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Photos of two monks shopping for ladies shoes has gone viral


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Photos of two monks shopping for ladies shoes has gone viral


BANGKOK:-- Photographs which allegedly show two monks shopping for ladies shoes have gone viral.

The photos which were reportedly taken at a shopping mall in Bangkok and uploaded to Facebook earlier this week have drawn widespread criticism from netizens over the behaviour of the monks.

Buddhist monks are meant to live a life free of material goods.

Thai media reports that senior monks from the National Office of Buddhism in Thailand have said they will launch an investigation into the behaviour of the monks in the photos.

If the monks are found to have behaved inappropriately they could be excluded from their temple and disrobed.

Last week photographs of a group of monks enjoying a snorkelling excursion in southern Thailand also drew much criticism from people commenting on social media.

Source: Sanook News

-- 2016-02-03

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Rainy season will be here before you know it....some high-heal ladies' shoes would help keep the monks' feet dry during their morning walk to collect alms.

I don't think they're even allowed men's shoes, much less lady's stilettos.

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Am I looking at the same photo as everyone else. The monk is clearly just trying on a sandal, so what is the problem. The other poster commenting on the Iphone. how can you tell it is an Iphone? I don't see the logo. It could just be a normal smart phone that only costs a few thousand baht.

Also, How does anyone know they are monks or just a bunch of temporary novices in for a month?

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Ok....quick 'voyeur' shot, with a mobile phone, taken JUST at the right angle?

In a normal shoe shop, we see ladies shoes...and behind, out of shot, is probably the men's section...where these monks MAY have been waiting to try on sandals? (YES...they are allowed to wear shoes!)

Or, possibly...monks have families....which presumably include sisters, mothers, etc...who DO go shopping? Waiting for them?

Come on guys, let's give these guys the benefit of the doubt - they give up a hell of a lot to live the way they do, and the last thing they need is ignorant and sarcastic Farangs jumping to stupid conclusions!

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Am I looking at the same photo as everyone else. The monk is clearly just trying on a sandal, so what is the problem. The other poster commenting on the Iphone. how can you tell it is an Iphone? I don't see the logo. It could just be a normal smart phone that only costs a few thousand baht.

Also, How does anyone know they are monks or just a bunch of temporary novices in for a month?

The sandals are what the monks wore INTO the shop. Can you see any men's sandals for sale on the shelves? And who cares if they are "temporary" (???) monks - they're bound by the same rules.

:) Do have a nice day, and remember when shopping for stilletos, that pink does not match saffron.

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