

Is Daniel really dead?

Is there a death certificate or obituary? Where is he buried?

Or Is Jeana taking the rap for him going "underground"?

He once told me not to worry if I heard stories of his death that he had gone "underground" before and would do it again.

What were all his rantings 1998-2001 about a coming Jihad against the US?

Why did he name 2 of his sons Jamil?

What is the significance of the book of Jamil?

Why did he tell me that he loved that I was so Persian (Iranian) meaning that I was Arabic like him (his claim that he was from UAE) but stupid (as Saudis and UAE people consider the Persian empire to have fallen because they have honor but not the great cunnning and intelligence of the Bedoin peoples of the Gulf)?

Why did he have photos of himself with Arabic garb and insist I call him Ahmed?

Why has Felicia (probably the closest of anyone in the world to him) just recently married to an Iranian and reportedly moved to Iran?

Was he involved in the disappearance of anyone or in the murder of a woman in 1986 in Honolulu?

Besides his felony convictions what other crimes did he "get away with"?

Why did he have so many identities and passports?

How was he able to enter and reside in the Kingdom of Thailand with multiple felony convictions in his criminal record from the US?

What does Jeana know about all this?

What does Geri know about all this?

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Why did he tell me that he loved that I was so Persian (Iranian) meaning that I was Arabic like him (his claim that he was from UAE) but stupid (as Saudis and UAE people consider the Persian empire to have fallen because they have honor but not the great cunnning and intelligence of the Bedoin peoples of the Gulf)?

What does Geri know about all this?

Curious. I have known quite a few Iranians in my life and they are very quick to point out that they are not Arabs, and indeed they are not. Didn't you mention that to him??

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Why did he tell me that he loved that I was so Persian (Iranian) meaning that I was Arabic like him (his claim that he was from UAE) but stupid (as Saudis and UAE people consider the Persian empire to have fallen because they have honor but not the great cunnning and intelligence of the Bedoin peoples of the Gulf)?

What does Geri know about all this?

Curious. I have known quite a few Iranians in my life and they are very quick to point out that they are not Arabs, and indeed they are not. Didn't you mention that to him??

Curious yes. His "you are such a Persian" rants never did make sense to me-I am not Iranian at all- so why did he make such a point of this?

I was introduced to him at a very high profile Hawaii fund raising dinner by Ray Kinney as a "Prince from Dubai" and Geri as "Queen of Herbalife". Immediately he started to write me profound love letters. I believed all this and started to study Arabic, read the Koran and read about the Middle East in earnest for the first time. He told me many times that he wanted to take me to Medina. He told me that his father was in the Arab League at the UN and that his mother was one of several families he had around the world. I asked him to teach me Arabic but he said that he would not speak that language with me unless I was perfectly fluent.

But now, as far as I can find out, he was not actually Arabic at all. He was born George Patrick Dubie to a local Portuguese -Hawaiian mother Pearl Wyatt and an WWII army father George Dubie from Connecticut. His whole "I am an Arab Prince from Dubie" story was another of his cons. He was born here and moved to Santa Barbara as a kid.

But if all of this was just a con of his why would Felicia marry an Iranian and move to Iran? So I wonder if somewhere along the line he invented this whole other life story for himself because he got enmeshed with a radical element and now Felicia is involved in this as well?????

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"Perhaps someone can help me with some questions I have:

Is Daniel really dead?

Is there a death certificate or obituary? Where is he buried?

Or Is Jeana taking the rap for him going 'underground'?

What were all his rantings 1998-2001 about a coming Jihad against the US?

Why did he name 2 of his sons Jamil?

What is the significance of the book of Jamil?

Why did he have photos of himself with Arabic garb and insist I call him Ahmed?

Was he involved in the disappearance of anyone or in the murder of a woman in 1986 in Honolulu?

Besides his felony convictions what other crimes did he 'away with'?

Why did he have so many identities and passports?

What does Jeana know about all this?

What does Geri know about all this?"

Man, get a life! Your questions remind me of a US soap opera.

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Man, get a life! Your questions remind me of a US soap opera.

It isn't a soap opera.

It is a mess.

"get a life" is good advice. I had a very good life before the train wreck that is this guy ran me over.

Pardon me as I try to pick up the pieces.

"Daniel" George Patrick Dubie made a real mess of many peoples lives.

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Did you ever notice that trying to walk forward while looking over your shoulder results in walking in circles? It also inhibits your ability to see lifes speed bumps just ahead and increases the chances of repeating the past.

dvk, I would argue that a person cannot will themselves to "move on" unless s/he can shed the essential confusion of a mystified or abused past.

Hawaiianeyes was comprehensively deceived by a fantasist who had a lot of money, charisma, and powerful & probably very shady connections. To her credit, Hawaiianeyes was able to disentangle much of the stupendous web of lies Mr Dubie wove around his sad ego. She was also able to challenge Mr Dubie with her discovery of the truth about him.

As I see it, Hawaiianeyes, you are still trying very hard to sift facts from fantasy in regard to Mr Dubie. Someone was shot dead in Chiang Mai back in July. His Thai girlfriend was in no doubt that the deceased was George "Daniel" Dubie. Jeana/ Margaret Crane remains in jail here accused of his murder. I cannot imagine that she would have put her life on the line and her kids' lives in such turmoil by shooting a "stooge" for Mr Dubie. No matter what the identity of the deceased, her fate would be similar, and her chances of escape almost zilch.

I have read that Felicia Dubie was appointed as a "Peace Child" representative from Hawaii to Morocco a couple of years ago. Perhaps she met her Iranian husband there?

The talk of and belief in the jihad against the US is widespread in fundamental Islam. I suspect Mr. Dubie was bandying around such talk in order to enhance his fantasist identification with what he considered an "exotic" Oriental identity. Pathetic really, that he had to keep shoring himself up on borrowed images and discourses, and putting on so many masks.

As to the talk of him staging his death and going "underground", this is more melodramatic cloak and dagger stuff. He possibly imagined that he could explain his "absences" by such means. a more sinister interpretation could be that he was involved with some "dark influences" as we call them in Thailand, and that his death was an abiding fear. After all, he did have multiple passports and identities, as you point out.

Speculation aside, it is your present which matters most. I think we can never know another human being "inside-out" no matter how transparent s/he may be. In Mr. Dubie's case you have done brilliantly in finding out what you have. But don't go the way of the conspiracy theory; buying in to that one is buying back into the murky Dubie web. Live now for you and let him rest wherever he is.

Edited by fruittbatt
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Did you ever notice that trying to walk forward while looking over your shoulder results in walking in circles? It also inhibits your ability to see lifes speed bumps just ahead and increases the chances of repeating the past.

dvk, I would argue that a person cannot will themselves to "move on" unless s/he can shed the essential confusion of a mystified or abused past.

Hawaiianeyes was comprehensively deceived by a fantasist who had a lot of money, charisma, and powerful & probably very shady connections. To her credit, Hawaiianeyes was able to disentangle much of the stupendous web of lies Mr Dubie wove around his sad ego. She was also able to challenge Mr Dubie with her discovery of the truth about him.

As I see it, Hawaiianeyes, you are still trying very hard to sift facts from fantasy in regard to Mr Dubie. Someone was shot dead in Chiang Mai back in July. His Thai girlfriend was in no doubt that the deceased was George "Daniel" Dubie. Jeana/ Margaret Crane remains in jail here accused of his murder. I cannot imagine that she would have put her life on the line and her kids' lives in such turmoil by shooting a "stooge" for Mr Dubie. No matter what the identity of the deceased, her fate would be similar, and her chances of escape almost zilch.

I have read that Felicia Dubie was appointed as a "Peace Child" representative from Hawaii to Morocco a couple of years ago. Perhaps she met her Iranian husband there?

The talk of and belief in the jihad against the US is widespread in fundamental Islam. I suspect Mr. Dubie was bandying around such talk in order to enhance his fantasist identification with what he considered an "exotic" Oriental identity. Pathetic really, that he had to keep shoring himself up on borrowed images and discourses, and putting on so many masks.

As to the talk of him staging his death and going "underground", this is more melodramatic cloak and dagger stuff. He possibly imagined that he could explain his "absences" by such means. a more sinister interpretation could be that he was involved with some "dark influences" as we call them in Thailand, and that his death was an abiding fear. After all, he did have multiple passports and identities, as you point out.

Speculation aside, it is your present which matters most. I think we can never know another human being "inside-out" no matter how transparent s/he may be. In Mr. Dubie's case you have done brilliantly in finding out what you have. But don't go the way of the conspiracy theory; buying in to that one is buying back into the murky Dubie web. Live now for you and let him rest wherever he is.

Thank you Fruittbatt..

I can never get back those years or forget the grief of stillborn twins. But I am at the deepest levels centered in peace and I do have a wonderful life that is very full and increasingly productive.

I put these questions on line to try to find the answers wanting to both put certain parts of my own psyche back together as well as with the thought that it might help someone else suffering somewhere in confused silence as I was for years.

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I know his Thai wife and have seen the amazing riches that he left behind. At first I knew nothing about him, but as soon as I saw his stuff, I knew it wasn't earned honestly.

Thanks for an interesting story.

so who picked up the riches mr G. and did the canadian daughter get something as well.?

only a question that's all .

the dude was supposed to be worth heaps and i'm curious were the money ended up. ?

anybody know ?

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Perhaps someone can help me with some questions I have:

Is Daniel really dead?

Is there a death certificate or obituary? Where is he buried?

Or Is Jeana taking the rap for him going "underground"?

He once told me not to worry if I heard stories of his death that he had gone "underground" before and would do it again.

What were all his rantings 1998-2001 about a coming Jihad against the US?

Why did he name 2 of his sons Jamil?

What is the significance of the book of Jamil?

Why did he tell me that he loved that I was so Persian (Iranian) meaning that I was Arabic like him (his claim that he was from UAE) but stupid (as Saudis and UAE people consider the Persian empire to have fallen because they have honor but not the great cunnning and intelligence of the Bedoin peoples of the Gulf)?

Why did he have photos of himself with Arabic garb and insist I call him Ahmed?

Why has Felicia (probably the closest of anyone in the world to him) just recently married to an Iranian and reportedly moved to Iran?

Was he involved in the disappearance of anyone or in the murder of a woman in 1986 in Honolulu?

Besides his felony convictions what other crimes did he "get away with"?

Why did he have so many identities and passports?

How was he able to enter and reside in the Kingdom of Thailand with multiple felony convictions in his criminal record from the US?

What does Jeana know about all this?

What does Geri know about all this?

No; he's not dead. He confided in me an intense desire to get "back to the Earth" as he put it. So with the help of my many friends in the Thai media and police department we staged his death. His Thai sweety was also in on the plan.

He's now working the rice fields close to my property; his play on words.....'underground' really means 'working the ground'.

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I know his Thai wife and have seen the amazing riches that he left behind. At first I knew nothing about him, but as soon as I saw his stuff, I knew it wasn't earned honestly.

Thanks for an interesting story.

so who picked up the riches mr G. and did the canadian daughter get something as well.?

only a question that's all .

the dude was supposed to be worth heaps and i'm curious were the money ended up. ?

anybody know ?

From what I've been told, his family is dividing everything with the Thai wife and his children, but he has ornate palaces, cars and "stuff" scattered all over the planet - much of it in other people's names.

He has 3 mansions in Chiang Mai alone stuffed with expensive things.

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I know his Thai wife and have seen the amazing riches that he left behind. At first I knew nothing about him, but as soon as I saw his stuff, I knew it wasn't earned honestly.

Thanks for an interesting story.

so who picked up the riches mr G. and did the canadian daughter get something as well.?

only a question that's all .

the dude was supposed to be worth heaps and i'm curious were the money ended up. ?

anybody know ?

From what I've been told, his family is dividing everything with the Thai wife and his children, but he has ornate palaces, cars and "stuff" scattered all over the planet - much of it in other people's names.

He has 3 mansions in Chiang Mai alone stuffed with expensive things.

"what profit it a man if he gain the whole world yet lose his soul?"

Yes he had "heaps" of everything--cars, homes, Budda images (more that 1000), wives, mistresses, girlfriends, children.

Still he was the most empty and sad person I have ever known. He was great at illusion and seduction of others by both the reality of his wealth and the illusion of ali baba's infinite riches and power. He reveled in mysticism of every flavor and especially seemed to draw strength from possessing the "pure of heart". He hid behind these gentle people like a human shield. I have no doubt that Pim is such a kind and gentle soul. I do not know that she was ever married to him. I do know that his estate is in probate in hawaii and there is no shortage of stuff, properties, accounts to go around. Yet I see some of those involved already engaging in ugly greed and power plays about the paternity of the children.

He was both generous and kind to me as well as monsterous and cruel. I saw that type of behaviour to others closest to him.

He seemed to be most pleased by out smarting others. He bragged to me about financial tricks on Geri and moving large sums of her money around. He lied and stole almost compulsively. So while I pretty much 99% believe this murder story, there is a part of me that would not be surprised if he brought the gun taunted Jeana and set her up to "kill" him so that he could be injured taken to the hospital and pay off hospital staff and have her face death penalty for the "murder". I think that Jeana after 20 + years of loyal service and unflinching loyalty and love had become a liablility to him and that he wanted a fresh start with Pim etc. Official Thai notice of his death would be enough to start the Hawaii probate clock which has happened. The executor of his estate is Felicia. Both Felicia and Pim would certainly do what ever he asked. If he is truly dead then I have genuine symphathy for Felicia and Pim but I saw him do so many tricks and take such great joy in his ability to mastermind the most bizare things that this would not surprise me.

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I know his Thai wife and have seen the amazing riches that he left behind. At first I knew nothing about him, but as soon as I saw his stuff, I knew it wasn't earned honestly.

Thanks for an interesting story.

so who picked up the riches mr G. and did the canadian daughter get something as well.?

only a question that's all .

the dude was supposed to be worth heaps and i'm curious were the money ended up. ?

anybody know ?

From what I've been told, his family is dividing everything with the Thai wife and his children, but he has ornate palaces, cars and "stuff" scattered all over the planet - much of it in other people's names.

He has 3 mansions in Chiang Mai alone stuffed with expensive things.

"what profit it a man if he gain the whole world yet lose his soul?"

Yes he had "heaps" of everything--cars, homes, Budda images (more that 1000), wives, mistresses, girlfriends, children.

Still he was the most empty and sad person I have ever known. He was great at illusion and seduction of others by both the reality of his wealth and the illusion of ali baba's infinite riches and power. He reveled in mysticism of every flavor and especially seemed to draw strength from possessing the "pure of heart". He hid behind these gentle people like a human shield. I have no doubt that Pim is such a kind and gentle soul. I do not know that she was ever married to him. I do know that his estate is in probate in hawaii and there is no shortage of stuff, properties, accounts to go around. Yet I see some of those involved already engaging in ugly greed and power plays about the paternity of the children.

He was both generous and kind to me as well as monsterous and cruel. I saw that type of behaviour to others closest to him.

He seemed to be most pleased by out smarting others. He bragged to me about financial tricks on Geri and moving large sums of her money around. He lied and stole almost compulsively. So while I pretty much 99% believe this murder story, there is a part of me that would not be surprised if he brought the gun taunted Jeana and set her up to "kill" him so that he could be injured taken to the hospital and pay off hospital staff and have her face death penalty for the "murder". I think that Jeana after 20 + years of loyal service and unflinching loyalty and love had become a liablility to him and that he wanted a fresh start with Pim etc. Official Thai notice of his death would be enough to start the Hawaii probate clock which has happened. The executor of his estate is Felicia. Both Felicia and Pim would certainly do what ever he asked. If he is truly dead then I have genuine symphathy for Felicia and Pim but I saw him do so many tricks and take such great joy in his ability to mastermind the most bizare things that this would not surprise me.

:o:D All of us who knew him, wonder about if he's alive or not. I wouldn't be surprized, as he had many to hide from. One thing I do think I know is, is that he wouldn't be working in a rice field. He's too paranoid of dirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was at one of his Chiang Mai mansions last night, Pim was selling off all the contents and my wife and I went along for some bargain hunting. In the end we bought nothing, but I came away with a very strange feeling that something wasn't right about all this.

And so I googled the incident (we all knew about the shooting) and opened up the weird world of mr Dubie. It didn't surprise me, the man was fabulously rich and the house full of expensive stuff, but strangely none of it was used. Everything was still in its boxes, other than all the art and antiques and furniture.

Pim (his Thai wife/partner) appeared to be a real sweetie but you can't help being suspicious of a 30 year old girl who talked casually about disposing of this mansion for 50 million baht, and the other homes in Chiang Mai, or 'my home in Hawaii'. She didn't seem in the least bit melancholy about disposing of memories of her deceased hubby, and talked excitedly about spending Christmas in Europe with her friends, lots of them. Maybe this is a Thai way of dealing with death, but I just didn't get the impression she was sadly widowed.

The walls of the house were full of pictures of the two of them jetsetting, in Egypt, skiing, in front of the Taj Mahal, and plenty of pictures with gurus and 'spiritual men', which piqued my interest. There were also lots of pics of his charity involvement, mainly Pim posing with 'adopted kids' or official delegate pictures of the conferences he was involved with. I didn't ask Pim anything about him, too embarrassed.

What made the biggest impression was that everything seemed to be the result of one sudden massive spending spree, like someone who's suddenly won the lottery; loads of useless material items - the kind you give as gifts - and plenty of appliances and gadgets that had never been unpacked. It struck me as rather odd, and Pim seemed to know the exact value of each and had a set 'discounted price' for each. For a 30 year old she seemed remarkably in touch with large figures. She also referred to everything in the singular possessive; 'my golf clubs', 'my swimming pool I had added', 'my 22 rai of farm land I bought because I didn't like all the muck falling in the pool when the farmers burnt the land'... yet she was genuine, attractive, intelligent and well spoken, just the sort of girl I'd immediately want to ask out on a date.

I suspected there's a lot more to this than meets the eye and this guy is turning out to have quite a fabulously fascinating background, good or bad.

Edited by virtualtraveller
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Virtualtraveller, a most interesting post.

There must be people in Chiang Mai who know a great deal more about Mr Dubie's dealings than we have ever heard about on this forum. Occasionally, people have appeared briefly to drop hints about his financial dealings or connections, but we are still very much mushrooms (kept in the dark) re his business here.

Did anyone else attend the "luxury garage-sale"?

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"Will Monique get back with Liam after he raped her and killed her dog?"

"Does Anachasaporn cheat when she takes her university qualifying exams, or is she channelling her answers from Alpha Centauri?"

"Why doesn't the World Bank peg the exchange rates of the baht:rupiah to the price of arsenic in Slovenia on Wednesdays?"

"Why are the English names for days of the week named after Norse gods, and I can't get a decent sausage pizza inside the moat in Chiang Mai?"

"If Ivan is so rich, why does he drive a 30-year old Skoda?"

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"Will Monique get back with Liam after he raped her and killed her dog?"

"Does Anachasaporn cheat when she takes her university qualifying exams, or is she channelling her answers from Alpha Centauri?"

"Why doesn't the World Bank peg the exchange rates of the baht:rupiah to the price of arsenic in Slovenia on Wednesdays?"

"Why are the English names for days of the week named after Norse gods, and I can't get a decent sausage pizza inside the moat in Chiang Mai?"

"If Ivan is so rich, why does he drive a 30-year old Skoda?"

Ha Ha :o

But this is not a joke or a "can you top this?" contest.

This guy left a trail of real damage that spans the globe. Lots of folks are still picking up pieces.


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"Will Monique get back with Liam after he raped her and killed her dog?"

"Does Anachasaporn cheat when she takes her university qualifying exams, or is she channelling her answers from Alpha Centauri?"

"Why doesn't the World Bank peg the exchange rates of the baht:rupiah to the price of arsenic in Slovenia on Wednesdays?"

"Why are the English names for days of the week named after Norse gods, and I can't get a decent sausage pizza inside the moat in Chiang Mai?"

"If Ivan is so rich, why does he drive a 30-year old Skoda?"

Confused? You will be after tonight's episode of ...

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It is true that this epic is not for those with an attention span of 30 seconds or less. Nor is the storyof the "garage sale" just a "days of our drearies" sensationalist gossip grab.

As Hawaiianeyes has pointed out, the effects on many lives of the Dubie trail of havoc are monumental.

Dubie-damage aside for a minute, some of us who live in Chiang Mai would like to understand our adopted home with all its "warts" and downsides, including, for example, WHETHER a powerful local mafia operates and what links it may have to international business, for example. We would like to know how such cultures work here, to know who and what to avoid, who and what is wholesome.

Some of us also feel compassion for the women and children who are left to unravel the lies, the false promises, the betrayals, the happier memories, in order to re-make their lives. Any information equals another piece of the jigsaw for the survivors of Daniel Dubie.

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Pim (his Thai wife/partner) appeared to be a real sweetie but you can't help being suspicious of a 30 year old girl who talked casually about disposing of this mansion for 50 million baht, and the other homes in Chiang Mai, or 'my home in Hawaii'. She didn't seem in the least bit melancholy about disposing of memories of her deceased hubby, and talked excitedly about spending Christmas in Europe with her friends, lots of them. Maybe this is a Thai way of dealing with death, but I just didn't get the impression she was sadly widowed.

I also attended the "luxury garage-sale", but got the opposite impression of Pin. I think she worshiped the ground this con-artist walked on and misses him desperately.

I knew her slightly before she met him and she always seemed pretty satisfied with life, but now, to me, she seems most unhappy.

I also know another old boyfriend of hers who still hangs out with her and have been warned repeatedly not to bring any of this up as she "can't handle it", but - to me - her very low weight and her sad sack demeanor say it all: she is miserable.

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