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Thailand asks Google to bend censorship rules


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What? They "asked" them to bend the rules, and they didn't "order" them to? What is the world coming to?

"“We would like Google to expedite the process of website removal once it is requested by qualified authorities to save from the possible damage of time, as it will not correct the situation if we wait for the court process,” (Didn't take the courts long to try and convict the lady boy who threw his flatmate's cat out of the window!)

So they want Google to become subservient to the junta ("qualified authorities") and remove anything that is considered critical of the PM or his decisions? That is a bit like the UK government asking Google not to publish any articles that are critical of fox hunting! Perhaps they would also like the BBC to air "Bringing happiness back to (99%) of the people" every Friday night, preferably just after "The 6 o'clock News" and then again by ITV just after "News at Ten"!

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"I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet, pay immigration a couple of thousand baht a year to make my life easier and cheaper, ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc."

Could those no helmet types be issued a special card:

"In event of accident involving head injury, proceed slowly so as not to inconvenience others on highway, check to make sure have money and/or insurance to cover costs of transport and hospitalization. When funds run out to take care of them, deposit them in landfill and let them enjoy last moments of freedom".

You are not the only one who would have to bear costs of your willful ignorance regarding distinct possibility of head injury.

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Maybe better to just pull the plug and go offline so there will be no social media to worry about, you know all these rumors we have to read about dally. That could be the result in the end if you irritate the junta too much. So better to stay calm and be polite if you live here.

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The hierarchy is overly sensitive to criticism. If the criticism is deserved then change for the better. If the criticism is not deserved then ignore it (or explain why the criticism is incorrect) and being of no consequence.

The military anywhere "hate" their orders being challenged. For military purposes that is right and proper but for governing a country with many diverse views, that is NOT right. They need to also listen to the people, not their cronies or others who stand to gain monetarily by their decisions. "Head in the sand" attitude is for ostriches not for good governance of a state.

Those in power hate to give it up, to anyone who may be more successful in moving the country forward for the benefit of ALL and not just the few.

But will it change? coffee1.gif

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Do any rules apply to Thais or Thai government? They are FREE (to do as they please)..... regardless of how it impacts others or the country's standing in the world community (of which it might not be part of).

Hope I don't get warned again.

That's one reason many of us are here.Freedom that we didn't get in our home countries. I don't know how long you've been here or if you integrate into Thai society but after living here more than three decades it is obvious to me and quite frankly I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet, pay immigration a couple of thousand baht a year to make my life easier and cheaper, ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

Maybe you want only the good things in Thailand plus the good things(only) from your old country. Rather a disillusioned way of living imho.

I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet

ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

You're a perfect example of the statement that stupidity is not limited to the Thai.

Three decades? I'm surprised you've managed to make it that long.

I hope you don't have any Thai gf or wife with statements such as that. Quite racist.

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Do any rules apply to Thais or Thai government? They are FREE (to do as they please)..... regardless of how it impacts others or the country's standing in the world community (of which it might not be part of).

Hope I don't get warned again.

That's one reason many of us are here.Freedom that we didn't get in our home countries. I don't know how long you've been here or if you integrate into Thai society but after living here more than three decades it is obvious to me and quite frankly I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet, pay immigration a couple of thousand baht a year to make my life easier and cheaper, ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

Maybe you want only the good things in Thailand plus the good things(only) from your old country. Rather a disillusioned way of living imho.

I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet

ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

You're a perfect example of the statement that stupidity is not limited to the Thai.

Three decades? I'm surprised you've managed to make it that long.

I hope you don't have any Thai gf or wife with statements such as that. Quite racist.

Unfortunatly, regarding the safety the thais don't give a sh.t...you can call it stupidity, believing than dying will just give them a "same player shoot again" but the facts are there and the numbers of people dying on the road is enough to prove it.

And yes it is stupid to say : i am happy to be here so I can drive without safety belt, helmet, don't give a damn about the traffic lights...

It is because first you will probably have more chance to die in case of accident, selfish as people who love you will cry rivers because of your "freedom" toward safety and also because you can involve other people in the process and kill them

If there is one thing the thais need to be aware of it is safety, and no saying that is not racist.

About the topic I am not sure the Junta understands that Google does not host the websites and Bing will be quite happy to replace google, them yahoo to replace bing, and so on...

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Do any rules apply to Thais or Thai government? They are FREE (to do as they please)..... regardless of how it impacts others or the country's standing in the world community (of which it might not be part of).

Hope I don't get warned again.

Thai's have never been free, you only have to see the rigmarole you go through to do any business transaction , they are also tied to ancient traditions that we as foreigners told our elders to go shove it where the sun don't shine , especially the church , eons ago

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Maybe better to just pull the plug and go offline so there will be no social media to worry about, you know all these rumors we have to read about dally. That could be the result in the end if you irritate the junta too much. So better to stay calm and be polite if you live here.

The problem is that the honest Junta leader Prayut has guaranteed that elections will be held in 2017 , so what was it all about in the first place , it's called control no General wants to lose control, however with all the restrictions China introduces, the freedom machine still makes its presence felt everyday and drives china's security nuts.

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Do any rules apply to Thais or Thai government? They are FREE (to do as they please)..... regardless of how it impacts others or the country's standing in the world community (of which it might not be part of).

Hope I don't get warned again.
That's one reason many of us are here.Freedom that we didn't get in our home countries. I don't know how long you've been here or if you integrate into Thai society but after living here more than three decades it is obvious to me and quite frankly I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet, pay immigration a couple of thousand baht a year to make my life easier and cheaper, ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.
Maybe you want only the good things in Thailand plus the good things(only) from your old country. Rather a disillusioned way of living imho.

I am happy to ride my motorcycle with no helmet
ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

You're a perfect example of the statement that stupidity is not limited to the Thai.
Three decades? I'm surprised you've managed to make it that long.
How dare you ignore forum rules and call me stupid.
Make are you wear your helmet and seat belt and do as you are told.
You are a prime example of the type of person who is only here because of the internet and the adventurous types who discovered Thailand in the past.
Probably a retired civil servant or tax collector with a pet poodle.
Today's expats or more often than not retirees make Thailand and indeed Thai visa a dull place.

Well, let's see.

First off, if you were intelligent enough to actually read what I wrote, I never personally called you stupid. I said you were a perfect example that stupidity is not limited to Thai.

Second, yes, I wear my helmet and seat belt. Not because I am told to, but because I know that doing so can save lives. Especially the helmet, AND the body armor I wear on my CB300f when I'm doing 140kph on the highway.

Third, I am here not because of the internet or was the "adventurous type" in the past. I am here because I love the country, the people, and my wonderful Thai family.

Fourth, no I am not a retired "Civil Servant". However, I was a 20 year Combat Veteran U.S. Marine, who retired with the rank of Gunnery Sergeant, and with more than a few medals on my chest. And after that, I started, and owned, my own high security and body guard service that did quite well, thank you. And, no, sorry to say, but I don't have a pet poodle. Can't stand the little fur balls.

Fifth, if you don't like the retirees, and the people of Thai Visa, you are always welcome to find someplace else that suits you better, and find a better forum to be a part of. On the other hand, if you've been here for as long as you claim, you probably couldn't function in any other society, including that of your native country.

Sixth, just as I fully expect any foreigner who comes to the U.S. to abide by U.S. laws, I abide by the laws of whatever country I happen to be in. (Okay, except for the one on speeding when on my CB300 haha). Life is much less of a hassle that way.

Have a nice day. smile.png

You are ex army and you call me stupid lol

You ride a bike at 140 kmph and you call me stupid lol

I wish I had a baht for all the tossers I have met here.
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with no helmet

ride through a red light if there's no-one there etc.

You're a perfect example of the statement that stupidity is not limited to the Thai.

Three decades? I'm surprised you've managed to make it that long.

How dare you ignore forum rules and call me stupid.

Make are you wear your helmet and seat belt and do as you are told.

You are a prime example of the type of person who is only here because of the internet and the adventurous types who discovered Thailand in the past.

Probably a retired civil servant or tax collector with a pet poodle.

Today's expats or more often than not retirees make Thailand and indeed Thai visa a dull place.

Well, let's see.

First off, if you were intelligent enough to actually read what I wrote, I never personally called you stupid. I said you were a perfect example that stupidity is not limited to Thai.

Second, yes, I wear my helmet and seat belt. Not because I am told to, but because I know that doing so can save lives. Especially the helmet, AND the body armor I wear on my CB300f when I'm doing 140kph on the highway.

Third, I am here not because of the internet or was the "adventurous type" in the past. I am here because I love the country, the people, and my wonderful Thai family.

Fourth, no I am not a retired "Civil Servant". However, I was a 20 year Combat Veteran U.S. Marine, who retired with the rank of Gunnery Sergeant, and with more than a few medals on my chest. And after that, I started, and owned, my own high security and body guard service that did quite well, thank you. And, no, sorry to say, but I don't have a pet poodle. Can't stand the little fur balls.

Fifth, if you don't like the retirees, and the people of Thai Visa, you are always welcome to find someplace else that suits you better, and find a better forum to be a part of. On the other hand, if you've been here for as long as you claim, you probably couldn't function in any other society, including that of your native country.

Sixth, just as I fully expect any foreigner who comes to the U.S. to abide by U.S. laws, I abide by the laws of whatever country I happen to be in. (Okay, except for the one on speeding when on my CB300 haha). Life is much less of a hassle that way.

Have a nice day. smile.png


You are ex army and you call me stupid lol

You ride a bike at 140 kmph and you call me stupid lol

I wish I had a baht for all the tossers I have met here.

Actually I have a friend who is ex army(General) and is very intelligent(apart from handing out his hard earned cash to 3 Thai wives!). Granted, most of my other friends who joined had no qualifications or prospects of going to tertiary education, and the army was kinda a last resort.

I would say anyone that rides a motorbike in Thailand has a few screws missing, unless it is due to not being able to afford a car. To ride one over 100km/hr is something only an 'ex-marine' could do cheesy.gif

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Interesting stats from Google. Almost all of the Thai government requests relate to Thailand's lese majeste law and videos posted to Youtube, with the result being a blocking of much of the content in Thailand.

However, Thailand is not alone. I see multiple requests, including court orders are filed in Australia, the USA and the EU. I had no idea there were so many censorship requests, although a great many have legitimate reasons such as bullying, harassment, pornography etc.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Interesting stats from Google. Almost all of the Thai government requests relate to Thailand's lese majeste law and videos posted to Youtube, with the result being a blocking of much of the content in Thailand.

However, Thailand is not alone. I see multiple requests, including court orders are filed in Australia, the USA and the EU. I had no idea there were so many censorship requests, although a great many have legitimate reasons such as bullying, harassment, pornography etc.

But Youtube doesn't block these vdos. I just searched Youtube for a certain person and was amazed as the first vdo was pornographic!

They must be making a stance against the Thai government's request.

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How odd. Am surprised that Google would even take

a meeting with government officials from Thailand

whining about wanting to censor content. And at the

meeting were the Google guys able to keep a

straight face ?? And yeah Google is all about money

( regardless what they say) , so if if possible for

Thailand to pay a bunch of money to have search

results they do not like moved to 102,000 position

I am sure Google would do it. Or I guess they could

tell Thailand to piss off, or Google will turn off internet

search for Thailand....

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This is interesting....see how many requests from Thailand have and have not

been granted by Google


Have a Nice Day.

Thanks, that is pretty cool. It appears from that

link that 86% of the takedown requests were

about government criticism.. Also a lot of

requests were for removal of Youtube videos.

Most of which Google ignored, and the few

that were removed were only done so in

Thailand. The rest of the world can enjoy

these videos.....

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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