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'Putin is corrupt' says US Treasury


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'Putin is corrupt' says US Treasury

WASHINGTON: -- The US Treasury has told a BBC investigation that it considers Russian President Vladimir Putin to be corrupt.

The US government has already imposed sanctions on Mr Putin's aides, but it is thought to be the first time it has directly accused him of corruption.

His spokesman told the BBC that "none of these questions or issues needs to be answered, as they are pure fiction".

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35385445

-- BBC 2016-01-26
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Great propaganda material handed to him for home consumption as in a matter of a couple of days he is accused of having authorised a political murder and now is declared corrupt.

Propaganda in Russia. Sadly, it's probably true. But due to lack of transparency in Russia, we'll never know the truth. Interesting article:


Opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, who was first deputy prime minister under Putin's predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, published a reportlast year entitled "Putin. Corruption." Using information from open sources, mainly newspaper reports, the report describes how Putin's relatives and friends got rich during his rule. It also attempts to pull together bits of information about Putin's perks as head of state, including luxury yachts and stately residences. An entire chapter is devoted to Putin's collection of expensive Swiss watches, which he could not have acquired on his official salary of less than $200,000 a year.
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So exactly how long did it take these meat heads to come to this conclusion? Im pretty sure just about every one n the entire world already knows that. ........Every single politician is now days...yes even the ones in the usa. Excluding Trump....lol

You have to exclude Trump because he ain't a politician! He a meat head!
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Putin is corrupt. So what, so are all the American polititians. ME ME ME only about me.

Some, for sure. But due to freedom of the press, mandatory financial disclosures, and an independent judiciary, they aren't even in the same league. Nowhere near.
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The name Haliburton comes to mind......

You know why no one is in jail for that? Because it isn't illegal. In the West a great deal of corruption has become legalized. That's why a "political revolution" is called for. I'm hoping Bernie Sanders can at least light that flame.

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Great propaganda material handed to him for home consumption as in a matter of a couple of days he is accused of having authorised a political murder and now is declared corrupt.

I am not sure whether the US government spokesman saying, with a suitably cheesy grin to indicate irony, that V. Putin is a stand-up, honest to God, clean hands sort of guy, would be any better. It would probably be sold by Putin's PR team as "Russia, with Putin in the vanguard, puts those silly Americans right." And history will not look kindly on anyone who remained cozy with Putin, given what he has done and is doing.

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The name Haliburton comes to mind......

You know why no one is in jail for that? Because it isn't illegal. In the West a great deal of corruption has become legalized. That's why a "political revolution" is called for. I'm hoping Bernie Sanders can at least light that flame.

Spot on. What Haliburton does is legal, closely scrutinized and reported publicly. The contrary to what happens with Putin's and his friend's deals.

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And what is the US treasury's take on the US Congress?

It's all out there for the public to see.



All members of Congress must file the annual forms that list their major sources of earned and unearned income, primary assets and liabilities and privately funded gifts.
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So exactly how long did it take these meat heads to come to this conclusion? Im pretty sure just about every one n the entire world already knows that. ........Every single politician is now days...yes even the ones in the usa. Excluding Trump....lol

trump really is the fly in the ointment.

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Putin is corrupt. So what, so are all the American polititians. ME ME ME only about me.

Some, for sure. But due to freedom of the press, mandatory financial disclosures, and an independent judiciary, they aren't even in the same league. Nowhere near.

Have you caught up with the latest IRS problems with Congressional oversight and transparency?

The old KGB would be proud of these guys.

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US Treasury? Why would they have a say in the matter?

They are a branch of government that isn't assigned to name corrupt leaders of other countries.... Unless they would like to draw attention away from their own activities.

What is corrupt is the "Exchange Stabilization Fund" which acts secretly under the claim of "National Security" to print untold sums of currency.

When is the last time a US politician or banker was jailed for corruption?

The politicians are allowed to resign and the bankers are fined billions of dollars when they are caught red-handed.

We need to see some U.S. politicians punished for corruption before we start pointing out leaders of other countries as being corrupt.

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Corruption is everywhere. The US Treasury is only identifying one of the more overt practitioners.

In the aftermath of 9/11, how corrupt was the Bush administration to allow Bin Laden's relatives to fly out of the US unquestioned?

How corrupt were US banks that loaned stock to short sellers from their biggest clients during the GFC?

How corrupt is the lobbying process in Australia, when the remnants of the car industry can block the development of a market in secondhand car imports, on the spurious grounds of safety?

What kind of treasury do you need to be elected US President?

Corruption is everywhere.

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