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Thailand's ousted Shinawatra clan defies govt with publicity drive


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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

Stop rewriting history.. they were late paying even before the street protests. They just did not have the money. Also before she stepped down she should have made provisions for paying the farmers. She did not and then, the farmers could not be paid because YL had not made the provisions. So stop blaming others for her failure.

Additional comment; after they ran out of money they tried to order numerous banks to come forward with depositors funds, the banks correctly refused because this action would break numerous serious laws.

This was way before the Suthep street protests.

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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

How about you being honest and tell us why they would need a loan, when the whole rotten scheme was promised to be self financing? How many weeks in a row were the farmers promised "you will be paid next week". You may love the Shins, but be honest they promised the moon, and delivered shattered dreams. One thing you are is consistent, everyone knows what to expect from you, blind defense of anything Shin, shameful really.

"How about you being honest and tell us why they would need a loan,"

Do you have ANY understanding at all of how governments work???? YES NIMROD governments do borrow to pay for policies ,

BIG surprise to ya mate,,,,,,,,

Tell us here if your country has never borrowed $$$$ to pay for a policy,,, reckon they did...........

Were they behind? YES,

Any other governments all over the world have never behind in payments YES.

Was there people toping them selves because of debt? yes has that ever happened before??? yes....

Challenge,,,,,,,,,, In the National interest, list the top 5 policies from the RED government,

Now the top 5 policies from this junta, or the Dems before it,

Has this ever happened before via government policies? YES?...

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT,,,,,,,,,,, why oh why do you think they keep winning the elections? WAKE UP BIG FELLA...

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People are forgetting Taksin. He must be worried about that. Most Thais are too busy making a living and supporting their families; more the case of here and now rather than what happened in the past. Only the old folks have time to miss taksin and keep the flame burning.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

They'll win every free election Thailand has in the foreseeable future.

What exactly do you want 'these people' to realize?

That's what the Shin PR team try and claim.

Thaksin so wants the Shins to be like the Lees, Kims, Maros and Hun Set families. But, I think more people than you think have realized what corrupt aresholes they really are.

So hold an election then.

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Of course this very topic puts the 'Thaksin calendar' issue in the right light. It was pure provocation and on-purpose. Nothing innocent about this character.

Edited by rubl
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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Which is why they've won the last 4 democratic elections, and another cannot be held because they would win again?

I guess so.

And two which were prevented - 2006 when it looked like Thaksin was going to win a third election in a row, so they had a coup, and 2014 when it looked like Yingluck was going to win a second election in a row, so, gosh, they had a coup!

More rewrites of history and the facts of the situations.

You are in complete denial aren't you.

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The contempt that the junta supporters hold for the Thai people is incredible. You just look down on the Thais as second class people not worthy of the same rights that you would demand for yourself at home. Things like the right to vote and elect their own government. You are reprehensible people.

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Wall Street wants the Shinawatras back. And what Wall Street wants it usually gets in the end.

And the reason must be his godliness...

Ha - no, it's because Mr T is quite willing to sell his country out to the USA. He nearly did it with the 'Free Trade' agreement just before to coup which ousted him.

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Many here seem to forget the nature of the present government and whose governments had a semblance of democracy. I was living in Bangkok during Black May 1992 and still remember all those who died for democracy. It's just a matter of time before violence as bad or not worse happens again. The Thai people want democracy. the Shinawatras gave that although they bought many votes, but that is not different than many other countries.

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even in the latest Junta Poll the PTP come out tops imagine what what happen in a free Poll or an election! they, of course, will fix it or never let it happen but the Thai people are not as stupid as some Junta Luvin posters on here are

And the Thai people may not be a stupid as those who believe the Shins are whiter than white, and have never ever done anything wrong, never ever and post such on here.

But then again, some posters on here like to claim Yingluck was Thailand's best ever PM!

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Many here seem to forget the nature of the present government and whose governments had a semblance of democracy. I was living in Bangkok during Black May 1992 and still remember all those who died for democracy. It's just a matter of time before violence as bad or not worse happens again. The Thai people want democracy. the Shinawatras gave that although they bought many votes, but that is not different than many other countries.

The Shins created an illusion of democracy. Once in power they acted in very undemocratic ways. But, they are very clever and set up a political machine that uses PR to good effect; and intimidation and violence when necessary.

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The contempt that the junta supporters hold for the Thai people is incredible. You just look down on the Thais as second class people not worthy of the same rights that you would demand for yourself at home. Things like the right to vote and elect their own government. You are reprehensible people.

Only in your imagination, as you defend a regime that claimed to be champions of democracy as long as that democracy didn't include any transparency or accountability and allowed them to ignore any laws they didn't like.

What's reprehensible is people who try to defend that regime and hope the Thai people will still vote for them. The Thai people deserve something much better.

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How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?

Would be great PR...

How about being honest and showing some kind of consistency,

ie; "How about featuring the families of farmers who committed suicide over non-payment for their rice?"

So just WHO was it that blocked backs and threatened them with reprisals if they made loans to the government to pay for the rice????

C'mon now you can do it if ya really try hard, you know as do the rest of the country knows WHO........

You may not like the Shins, and that's ok, but trying to tether them with that is inaccurate, a manipulation of the facts, and bias to say the least.

Stop rewriting history.. they were late paying even before the street protests. They just did not have the money. Also before she stepped down she should have made provisions for paying the farmers. She did not and then, the farmers could not be paid because YL had not made the provisions. So stop blaming others for her failure.

Get off the grass mate, are you really denying that good O'L uncle Suthep didn't block backs, didn't make threats if loans were made there would be repercussions???

being late is not refusal of payment, it just that late, and what government has never ever been late in making payments, anyone who has ever done work for a government will most defiantly say that it happens a lot and that they are some times the worst to work for as far as payment...

how could Suthep block the banks? The rice scheme was self financing. Why would it need bank loans?
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Many here seem to forget the nature of the present government and whose governments had a semblance of democracy. I was living in Bangkok during Black May 1992 and still remember all those who died for democracy. It's just a matter of time before violence as bad or not worse happens again. The Thai people want democracy. the Shinawatras gave that although they bought many votes, but that is not different than many other countries.

Many other countries? Any of them in the Democratic West?

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

They'll win every free election Thailand has in the foreseeable future.

What exactly do you want 'these people' to realize?

That's what the Shin PR team try and claim.

Thaksin so wants the Shins to be like the Lees, Kims, Maros and Hun Set families. But, I think more people than you think have realized what corrupt aresholes they really are.

Leave Lee alone. He brought prosperity and lifted Singapore from a crime filled backwaters to a developed country. His soft authority is the right formula for that early period troubled by communism and militant trade union. Rest of your list, I have no comment.

Your comment trying to draw similarity with Thaksin is out of pure hatred of the man and makes no sense when the military hold sway to every political events and will bring out their guns to seize power or maimed opponents for the smallest of reason. Silly comment.

So your O K with the ethnic Chinese descendant of immigrants forcing a one party state, using defamation, slander and other oppressive laws to gag opposition, the media and any who date criticize ?

The end justifies the means eh Eric. What's it matter if the Shins enrich themselves with billions and billions of the Thai peoples money if they make a few improvements.

I don't like what the Shins are trying to do to Thailand and it's people - rob them, lie to them and control them. Much the same as the Kims do in NK, Hun Set and his family do in Cambodia - remember Thaksin's eternal friend and whose right hand man's son married into the Shin clan, and what Marcos tried in Philippines.

Who has been maimed? Quite a few murdered under the Shin watches, and oddly enough usually those who opposed the Shins.

Might be hard for you to understand as you prefer their PR version of Yingluck as the democracy champion and her brother as the misunderstood innocent whose bribery attempts of judges, jumping bail and list of outstanding court cases as long as your arm are all just misunderstanding, like his videos in 2010 inciting violence and hollow promises.

Try not to label that you don't understand or don't wish to understand as silly Eric. Makes you appear small minded or biased.

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haven't these people realised that Thailand will not put up with their thieving abuse and violence any longer

Never mind that the Thai people have elected these people repeatedly over the past couple decades, you and the coup feel so righteous in knowing what is better for them the elites.

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The reason that the Junta boys get so upset if that they all know who will win the next election

Which is why there won't be an election any time soon. They are currently working on their watertight constitution which apparently will need a referendum before it can be made legal and an election can take place. Naturally , it will be so unpalatable to the electorate that it will not pass go and Prayuth will announce his regrets that he will have to stay on until a new unacceptable constitution is written.

And of course .....they will get away with it because the average Somchai doesn't care enough to put himself and his family in the way of very real danger from men with guns with a track record of being fearless in bumping off their fellow countrymen who get in their way.

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A lot of heated opinions from people on here who will have no say in what direction Thailand will take. I personally can't see any short term solution. So I assume the country will continue into limbo until the death of you know who. Then the proverbial will hit the fan.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Didn't anybody notice the irony (or is it hypocrisy?) of Yingluk handing out free books? After all, it was her government, with its claimed care for the "poorest", who cancelled the school text book and uniform subsidies.

Wouldn't it be more in line with her policies to hand out crap tablets with the same content? At least they could be wiped and reloaded, useful for a week or two before they irretrievably break down.

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QUOTE : Yingluck, who was overthrown in 2014 by the junta that has ruled Thailand since then, gave thousands of photo books about herself to journalists and diplomats as a New Year gift.

Oh, the ego of these people .... How, exactly, does a photo book about Madame Y. help solve the problems of poor people who naively look up to her and her brother simply because they are rich ... ?

What kind of political answer is that to a serious political, sociological and economical crisis ?

Since when did rich people have any real interest in poor people, except when it comes to snatching whatever little money they have and manipulate them in order to get their votes ?

This politico-buffoonery makes me sick.

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Which is why they've won the last 4 democratic elections, and another cannot be held because they would win again?

I guess so.

And two which were prevented - 2006 when it looked like Thaksin was going to win a third election in a row, so they had a coup, and 2014 when it looked like Yingluck was going to win a second election in a row, so, gosh, they had a coup!

More rewrites of history and the facts of the situations.

You are in complete denial aren't you.

When you refuse to believe what actually happened, because it does not fit your narrative,, then accusing those who point that out of rewriting history is an easy, if rather empty, allegation to make!


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And two which were prevented - 2006 when it looked like Thaksin was going to win a third election in a row, so they had a coup, and 2014 when it looked like Yingluck was going to win a second election in a row, so, gosh, they had a coup!

More rewrites of history and the facts of the situations.

You are in complete denial aren't you.

When you refuse to believe what actually happened, because it does not fit your narrative,, then accusing those who point that out of rewriting history is an easy, if rather empty, allegation to make!


As you have raised the issue of the 2006 election, you might reflect on why it was held so early when TRT had a large majority, the blatant corruption of the government that brought protesters out in droves, and the illegal electoral practices that caused the election to be cancelled, TRT disbanded and office holders banned.

But, hey, they had a vote, so it must be democracy, right?

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The reason that the Junta boys get so upset if that they all know who will win the next election

Which is why there won't be an election any time soon. They are currently working on their watertight constitution which apparently will need a referendum before it can be made legal and an election can take place. Naturally , it will be so unpalatable to the electorate that it will not pass go and Prayuth will announce his regrets that he will have to stay on until a new unacceptable constitution is written.

And of course .....they will get away with it because the average Somchai doesn't care enough to put himself and his family in the way of very real danger from men with guns with a track record of being fearless in bumping off their fellow countrymen who get in their way.

and maybe one day Somchai will realise that dying for some Amply Rich elite folks it's really helping him or his family much either.

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even in the latest Junta Poll the PTP come out tops imagine what what happen in a free Poll or an election! they, of course, will fix it or never let it happen but the Thai people are not as stupid as some Junta Luvin posters on here are

And the Thai people may not be a stupid as those who believe the Shins are whiter than white, and have never ever done anything wrong, never ever and post such on here.

But then again, some posters on here like to claim Yingluck was Thailand's best ever PM!

not seen any of those posts? whiter than white? and, particularly, never seen a post claiming Yingluck was Thailand's best ever PM do you have a link?

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even in the latest Junta Poll the PTP come out tops imagine what what happen in a free Poll or an election! they, of course, will fix it or never let it happen but the Thai people are not as stupid as some Junta Luvin posters on here are

And the Thai people may not be a stupid as those who believe the Shins are whiter than white, and have never ever done anything wrong, never ever and post such on here.

But then again, some posters on here like to claim Yingluck was Thailand's best ever PM!

not seen any of those posts? whiter than white? and, particularly, never seen a post claiming Yingluck was Thailand's best ever PM do you have a link?

I do believe that Yingluck was the best PM Thailand has ever had. Better even than her brother. She had a modern sense of politics, and like ...

The search facility is quite easy to use, even for the challenged.

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even in the latest Junta Poll the PTP come out tops imagine what what happen in a free Poll or an election! they, of course, will fix it or never let it happen but the Thai people are not as stupid as some Junta Luvin posters on here are

And the Thai people may not be a stupid as those who believe the Shins are whiter than white, and have never ever done anything wrong, never ever and post such on here.

But then again, some posters on here like to claim Yingluck was Thailand's best ever PM!

not seen any of those posts? whiter than white? and, particularly, never seen a post claiming Yingluck was Thailand's best ever PM do you have a link?

I do believe that Yingluck was the best PM Thailand has ever had. Better even than her brother. She had a modern sense of politics, and like ...

The search facility is quite easy to use, even for the challenged.

well that's a curved ball from you (as per normal) this poster was replying to a post from ME and the inference was that I had claimed it

The obvious should be obvious even for the challenged like yourself

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