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Sanders transforms into contender, still pitches revolution


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The only thing that woman is sincere about is becoming the first woman president. It isn't what she says in her speeches, she has copied Bernie as she and her staff are smart enough to realize they have to. She doesn't mean a word of it. She will move back to the right if she gets the nomination in her speeches and she will renege on her promises to the people as soon as in office. But, not to her Wall Street criminal/bankster friends. Why won't she release the text of her speeches to the Wall Street criminals and banksters, most of whom belong in prison. You can fool some of the people all the time, you can't fool all the people all the time. Her record speaks for itself. She is a bought and sold tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters. Instrumental in screwing over blacks in particular and minorities and the poor in general. A neocon/neoliberal war monger who sings a duet with McCain, bomb, bomb, bomb. Like Obama, center right, Republican Lite, Manchurian Candidate/President. No pills, just research. I'm highly allergic to anything that even smells of Republican. Believe me, hell will be completely frozen over before I vote for a Republican, never have, never will.

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Bernie collected a massive $44M in donations in March. Not from Superpacs or Wall Street or Fossil Fuel polluters or the Koch Bros et al but from an estimated 1.3M US citizens. Just amazing the support Bernie has. A true grass roots candidate powered by the American People. A true American Patriot if ever there was one.

Give em hell Bernie!

'Feel the Bern' - 'A Future to Believe In'

Yeah, at $27 per average donation. Here's what he's up against:


Those donations to the state party coffers is how she buys the superdelegates.

I wonder what you get for a $700,000 'donation'? It is just pure unadulterated corruption.

The Dems really don't have a choice. They have to engage in corruption because that is what Republicans do, Republicans sell their brand for cash. The Dems don't play ball then Corporate America and wealthy elite 1%'ers simply control the Nation in its entirety.

The American Political system is corrupted by 'donations / bribes', the Supreme Court is corrupted by political bias, essential services have been given over to Corporate greed, the Financial Sector is corrupted by greed and self interest, taxation system is so easily bypassed by Corporations with company inversions and offshore tax havens and tax avoidance, the Criminal Justice system is corrupted by private companies vying for profit.

What a mess America is in. I don't think it is fixable the corruption is so entrenched it is impossible to unravel.

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On this we have to agree to disagree. Yes Bernie's supporters believe in the main as he does and they believe he will do the best he can as president to get America back on the correct track. No, that isn't all. Most despise Hillary and everything she represents. They know that no matter what she "promises" as she moves from the right back toward the center she will renege as soon as she is in office. She is a conniving evil neocon/neoliberal bitch that will stop at nothing in her quest for power. She could give a damn less about the people in the US. Those are reasons that many of his supporters probably will not be able to bring themselves to vote for her, including myself. Her nomination will cost the Democrats the Senate although the Republican potential nominees are so far out in right field la la land she will probably still win the presidency. While Obama didn't try to get anything done, it won't matter what Hillary does, 4 more years of Republican traitorous obstruction.

Hence the protesters at one of her functions... "If she wins... We loose"

Of course these protesters were forced to leave immediately ... It's not just Republicans that make those who disagree with the candidate leave..

although to be fair...no punches to the head that have heard about ..

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On this we have to agree to disagree. Yes Bernie's supporters believe in the main as he does and they believe he will do the best he can as president to get America back on the correct track. No, that isn't all. Most despise Hillary and everything she represents. They know that no matter what she "promises" as she moves from the right back toward the center she will renege as soon as she is in office. She is a conniving evil neocon/neoliberal bitch that will stop at nothing in her quest for power. She could give a damn less about the people in the US. Those are reasons that many of his supporters probably will not be able to bring themselves to vote for her, including myself. Her nomination will cost the Democrats the Senate although the Republican potential nominees are so far out in right field la la land she will probably still win the presidency. While Obama didn't try to get anything done, it won't matter what Hillary does, 4 more years of Republican traitorous obstruction.

We agree on most things, but I can't agree with the sentences I enlarged above. I think you've been taking the pills that the Republican Attack Team have been distributing.

She's not evil, and she sincerely wants to help Americans fulfill their potential. Have you listened to any of her stump speeches? You don't have to like her as a person, but I think you can agree she knows the issues and can think on her feet. That's miles ahead of Trump the Angry Fwump. Personally, I like the idea of Sanders as POTUS, but would vote for HRC without hesitation if she's the Dem candidate.

I don't know if I would say she is 'Evil' with a capital E...

It is just a question of whether you believe what she says... Which I don't particularly believe she is speaking from the heart or true belief ..

To me it seems that she sees Bernie getting traction, so says 'me too'

Although fairly certain she will have excuses on why she can't actually do these things if elected... Probably just blame it on the Republicans

It is not that I don't think she wouldn't like to help people ... I think if all things being equal, she would like to help folks out...

But if ever a choice between her own personal wealth or betterment and helping the folks... Just don't expect her to put her self out too much or put aside any personal benefit if it would be necessary to help out others.

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Bernie collected a massive $44M in donations in March. Not from Superpacs or Wall Street or Fossil Fuel polluters or the Koch Bros et al but from an estimated 1.3M US citizens. Just amazing the support Bernie has. A true grass roots candidate powered by the American People. A true American Patriot if ever there was one.

Give em hell Bernie!

'Feel the Bern' - 'A Future to Believe In'

Yeah, at $27 per average donation. Here's what he's up against:


Those donations to the state party coffers is how she buys the superdelegates.

I wonder what you get for a $700,000 'donation'? It is just pure unadulterated corruption.

The Dems really don't have a choice. They have to engage in corruption because that is what Republicans do, Republicans sell their brand for cash. The Dems don't play ball then Corporate America and wealthy elite 1%'ers simply control the Nation in its entirety.

The American Political system is corrupted by 'donations / bribes', the Supreme Court is corrupted by political bias, essential services have been given over to Corporate greed, the Financial Sector is corrupted by greed and self interest, taxation system is so easily bypassed by Corporations with company inversions and offshore tax havens and tax avoidance, the Criminal Justice system is corrupted by private companies vying for profit.

What a mess America is in. I don't think it is fixable the corruption is so entrenched it is impossible to unravel.

Bernie doesn't ... So why does Hillary have too?

Why not fight to get money out of politics... Here nothing about this from the DNC.. Just Bernie (and Trump)

Seems to me the DNC and Hillary like things just the way they are.. They get big donations And control how the money is spent... So can then use this as a tool to control all on the Democratic side (read -- Super Delegates)

Dear Mr Dem Governor ... I don't care if Bernie cleaned up.. You vote for Hillary with your super delegate vote or the DNC may just support financially your opponent in the next primary election

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Bernie wins Wisconsin, feel the "Bern". Dept. Justice investigation into voter suppression in Arizona. Ahem, there should have been investigations started on most if not all "red" states long, long ago. Why is it I think the "kitchen sink" is going to be launched from the Hillary camp? There are already calls for and petitions demanding the resignation of Wasserman-Schultz and the elimination of super-delegates. The DNC stinks to high heaven. Yes, the Republican Party is in shambles as it deserves to be, but watch for the fight in the Democrat Party, it's coming and in actuality has already started. Go Bernie, Go. Go away Hillary, go away.

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What GREAT!!!! News Bernie takes Wisconsin.

If I ever said anything bad about Wisconsians I take it all back. Obviously intelligent voters who have the best interest of the American People at heart. Wonderful People.

Well done Bernie you little legend.

'Feel the Bern' Comrades

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Wisconsin has been devastated by the right wing Koch (John Birch Society) traitor brothers installed government. No surprise that Bernie could speak to the people, and no surprise Hillary couldn't. She was too busy doing bribes, oops fund raisers.

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Not at all. Don't confuse Left Wing Democrats with the loony Right Wing Republicans. Good candidates discussing the issues and speaking to an enlightened educated Left Wing electorate doesn't need or want racism or hatreds or bigotry and 'look at me mentality' to lift their profile.

An intelligent and educated enough electorate that knows Bernie is not advocating Socialism and that Sweden is not a Socialist Nation but a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy. What Bernie is quite correctly pointing out is how better the Swedish Health Care system is than the expensive burdensome worse outcome US Health Care System.

This thread tends to be for major steps in Bernie's candidacy. New York is the next big obstacle for Bernie.

A few mistakes made by Bernie in the lead up. Attacking Hillary on personal grounds. That kind of childish behaviour best left to Republicans.

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Not at all. Don't confuse Left Wing Democrats with the loony Right Wing Republicans. Good candidates discussing the issues and speaking to an enlightened educated Left Wing electorate doesn't need or want racism or hatreds or bigotry and 'look at me mentality' to lift their profile.

An intelligent and educated enough electorate that knows Bernie is not advocating Socialism and that Sweden is not a Socialist Nation but a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy. What Bernie is quite correctly pointing out is how better the Swedish Health Care system is than the expensive burdensome worse outcome US Health Care System.

This thread tends to be for major steps in Bernie's candidacy. New York is the next big obstacle for Bernie.

A few mistakes made by Bernie in the lead up. Attacking Hillary on personal grounds. That kind of childish behaviour best left to Republicans.

Rather than addressing the points the economist made about Sweden's decline as direct result of big government and wanting to be everything for everyone you move back to the liberal stock in trade - the evilness of republicans.

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Not at all. Don't confuse Left Wing Democrats with the loony Right Wing Republicans. Good candidates discussing the issues and speaking to an enlightened educated Left Wing electorate doesn't need or want racism or hatreds or bigotry and 'look at me mentality' to lift their profile.

An intelligent and educated enough electorate that knows Bernie is not advocating Socialism and that Sweden is not a Socialist Nation but a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy. What Bernie is quite correctly pointing out is how better the Swedish Health Care system is than the expensive burdensome worse outcome US Health Care System.

This thread tends to be for major steps in Bernie's candidacy. New York is the next big obstacle for Bernie.

A few mistakes made by Bernie in the lead up. Attacking Hillary on personal grounds. That kind of childish behaviour best left to Republicans.

Rather than addressing the points the economist made about Sweden's decline as direct result of big government and wanting to be everything for everyone you move back to the liberal stock in trade - the evilness of republicans.

If I have to correct a title of an article I am pretty sure there is little to no point in actually reading the body of the article. I think your article will do well if published in the RedNeck Gazette Mississippi but unfortunately for you Left Wing progressives are a little more educated and sophisticated.

Bernie is not advocating Socialism and Sweden is not a Socialist Nation.

Mice try though.

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I have a hard time imagining Donald Trump being the president of the USA. He seems more suited to being a promoter for gambling destinations IMHO. What he said about Carly Fiorina on a national stage was personally the worst thing I've ever hear a US public figure say, EVER. And for the record i was and am no fan of the lady.

But Mr Trump he does have an established business record that shines brightly. While some may snicker at the source, the facts behind it remain valid and provable.

Take a look see..


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courtesy like respect is earned. I haven't met a right winger yet deserving of any. I never was into that "peace, love, dope and good vibes" crap anyway.

How completely wrong you are. Courtesy is given to everybody simply because it is the right thing to do.

Like everything you approach, your attitude about it is backwards.

It is obvious in your posts you have little respect for others. You have led a very sad life if you have never provided courtesy to a stranger, which is exactly what you just posted.

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Wrong again, as always and the typical right wing attack method, attack the person because you have no logical argument. You know nothing about me, what I have or have not done and believe me I've done much more for my country than you have. Don't change the subject, oh well never mind, belay that, that is all your ilk do when they can't possibly win on truth and logic.

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Wrong again, as always and the typical right wing attack method, attack the person because you have no logical argument. You know nothing about me, what I have or have not done and believe me I've done much more for my country than you have. Don't change the subject, oh well never mind, belay that, that is all your ilk do when they can't possibly win on truth and logic.

We have no right to judge you because we don't know you, but, by the way, you have done much more for your country than the rest of us. How would you know that?

That sounds a bit judgmental to me, but what do I know, arguing with the guy who seems to be convinced that he is absolutely the smartest guy in the crowd.

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below is an excerpt from an ActBlue Democratic mailer-email I just rec'd. . . . .

"Republicans are facing down a contested convention, a throwback to another era of backroom politics, during which party insiders would have to re-vote, trade allegiances, and emerge with a winner. And, predictably, it's already getting ugly. Roger Stone, a close Trump ally and self-described "hitman," is threatening to publicize the hotel room information of any delegate who switches away from Trump, presumably so Trump fans can show up at their doorsteps demanding answers.

Stone is calling it the "days of rage," and it's just a taste of the thuggishness we're going to see from campaigns — and from the mega-donors who'd like to see a moderate like Paul Ryan in the race."

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I have a hard time imagining Donald Trump being the president of the USA. He seems more suited to being a promoter for gambling destinations IMHO. What he said about Carly Fiorina on a national stage was personally the worst thing I've ever hear a US public figure say, EVER. And for the record i was and am no fan of the lady.

But Mr Trump he does have an established business record that shines brightly. While some may snicker at the source, the facts behind it remain valid and provable. Take a look see. http://gawker.com/a-complete-list-of-donald-trump-s-business-disasters-1764151188

Even as a promoter for casinos he's not necessarily a winner. His own dad had to give him $1 million in cash to keep his casino afloat. Why was it tanking? I don't know details, but it was probably because Trump is a lousy manager and/or he makes bad business decisions. I don't know if it's the same casino, but one of his casinos in Atlantic City went belly-up. Is that the sign of a successful businessman?

A bright shining business record? Did you see the table of Trump products he showcased (set up on the stage) at his Florida victory session? I think every product was a sham in one way or another. Trump claims he's worth $10 billion, but how much of that is him inflating the value of the Trump brand name? I just read a report on NPR which showed the Trump brand, across the board, has been losing value as we speak. I wouldn't be surprised if many of the businesspeople who are franchising his name, ...decide to save money, and pick another name. That could nudge his actual net-worth down to under a billion buckaroos. Here's a name they could lease for free: FWUMP.

Ok, I looked at the link at gawker.com and I see whatcharacters was joking. Here's an excerpt from that URL:

"Trump’s purported lack of business acumen has been a major sticking point recently, with Marco Rubio (may he rest in peace) even calling Trump out for his shoddy record: “I mean this is a guy that’s taken Trump airlines bankrupt, Trump vodka, nobody wanted it, Trump mortgage, was a disaster, Trump university was a fraud.” Rubio’s right—but he’s also barely scratched the surface."

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Paul Ryan is anything but a moderate. There are NO Republican moderates, all right wing wackos out to destroy what remains of America. Like your Social Security, Medicare (we don't get here), Paul Ryan wants to take it away from you, along with anything else he can give to the corporations and plutocrats. American politics have moved so far to the right Dwight Eisenhower couldn't even run on the Democrat ticket today, forget the wacko Republican ticket. Oh, hey there spoke, not the smartest but damn sure smarter than the right wing. I even know right from wrong and the right is always wrong. And the right wing tactics continue, attack the person, same 'ol, same 'ol.

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Paul Ryan is anything but a moderate. There are NO Republican moderates, all right wing wackos out to destroy what remains of America. Like your Social Security, Medicare (we don't get here), Paul Ryan wants to take it away from you, along with anything else he can give to the corporations and plutocrats. American politics have moved so far to the right Dwight Eisenhower couldn't even run on the Democrat ticket today, forget the wacko Republican ticket. Oh, hey there spoke, not the smartest but damn sure smarter than the right wing. I even know right from wrong and the right is always wrong. And the right wing tactics continue, attack the person, same 'ol, same 'ol.

Clinton, Sanders, Trump, Cruz - there are no moderates in this presidential election cycle.

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I have a hard time imagining Donald Trump being the president of the USA. He seems more suited to being a promoter for gambling destinations IMHO. What he said about Carly Fiorina on a national stage was personally the worst thing I've ever hear a US public figure say, EVER. And for the record i was and am no fan of the lady.

But Mr Trump he does have an established business record that shines brightly. While some may snicker at the source, the facts behind it remain valid and provable. Take a look see. http://gawker.com/a-complete-list-of-donald-trump-s-business-disasters-1764151188

Even as a promoter for casinos he's not necessarily a winner. His own dad had to give him $1 million in cash to keep his casino afloat. Why was it tanking? I don't know details, but it was probably because Trump is a lousy manager and/or he makes bad business decisions. I don't know if it's the same casino, but one of his casinos in Atlantic City went belly-up. Is that the sign of a successful businessman?

A bright shining business record? Did you see the table of Trump products he showcased (set up on the stage) at his Florida victory session? I think every product was a sham in one way or another. Trump claims he's worth $10 billion, but how much of that is him inflating the value of the Trump brand name? I just read a report on NPR which showed the Trump brand, across the board, has been losing value as we speak. I wouldn't be surprised if many of the businesspeople who are franchising his name, ...decide to save money, and pick another name. That could nudge his actual net-worth down to under a billion buckaroos. Here's a name they could lease for free: FWUMP.

Ok, I looked at the link at gawker.com and I see whatcharacters was joking. Here's an excerpt from that URL:

"Trump’s purported lack of business acumen has been a major sticking point recently, with Marco Rubio (may he rest in peace) even calling Trump out for his shoddy record: “I mean this is a guy that’s taken Trump airlines bankrupt, Trump vodka, nobody wanted it, Trump mortgage, was a disaster, Trump university was a fraud.” Rubio’s right—but he’s also barely scratched the surface."

As someone with extensive sales training from my days in the real estate biz. The first thing you are told is that, unless you are planing to find a niche and farm a particular community sector, Refrain from exhibiting political and religious signs as not to alienate a part of your market.

Trump has managed to alienate a very large part of his market. I wonder how many liberal, activist investors,would want to invest in the Trump brand now? Not to mention the 72% of the women who hate him. I think he got cough in the moment, and the adulation and committed the cardinal sin in business.

His Brand will certainly take a big hit.

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What amazes me is Bernie has always been on the right side of history. The current 'Panama Papers' revelation really is of no news to Bernie. He had this little racket sussed out 5 years ago.

It must be frustrating to have to sit in Congress as an insider and see this type of systemic corruption going on and be totally powerless to address it.

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Has that rumpled old toad Sanders figured out how to give out Free Stuff yet?


Did y'all see where in Venezuela they are banning hair dryers as they're running out of electricity as well as toilet paper?

Socialism: Great form of government until you run out of other peoples money, eh?

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What amazes me is Bernie has always been on the right side of history. The current 'Panama Papers' revelation really is of no news to Bernie. He had this little racket sussed out 5 years ago.

It must be frustrating to have to sit in Congress as an insider and see this type of systemic corruption going on and be totally powerless to address it.

That's what happens when you act upon principles instead of being a virtual proxy for your wealthy donors and pandering to voters.

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Has that rumpled old toad Sanders figured out how to give out Free Stuff yet?


Did y'all see where in Venezuela they are banning hair dryers as they're running out of electricity as well as toilet paper?

Socialism: Great form of government until you run out of other peoples money, eh?

Great system of government until the price of oil plummets, and you have foolishly overly depended upon its profits. Did you display the same kind of cartoon but with a capitalist Pied Piper when Lehman Bros., et al., collapsed?

Are you really still mesmerized by the Pied Piper of Cold War rhetoric? The world is filled with countries, including the USA, that have their own hybrids of socialism and capitalism. It's not about which system, per se, is better. It's about which industries to socialize, how much of a free market there should be, and how much (and how well) businesses should be regulated.

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