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Poll shows popularity dip for Pheu Thai and Democrat parties


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Poll shows popularity dip for Pheu Thai and Democrat parties


BANGKOK: -- The popularity of both the Pheu Thai and Democrat parties has declined considerably this year compared to that of last year, according to Bangkok Poll of Bangkok University.

The Research Centre of Bangkok University surveyed the opinions of 1,052 people from all regions of the country. The followings are the findings from the poll.

20.3 percent of the respondents say they support Pheu Thai party while 19.5 percent favour Democrat party. The recent findings constitute 6.4 percent dip for Pheu Thai and 10 percent drop for the Democrats from those of last September.

59.3 percent of those who support Pheu Thai want Mrs Sudarat Keyuraphan to be the party leader followed by 11.2 percent for Dr Virabongsa Ramangura and 3.7 percent for Chaikasem Nitisiri. 25.8 percent say they have no idea.

62.9 percent of Democrat supporters want Abhisit Vejjajiva to be the party leader followed by 18.2 percent for Dr Surin Pitsuwan and 5.8 percent for M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra, the Bangkok governor.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/146981

-- Thai PBS 2016-01-18

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This would be understandable , how can you have a Junta with a popularity rating of 99.9% and have supporters left for the others beats me , both the PTP and Dem's should have polled .5% each, at 23.3 % and 19.5% respectively , they should feel lucky that the polls don't actually speak the truth.....................................coffee1.gif .

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It is almost two years since the Army took over; so I'm surprised people even remember the party names. They not allowed to meet or comment about the current Government policies.

Together with the fact that all discussion of/involvement in politics is forbidden, it's little wonder 54% were 'undecided'. How much more stupid does this little country need to get?

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This would be understandable , how can you have a Junta with a popularity rating of 99.9% and have supporters left for the others beats me , both the PTP and Dem's should have polled .5% each, at 23.3 % and 19.5% respectively , they should feel lucky that the polls don't actually speak the truth.....................................coffee1.gif .

Without seeing the questions and sample selection criteria you can't really comment.

But, hey don't let that stop you. After all you know the truth is whatever you think it is.

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...and we all believe polls approved of by the junta....don't we?

and this is the point if the Junta poll says PTP are still more popular what is the REAL truth? far, far more popular than this poll suggests?

of course you know that, just like you know millions and millions love and adore Yingluck and her wonderful family for the self service they've given to Thailand.rolleyes.gif

Your imagination isn't a reliable poll, nor is the political agenda you support with your postings.

Maybe this poll, conducted by a reputable university research center, not a Shin financed PR machine, is a tad more reliable than your dreams?

Perhaps a large chunk of the Thai people have woken up and realize the Shins are no different from the Dems other than perhaps a bit more overtly arrogant and greedy? Perhaps they realize there just ain't much of a choice?

Ever thought that?

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It is almost two years since the Army took over; so I'm surprised people even remember the party names. They not allowed to meet or comment about the current Government policies.

What a patronizing and condescending comment to the Thai people.

Perhaps more Thai people are becoming fed up with the "Hobson's Choice" of the old elitist Dems or the new rich clan club Shins and actually want a party that works for the country and not themselves.

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Now wait for another new poll which will show that a vast majority of Thais would like the enormously popular current administration to stay on rather than have elections which would put one of the two hugely unpopular mainstream political parties back in power.

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It is almost two years since the Army took over; so I'm surprised people even remember the party names. They not allowed to meet or comment about the current Government policies.

What a patronizing and condescending comment to the Thai people.

Perhaps more Thai people are becoming fed up with the "Hobson's Choice" of the old elitist Dems or the new rich clan club Shins and actually want a party that works for the country and not themselves.

Quote actually want a party that works for the country and not themselves. unquote. Don't look now but any party that even comes close to your comment went the way of the dinosaur a long time ago. If you want to see "democracy" in action follow the GOP debates ooops sorry they are over. Now its time to get the sheeple in there to give them a vote of "confidence" Go Bernie Go. There may be snow on the roof but this guy still has fire in the furnace.

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Now wait for another new poll which will show that a vast majority of Thais would like the enormously popular current administration to stay on rather than have elections which would put one of the two hugely unpopular mainstream political parties back in power.

Sounds like a plan.

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Even if we assume that the BU is neutral (which can be discussed), the fact that around 60% of respondents did not indicate a choice of party suggest a possible bias in the research. It is quite possible that, under the current situation, some respondents have been reluctant to show their political preference. It could have equally affected the two parties. However, I don't see why dem supporters would fear anything from the current political regime. So if it affects the results of the survey, it should affect more the PTP figures.

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Wow, 20% had the guts to admit they still support PTP, even under this atmosphere of fear. Often now when I ask Thais without a lot of formal education about their political standpoints they are too afraid to answer, somehow thinking their views may make them liable under Article 112.

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