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Wanted the best housekeeper to work in another country

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Hello everyone! Please advise .

I'm looking for a housekeeper to work in another country, Thai or Filipino . Who knows in Bangkok good recruitment agencies l with reliable reputation , where can I go ?

Thank you in advance.

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Firstly, which country? Secondly, is the housekeeper for your own household?

However, IMHO getting a Thai maid to work overseas is not the choice you should make. In general, permits and visa for them are much harder to obtain but then again, I can't be more specific (Ref. Q1).

Filipino maids are better in terms of the ease in obtaining permits, and the fact that in general most speaks English can be advantageous.

From our personal experiences (Filipino & Indonesian) with maids that travelled and worked as our housekeeper overseas, namely Singapore, Middle East and the UK, I'm leaning towards Indonesian.

There's hardly any problem with our Filipino maid that started working for us in Singapore then to the Middle East.

In total, she was with us for 8 years, until she decided to leave after the last contract as her children are in their teens and her family economy has gotten better for her family.

We started searching for a replacement and was accommodated with another also from the Philippines.

Sadly, our sigh of relief went downhill from day one. She's lazy and have an attitude that's very unpleasant.

Thus we let her go before the contract expires and was replaced by another through the agency.

She's not to our expectations though. She's good with housekeeping and chores but when it comes to caring for our toddler it's bad. For she spent more time keeping her eyes fixated on her phone chatting up men in dating forum.

Before the unfortunate accident happen to our child. We again end the contract prematurely and was incurred a fine.

While traveling in Indonesia, I was suggested to employ a maid there.

We did as advised and it was great. The only initial set back being the English vernacular.

However, she learnt it and in due time it's no longer a problem.

She was part of the family for 6 years then leave for home to marry.

As our toddler no longer a baby and my wife's willing to be the domestic engineer full time, we were without one until our move to Thailand.

Honestly, the Thai maids (mae baan) we had were all disasters in pretty much everything.

In all, we went through the nightmare of experiencing 4 then gave up with the Thai's.

I'm not generalising but merely relating our experiences. I'm sure there are good Thai maids but the likelihood of them being willing to travel along, I have my doubts.

Now we have in employment a Laos girl. She's a blessing to our family as not only she's a hard worker but have a very pleasant character to boot.

Wonder if Laotian can travel as maids/housekeeper to another country. Should it be feasible and the need arises to that, we would definitely want her along.

Here's my take, I am leaning towards an Indonesian over Filipinos.

Though I can't say for all, but Laotian trumps all hitherto.

Do checked the feasibility of their ease in obtaining permits in the country you intend to move to before making the choice over the nationalities.


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