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Germany: Migrant crisis on agenda as Merkel hosts Turkish PM Davutoglu


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Germany: Migrant crisis on agenda as Merkel hosts Turkish PM Davutoglu


GERMANY -- How to tackle Europe’s migrant crisis is the big topic again, for Germany and Turkey, this Friday.

Turkish PM Ahmet Davutoglu has arrived in Berlin with government ministers to meet their German counterparts.

The rare exchange shows the close cooperation Chancellor Angela Merkel believes is needed to try to stem the flow of Syrian and other refugees from Turkish shores.

Merkel is under pressure to limit the number of new migrants, which reached 1.1 million last year alone, eroding her popularity and fuelling support for an anti-immigration party.

She has promised to “measurably reduce” arrivals this year, but has refused to introduce a cap.

Instead, she has tried to convince European partners to take on quotas of refugees, pushed for reception centres to be built on Europe’s external borders, and led an EU campaign to convince Turkey to keep refugees from entering the bloc.

Her efforts have produced little tangible results to calm critics at home, including her Christian Social Union coalition ally in Bavaria which wants her to reverse her open-door policy for refugees and shut Germany’s borders.

Despite a big money EU deal with Ankara in November and the cold weather, asylum seekers are continuing to make the perilous journey – many bound for Germany – with at least 42 more deaths reported at sea on Friday, including 17 children, when migrant boats capsized off two Greek islands.

EU leaders have pledged 3 billion euros to Ankara to help care for Syrian refugees, as part of measures aimed at reducing the numbers leaving Turkey and heading for Europe.

However, Italy has blocked this funding, senior EU officials said.

The European Commission said earlier this month that it was far from satisfied with Turkey’s containment of migrants as the number of new arrivals to Europe remained far too high.

Source: http://www.euronews.com/2016/01/22/germany-migrant-crisis-on-agenda-as-merkel-hosts-turkish-pm-davutoglu/

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-01-22

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Merkel has made another speech in which she says deep down she know the crisis can only be solved by EVERYONE WORKING TOGETHER to stop the root causes of migration as it's bigger than a national issue.

Pity she didn't think about everyone else when without consultation she opened hr mouth and invited migrants to Germany increasing and accelerating the problem. Now without batting an eyelid calls on Europe to bail her out.

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Merkel has made another speech in which she says deep down she know the crisis can only be solved by EVERYONE WORKING TOGETHER to stop the root causes of migration as it's bigger than a national issue.

Pity she didn't think about everyone else when without consultation she opened hr mouth and invited migrants to Germany increasing and accelerating the problem. Now without batting an eyelid calls on Europe to bail her out.

Merkel did think of everyone else when she facilitated this crisis. Create crisis, provide solution is the dialectic of the Left. The synthesis is the continued evolution of Western governments that are a leftist caricature of their former selves= Progressivism- incrementalism. Welcome to the world of the Fabians.

All recent governing in the Western world follows this model exactly. Every step, the crisis and the solution, are crafted toward the same end. (Obama is a master without equal at this. Merkel is a close second). The solution always employs the "will" of the people by promising to fix things, address problems with the solutions of government, etc. What the solutions always do, in every case, is loan legitimacy to the crisis created; recent current events are a long train of fraudulent pretexts. This is on display in Switzerland with their take migrant possessions sleight of hand and equally in the UK with their English learning initiative. Always build upon the fiction and make the citizenry complicit in outcomes by providing the solution that only pacifies the moment.

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Taking refugees is not the point. The real elephant in the room is the nod that everyone really knows only a small portion of all these peoples are refugees; this is what elevates the issue to crisis. What the vast majority reflect a people you would never... never take into your home after a flood, natural disaster, crisis or misfortune. Why? Because everyone does know that vast numbers of these peoples are predatory, arriving with mercenary motives, and possessing alien if not outrageous values. Had these people been huddled families, blacksmiths, bookbinders, bakers, humble, gentle, grateful, self reliant, self motivated, industrious individuals by and large, they would not adorn nearly every paper every day in some new horrific injury to their hosts throughout Europe. The fact is the long train of these migrants remain on the welfare roles indefinitely. That is a part of the crisis.

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Merkel has made another speech in which she says deep down she know the crisis can only be solved by EVERYONE WORKING TOGETHER to stop the root causes of migration as it's bigger than a national issue.

Pity she didn't think about everyone else when without consultation she opened hr mouth and invited migrants to Germany increasing and accelerating the problem. Now without batting an eyelid calls on Europe to bail her out.

Merkel did think of everyone else when she facilitated this crisis. Create crisis, provide solution is the dialectic of the Left. The synthesis is the continued evolution of Western governments that are a leftist caricature of their former selves= Progressivism- incrementalism. Welcome to the world of the Fabians.

All recent governing in the Western world follows this model exactly. Every step, the crisis and the solution, are crafted toward the same end. (Obama is a master without equal at this. Merkel is a close second). The solution always employs the "will" of the people by promising to fix things, address problems with the solutions of government, etc. What the solutions always do, in every case, is loan legitimacy to the crisis created; recent current events are a long train of fraudulent pretexts. This is on display in Switzerland with their take migrant possessions sleight of hand and equally in the UK with their English learning initiative. Always build upon the fiction and make the citizenry complicit in outcomes by providing the solution that only pacifies the moment.

Gotta admit the dialectic of 'Problem, Crisis, Solution' works well for those pulling the strings in the West. Good analysis.

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1.1 million refugees, 80 million inhabitants in Germany = 1.375 pct. Not really many if you compare it to the immigrants that UK or France took. Time for Germany to take their share.

Gotta put this into perspective: How many rich, Islamic countries are opening their arms to Islamic refugees? Lebanon and Jordan, both small countries have about 1m each. So why isn't Wahabist Saudi Arabia opening it's arms to a million or more displaced Muslims? What about the UAE? Kuwait? Bahrain? Oman?

"A Kuwaiti official has cleared up the mystery floating why none of the oil-rich Gulf nations, including Saudi Arabia, have yet allowed the Syrian refugees fleeding the savage civil war in their land to set foot on their shores.

Kuwaiti official Fahad Al Shalami told France24 television in a broadcast interview on Sept. 2 that in fact, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) should never accept Syrian refugees."

That's why. Google it. You can source the quote.


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Merkel has made another speech in which she says deep down she know the crisis can only be solved by EVERYONE WORKING TOGETHER to stop the root causes of migration as it's bigger than a national issue.

Pity she didn't think about everyone else when without consultation she opened hr mouth and invited migrants to Germany increasing and accelerating the problem. Now without batting an eyelid calls on Europe to bail her out.

Merkel did think of everyone else when she facilitated this crisis. Create crisis, provide solution is the dialectic of the Left. The synthesis is the continued evolution of Western governments that are a leftist caricature of their former selves= Progressivism- incrementalism. Welcome to the world of the Fabians.

All recent governing in the Western world follows this model exactly. Every step, the crisis and the solution, are crafted toward the same end. (Obama is a master without equal at this. Merkel is a close second). The solution always employs the "will" of the people by promising to fix things, address problems with the solutions of government, etc. What the solutions always do, in every case, is loan legitimacy to the crisis created; recent current events are a long train of fraudulent pretexts. This is on display in Switzerland with their take migrant possessions sleight of hand and equally in the UK with their English learning initiative. Always build upon the fiction and make the citizenry complicit in outcomes by providing the solution that only pacifies the moment.

Gotta admit the dialectic of 'Problem, Crisis, Solution' works well for those pulling the strings in the West. Good analysis.

Look up Hegelian Dialectic.

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1.1 million refugees, 80 million inhabitants in Germany = 1.375 pct. Not really many if you compare it to the immigrants that UK or France took. Time for Germany to take their share.

Gotta put this into perspective: How many rich, Islamic countries are opening their arms to Islamic refugees? Lebanon and Jordan, both small countries have about 1m each. So why isn't Wahabist Saudi Arabia opening it's arms to a million or more displaced Muslims? What about the UAE? Kuwait? Bahrain? Oman?

"A Kuwaiti official has cleared up the mystery floating why none of the oil-rich Gulf nations, including Saudi Arabia, have yet allowed the Syrian refugees fleeding the savage civil war in their land to set foot on their shores.

Kuwaiti official Fahad Al Shalami told France24 television in a broadcast interview on Sept. 2 that in fact, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) should never accept Syrian refugees."

That's why. Google it. You can source the quote.


What makes the GCC similar to the "refugees?" Why might they not take the similar?

What makes the GCC dissimilar to the "refugees?" Why might they not take the dissimilar?

These peoples are all the same distillation of tribes in the region. They all share a similar culture, identical religion, practices, customs, mores, virtues.

This is why they will not take them. These countries are, at least temporarily, the exception to the inevitable cultural stasis that infects this region, this culture, this belief system and has within a very short time reproduced the same stasis in every culture its expanded into. "The Golden Age..." of their shared history was their period of conquest by force and hijra (migration), when other cultures were absorbed and their cultural riches co-opted, only to then decay. The answer is so brutally obvious its self evident in the very questions. They don't want them for the same reason they are leaving the last place, they will make the next place look exactly the same. Escape the politics and simply search online to note wonderful fruit this is already bearing.

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