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The dog I ran over today


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That sucks. Don't take the comments here to heart - you did what many would have done in the same situation, despite their bravado here.

Hopefully someone took care of it.

555 How's the irony there?? "Someone"..The someone that should have taken care of it was the callous so and so that drove of and left it paralysed then had the gall to post an RIP notice for it on a anonymous forum. It's not like he saw it happen and was thinking about getting involved. He did it, wrote about it and then gets snarly and defensive when people call him on what they believe to be inappropriate behaviour.

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Shit go mate you really should have put her down. I know it wouldn't be easy but no way I would have left her dying paralysed in her own piss. <deleted> mai ba lai that just don't cut it for mine

From a practical point of view: would you purposely drive over the head with your car or would you get out and smash the brain with a rock with a group of bystanders watching and filming with their mobile phones?
Well from a practical point of view since you asked a tyre iron to the skull would most likely do the job and I wouldn't worry about bystanders. Have no fear of Thai people but do have a conscience. That is if I for sure thought the dog was dying. See I come from a country where it is against the law to leave a dog dying by the side of the road if you are responsible for its injuries. So at the very least I would try to find the owner or failing that take the dog myself don't care if it was 500 km to a vet. Some people just have different ideas on personal responsibility. Being someone who has been around, bred and raised dogs my whole life the one thing I wouldn't be doing is just driving away and leaving the dog to die. Practical enough?
Thats practical enough for me, thanks.

I also applaud the law in your country where you can be fined/jailed for leaving the dog after hurting it. That makes me wonder if there isn't an opposing law in Thailand where putting it out of its misery is a crime. That could explain why VETs here dont apply euthenesia to suffering animals unless it is in real bad pain. And why there are so many stray dogs.

(Sure, its also buddhist to not kill, but many dont follow buddhist teachings that closely)

By the way, the one time this happened to me (hit a dog) i was happy we were going 100km+ and the dog didnt move an inch when we stopped. The wife did want to make merit at a temple afterwards.

Edited by Bob12345
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Animals can be a lot tougher than humans, you may not need to feel so bad. My neighbors dog was run over by a big Lincoln town car, front and rear tires, going slowly. It hid under a tree for 3 days and was then fine. I hit a black cow on a dark night doing about 70 km/hr in a 3/4 ton Chevy pickup. Cow was laying motionless in the middle of the highway. Couldn't just leave because someone else would have crashed into it. After 5 minutes, the cow stood up, and then after another minute, it walked off.

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Ran over a lot of racoons. Them dumb things just run straight at your car when it is dark. Also hit two deers. One Foggy morning and one comes right out of the ditch right in front of the car..smashed hood and window. Cats had few under the hood when starting the car. They do not deal well with the cooling fan. Learned to slap my hand the hood to give them a warning. Never hit a dog though. Always told My daughter when she was learning to drive i told her don't try to avoid them.just hit them or you could end up in the dich or hit a tree.

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The OP does make an interesting subject though about the definition of life, guilt, remorse...

I just ran over a frog at 80kph, squashed to a pulp. Nothing I could do, it just literally hopped right in front of me. I can honestly say that I don't feel so bad. I am sure I hit a mouse last week.

The thought of even glancing a child in my car terrifies me, or anyone else for that matter.

So where does a dog lie?

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The OP does make an interesting subject though about the definition of life, guilt, remorse...

I just ran over a frog at 80kph, squashed to a pulp. Nothing I could do, it just literally hopped right in front of me. I can honestly say that I don't feel so bad. I am sure I hit a mouse last week.

The thought of even glancing a child in my car terrifies me, or anyone else for that matter.

So where does a dog lie?

The dog lies next to the OPs car, with broken back legs and an empty bladder..

Not sure a vet could do much for a pancaked frog !

Whilst it's true that the majority of vets here will not put an animal down if necessary, they can often be talked into providing the drug to do it yourself.

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The OP does make an interesting subject though about the definition of life, guilt, remorse...

I just ran over a frog at 80kph, squashed to a pulp. Nothing I could do, it just literally hopped right in front of me. I can honestly say that I don't feel so bad. I am sure I hit a mouse last week.

The thought of even glancing a child in my car terrifies me, or anyone else for that matter.

So where does a dog lie?

The dog lies next to the OPs car, with broken back legs and an empty bladder..

Not sure a vet could do much for a pancaked frog !

Whilst it's true that the majority of vets here will not put an animal down if necessary, they can often be talked into providing the drug to do it yourself.

True about the frog. And I am sure I just skimmed the mouse though. Maybe she only has a few bruises.

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Sad story. It was an accident. Maybe start checking under your car in the future before leaving........I had a cat lodged in my engine compartment in my fortuner. Freaked me out. Driving down the road and all this noise. Took an hour to get it out. It was ok.

My neighbor thinks its fun to hit dogs and keeps a running count. I hope Hell has a nice warm seat for him one day....

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Rereading my OP I can sort of understand how some readers might have interpreted my reaction as cavalier and callous. Nothing could be further from the truth. With that said, I do think a number of posters went overboard in the righteous indignation department, and I have serious skepticism whether faced with the same situation, they wouldn't have reacted in a similar fashion to how I reacted.

Some of the comments about how I should have done this or done that were discounted because I believe some may have had a lack of awareness about the reality of Thai dogs and veterinary care in Thailand.

Thai dogs even in the best of situations are feral and won't let you near them. Even if I could have gotten close to the animal, there was a high risk of getting bitten or scratched by an animal which in all liklihood was unvaccinated. I wasn't willing to take that risk.

Veterinarians in Thailand aren't set up for emergency invasive surgery, and to be perfectly blunt, even if they were readily available, my willingness to foot the bill for such services definitely has its limits. I don't believe such services are available outside of Bangkok, if they are even available there. Did I ever seriously consider driving 3 hours into Bangkok to hunt down such services? The answer is 'no.'

As far as mercifully putting the dog out of its misery, I have to admit that I have been influenced by how Thais respond to such events. Even after reading all the mercy killing comments, I doubt very much if I would ever do this, unless it was an extreme situation. I'm not a vet, and I don't have confidence that I can do a triage assessment of whether the animal will survive. The only way I would even consider doing something like that is if it was abundantly obvious that the animal would not survive. This was not the case here. While many TVF members might disagree, I'm pretty confident that most Thais would take a similar approach. At any rate, I've yet to see a Thai person put a pet which has been hit by a car out of its misery.

But I do wish to thank everyone who commented and for you to know serious thought was given to all comments.

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You are a low life for not stopping and helping the dog to a Vet This is what is called Humanty

I hope the dogs cry of pain will haunt you for the rest of your life You deserve it

I am sure glad you did not hit me with the car


Why does he expect the dog to die, for his own feelgood I guess or just out of ignorance. Even with a crushed back a dog can just stay alive and eventually die of starvation days or weeks later if nobody finds it. I would love to punch this lowlife idiot in his face.

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