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Internet Explorer 7 Released Today


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Microsoft has released Internet Explorer 7 today, the latest version of the popular web browser which will be incorporated into Windows Vista. The new software claims to provide greater security from malware and phishing, plus has improved navigation features including tabbed browsing and RSS feed capabilities.

You can download Internet Explorer 7 from:


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I had been using IE 7 and it was much better than the older versions but still has some quirks. I am now using Firefox 2 and other than some sites still not opening, (Ipstar signal strength for one), it suits me just fine. I do have a problem in my desktop computer that does irritate me. If I don't open a new site from one that is already open with Foxfire, the page doesn't open full size. The Foxfire icon opens my homepage full size without any problem. The problem is with my desk top computer because my new laptop works just fine. I am able to open from "My Favorites" with no problems.

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Yes I hear using illegal software is stealing, and if you steal somebodies software, they have the right to protect themselfs.

If you like MS Windows, buy it, if you not like the term of the contract use something else.

Agreed, and I think the 99 baht deals for MS Windows that are offered here are quite reasonable.

Edited by sriracha john
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ive tried the beta version and not really impressed, imo Firefox is far better and it would take some convincing for me to go back to IE.

Firefox version 2 is even better.

where do u get it? just checked for updates and the release is still on 1.5?

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ive tried the beta version and not really impressed, imo Firefox is far better and it would take some convincing for me to go back to IE.

Firefox version 2 is even better.

where do u get it? just checked for updates and the release is still on 1.5?

See below. George was kind enough to put up the link;

Firefox 2.0 RC 3 Released

Release Notes: http://en-us.www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/2.0/releasenotes/

Download: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/bonecho/all-rc.html

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At best, this release of IE 7 should be considered a catch up action by Microsoft. they have put features on it that are familiar to all Firefox users.

The release of the new firefox puts the microsoft offering behind ince again, when they decide to get serious about producing a quality brower i'll switch back.


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the beta of IE 7 were not compatible with javascript. Does the problem is fixed?

Another point, up to IE 6, a <select> (dropdown) was considered as an active X, and by itwas almost impossible to use a DHTML menu that covered it ( I issued a way to do so, even if Microsoft agreed with and invited people to use it, they called it an ugly corner hack). So does this problem is fixed too?

What about the DOM? Does IE 7 follow the DOM, or is it another proprietary implentation?

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Last time I tried firefox I was hit with all kinds of adware and spam. My desktop was full of icons for net gambling and penis enlargement. Is this still happening? I'm reluctant to try it again after that

Where did you download it from? I have used firefox for several years and never had this problem. In fact, firefox is considered to be MORE secure than IE.

Make sure you always download from a safe source. www.Firefox.com

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I agree. I have not installed IE 7 yet, but had the betas for a while. I have not installed Firefox 2. I use 157 with the IE extension and it works wonders, for the most part. I hope the IE extension fixes its bugs, as it crashes the IE tab once in a while. Great program and recommend sending mozilla a donation for such great work.

ive tried the beta version and not really impressed, imo Firefox is far better and it would take some convincing for me to go back to IE.
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It will uninstall IE6. I downloaded the beta and just recently downloaded the full version last night. It's ok, but I don't think it's anything special. One thing I don't like is on IE6, my OE icon was at the top of the page. With IE7, it's no longer there. I have to minimize the page to click on the OE icon on my desktop.

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I'm dual-booting my computer into a Windows Vista Beta (RC1) version which includes IE7, and have a question to those of you using IE7 on a non-Vista setup:

When you are reading messages here on ThaiVisa.com, are you constantly being alerted to the need to install Flash?

On my setup in Vista, practically everytime I open a new tab to read a thread, I have to accept the request to install Flash. I've been assuming it's a quirk of Vista Beta, but was wondering if anybody experienced it with IE7 on non-Vista.

My traditional method to read forums (not just ThaiVisa) is to have the list of forum threads in one tab and then open threads in separate tabs.

Opera makes this SUPER easy: <ctrl+shift>+click on thread title opens the thread in a new tab in the background -- i.e. keeps the forum thread list on top so I can <ctrl+shift> and click, click, click, click on all of the thread titles that I want to read. I can be reading the first thread while the remaining ones finish downloading in the background. Very efficient. :o

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I guess I won't be downloading it. I'm using Windows 2000 Pro and it's not on their list of operating systems. I'm just wondering how long before bank/brokerage accounts will no longer accept my "old" web browsers and I'll be forced to buy a new computer.

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Secunia claims second IE7 flaw

Microsoft confirms there is an 'issue'

Just one week after claiming that users of Microsoft's Internet Explorer 7 browser could be at risk to an online attack, Danish security vendor Secunia ApS is reporting a new bug in the browser.

The bug allows hackers to place a fake Web address in one of the browser's pop-up Windows to trick a victim into inadvertently downloading something from what appears to be a trusted Web site. Secunia has described the flaw in an advisory.

Based on its initial investigation, Microsoft believes that there is "an issue," a spokesman at the company's public relations agency said in an e-mail.

While the full URL of the Web page being displayed is present in the pop-up Window's address bar, the left part of the URL is not initially displayed, the spokesman said.

That problem could allow an attacker to spoof a legitimate Web site, Secunia said.

Microsoft's confirmation may come as a relief to Secunia, which reported another problem in IE7 just hours after the browser was released. Microsoft said Secunia's report was "technically inaccurate," however, because the flaw lay in a component of Microsoft's Outlook Express e-mail client, which could be triggered by the browser. Microsoft's comment on the issue can be found here.

Neither of the bugs is considered to be critical. But coming so soon after IE7's launch, they are somewhat of an embarrassment to Microsoft, which has made much of its focus on delivering secure software.

Secunia was surprised that Microsoft called its first report erroneous, given that the flaw can be triggered only through the browser, said Thomas Kristensen, Secunia's chief technology officer.

"From a technical point of view, Microsoft might be right. But from a user's point of view or an administrator's point of view, it doesn't really matter. IE is the vector," he said. "It was probably unnecessary to go out and try to blame Outlook in that way."

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That time is coming soon. I was planning on putting new anti-virus software on my parent's computer the other day. It wouldn't accept it because they were running WIN 2000 and not XP. The processor on their computer and memory barely run 2000 as is and that is with an upgrade in RAM. There is no way they will be able to run XP. I had to get them an older version.

The computer I bought last year will become obsolete when Microsoft stops doing patches for XP. There was supposed to be a service pack 3 coming out, but now there is talk they will not do this because they want people to move to Vista. If I had to update my computer to run Vista, I would be better off buying something new that can run it because an upgrade would cost more than I bought this computer for.


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This post will probably get deleted but I will try anyway..........

I bought Microsoft Windows XP home edition. It worked fine up to SP2. Then it had all sorts of problems. I tried reformatting, reinstalling, and trying to reinstall SP2 but it would freeze up or give me the blue screen.

I felt Microsoft to not live up to their end of the agreement.

Anyone who has ever tried to get help from Microsoft knows the headaches involved with this.

Because of this, I feel no guilt in buying the 130 baht version of Windows Vista from Pantip Plaza. This is how I plan on getting a working version of IE7 as soon as the 130 baht version is released in Thailand.

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