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Trimix Gel Erectile - no more injections? Feedback and Update


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Feedback and Update - Well, gang, 28 guys have PM me and asked about the new no-injection erectile gel. 3 guys also reported back having purchased the concentrate, and 3 the gel. My buddy gave ME a bottle of the concentrate.

My aim in life is helping people have a better life through knowledge, so to me it is fun to learn about this product and see lives change. If you are a guy... well, you know that erectile problems are horrible. Injections saved my buddy from suicide, so... hey, to you 28 guys and anyone else who PM me, I am here for you.

Feedback so far is IT WORKS! Mostly. My buddy is immune to it and must have injections of Papaverine, the predecessor of Prostaglandin E1. Everyone else enjoys 45 minute to 3 hour erections depending on how much they use, and the concentrate seems to work better using less, so price wise is a much better value (can be added to a lubricant of your choosing if you prefer gel for that function.)

Both gel and concentrate are latex condom safe. I tested this by literally soaking one in my bottle overnight then using it for 3 hours. Poor, sore, happy gf =)

Note that the original Trimix topical (not available in Asia) is not really Trimix at all. It has micrograms of Papaverine and Phentolamine which is not enough to do anything as an injectable, so as a topical which by the 25x rule (IE need 25 times more medicine in a transdermal, non-injection) the P&P are only there to "legitimately" call it Trimix. The company that sells the gel and concentrate don't try to hide anything - it is a pure E1 product with 10 year shelf life, no refrigeration, and maximum dosage so a 10-dose bottle will for a light-weight like me be about 60 doses that I can use 2x a day for 3 hour erections. Shorter time erections? I can get an hour from 0.1ml so... 10ml bottle I could by math get 100 uses. Not bad for 5136 baht with VAT. Response to my inquiries were that prices will rise soon to reflect standard retail prices instead of the promotional price. All who inquired said they were offered buy 3 one free of concentrate and buy 2 get 20% off.

Payment feedback: Everyone was at first confused about Bitcoins, the 7 year old digital currency. Few of us codgers have Bitcoins. Yes, Bitcoin is now backed by major banks and one bank in San Francisco is FDIC US government insured. In Thailand there are many, many ways to pay bitcoin from ATM, CDM, online banking, in bank branch, or PayPal or even credit card. Just ask your sales rep or Google search. I also am a bitcoin service provider and can transfer funds for you to any bitcoin account in the world instantly from your Bangkok Bank deposit to my account (full disclosure, I made a deal with this company that they will pay my fees for the transfer of your baht to Germany, but I am not affiliated with the company and I do not endorse them or their product, I just report what I am learning from you guys, my own experience, and I transfer bitcoins for anybody anywhere.)

Customer Service foodback: Emails are returned quickly, but in order of receipt and rhe company is choking on requests trying to staff up. Be patient, it could be a few hours, they work normal Germany hours, and for ASEA market ship from Bangkok via EMS so you will likely get your package the next day.

Any questions? I will be happy to answer as I can any PM here or if it isn't about how to contact the company, which forum rules say I can't post, we can answer here in this thread. I don't care if you use my Bitcoin service or not. I don't do this for money, I just love people.


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gigglem.gif ... geeeeeezzee .. I just get a rock on and we do !!

Cool. Sadly, a lot of guys have had surgeries, heart disease, and other complications that natural erections are not possible and even PDE-5 inhibitors like Cialis do not work. Until now, they had to inject the penis!

To guys with erectile problems, a many-BILLION Euro industry, this news is life altering, and pardon the pun, HUGE!!!

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I don't have any problems at the moment - but who knows what the future might bring.

I think it is a good thing that the subject can be discussed in an adult manner without the sniggering. I can easily believe that erectile disfunction is the cause of many domestic problems - even suicides.

Whether or not you (OP) are making any money from the product, I hope that you continue to provide this sort of information.

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I don't have any problems at the moment - but who knows what the future might bring.

I think it is a good thing that the subject can be discussed in an adult manner without the sniggering. I can easily believe that erectile disfunction is the cause of many domestic problems - even suicides.

Whether or not you (OP) are making any money from the product, I hope that you continue to provide this sort of information.

Thanks. I always will. Male health is a passion of mine. FYI even without ED, this is a fun product. A squirt in the urethra and rub the dribbles on the glans then go to town for hours without worrying about going soft.

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Research on the internet suggests caution should be applied here.There appear to be no neutral reviews. The OP resembles a number of other promotional posts with lots of hearsay and no data. Trimix Gel is not FDA approved and the Trimix Gel site has all sorts of disclaimers on all and any implied performance statements. If the active ingredents have a shelf life of 6 months and need to be refrigerated how is it possible that this product lasts 10 years unrefrigerated etc, etc.

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Research on the internet suggests caution should be applied here.There appear to be no neutral reviews. The OP resembles a number of other promotional posts with lots of hearsay and no data. Trimix Gel is not FDA approved and the Trimix Gel site has all sorts of disclaimers on all and any implied performance statements. If the active ingredents have a shelf life of 6 months and need to be refrigerated how is it possible that this product lasts 10 years unrefrigerated etc, etc.

Correct! Prostaglandin E1, the active ingredient, is FDA approved, individual products, all of them inclusive, are not.

Thank you for bringing this up so we can be more informed. I will attempt to answer your questions based on my medical, law, and scientific knowledge, but ask the company for any details as I am not their employee or even affiliated except I offered to transfer Baht to Bitcoins for them.

Caution should be applied in all medicines, please be informed. Read about side effects, drug interactions with other medicines and health conditions that you have, etc. Ideally, see a doctor for a prescription and PGE1 injection test. I can point you to Web sites that let you enter your medications to check for interactions, and other sites to read about PGE1, Trimix, etc.

Promotional? No. Just reporting what I know. Not endorsing the product. It works for me. It does not work for my buddy who must use Papaverine which is poorly active transdermally and must be injected, but that kept him from suicide. Not sure how to be more neutral than what I wrote before and now.

Transdermal (gel and concentrate now, urethral pelets branded Muse and soon generic from this company, and future creams) is WAY better than injecting your penis. Injections are also not FDA approved and never have been, but are sold by pharmacies, compounders, and doctors world wide.

The active ingredient is a protein. It is ultra-freeze-dried. Once it contacts water, it begins to decay. Since concentrate and gel are waterless, as with the so-called "Trimix For Travel" brand that is not really Trimix, it requires no refrigeration and has a minimum shelf life of 10 years under 30c. Trimix Gel says a short life to keep volume pricing down and charge more as well as support doctors (notice the site is very clear that the doctor sets the price, not them.)

Does it work for everyone? Nope. See other statements. Is it way more potent than Trimix Gel? Yup - especially the concentrate which is 100% transdermal agent and E1.



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I tried it , It was like putting drain cleaner in your dick and took 20 mins for the pain to subside Less than impressed and dont recommend even my worst enemy to try this. no sign of erection even while massaging to relieve the pain which went right down to my nuts..

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I tried it , It was like putting drain cleaner in your dick and took 20 mins for the pain to subside Less than impressed and dont recommend even my worst enemy to try this. no sign of erection even while massaging to relieve the pain which went right down to my nuts..

Yes, that is the typical Prostaglandin E1 feeling of the skin stretching as capilaries close to create an erection. As all Web sites about E1 state, the most common complaint of E1 is that feeling, but men that have no other option grow accustomed to it. Some people experience it as a burning sensation, some like me it feels the same as very strong erection where the skin is stretching. Note that aloe vera is the quick way to relieve any external or internal burning for those sensitive to the transdermal agents.

Sorry to hear about your sensitivity. Sounds like if oral meds will not work and PGE1 is too strong for you, your only option is Papaverine.

Thanks for feedback! Note to all: As with any medicine, get informed first and preferably see a doctor first. In the case of erectile injections or transdermal preferably see a doctor for Prostaglandin test unless you already know if it works for you or not. One person reported back that he looked up his other medicines online for interactions and found that those cancel out the effect of prostaglandin.

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  • 5 months later...

I am living in Cambodia and was getting my prescription from Bali, can your provider  supply the powder form that can be shipped internationally and add the liquid for use where it arrives? need powder for or liquid if no refrigeration have ben using successfully for 4 year and I can really use your assistance. i found this other place in Florida attached the file


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