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Tourist collapses unconscious from freezing weather and drinking


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So a Thai guy goes to the northern part of his own country, drinks too much, and then he passes out. And this is story headline that comes along? I had no idea Thais could be drunken tourists in their own country.

And what do you call citizens on domestic tours? Dourist?

No, THourists ;-)

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I have never had any problem drinking in the cold....

I used to prove this point every xmas and New Years eve back in England , after 40 years of this ....no problem . Last night I was cold down my local and after sharing 3 Chang with a Ladyboy and no one else was out in the cold I realised my best drinking days are over. Cheers , chok dee.

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Another idiot drunk.

Well you haven't absorbed any compassion from the Thais yet have you?

Don't you know alcoholism is a disease and those suffering from it deserve the same amount of compassion as those suffering from cancer or HIV.

Ridiculous comparison. Alcoholism is self inflicted and a form of drug abuse...

People don't always make the best life choices (as we read in the forum daily), but that doesn't mean they don't deserve compassion. In the case of this guy who passed out, why is there an assumption of alcoholism? That would be like assuming everyone in pattaya is a sex tourist ... Oh wait a minute....

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So a Thai guy goes to the northern part of his own country, drinks too much, and then he passes out. And this is story headline that comes along? I had no idea Thais could be drunken tourists in their own country.

I guess you should go back to school, then !

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A bit off topic i know,but who was that snooker player,years ago who tried to get his lager(which he drank on screen) paid for on medical reason' because he said he was an addict?

I think that anybody who likes a drink can be classed as an Alcoholic.But it all depends to what degree.I like a drink but it doesn't rule my life.I drink one bottle of beer a day.There are no bars where i live.I like the beer that i drink.I gave up fags easily,but if my doctor told me that i had to give up the one beer i drink,to be honest,i dont think i would want to. Does that make me an Alcoholic?


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A bit off topic i know,but who was that snooker player,years ago who tried to get his lager(which he drank on screen) paid for on medical reason' because he said he was an addict?

I think that anybody who likes a drink can be classed as an Alcoholic.But it all depends to what degree.I like a drink but it doesn't rule my life.I drink one bottle of beer a day.There are no bars where i live.I like the beer that i drink.I gave up fags easily,but if my doctor told me that i had to give up the one beer i drink,to be honest,i dont think i would want to. Does that make me an Alcoholic?


big bill werbanick.

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Is a drunk passing out news?

News? Probably not.

More like a parable about the danger of drinking too much, especially when it's cold.

If one person reads the article and thinks twice before knocking back a bottle of Hong Thong to keep warm, I'd put it in the win column.

Edited by impulse
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Way too much is made of the little bit of cool weather that they got.

Even a little bit of cold weather can be a killer if you're not stocked up and dressed right, you're body isn't acclimatized, and have never had to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of losing body heat.

Cautionary tales of the dangers are appropriate fodder for the media.

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A bit off topic i know,but who was that snooker player,years ago who tried to get his lager(which he drank on screen) paid for on medical reason' because he said he was an addict?

I think that anybody who likes a drink can be classed as an Alcoholic.But it all depends to what degree.I like a drink but it doesn't rule my life.I drink one bottle of beer a day.There are no bars where i live.I like the beer that i drink.I gave up fags easily,but if my doctor told me that i had to give up the one beer i drink,to be honest,i dont think i would want to. Does that make me an Alcoholic?


No, you are not an alcoholic -- in fact, do you what an alcoholic cannot do, which is to have one drink a day, every day. An alcoholic could keep up that routine for a couple of days perhaps, but then he would move to a second beer that day, then a third, and then we're off to the races. Some alcoholics try to cut back by saying they'll drink only on the weekends, but before long the "weekend" is redefined to include every day of the week (except maybe Wednesdays ...). It's all or nothing.

Enjoy your beer!

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Is a drunk passing out news?

Yes sir because he was a tourist.

Bangkok is always loaded with tourists because almost nobody was born here but upcountry. Isn't that great!? Now we can charge them 10foulded prices when they come to the big apple.

But if the "tourist" was from Myanmar he would be called a worker.

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I think that anybody who likes a drink can be classed as an Alcoholic.But it all depends to what degree.I like a drink but it doesn't rule my life.I drink one bottle of beer a day.There are no bars where i live.I like the beer that i drink

You have no idea what alcoholism is.

An alcoholic has lost the power of choice in whether to take a drink or not.

A alcoholic can stop for 20 years then once he takes just one drink, he can't stop. In fact, the disease of alcoholism progresses even when not drinking, so he would be worse than he was 20 years previously.

Alcoholics lives are ruled, and ruined by alcohol.

Simple test if you are an alcoholic. Have one beer in the morning, then another at 3pm and then go to a bar and drink only soft drinks. If you can do this, you are NOT an alkie. It is IMPOSSIBLE for an alcoholic to do this - totally impossible.

Alcoholism is a disease, nobody chooses to be one. Also there are many heavy drinkers that drink say 10 beers every night who are not alcoholics.

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A bit off topic i know,but who was that snooker player,years ago who tried to get his lager(which he drank on screen) paid for on medical reason' because he said he was an addict?

I think that anybody who likes a drink can be classed as an Alcoholic.But it all depends to what degree.I like a drink but it doesn't rule my life.I drink one bottle of beer a day.There are no bars where i live.I like the beer that i drink.I gave up fags easily,but if my doctor told me that i had to give up the one beer i drink,to be honest,i dont think i would want to. Does that make me an Alcoholic?


doctor might not be happy but your dentist will be as beer is good for your teeth, "swings and roundabouts"

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