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Norwegian Fisherman assaulted and robbed in South Pattaya, 2 arrested

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I find it amazing that a photograph of somebody with tattoos detracts so far from the main story of alleged robbery and assault by bouncers.

This kind of story normally has cries of foul, because all Thais are the same, regardless to what the foreigner has done before the attack/restraint.

Tattoos and older wife have subdued the haters here, well done.............................thumbsup.gif

The fact is, if the guy was well dressed and his missus a stunner, this would be a completely different thread.

It doesn't particularly matter what he was wearing.
You forgot to mention the knife he was carrying ?

Actually i didn't:

"regardless to what the foreigner has done before the attack/restraint"

That's one hell of a way to downplay assault with a deadly weapon...., he is not the victim here.

Until proven otherwise, according to the OP, yes he is. The two bouncers have been arrested. Certainly not saying its right, here is the full story from the OP link:

A 20-year-old Norwegian Fisherman was assaulted and allegedly robbed of valuables during an altercation involving his Thai Wife in South Pattaya, which saw the arrest of two Security Guards from a Thai Pub who claim the so-called victim was armed and preparing to stab the guards who assaulted the Norwegian in self-defense.

The case began as Mr. Stian Vebenstad and his wife, Khun Naphatsawan aged 28, were seen fighting at the Manchester Beer Bar located at Action Street in Soi Buakhao, early on Tuesday Morning. Mr. Vebenstad was seen to be armed with a knife which he later claimed he produced to scare his wife and stop her fighting with him.

As the feuding couple jumped on a Baht Bus, Mr. Vebenstad was seen by the Guards at the Pub, to hit the Baht Bus hard and the Norwegian was seen shouting at the driver who was asked to confirm the price of their trip. At this point the guards approached and angry words were exchanged. He was still carrying his knife and allegedly chased the guards away who were afraid they were going to be stabbed.

Other Thai men became involved and eventually Mr. Vebenstad was overpowered and allegedly assaulted. He also claims to have lost a 20,000 Baht Gold Necklace in the fracas.

Police arrested the guards who work at the Sophoshor Pub, Khun Garait and Khun Badinyar, but are still unsure which side is telling the truth so will examine CCTV in the area and speak with other witnesses before they proceed with their criminal investigation.

Again, not saying its right. You have managed to deviate slightly from my original post and the observations i made.............................wink.png

Apologies... I did deviate from your main topic in the origional observation, that suggested that the Norwegian was guilty because he is tattooed and poorly attired, but then you then claimed that if he was not tattooed and was better dressed, things would have been different

That last part of your post is more what I am addressing.

As I read the thread, the police do not yet know who is at fault... The bouncers claim self defense, which seems reasonable as the Norwegian gent was allegedly chasing them with a knife, that they have been arrested does not mean that the Norwegian is the victim, it could be that the security guards are being held as they are locals, and if guilty, could flee, which is less likely for the Norwegian, perhaps... Or alternatively, the norwegian may also be held over, but not reported by the not to reliable Thai press.

The police admitt to not having investigated yet, so charges could be dropped and reassigned to the Norwegian, if it's proven that he was acting as accused...,Though I admit that the use of the term " arrested" is significant... I would normally expect to see a statement that they were being held whilst the investigation was underway... That's how it's done in western countries... I don't know, but maybe Thailand does not have similar powers to hold a suspect for a couple of days (72 hours, I think), so I if not charged, then they can leave the police station perhaps.

Also, the jewelry was claimed to be lost during the fracas, not stolen...,if indeed the chap put up a decent fight, when bystanders stepped in to help subdue the man ( again a telling comment, as why would others jump in if it were simply the bouncers assaulting the fisherman) then the jewelry could easily have been damaged and ripped off his neck.

Undoubtedly someone somewhere has the jewelry, illegally (stolen), but the Norwegian chap does not know who to accuse of that... It would be ironic if a Thai walked into he police station and handed it over.

But as the post and link stand, poor attire and tattoos aside, the man is guilty of assault with a deadly weapon... Perhaps the cctv footage ( terribly unreliable in Thailand it seems)... Will clarify the situation

And I have seen the posts that vilify the chap for his age, marriage, atire and body art, and whilst not to my taste, those comments are irrelevant, and arguably uncalled for, compared to the deadly weapon aspect, so stay tuned, as they say, and we will see how this pans out.

I know this chick. VERY well... I can tell you that I fully understand him pulling a knife on this chick.

I've known this gal for a couple of years, I've only met her current BF once and he seemed like a pretty nice guy so I think you shouldn't judge the book by its cover.

There is more of this story than you all think you know.

When I was close to this girl few years back she had quite a some guys from time to time supporting her and sometimes if lucky me with money, When her "ATM.s" were around we keept low profile to each other, after they gone back to work we continued our "Gik" relationship.

They must have had the longest relationship together that I am aware of, kudos to Stian for keeping up with her so long.

As I know this girl "isnt flirty, I am just friendly" maybe Stian got enough and he wanted to go back home and talk to her alone.

To much <deleted> people being to nosy and he got into bad mood.

One thing led to another...

Dont tell me that similiar things havent happened to you...:P

Er, no they haven't.


If he was on a bus what business is that of there jurist diction. No way these animals look for fights with one man against five.These animals have to be contained. Pattaya i am sending this to my facebook so all America and EU can see it . Land of a thousand muggings!


His wife is a female ,not a katoey, as some posters suggested.

Not that its going to do him any good. I showed the TVF pic to a few women here this morning at my place.

They immediately pointed to her gold chain and tattoos. .....' she no good, take farangs money , maybe she have 2 or 3 farang boyfriends., Norway husband ., he dont know'.

They never do.

God almighty,now we have Thai women profiling from a photo and they have a crystal ball as well.

IMHO the wife looked suspiciously like a bar town katoey so i asked some women here what they thought. I believe them.

As for a crystal ball ? who needs one ? Take alook at the pair of sorry looking sods. TAT policy of attracting quality tourists to Thailand isnt working.

Every farang ive known who lived in Pattaya has either left or visits on occassions.

so you only know losers

I know this chick. VERY well... I can tell you that I fully understand him pulling a knife on this chick.

I've known this gal for a couple of years, I've only met her current BF once and he seemed like a pretty nice guy so I think you shouldn't judge the book by its cover.

There is more of this story than you all think you know.

When I was close to this girl few years back she had quite a some guys from time to time supporting her and sometimes if lucky me with money, When her "ATM.s" were around we keept low profile to each other, after they gone back to work we continued our "Gik" relationship.

They must have had the longest relationship together that I am aware of, kudos to Stian for keeping up with her so long.

As I know this girl "isnt flirty, I am just friendly" maybe Stian got enough and he wanted to go back home and talk to her alone.

To much <deleted> people being to nosy and he got into bad mood.

One thing led to another...

Dont tell me that similiar things havent happened to you...tongue.png

i NEVER pulled a knife to 'scare' a woman

Maybe he means a woman pulling a knife to scare a guy.

Now, that is likely to be far more common. Not that I am speaking from experiencewhistling.gif

who means that?

A flame has been removed:

7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


If he was on a bus what business is that of there jurist diction. No way these animals look for fights with one man against five.These animals have to be contained. Pattaya i am sending this to my facebook so all America and EU can see it . Land of a thousand muggings!

Grow a brain, he pulled a knife at a woman. your last name is head?

And... He allegedly got off the bus and chased the bouncers away, before being subdued by local Thais. Also... There were a few factors that caused the bouncers to use words,, as in an argument

And perhaps the bouncers, acting responsibly, didn't think it right to allow him to board a community bus, in his agitated and armed condition... It sounds to me that the bouncers were correct in their action,

Perhaps tomorrow will shed some light on the fracus, once the RTB have conducted their investigation into what they choose to report... But I won't be holding my breath whilst waiting on the report.


Off topic and reply removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Looks like a model Norwegian citizen to me...

So your actually judging him by the way he looks?

Yes one can and looks usually do show what type of person one is....


If he was on a bus what business is that of there jurist diction. No way these animals look for fights with one man against five.These animals have to be contained. Pattaya i am sending this to my facebook so all America and EU can see it . Land of a thousand muggings!

good for you, do you think anyone cares?

If he was on a bus what business is that of there jurist diction. No way these animals look for fights with one man against five.These animals have to be contained. Pattaya i am sending this to my facebook so all America and EU can see it . Land of a thousand muggings!

Am sure all of America is waiting for your ground breaking news!!!



Looks like a model Norwegian citizen to me...

So your actually judging him by the way he looks?

Yes one can and looks usually do show what type of person one is....

I think one should get ones head out of ones bottom and stop talking drivel, it shows a lot about ones self if one judges people on how they look! Shame on you.


Looks like a model Norwegian citizen to me...

So your actually judging him by the way he looks?

Yes one can and looks usually do show what type of person one is....
I think one should get ones head out of ones bottom and stop talking drivel, it shows a lot about ones self if one judges people on how they look! Shame on you.

Seems like the thread has devolved to guilt by looks vs guilt by threat with a deadly weapon... Interesting.

That said, with a criminal perhaps being your average next door neighbor, or even your wife or husband, looks are an unreliable indicator of a person nature, so we should resist judging someone as a hoodlum, just because he looks like a hoodlum

But then, when ever I have had to get photographs for any official documentation, the instructions are always to get a professional looking picture.... And the only time I know of, when pictures of tatts are wanted, is when one is getting booked by the coppers

So... Officialdom deems it that you can, indeed, judge a book by its cover... And personally, when I'm looking thru books at a book seller, I definitely make a decision on wether or not to pick up a book, by its cover or name.... Which is probably why graphic designers the world over, get paid millions and millions to make their company and products look " good" to us, the consumer


The number 13 ink on his chest is significant as well as symbolistic. Learn how to behave in Thailand, don't play with drugs, wipe yourself out with booze or lock horns with the mafia. The end result is grievous bodily harm if not death; when will westerners work out the general population 'here' are fairly ignorant, belligerent as well as narcissistic (how often do you see Thais looking at themselves in the mirror of the motorbike)? Facts of 'The land of smiles' make sure you go home - or be up to the task of playing hard ball with the mafia (there are few).

Yes you are correct about the 13 tattoo. He is a want to be gang member but he is the wrong nationality. Shows how stupid he is.

The Mara Salvatrucha gang originated in Los Angeles, set up in the 1980s by Salvadoran immigrants in the city's Pico-Union neighborhood who immigrated to the United States after the Central American civil wars of the 1980s.[8][9]

Originally, the gang's main purpose was to protect Salvadoran immigrants from other, more established gangs of Los Angeles, who were predominantly composed of Mexicans and African-Americans.[10]

Many Mara Salvatrucha gang members from the Los Angeles area have been deported after being arrested.[11] Namely, Jose Abrego, a high-ranking member, was deported four times.[12] As a result of these deportations, members of MS have recruited more members in their home countries. The Los Angeles Times contends that deportation policies have contributed to the size and influence of the gang both in the United States and in Central America.[11] According to the 2009 National Gang Threat Assessment, "The gang is estimated to have 30,000 to 50,000 members and associate members worldwide, 8,000 to 10,000 of whom reside in the United States."[13]

In recent years the gang has expanded into the Washington, D.C. area, in particular the areas of Langley Park and Takoma Park, Maryland, have become centers of MS gang activity.[14]

Sinaloa Cartel hierarchy in early 2008
MS-13 presence – light-red indicates territories with a lighter presence, dark-red indicates territories with a strong presence

In 2004, the US FBI started the MS-13 National Gang Task Force. The FBI also began teaming with law enforcement in El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico.[15]

He is not the same race as the MS-13 and if he was see by a Latino he would be killed on the spot. He is a stupid kid who thinks his tattoos will intimidate people. He was lucky he was in Thailand when he was beaten. Go to USA or any Latino country and the story will read about a found dead body. Beat up his girlfriend and threaten her with a knife. Tough guy. Then I see the video and she is kissing him in the police station. They are classless acts and should be deported. She is a classless act herself I hope her family sees the video of how well their daughter is acting

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