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2 robblok.

My statement is that a plate of pasta is unhealthy if you fat and therefore the video is a fail.


You don't get it? 200g of pasta will do about the same to you that 0.5l of Cola product.


What's unhealthy for "Fat People" is less the percentage of the different macro nutriments they eat than the quantity they eat.

For pasta ... 200g is not the right portion ... more like 70/80g ... and then you need to think about what you eat with the pasta and the sauce.

The online course focus is on the importance of cooking, so you can control your intake and make healthier choice.

You are free to believe that "Carbs are evil", just open a new thread on the forum, or if you want I can open it for you.

Studies have shown that for weight loss, it does not really matter what type of diet you adopt, as long as you reduce your calorie intake.

But let's have this discussion on this new thread. Thank you.

Yep a normal amount of pasta would be around 70 / 80 grams dry weight (before cooking) Massive amounts of carbs are never good. I usually take 60-70 grams of oats or musli.. seldom go over that. Combine this of course with healthy fats and proteins.

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If not because of reduced insulin, how then does a lower-carb diet really work for weight loss? Professor of regulation of food intake Margriet Westerterp-Plantenga, Ph.D., of Maastricht University Medical Centre, suggests that the reason low-carb works has nothing to do with carbohydrates at all, but everything to do with protein and its role on energy balance.

In a review paper last year, Westerterp-Plantega (along with colleagues Sofie Lemmens and Klaas Westerterp) wrote that controlled trials have shown that the answer is that it is the relatively higher protein of the diets including Atkins, South Beach Diet, Paleo, etc., and not the relatively lower carbohydrate content that has led to the success of these approaches for weight loss. The reason is that dietary protein acts on three “metabolic targets”: it increases satiety, stimulates energy expenditure, and spares fat-free muscle (helping to maintain resting energy expenditure).

So here you have it its the protein that does it.. why because it makes you feel full faster a thing many people already know. But if you take a low carb diet and a normal carb diet with high protein and both give them the same amount of calories there will be no difference in weight loss.

That is my point, that low carb is not magical and just like all other diets works by restricting how much you eat and that you could eat higher in carbs and have the same results as long as you keep the same amount of calories as low carb.


Yep a normal amount of pasta would be around 70 / 80 grams dry weight (before cooking) Massive amounts of carbs are never good. I usually take 60-70 grams of oats or musli.. seldom go over that. Combine this of course with healthy fats and proteins.

Noraml aount of DRY past is 70-80g which becomes 200g of cooked. Google "pasta nutrition" and you will see a drop box where you can choose the options.

So 70-80g would become 200g and would have 52 grams of carbs which equates to 13 spoons of sugar.

As I said before and saying again you personally can eat those carbs because of your exercises and your empty glycogen storage.

As soon you stop exercises you will immediately gain weight and you do know that.

In my case I have a stable weight without exercises.

And you don't need to restrict yourself. My girlfriend is on different type of diet because she had a cancer in the past.

She consumes around 4000 calories that come mostly from fat.

She is 175cm and 54kg. And absolutely stable weight!

If not because of reduced insulin, how then does a lower-carb diet really work for weight loss? Professor of regulation of food intake Margriet Westerterp-Plantenga, Ph.D., of Maastricht University Medical Centre, suggests that the reason low-carb works has nothing to do with carbohydrates at all, but everything to do with protein and its role on energy balance.

Do you grasp of what are you saying? Are you trying to disprove of what I am saying at all?

Consider this image.


I am saying that this is an image is of a black square.

You are pulling the articles saying that this is not a black square but in fact it's a square that lacks any light colors.

And later on you are pulling the article that says that in fact it's not a square but it's a rectangle with equal sides.

Of course if you lower the carbs in your diet either fat or protein will be prevalent. That is a common sense!

What does that mean Low-Carb diet?

1. To consume enough carbs for your brain but not more than that. (For average person it's around 120g of carbs per day could be more or less)

2. To not raise your blood sugar. (For average person it's about 25g)

That plate of pasta takes you over the rule number 2.

The muesli that you eat are more unhealthy than a pasta from example and closer to cola:

60 grams of total carbs and 25 of them is a pure sugar.


You might actually be on a LowCarb diet without knowing it according to a rule 1.

Can you post your meals for the day for me to calculate. Thanks.


I am moderate in my carbs, I never go extremely high in carbs as I know that real high carbs are bad even for me with my regular exercise.

You still don't get my point, Ill ask you the question straight then so there is no confusion.

Do you think that if you take a balanced diet of 2000 cals or low carb at 2000 cals there is any significant difference in weight loss or weight gain.

Do you believe that how much you eat does not count anymore once you are low carb.

My views

- low carb is fine but not needed and works on basis of caloric reduction no magic formula the nutrients in the blood need to be burned before you can loose weight

- balanced diets work as good as low carb for normal people its about the amount of food.. (if both low carb and balanced are based on a healthy diet)

I just have problems with people who believe the old energy in and out does not count anymore and that they can eat as much as they want on low carb (even if say 5000cals a day) and nothing will happen.


I am moderate in my carbs, I never go extremely high in carbs as I know that real high carbs are bad even for me with my regular exercise.

You still don't get my point, Ill ask you the question straight then so there is no confusion.

Do you think that if you take a balanced diet of 2000 cals or low carb at 2000 cals there is any significant difference in weight loss or weight gain.

Do you believe that how much you eat does not count anymore once you are low carb.

My views

- low carb is fine but not needed and works on basis of caloric reduction no magic formula the nutrients in the blood need to be burned before you can loose weight

- balanced diets work as good as low carb for normal people its about the amount of food.. (if both low carb and balanced are based on a healthy diet)

I just have problems with people who believe the old energy in and out does not count anymore and that they can eat as much as they want on low carb (even if say 5000cals a day) and nothing will happen.

There are several problems with definitions for different people "balance" means different.

What is the balanced diet? I am not sure.

What I am really against is restrictions from psychological and mathematical standpoints.

When you restrict something you are torturing yourself and usually in people's mind restriction diet means something temporary but should be permanent.

It should be a way of eating and not "temporary".

From math point of view. Let's say person was eating 4000calories with and 40% of it was from calories.

Now you restrict them to 3000calories and the ratio stays the same(because there's no explanation of quality of food).

Before he was eating 1600cal from carbs. And after he is eating 1200cal which is still too much.

His insulin level is still high and his fat cells are not releasing anything.

And person is still hungry in between meals. Now you will convince him that it's all about "will". But in fact person is following what his body is saying him.

"I'm hungry!!!" And fat cells are locked because of the insulin and guess what? Cells need to eat! And body starts to break down muscles and internal organs just to get by.

After some time persons body could adapt and tap the fat cells.

Or not if genetically his body is programmed to produce insulin even with small intakes of carbs.

And also loss of muscles, damage to organs and overall shitty self-feeling.

What if persons diet was 80% made of carbs? You will have to lower it to the floor! And it's unsustainable!

Do you think that if you take a balanced diet of 2000 cals or low carb at 2000 cals there is any significant difference in weight loss or weight gain.

I cannot answer the question unless you define "balanced diet".

Do you believe that how much you eat does not count anymore once you are low carb.

It does. You should be eating your minimum depending on how you feel and your lifestyle.

Is there a maximum? It is only up to a person to decide but you definitely can't put a quantified limit on it.

If person wants he or she can eat 4 000cal easily. But it will be hard because protein and fat trigger satiation.

I just have problems with people who believe the old energy in and out does not count anymore and that they can eat as much as they want on low carb (even if say 5000cals a day) and nothing will happen.

I thought you had a problem with my pasta = fail equation :D

As I said my gf is on ketogenic diet that one is not a low-carb it's min-carb and she eats 4000cal a day it is expensive and hard to maintain but it will not make you fat. You can check youtube "Stephen Person" videos.

The bottom line:

Word "restriction" is bad.

Low-carb is sooo much easier to do and to maintain without any harm to your body.

I am moderate in my carbs

What does that mean in total grams per day?


I think we are mainly agreeing.. though we might differ a bit what a healthy amount of carbs is. I thought (mistakenly) that you were one of those people who thought they could eat unlimited calories on a low carb diet because there was no insulin so no way to gain weight.

I have no exact idea about my carb intake but probably higher as you like. But I do have a six pack and a bodyfat around 10% and quite some muscles too. So it seems to work for me . I am not scared of carbs and I tried real low carb and even KETO for me that was just not sustainable and the hunger did not go away.

I believe different methods work for different people, I only go against low carb who seem to think its the only way and that the whole amount of food does not matter anymore.

I did start of fat and lost 25 kg my way, kept it off more then 5 years and in those 5 years added quite a bit of muscle.


I think we are mainly agreeing.. though we might differ a bit what a healthy amount of carbs is. I thought (mistakenly) that you were one of those people who thought they could eat unlimited calories on a low carb diet because there was no insulin so no way to gain weight.

I have no exact idea about my carb intake but probably higher as you like. But I do have a six pack and a bodyfat around 10% and quite some muscles too. So it seems to work for me . I am not scared of carbs and I tried real low carb and even KETO for me that was just not sustainable and the hunger did not go away.

I believe different methods work for different people, I only go against low carb who seem to think its the only way and that the whole amount of food does not matter anymore.

I did start of fat and lost 25 kg my way, kept it off more then 5 years and in those 5 years added quite a bit of muscle.

Good for you!

Wow Keto didn't take a hunger of you. That's strange. Most likely you were on Atkins diet with a lot of proteins instead of a lot of fats.

CocaCola company was asked: "Do they think that Cola is unhealthy product?"

They answered: "If used in moderation it does not harm at all."

Thar is true. Same true goes for pasta plate.

You would not ever advertise to moderately drink Cola when person wants to lose weight, right?

But you would say it is ok to eat pasta. In fact they are almost equal.

If you can manage to not gain weight and eat pasta is great!

But don't say it's healthy and is ok to eat ColaPastas to people who really need help!


I think we are mainly agreeing.. though we might differ a bit what a healthy amount of carbs is. I thought (mistakenly) that you were one of those people who thought they could eat unlimited calories on a low carb diet because there was no insulin so no way to gain weight.

I have no exact idea about my carb intake but probably higher as you like. But I do have a six pack and a bodyfat around 10% and quite some muscles too. So it seems to work for me . I am not scared of carbs and I tried real low carb and even KETO for me that was just not sustainable and the hunger did not go away.

I believe different methods work for different people, I only go against low carb who seem to think its the only way and that the whole amount of food does not matter anymore.

I did start of fat and lost 25 kg my way, kept it off more then 5 years and in those 5 years added quite a bit of muscle.

Good for you!

Wow Keto didn't take a hunger of you. That's strange. Most likely you were on Atkins diet with a lot of proteins instead of a lot of fats.

CocaCola company was asked: "Do they think that Cola is unhealthy product?"

They answered: "If used in moderation it does not harm at all."

Thar is true. Same true goes for pasta plate.

You would not ever advertise to moderately drink Cola when person wants to lose weight, right?

But you would say it is ok to eat pasta. In fact they are almost equal.

If you can manage to not gain weight and eat pasta is great!

But don't say it's healthy and is ok to eat ColaPastas to people who really need help!

I would not tell anyone who is insulin resistant to go high in carbs, pasta included. People who are overweight and not insulin resistant can handle carbs quite good. (easy to find out with a blood glucose meter) When I was fat and more insulin resistant I used that meter to see how a meal affected me. (insulin resistant is when your insulin over responds on carbs)

So I would advise pasta to those who can handle carbs, not to those who can't. But its a bit strange comparing a meal with a drink. Coca cola ads nothing to a diet while whole wheat pasta with meat does. Also not all carbs influence the insulin level the same simple carbs like Coca Cola is a different story then a whole wheat pasta even though they have the same amount of carbs. You would know if you ever used a blood sugar meter to measure the difference.

But many people who are overweight can eat carbs without problems, but to know for sure a simple test gives the answer.

No Keto did not kill the hunger, believe me i tried high fat and high protein. Thing is I tried Keto only when I wanted to go from lean to sports model lean. (different scenario) Still trying to get there just to have a goal but at those levels the body fights change a lot more.

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