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Video: Worker filmed punching tiger at Thailand Tiger Temple

Jonathan Fairfield

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Now; later

Mahout punches elephant; elephant tramples mahout

Worker punches tiger; tiger mauls worker

Tourist teases monkey; monkey attacks tourist

Drunk expat kicks soi dog; soi dog bites drunk ex-pat

In the court of public opinion:

  • Bad elephant
  • Bad tiger
  • Bad monkey
  • Bad soi dog

<deleted> world we live in; Priceless!

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Can't really see what the guy on the very left (holding the tiger) does, but the punk in yellow (coming from the right) just rams a stick into the ground in front of the tiger to then (clearly satisfied with himself, the arrogant prick) slowly walk off...

However, we all know that most people running such attractions have none whatsoever love or sympathy for the animals they are exploiting/abusing. All we can hope for is, that eventually they'll receive their punishment via Karma, what means that the tigers, some day - when those people least expect it - will turn on their "masters" and devour their flesh...

I, for myself, will boycott such places and tell friends and relatives to avoid them.

Of course, all of those people running and working at such tourist attractions are foreigners, since Thais would never do such despicable things, especially are they not fiddling about at black markets, trading protected animals, they'd never do that! Hence, "Severe crackdown on part foreign-owned tour operators - how does that sound, officer Somchai?" "Grrrreaaat and fantastic, seargant Aroon!"

there are always a few "westerners" "volunteering at the place

The temple is now not allowed to charge visitors to the place.

There are still many well-known tour companies who should know better offering tours of the place and charging accordingly. If the mass tours stopped thew temple would flounder

The Chinese tour groups will keep these things making money. They have no scruples.

Nevertheless, it would be nice to have a list of all companies that offer tours to the temple so one could avoid doing business with them.

I contacted Tong's tours some time ago but got only a hostile reply.

Perhaps people should contact their favourite tour companies to find out their policies on visiting this place.

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"We do not condone this sort of behavior with the tigers and this situation is being dealt with. This incident is not a frequent occurrence.

Imho, where there is smoke, there is fire.

The unfortunate problem with animal 'sanctuaries' are that animals are kept out of their natural habitat. Why are they kept out of their habitat? How many 'wild animals' have you seen in Thai forests outside of reserves? If allowed to roam, they would be hunted to extinction within a few years like every other animal that use to be plentiful in the once vast expanse of Thai forests that use to exist within the memories of some of the oldest citizens of Thailand. Within reserves, they are never the same. What's the solution? The UN and elites want to bottle up the human population in densely packed cities under the moniker of 'sustainable development', move most of the populace out of rural areas, corporatize farming, allow the rural infrastructure to crumble, allow the forests and wild areas to become 'wild' again, and decrease the population of humans to a manageable 500 million souls.

In an absurd way, I can understand their logic: the greater good of the planet and other wild species other than man; on the other hand, that "Georgia Guide Stones' model simply puts the animals in the sanctuaries back into the wild, and takes the humans out of the wild and puts them in sanctuaries. So instead of animal handlers punching the animals they care for, the elites become, as Orwell aptly put, "[A] boot stamping on a human face - forever."

I don't see a solution. Well, shy of letting the nuclear genie out of the bottle, an X-50 class solar flare, or a large comet/asteroid hit. Back to square one and let God reconsider his grand plan for a human species, some whom are the epitome of good, some whom are the epitome of bad, and most whom are mired in an existence of hedonistic, apathetic mediocrity.

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​This place and all Zoos should be closed....calling a Prison a Sanctuary HA HA HA!

​These Tigers are all drugged up sons they don't attack which would be their natural way.

He punched that animal on the face.....despicable beast of a so called human!

I went to Pattaya Zoo once and never again...

I saw an Elephant whipped so much it actually cried.

A bear used for photographs was continually prodded under the armpit with a sharp pointed stick.

To make it sit up all the time in an unnatural and painful position.

Asians in general are not known for their respect of animal rights.

Edited by metisdead
Bold font removed, again.
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The guy who rams the stick into the ground, turns and saunters like John Wayne, seeking recognition from the crowd for his menial role in wrangling the dangerous beast. The other one finally gets the tiger in "pose position", then gives the cat a whack upside the head. For what?

These chumps appear to have developed a naive sense of confidence through OJT because the tigers have cooperated thus far. Their cavalier stupidity and playing up in front of the crowds, will be shattered in the blink of an eye, and will end in blood and tears. It's just a matter of time before the next mauling like there was in 2013, Phuket in 2014, and the abbot's mauling in 2015.


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Clearly the animals a drugged This is a disgrace what are these kids doing looking after these animals? They obviously have no training or even love of the animals. And should one of the tigers turn on one of these kids it will be the animals fault? Avoid these places so they have to close down

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To the tiger that must have felt like a finger poke on a leg.

The real issue is why does this man risk his life looking after animals that will eat him if the idea crosses their mind and even tries to provoke his last meal.

What a load of poofs!

It's a massive animal, and he just got its attention. It won't be remotely bothered. It's not animal abuse. If you're getting a tap on the shoulder doesn't get your attention in a crowd, as you're being pushed about (as the tiger is all day long), someone might have to tap a bit harder. I'm no advocate of animal abuse, but I certainly think in the land of the "half kill" of animals before cooking, this isn't even one percent on the scale.

They probably do drug the animals but they drug themselves all the time, so once again, whilst that's probably abuse, there's a social line between sharing your cigarettes with a monkey who likes them and annoying it by being tight.

I'm not sure if these unusual comments, numbering about ten before this one are prompted by poofery or or lack of intellect, but you're all making white people look bad, so you need to do whatever you do instead of thinking before making idiotic comments.

Poofs, poofs, poofs, poofs, poofs, meow!

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"We do not condone this sort of behavior with the tigers and this situation is being dealt with. This incident is not a frequent occurrence.

Imho, where there is smoke, there is fire.

The unfortunate problem with animal 'sanctuaries' are that animals are kept out of their natural habitat. Why are they kept out of their habitat? How many 'wild animals' have you seen in Thai forests outside of reserves? If allowed to roam, they would be hunted to extinction within a few years like every other animal that use to be plentiful in the once vast expanse of Thai forests that use to exist within the memories of some of the oldest citizens of Thailand. Within reserves, they are never the same. What's the solution? The UN and elites want to bottle up the human population in densely packed cities under the moniker of 'sustainable development', move most of the populace out of rural areas, corporatize farming, allow the rural infrastructure to crumble, allow the forests and wild areas to become 'wild' again, and decrease the population of humans to a manageable 500 million souls.

In an absurd way, I can understand their logic: the greater good of the planet and other wild species other than man; on the other hand, that "Georgia Guide Stones' model simply puts the animals in the sanctuaries back into the wild, and takes the humans out of the wild and puts them in sanctuaries. So instead of animal handlers punching the animals they care for, the elites become, as Orwell aptly put, "[A] boot stamping on a human face - forever."

I don't see a solution. Well, shy of letting the nuclear genie out of the bottle, an X-50 class solar flare, or a large comet/asteroid hit. Back to square one and let God reconsider his grand plan for a human species, some whom are the epitome of good, some whom are the epitome of bad, and most whom are mired in an existence of hedonistic, apathetic mediocrity."

"The UN and elites want to bottle up the human population in densely packed cities under the moniker of 'sustainable development', move most of the populace out of rural areas, corporatize farming, allow the rural infrastructure to crumble, allow the forests and wild areas to become 'wild' again, and decrease the population of humans to a manageable 500 million souls."

this is quite simply not true.

The aim of conservationists is to create SUSTAINABLE eco-systems that will enable the planet to keep hold of its natural resources that are essential to all life including humans

For instance there are various categories of national p[arks and nature reserves throughout the world that are defined by their designated usage, some re for wildlife only but others acknowledge that humans have existed in that particular eco-system and are included, others are using agriculture and other human usage (e.g.tourism) to make the system sustainable. There are in fact many, many ways to achieve a workable and sustainable eco-=systems; simply turning the cock back or excluding humans is seldom, if ever, the aim.

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The guy who rams the stick into the ground, turns and saunters like John Wayne, seeking recognition from the crowd for his menial role in wrangling the dangerous beast. The other one finally gets the tiger in "pose position", then gives the cat a whack upside the head. For what?

These chumps appear to have developed a naive sense of confidence through OJT because the tigers have cooperated thus far. Their cavalier stupidity and playing up in front of the crowds, will be shattered in the blink of an eye, and will end in blood and tears. It's just a matter of time before the next mauling like there was in 2013, Phuket in 2014, and the abbot's mauling in 2015.


Can't wait until it happens again....!!!...()

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Pity the Tiger did not take a CHUNK out of him.

They are drugged,....but, yes a pity.....

Again someone missing the point - there is no evidence to suggest they are drugged or not. It only shows that people are still getting sidetracked from the main issues.

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I've watched that video several times and for the life of me I cannot see what you people are all upset about. That little love tap wouldn't have hurt a flea on its fur. Some of you people need to get off the concrete and get dirt on your shoes occasionally or quit watching all those animated kiddy shows.

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The reporter of this item clearly needs his eyes tested. Using a short metal stick on a tiger is not a punch. What do you expect in a country that has no real animal or human rights. Kinda makes it worse that China where they treat animals much better and with respect.

Edited by metisdead
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The reporter of this item clearly needs his eyes tested. Using a short metal stick on a tiger is not a punch. What do you expect in a country that has no real animal or human rights. Kinda makes it worse that China where they treat animals much better and with respect.

WP you missed the part where the little b&$/:? Punched the tiger in the ear.


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I think the strength of the punch is irrelevant; it just shows how little the workers there understand about animal husbandry. There is little evidence at the temple that anyone knows or cares about looking after animals ...there does seem however a culture of "dominating" the animals through the use of intimidation and force. not the pholosophy of conservation or welfare, but a circus show.

I have a photo of a monk (I think it was the abbot) poking an animal in the testes, he casually walked up stuck a stick in it's balls nd walked away laughing. The Tiger jerked it's head round and then submissively lay back down.

It seems to me that it is considered a sign of macho-ness for those working there to demonstrate to the public how they have power over these creatures by repeatedly committing minor acts of violence on them. A bit of misplaced bravado.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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Can't really see what the guy on the very left (holding the tiger) does, but the punk in yellow (coming from the right) just rams a stick into the ground in front of the tiger to then (clearly satisfied with himself, the arrogant prick) slowly walk off...

However, we all know that most people running such attractions have none whatsoever love or sympathy for the animals they are exploiting/abusing. All we can hope for is, that eventually they'll receive their punishment via Karma, what means that the tigers, some day - when those people least expect it - will turn on their "masters" and devour their flesh...

I, for myself, will boycott such places and tell friends and relatives to avoid them.

Of course, all of those people running and working at such tourist attractions are foreigners, since Thais would never do such despicable things, especially are they not fiddling about at black markets, trading protected animals, they'd never do that! Hence, "Severe crackdown on part foreign-owned tour operators - how does that sound, officer Somchai?" "Grrrreaaat and fantastic, seargant Aroon!"

there are always a few "westerners" "volunteering at the place

The temple is now not allowed to charge visitors to the place.

There are still many well-known tour companies who should know better offering tours of the place and charging accordingly. If the mass tours stopped thew temple would flounder

The Chinese tour groups will keep these things making money. They have no scruples.

And a willing partner for buying tiger products too

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The reporter of this item clearly needs his eyes tested. Using a short metal stick on a tiger is not a punch. What do you expect in a country that has no real animal or human rights. Kinda makes it worse that China where they treat animals much better and with respect.

and the main buyer of tiger bones/parts , yes they love their animals alright

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A bit of frustration expressed trying to get the attention of a drugged animal. The more significant inhumane treatment is being drugged for public display in the first place and the taunting of the tiger by the guy with the stick. Obviously there is a big attitude problem. Should only hire people who have a love and respect for these magnificent creatures. But, they should not be reduced to such a state to be a public display. At minimum should be kept in large enclosure and allowed space to roam undrugged....

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"We do not condone this sort of behavior with the tigers and this situation is being dealt with. This incident is not a frequent occurrence.

Imho, where there is smoke, there is fire.

The unfortunate problem with animal 'sanctuaries' are that animals are kept out of their natural habitat. Why are they kept out of their habitat? How many 'wild animals' have you seen in Thai forests outside of reserves? If allowed to roam, they would be hunted to extinction within a few years like every other animal that use to be plentiful in the once vast expanse of Thai forests that use to exist within the memories of some of the oldest citizens of Thailand. Within reserves, they are never the same. What's the solution? The UN and elites want to bottle up the human population in densely packed cities under the moniker of 'sustainable development', move most of the populace out of rural areas, corporatize farming, allow the rural infrastructure to crumble, allow the forests and wild areas to become 'wild' again, and decrease the population of humans to a manageable 500 million souls.

In an absurd way, I can understand their logic: the greater good of the planet and other wild species other than man; on the other hand, that "Georgia Guide Stones' model simply puts the animals in the sanctuaries back into the wild, and takes the humans out of the wild and puts them in sanctuaries. So instead of animal handlers punching the animals they care for, the elites become, as Orwell aptly put, "[A] boot stamping on a human face - forever."

I don't see a solution. Well, shy of letting the nuclear genie out of the bottle, an X-50 class solar flare, or a large comet/asteroid hit. Back to square one and let God reconsider his grand plan for a human species, some whom are the epitome of good, some whom are the epitome of bad, and most whom are mired in an existence of hedonistic, apathetic mediocrity."

"The UN and elites want to bottle up the human population in densely packed cities under the moniker of 'sustainable development', move most of the populace out of rural areas, corporatize farming, allow the rural infrastructure to crumble, allow the forests and wild areas to become 'wild' again, and decrease the population of humans to a manageable 500 million souls."

this is quite simply not true.

The aim of conservationists is to create SUSTAINABLE eco-systems that will enable the planet to keep hold of its natural resources that are essential to all life including humans

For instance there are various categories of national p[arks and nature reserves throughout the world that are defined by their designated usage, some re for wildlife only but others acknowledge that humans have existed in that particular eco-system and are included, others are using agriculture and other human usage (e.g.tourism) to make the system sustainable. There are in fact many, many ways to achieve a workable and sustainable eco-=systems; simply turning the cock back or excluding humans is seldom, if ever, the aim.

Time will tell.

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