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Inside the world of Luuk Thep: Psychoanalysis of the Thai mind


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I will express my honest opinion, not that anyone particularly cares, as to what this thread is really about.

It's an IDEAL place to denigrate Thais.

A few Thais buy these dolls, and bingo! All Thais are child-like, superstitious, and vapid.

So please, do tell me, who are the real dummies here?

My sweet, complex, hilariously funny Thai wife is so highly intuitive as to be almost psychic. Once I wanted to get a pic of her in front of a large, foreboding looking banyan tree, but she refused to go near it. Said it was full of negative spirits. I gave it some thought and decided, who am I to say otherwise?

A Hello Kitty T- shirt would have done the trick.....thumbsup.gif

Says a lot about your wife, perhaps? And you?

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I have looked at this article with the view of turning the table and analysing it, by looking at who wrote it and why.

The first thing I noticed was the headline. The first part, "Inside the world of Luuk Thep", seemed to promise a new informative and indepth source of knowlege on "the world of Luuk Thep" dolls. Unfortunately, what I read was a brief account of what I had read elswhere, prior to reading a few smatterings on general Thai superstitons. Again, nothing new.

The second part of the writers headline, "Psychoanalysis of the Thai mind", is both a tautology and an absurdity.

Tautology, as "psycho" means "of the mind. Hence this headline reads, "Analysis of the mind of the Thai mind". Surely a professional writer would write "Analysis of the Thai mind". However this absurd. Every human begin is unique, so how does the author find the time, effort and skill to analyse each of the 37,000,000 Thais living here. Maybe the writter has far more mystical properties than a Luuk Thep doll, the quoted prays and the Thai amulets put together.

The term psychoanalysis, used by the author, was coined by Dr. Sigmund Freud, whilst suffering severe emotional problems, including realizing his intense hostility he had for his father and the sexual feelings he had for his mother. Because the author used this term, it would be as absurd of me to suggest that the author has these same feelings, as it I for the author to suggest all Thais have the same.

On reflection, IMHO, this article is a dressed up racist troll, written by a professional who wishes to attract like minded people, by advertising "Sukhumvit Voices". Sorry, Frances Suselo, your not for me.

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This is a racist article. A very SMALL percentage of Thai people believe in gooman thong. It is not a look into the THAI mind.

It is like me writing an article about the KKK saying a look into the American mind.

I respectfully disagree with your statement. I think a large percentage of Thai people believe in this. Superstition reigns in their lives. Case in point. After my gf's mother died more than a year ago, none of her family members except my gf will go near her house because the mother's ghost lives in the house.

Well you didn't read what I wrote. I am only talking about gooman thong, not ghosts or other superstitions.

And I guess you didn't read the article or understand the headline because its topic about Luuk Thep which even if not widespread (though that may come to pass) are representative of a widespread type and degree of superstitiousness that one can argue is characteristic of Thai people--but not only Thais, nor are they being labelled more superstitious than others, or at least other Asians.

BTW I wasn't aware that Thai people are a distinct race; and appealing to ultra-nationalistic distinctions like race is, ironically, the modus operandi of groups like the KKK.

OTOH the complete disparagement of anything religious, superstitious, or ritualistic is narrow-minded, faith has power and there may be good reasons that societies pretty universally developed them over the centuries, reasons beyond even our enlightened Western rational understanding. wink.png

Edited by PaPiPuPePo
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A friend of mine works as an receptionist in a company. Her boss one day brought his gumantong to office. She was sceptical at first, since she has never seen one before.

That night when she fell asleep, she heard a voice calling her. She woke up and saw a small boy (resembling that gumantong in the office) standing next to her bed. He said to her that he followed her home because he likes her. He asked her to play with him and asked for snacks.

My friend was of course scared, but tried very hard to remain composed. She offered him some snacks in return of promising her never to follow her again. She told him he has to follow his papa (her boss), since he owns him.

That gumantong since then never appears in front of her again.

I don't know about Luuk Thep. But I believe the existence of gumantong. What you don't see or never experience before, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Why is it this sort of thing is always reported as happening at night and while the person was sleeping, why can't this spirit go to the cupboard and get the food itself. How does it digest the food, does it go to the toilet later on

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Just one question for all you snooty, superior bashers:

How do you know the souls of children don't reside in these dolls?

Fact is, you don't.

You need to see something, apparently, to believe it's real.

What a constricted worldview.

God created everything in the universe one week ago, that is wednesday 27th of january 2016. All your memories aren't really your memories, God implanted them into you and all history you think you know was also implanted. Everything else either sopken, written, dream and so on are implanted into your and everyoen else head. All the light coming from far away stars are really illusions and not real and so on.


The fact is, you don't know if the things i wrote are true, don't you?

Such a constricted worldview you got RikDao.

Hmmm, a little nervous? I think you meant "do you?"

But as to your question, yeah, I do know. It's baloney. That's what "the fact is."

And son, if you wanna hang with the alpha pseudo-intellectuals, at least learn to write coherently. If you do, your credibility will go WAY up. Of course, most on here couldn't care less; in fact, correct writing is cause for suspicion, I'm sure.

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Yeah right..., and maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and the Murdoch press will finally spill the beans that Donald Trump (who's has been masquerading all this time as a human with up fluffed up quiff)...., is really only an adult sized Luuk Thep doll with a fluffed up ranga quiff...., a chance would indeed be a fine thing !

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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Just one question for all you snooty, superior bashers:

How do you know the souls of children don't reside in these dolls?

Fact is, you don't.

You need to see something, apparently, to believe it's real.

What a constricted worldview.

God created everything in the universe one week ago, that is wednesday 27th of january 2016. All your memories aren't really your memories, God implanted them into you and all history you think you know was also implanted. Everything else either sopken, written, dream and so on are implanted into your and everyoen else head. All the light coming from far away stars are really illusions and not real and so on.


The fact is, you don't know if the things i wrote are true, don't you?

Such a constricted worldview you got RikDao.

Hmmm, a little nervous? I think you meant "do you?"

But as to your question, yeah, I do know. It's baloney. That's what "the fact is."

And son, if you wanna hang with the alpha pseudo-intellectuals, at least learn to write coherently. If you do, your credibility will go WAY up. Of course, most on here couldn't care less; in fact, correct writing is cause for suspicion, I'm sure.

Aww, how cute of you to be a grammar nazi. Well anyway english is my third language, i bet you are monolingual and we all know what monolinguals are right?

Anyhow, no you don't know. And the reason is clear from your earlier posts in this thread. Hint: lack of something somewhere.

So, grandpa, take your medication and head to bed.

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Anyone remember "Cabbage Patch Dolls" and people queuing blocks away for them? wink.png

Yes, but I don't remember people taking their CPD's to the salon for hair treatments. These nutty girls are actually bringing these dolls to my GF's salon for extensions and other hair treatments AND THEY PAY FOR IT. If these doll owners have extra cash the GF has nooo problem taking it off their hands.

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A friend of mine works as an receptionist in a company. Her boss one day brought his gumantong to office. She was sceptical at first, since she has never seen one before.

That night when she fell asleep, she heard a voice calling her. She woke up and saw a small boy (resembling that gumantong in the office) standing next to her bed. He said to her that he followed her home because he likes her. He asked her to play with him and asked for snacks.

My friend was of course scared, but tried very hard to remain composed. She offered him some snacks in return of promising her never to follow her again. She told him he has to follow his papa (her boss), since he owns him.

That gumantong since then never appears in front of her again.

I don't know about Luuk Thep. But I believe the existence of gumantong. What you don't see or never experience before, doesn't mean they don't exist.

Why is it this sort of thing is always reported as happening at night and while the person was sleeping, why can't this spirit go to the cupboard and get the food itself. How does it digest the food, does it go to the toilet later on

It is called a dream, that is why it always happens at night when they are sleeping. it's a spirit dream as opposed to a wet dream.... haha.

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Indeed, these dolls are actually alive, insist their human parents, because they have the souls of dead children residing in them

And the Japanese guys are using their dolls for.......aeeeh hmmm. because they have life in them.

Actually, the dolls in Japan are now licensed by USA and made in China, like Nike. No life force or spirit in them.

How do you know that? Maybe the Thai guy's spirit in it? I wouldn't be surprised to find "Naam Prick" inside them....

I'm just wondering why the Japanese versions look so similar? Do they live their lives? facepalm.gif

Aren't they called sex dolls in the West?

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"Luuk thep are actually the modern version of kuman thong; an ancient practice where a dead fetus was roasted and covered in gold leaf thus the name kuman thong, which means golden child

Seems like a sensible thing to do, buy why does it have to be roasted?

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Just one question for all you snooty, superior bashers:

How do you know the souls of children don't reside in these dolls?

Fact is, you don't.

You need to see something, apparently, to believe it's real.

What a constricted worldview.

God created everything in the universe one week ago, that is wednesday 27th of january 2016. All your memories aren't really your memories, God implanted them into you and all history you think you know was also implanted. Everything else either sopken, written, dream and so on are implanted into your and everyoen else head. All the light coming from far away stars are really illusions and not real and so on.


The fact is, you don't know if the things i wrote are true, don't you?

Such a constricted worldview you got RikDao.

Hmmm, a little nervous? I think you meant "do you?"

But as to your question, yeah, I do know. It's baloney. That's what "the fact is."

And son, if you wanna hang with the alpha pseudo-intellectuals, at least learn to write coherently. If you do, your credibility will go WAY up. Of course, most on here couldn't care less; in fact, correct writing is cause for suspicion, I'm sure.

Aww, how cute of you to be a grammar nazi. Well anyway english is my third language, i bet you are monolingual and we all know what monolinguals are right?

Anyhow, no you don't know. And the reason is clear from your earlier posts in this thread. Hint: lack of something somewhere.

So, grandpa, take your medication and head to bed.

Obviously, not much more I can say. The discussion has degenerated too far.

But thanks for that phrase, "lack of something somewhere." That's a keeper.

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Indeed, these dolls are actually alive, insist their human parents, because they have the souls of dead children residing in them

And the Japanese guys are using their dolls for.......aeeeh hmmm. because they have life in them.

Actually, the dolls in Japan are now licensed by USA and made in China, like Nike. No life force or spirit in them.

You researched that? cheesy.gif

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Nothing to psychoanalyze. It is same age old Thai mentality that is just placed into a bride of Chucky.

The mentality that causes them to rub tree barks, pray to carcasses of abnormal births, or wearing amulets that are deemed magical.

Which religion were you born into? I'd bet I could say similar things about the people in your country!
555 right, here's somebody who probably believes in a man that lives in the sky. Oh and by the way, some amulets are real.
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As an athiest I think this tops most of the loony stuff from past years loony stuff! Crikey as a kid I thought the weird hats the proddies and catlick high clergy wore were weird....more weird to come....maybe?

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This is a racist article. A very SMALL percentage of Thai people believe in gooman thong. It is not a look into the THAI mind.

It is like me writing an article about the KKK saying a look into the American mind.

So you are also saying that almost no thai believe in ghosts, some kind of reincarnation, karma etc?

And you are the racist for believing this is a racist article.

Hardly worth a reply but....

I never said anything about ghosts, or reincarnation. Incidentally, both of which I firmly believe in as do most of the world's population.

Your second sentence is just weird.

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After years of analysing the Thai mind all I found was fear and desire. Just like in most other humans with a religion.

I don't need (the concept of) karma or a judge (ie. "god") to (try to) do good to my fellow beings.

As for superstition: inherent to theravada buddhism and even worse in Burma than Thailand.......

Karma isn't a concept, it's a spiritual law, which most people in the world believe in.

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Nothing to psychoanalyze. It is same age old Thai mentality that is just placed into a bride of Chucky.

The mentality that causes them to rub tree barks, pray to carcasses of abnormal births, or wearing amulets that are deemed magical.

Which religion were you born into? I'd bet I could say similar things about the people in your country!
555 right, here's somebody who probably believes in a man that lives in the sky. Oh and by the way, some amulets are real.

All amulets are real. Whether or not they have any magic is a matter of belief.

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Nothing to psychoanalyze. It is same age old Thai mentality that is just placed into a bride of Chucky.

The mentality that causes them to rub tree barks, pray to carcasses of abnormal births, or wearing amulets that are deemed magical.

Which religion were you born into? I'd bet I could say similar things about the people in your country!
555 right, here's somebody who probably believes in a man that lives in the sky. Oh and by the way, some amulets are real.

All amulets are real. Whether or not they have any magic is a matter of belief.


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This is a racist article. A very SMALL percentage of Thai people believe in gooman thong. It is not a look into the THAI mind.

It is like me writing an article about the KKK saying a look into the American mind.

So you are also saying that almost no thai believe in ghosts, some kind of reincarnation, karma etc?

And you are the racist for believing this is a racist article.

Hardly worth a reply but....

I never said anything about ghosts, or reincarnation. Incidentally, both of which I firmly believe in as do most of the world's population.

Your second sentence is just weird.

Hey, you have my sympathy. That poor guy seemed to get a bit, well, can't and shouldn't really say it on here. I hope he's getting some rest. Still feel his fear.

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This is a racist article. A very SMALL percentage of Thai people believe in gooman thong. It is not a look into the THAI mind.

It is like me writing an article about the KKK saying a look into the American mind.

So you are also saying that almost no thai believe in ghosts, some kind of reincarnation, karma etc?

And you are the racist for believing this is a racist article.

Hardly worth a reply but....

I never said anything about ghosts, or reincarnation. Incidentally, both of which I firmly believe in as do most of the world's population.

Your second sentence is just weird.

Hey, you have my sympathy. That poor guy seemed to get a bit, well, can't and shouldn't really say it on here. I hope he's getting some rest. Still feel his fear.

Didn't take your medicine? Aww, well, you do have my sympathy, mental disorders are not that easy to handle.

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What is really needed is a pill to help with chronic logic deficiency.

It's as logic as taking home the dead in a coffin.

I guess if you believe that then it is true for you. I think giving a respectful departure to someone you loved and spent your life with is a step higher on the rational scale.

But you obviously see it as equal. Did you have parents?

I would say funerals are for the living, to help them come to terms with losing someone who has been part of their lives. The dead don't care what you do with them, they've moved on, in whatever religion you happen to believe in, equally true if you believe in none....

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Balance,are you saying that i am delusional and need medication? and that i really dont own London bridge?.'tis true,all i had to do was give the nice Nigerian man my bank details,and my atm card number(including the security number on the back.He was such a nice man,he even gave me his bank details and asked me to send him 1000 ponds as a deposit. And,and,and,...i haven't heard from for a while now......bugger,scammed again.i suppose I'm not the owner of St Pauls cathedral either?????

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If i remember correctly,wasn't there a guy in the states a while ago that made lifelike dolls for the single man? I think the BBC did a program on him.These dolls were life size and they had orifices that felt like the real thing.Apparently,depending on how much you paid was dependent on how many orifices you got.He made thousands of Dollars from them.And this was only a few years back.If you paid the top Dollar version,you got one who actually made appreciative noises.the skin was very life like,and every thing else about them was true to life.I think that these dolls were a very much more serious fad than the luk thep thing's.And this was in a developed,1st world country.The good old USA.

I would like to state,right now...I have never bought,owned,or had anything to do with these doll's as my best friend,Harvey the giant white rabbit will tell you.


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