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I know that this topic has been covered to death so I am trying to make my question as specific as possible.

If I Have a registered company with capital of 1 million baht in Pattaya with 1 Thai employee, can I apply for a work permit and a 90 day renewable B visa, and would a home office be sufficient?

Than You

Mods, Please move if this is in the wrong section.


.. If you're married to a Thai, 1 M baht would be okay for a WP - otherwise not. Your "home office" would have to be located on a "site" properly registered as a business location (don't know the practical implications of this with respect toyour home office)

Your company would have to be VAT-registered to get you the WP..


Thanks for the reply, I am not married and I'm sure that the property I have in mind is not registered as a business location.

What about these virtual offices that I see advertised?


I may have found my answer here Virtual office

I am getting a little frustrated! It is obviously very hard for falangs to have a small business in this country! I probably would have been better off getting a long stick with two large baskets, a mortar and pestle, papaya, fermented fish.... and starting a Som Tam franchise!!

Your company would have to be VAT-registered to get you the WP..

Are you quite sure about that?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Your company would have to be VAT-registered to get you the WP..

Are you quite sure about that?



Only as sure as Sunbelt. Here's a copy-and-paste from their website: (Phor Phor 20 is what you see clearly visible on a prominent place in whatever Vat-registered business, you might deal with.

Required Documentation

The following documents must be attached to a Work Permit application:

* Required Documentation from the individual

The following documents must be attached to a Work Permit application:

• For non-permanent residents: A valid passport containing a Non-Immigrant visa.

• CV or Resume showing application’s educational qualifications and describing in detail the applicant’s past position, duties, performance, and place and length of employment.

• A recent medical certificate from a first-class licensed physician in Thailand stating that the applicant is not of unsound mind and not suffering from leprosy, acute tuberculosis, elephantiasis, narcotic addition or habitual alcoholism.

• Three 5x6 cm. full-faced, bareheaded, black and white or color photographs, taken no more than six months prior to the filing of the application.

• If the job applied for is subject to a license under a particular law, in addition to the Alien Occupation Law, a photocopy of such license, (e.g. teacher’s license, physician’s license, press card from the Public Relations Department, certificate of missionary status from the Office of Religious Affairs, etc.) shall be attached.

• If the applicant is married to a Thai national, the original and photocopies of the following must be presented:

Marriage certificate, spouse’s identity card, birth certificates of children, household registration, as well as photocopy of every page of the applicant’s passport.

Documents to be supplied by the employer

(They must bear the seal of the firm and signature of the person authorized to authenticate same.)

• Certificate issued by the Commercial Registration Department showing that the organization for which the applicant is going to work, has been duly registered as a juristic person, giving the name of the managing partner and/or director, and its objectives and capital.

• A Copy of the list of shareholders of the applicant’s prospective company, certified as correct by the Commercial Registration Department.

• If the company maintains a factory, a factory license and/or license to operate a factory, renewed by the Factory Department, Ministry of Industry.

• Copy of VAT Certificate (Phor.Phor.20)/application for VAT registration (Phor.Phor. 01)

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