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We just had 3BB connected yesterday and we are paying for the 30Mbps/3Mbps 1200baht a month.

I told the guy that I wanted the port in the lounge room and asked if he could run another LAN cable around to the side of the house where my office is. I knew that I would have to probably pay a tip for this.

He ended up saying that I needed 30m of cable and that the total extra cost would be 1000 baht. I said ok.

I had a look at the cable and it was 2nd hand for sure. By the time I looked it was too late. Does anyone know if having 2nd hand LAN cable can compromise the speed?

I used www.testmy.net to check the speed after I plugged in the LAN to my MBPro.

The results were:

Download :: 4.1 Mbps 518 kB/s arrow-up-doubleM.png Upload :: 1.5 Mbps

I showed him these results and he said no, use the 3bb test site:


the results were:

download 34.96 and upload 2.17

He said that the 3bb site is more reliable because it connects to the 3bb server. Is this B.S?

Can any techie minded members please give their opinion on this situation.



It depends upon which server the speed test is connected to. With most speed test websites you can change the server it connects to,

I use the Ookla site ( http://www.speedtest.net/?test-2 ) and change servers to get different results. When I first do a test it connects to Vientiane which gives a lower test than if I connect to a server in Bangkok.

I have 50/5 service from true and get 36 mbps when connected to Vientiane and about 60 mbps when testing to Bangkok.


testmy.net shows international speed, since none of the servers offered are in Thailand, I think HK is the default.

Also, ISPs can't falsify the results on testmy.net, whereas they can on the Ookla ones (3BB uses Ookla as well)

testmy.net is showing accurate international speed.

Wouldn't be too fussed about it though, the 30/3 is only for Thai traffic, it is not guaranteed for international traffic at all, and what you have is pretty normal in my experience.


"Does anyone know if having 2nd hand LAN cable can compromise the speed?"

Absolutely. You don't say whether it's Ethernet or coax, but if either is kinked or stretched it will matter. For instance Ethernet cable has twisted pairs of wires with each pair having a different twist rate. This helps eliminate cross-talk which could slow you way down between the pairs.

Coax is pretty exacting and of course shielded and any bruising can upset the distance pattern and/or the shielding that's relied on for clean signals.

In the picture below you can actually see that the twist rate is different in each pair of wires. You can also see that they are double insulated. Can't have an upset in any of that anywhere along the wire.



testmy.net shows international speed, since none of the servers offered are in Thailand, I think HK is the default.

Also, ISPs can't falsify the results on testmy.net, whereas they can on the Ookla ones (3BB uses Ookla as well)

testmy.net is showing accurate international speed.

Wouldn't be too fussed about it though, the 30/3 is only for Thai traffic, it is not guaranteed for international traffic at all, and what you have is pretty normal in my experience.

A lot of sites cache their files which is why they are not accurate. testmy.net is accurate. I highly question the accuracy of regular tests done here in tland.


Speed tests within Thailand almost always show full advertised speed. This would be wonderful if Thailand were the center of the universe but sadly most of us use internet for access abroad and that's where the system fails.


2nd hand ethernet/LAN cable won't comprise the speed in your case since you are only dealing with a speed of 30Mb.

A speed test to an in-Thailand server such as the 3BB speedtester or a speedtest.net in-Thailand server should always give you at least the advertised speed you are paying for otherwise you have a physical line/local problem. Also keep in mind the 3BB and speedtest.net speed testers are OOKLA/flash based speed tester which can be easily fooled on download speed and ping times (faster than light results) when testing to international servers due primarily to local cache/hidden servers.

However, speed testers like testmy.net (which I think defaults to Dallas Texas but you can change that) are not fooled by such cache servers and you are also testing to international servers/servers outside of Thailand. So, you must go through your internet providers "international" gateway....and if they don't buy enough international bandwidth (bandwidth costs money) your speed is knocked way down. I don't know of any Thai internet provider that offers full speed through their international gateways unless maybe you have a premium/business account.

Even with a fiber to home connection, that is only the "last mile" to your residence so to speak of your connection to the world. Just because you have fiber doesn't mean you will get super speed to everywhere....in fact, the speed to everywhere would probably be no better than an ADSL connection up to a certain speed. It's more than the last mile that determines how fast your internet plan is; it's the internet providers whole network, how much international bandwidth he buys/allows, etc.

I have a True 15Mb/1.5Mb DOCSIS (cable) plan...I get around 22Mb/1.7Mb when testing to servers in-Thailand. When using testmy.net to Singapore and Dallas at 9:30pm I got 8Mb/1.6Mb and 0.9M/1.3Mb, respectively. Normally my speed to Dallas is around 2.5Mb but it really slow right now---maybe it's just a Dallas area thing.

From your description, it sounds like your setup is working just fine. It's just your eyes have been opened a little regarding actual speed to international servers/websites due to bandwidth limitation at the internet provider's international gateway.


When I test to the Hong Kong server on speedtest.com I get about 30/3 give or take.. When I use testmy.net it's usually about half that. I have the 3BB Fiber, mine is 1 of 4 fiber connections available in my Moo Baan. Everyone else is on standard 3bb or TOT.

Mine was initially lower but we complained a few times and it got better.. Now it's lovely and stable!

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