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Sweden to expel up to 80,000 failed asylum-seekers


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Sweden and all of the west is living in la la land if they really believe that these economic migrants can be deported , its only by keeping them out in the first place you can get rid of them

This is a great opportunity for any lawyers who are willing to take on new cases. There will likely be litigation - even if it just postpones return-date - the longer a migrant can keep his boots in Sweden, the better his chances of becoming legal.

Also: Swedish women may be getting a lot of marriage proposals.

I agree, in the big picture, Sweden and the other mid-European countries with too-liberal open-arms open-border policies are now paying the price of their generosity. It also wouldn't be surprising if a lot of asylum-seekers who were turned down, just bolt and try to hide out. That's probably what I would do in similar situation. That's what they do in Germany. Another scenario: tent camps like are currently happening in Calais. It's hard to forcibly evict an entrenched group.

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Thanks for the link. Scary. ....and it's just one of the many problems Sweden and other too-welcoming countries will face - and sorry to say, the problems will snowball. Wake up Sweden: take care of your people, particularly youngsters! Either that, or let your culture be trashed, and accept that Sharia Law will be the law of the land in 20 yrs.

Edited by seedy
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Thanks for the link. Scary. ....and it's just one of the many problems Sweden and other too-welcoming countries will face - and sorry to say, the problems will snowball. Wake up Sweden: take care of your people, particularly youngsters! Either that, or let your culture be trashed, and accept that Sharia Law will be the law of the land in 20 yrs.

In my homecountry Norway at the moment we house around 6.000 of these "unaccompanied minors" ,most of them illiterate Afghans waiting for resettlement and then after after 3 years their extended illiterate family will come after to be resettled according to the original well hatched plan and will in turn be entitled to socilal benefits and then to a minimum pension after the age of 62 that a normal citizen will have to work for 40 years to accomplish................Our future is indeed great !!

Edited by seedy
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Thanks for the link. Scary. ....and it's just one of the many problems Sweden and other too-welcoming countries will face - and sorry to say, the problems will snowball. Wake up Sweden: take care of your people, particularly youngsters! Either that, or let your culture be trashed, and accept that Sharia Law will be the law of the land in 20 yrs.

The trouble is those who presided over this suicidal policy hate their own culture and seek its demise. That there is a policy reversal of sorts underway is not because the ruling politicians have had a change of heart, rather they realize they have to destroy what was Sweden more slowly or they will face open rebellion and perhaps civil war.

Edited by seedy
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