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Health Insurance


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Hello ,

Anybody with information about:

Health insurance companies in Thailand.

covering hospitalization and major medical for family.

Any of you have experience (not from hear say!)?

Thanks in advance

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Re Bupa Blue cross

The cover is actually appalling.

The brochures do not inform you of the unbelievable restrictions in the policy.

You have to read it to believe it.

I took out a policy with Bupa Blue Cross and when i received the policy docs was gobsmacked.

It would certainly be illegal in the West.

The cover may be reasonably cheap but if you actually end up getting almost no cover what is the point.


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Guest IT Manager

I actually contacted blue cross and asked them to have some inptu into this same issue some weeks back. Khun Karen has not returned either my calls or e-mails.

I guess that means that we need to look elsewhere for support for our members.

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I hardly can imagine that all our members who are planning to stay here or are already here for stay, do not have any kind of health insurance.

In the meantime I found;

AIA waiting for respons from kanjana

Bupa info received

Ayudhya no respons

Royal and Sun wait for respons

What about world wide operating insurance companies and their reps in Thai?

Any body?? :o

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i thought there was an issue regarding whether to get insurance before entering the kingdom? AIA - my girlfriend's sister has insurance and a pension covergae with AIA. she is happy with them. i hear AIA in conversation alot but can't be definite about pros and cons. anyone...


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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm jumping in here in the middle of everything :o to join Dutch with even more questions about health insurances.

Does anyone know a reliable insurance company in LOS? Last time in our village I talked to a representative for a American insurance company (AIA ??), who said I couldn't choose just a HEALTH insurance. I must have a LIFE insurance first THEN I can choose HEALTH insurance as an option. Hmmm.... but I'm not interested in a LIFE insurance! I've no use for any money when I'm dead (at least as far as I know....) and Khun Wife :D will have more than enough anyway. And I'm sure the fee is much higher for a LIFE insurance than for just a HEALTH insurance. Of course! I'm sure that is their business concept!!

Do any of you have some experience to share about HEALTH insurances?

EXACT instructions and/or figures if possible.

1. A reliable company that can help you when something happens and not only to collect the fee.

2. What to ask for (=don't forget to ask about this......... and that!).

3. Example of cost per month or per year for one farang (50++) and his Thai wife (40++).

4. What DOES it use to cover?

5. What does it NOT use to cover? Important!!

6. Any warnings....!!! "Real life stories" from friends.

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  • 5 months later...

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