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NCPO orders media to discuss charter 'respectfully'


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"Since the new constitution was unveiled to the public by its junta-appointed drafters Friday, it was met with scorn from an array of civil rights activists and academics. The critics warn it gives too much power to unelected institutions by making the entire Senate unelected, allowing a non-MP to be chosen as prime minister and empowering special bodies that can overrule civilian administrations."

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Sometimes it's impossible to report accurately and respectfully at the same time.

Excellent link. I was struck by this:

"Have you read anything that the government is doing something good?!” When a reporter asked him what he was actually referring to, Gen. Prayuth fired back with: “If you’re an idiot than look it up yourself!”

He reminds me of some TV posters--"I'm not going to reference the questionable stuff I post, look it up yourself!"

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Sometimes it's impossible to report accurately and respectfully at the same time.

Excellent link. I was struck by this:

"Have you read anything that the government is doing something good?!” When a reporter asked him what he was actually referring to, Gen. Prayuth fired back with: “If you’re an idiot than look it up yourself!”

He reminds me of some TV posters--"I'm not going to reference the questionable stuff I post, look it up yourself!"

well, that was one of his finer moments. Personally, I found this one telling...

The reporters continued asking the still visibly agitated prime minister (see video below) with such questions like... on the criticisms against the draft that it would create further political conflict instead of resolving it (“Who is inciting conflict, apart from politicians, apart from the press?! Who else?! Tell me!!”).

OK, you asked for it, so apart from politicians and the press, the person inciting conflict is, ....

Dang, it's just to simple-minded, isn't it?

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