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End of Look Thep mania: 'Child Angels' dumped as orphans at Thai temple


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Christ this whole thing was utterly weird.

I didn't ever witness anyone carrying one of these freakish looking things, I live in the heart of BKK.

Saw a young couple carrying one last Saturday night at talard rot fai, behind Seacon Square.

They were probably just practicing.

I saw a woman in Bangkok with one in a baby carrier on her chest quite a while before the 'craze' started. It was at Siam Paragon. I thought nice rich mummy and cute baby, then did a double take as I realised it was a doll.

The 'mother' was still hot and rich though so I would have forgiven her pretty much any weirdness.

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The 'mother' was still hot and rich though so I would have forgiven her pretty much any weirdness.

If there ever was a recipe for misery that's it. Or getting a look thep with Chucky inside.

EDIT: Or in that case both.

Edited by DrTuner
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So the owners did exactly what they would have done with their own kids :D

I was thinking along the same lines. Maybe these went such a bad idea after all. At least it's better than having real children and teaching them like this.

One other thing. Do they have to stay at the temple forever? That's assuming they don't grow up into responsible adults and go back to their owners to give them a good slap in the hope it might knock some sense into them.

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Hey, in the USA a lot of people believe the world was built in 7 days and a certain man was born to a virgin,walked on water,turned water into wine, caught a large number of fish, calmed a storm, fed 4,000 men and their families, etc.

At least nobody ever claimed their luk thep could perform such miracles.

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Hey, in the USA a lot of people believe the world was built in 7 days and a certain man was born to a virgin,walked on water,turned water into wine, caught a large number of fish, calmed a storm, fed 4,000 men and their families, etc.

At least nobody ever claimed their luk thep could perform such miracles.

not yet they haven't - give it time...

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If there is life outside our solar system, they probably have capability to monitor what goes on, and happens here on earth. I am just susposing they have gone to great lenght to detour around our so called enlightened, civilized, modern world for several centuries.

After reviewing what I have seen, been exposed to, read and heard about how humans have interacted with each other, and how

they have managed to screw up what was at one time a beautiful planet with a wide variety of wildlife and humans which could have

coexisted in pease and harmoney, I believe the detour theory.

What advanced civilition would want to dummy themselves down to the level we see human beings do on a regular and repeatable basis. and think they are being clever.Certain parts of the world must have a magnetic field that goes into stupid mode on a geological happening and eventually returns to normal any half way intelligent life would avoid these areas just for self presveration. It might be catching.

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"Some talked to the abbot, who allowed them to leave the dolls here, Sarawuth told Thairath"

They talked to the abbot about dumping their dolls and he gave permission?

A story that began in stupidity ends likewise.

And the world moves on.


Edited by Bluespunk
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"Some talked to the abbot, who allowed them to leave the dolls here, Sarawuth told Thairath"

They talked to the abbot about dumping their dolls and he gave permission?

A story that began in stupidity ends likewise.

And the world moves on.


He probably charged them for maintenance costs, nice little earner

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Very unwise move by owners, these creatures will hunt down their careless owners and have their revenge. Smart move now would be to get another doll for protection!

Better get a Labradoll...or a Dollberman...

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Very unwise move by owners, these creatures will hunt down their careless owners and have their revenge. Smart move now would be to get another doll for protection!

Better get a Labradoll...or a Dollberman...

Don't put thoughts like that into their empty heads, you know what the outcome will be...

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