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Ambassador: US to continue South China Sea flights, sail-bys


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Without quoting anyone to start or sustain an argument, the US has stealth bombers that can fly right through the CCP's air defense and especially to remote islands. Those planes (B-2 Spirit) have a range of 10,000 miles (16,000 kms) without mid-air refueling which they can also do. They are very much available right there in Diego Garcia. They could be home by lunch time.

If necessary the US can do at least the following 3 things.

1. Fly stealth bombers over those new islands and put them about 100 feet below sea level. If the US were Russia or China they'd simply deny doing it. No nukes required, BTW. Some bunker busters might be handy.

2. Restrict trade with China as has been done with other countries recently. The US is the #1 buyer of Chinese exports and China is an export economy. The restrictions could be as simple as putting a 25% tariff on everything coming in from China. China's economy would crash much worse than it is. Americans would have to pay more or do without trinkets from WalMart.

3. Restrict China's access to international banking. No one can trade without it. China has been selling USD (treasuries) like crazy to raise cash to prop up its stock market and economy. The US could call all of the treasuries that China owns as due and payable and wipe out China's foreign USD reserves. The treasuries (US debt) that China has been holding are held so that China can have dollars for international trading. They have to have them to trade because few will accept Chinese money for payment for anything. As China has sold that US debt it has been happily bought up by a worldwide market where there is always a demand for the treasuries. It has zero impact on the US, but China can't survive without those dollar equivalents.

The West is far from being out of bullets to deal with China.


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I was in Tibet several years ago. There is a museum and it talks about how Tibet wanted to become part of China. Brushes over everything. Amazing they get away with this crap.

While there, I bought a "free tibet" t-shirt. My guide wouldn't let me wear it. Said I'd for sure get arrested. So much for freedom of speech there...

Freedom of speech is not a part of the Chinese gov't. I don't think people said what they wanted to the Emperors in the past.

The problem with this expansionism is that along with claiming this reef-cum-island is that then starts the territorial water right of way.

This will likely not end well.

The flip side of this freedom of speech is everyone wants to talk even if it makes no sense ...try posting something against the kingdom or the general junta here if you have no common sense or lack basic understanding of cultural norms

It's like this in Asia ....if you don't like it you can probably hide behind a VPN or head back to the west where you have complete sense of "freedom" but wait for some that would ruin the pension payouts which is insufficient to survive ....

Telling people they can leave if they don't like it here doesn't help. And it's not just about using a VPN. It's about getting the truth on the news. Something that doesn't happen in China. Freedom of the press helps keep politicians honest.

Back to the topic, please.

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The irritating reality is while the Chinese continues to talk ...the west are the ones pushing the cowboy attitude trying to spurt on a fight

Reminds us of the dumb mentality they had in ME where they thought they could go in bomb it in beautiful CNN sequential runs and then head home in glory

Turns out the amount of bombing and al the technology mattered nothing ....at the end of the day the USA or the west have no capability on the ground to sustain and win the grounds

Same scenario here ....Chinese been here for 5000 years and they wont be going away and they know as Long as they talk and the west is the first to fire the media paints you as the dumb nuts

Let's go back to the spark that started this. China ignoring international laws and staking a claim in an area that isn't there's to claim. Then causing massive ecological disaster on these extremely sensitive reefs.

Can't blame the US for that. Squarely in the hands of the Chinese. Take a look at this graphic. Disgusting.


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The irritating reality is while the Chinese continues to talk ...the west are the ones pushing the cowboy attitude trying to spurt on a fight

Reminds us of the dumb mentality they had in ME where they thought they could go in bomb it in beautiful CNN sequential runs and then head home in glory

Turns out the amount of bombing and al the technology mattered nothing ....at the end of the day the USA or the west have no capability on the ground to sustain and win the grounds

Same scenario here ....Chinese been here for 5000 years and they wont be going away and they know as Long as they talk and the west is the first to fire the media paints you as the dumb nuts

Safe to say that you are of Chinese extraction.....defending your brethren.

Yes the family name is Chee and it is Chinese ....defending not my brethren but just putting another perspective to things

Say what you like ...I believe this is what the west calls free speech or does that means when a Chinese has a point it's because of only his race and he defending a point ...? Rather lame then of the western standards you seem so keen to impose on the Far East and Middle East

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The irritating reality is while the Chinese continues to talk ...the west are the ones pushing the cowboy attitude trying to spurt on a fight

Reminds us of the dumb mentality they had in ME where they thought they could go in bomb it in beautiful CNN sequential runs and then head home in glory

Turns out the amount of bombing and al the technology mattered nothing ....at the end of the day the USA or the west have no capability on the ground to sustain and win the grounds

Same scenario here ....Chinese been here for 5000 years and they wont be going away and they know as Long as they talk and the west is the first to fire the media paints you as the dumb nuts

Where is 'here'? For sure, the Chinese have been in China for thousands of years. But we're talking about the little islands off the Philippine coast. Those islands are several times the distance to Hainan, as they are to the Philippines. China is simply using its weight to take them over.

If all the countries who are pissed at China's land grabs would get coordinated, it would be an awesome force. I'm talking Japanese, Phils, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam. They might not even need the US alongside, but it would be helpful to the the world's most powerful navy as part of the mix.

China is becoming, in Asia, what Japan was in the 1930's and '40's. Lusting after property and resources. China is also engaged in a multi-faceted glad-handing, particularly with Thailand. Selling submarines to Thailand is not just about making money. Every time there is talk of discussions (about China's land-grabs) China says it doesn't want to discuss it on any international level. It will talk to individual countries (without US involvement) and it will also waste as much time as possible. The more time which slips by, the more advantageous for China - because it gives China longer to build up its Navy and to pour concrete on the Philippine's rock islands.

Well said. A few nukes would sort things out methinks...

Exactly why the west is as dangerous as North Korea seems to think everything can be sorted with nukes

Me think you are lamely out of ideas

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Without quoting anyone to start or sustain an argument, the US has stealth bombers that can fly right through the CCP's air defense and especially to remote islands. Those planes (B-2 Spirit) have a range of 10,000 miles (16,000 kms) without mid-air refueling which they can also do. They are very much available right there in Diego Garcia. They could be home by lunch time.

If necessary the US can do at least the following 3 things.

1. Fly stealth bombers over those new islands and put them about 100 feet below sea level. If the US were Russia or China they'd simply deny doing it. No nukes required, BTW. Some bunker busters might be handy.

2. Restrict trade with China as has been done with other countries recently. The US is the #1 buyer of Chinese exports and China is an export economy. The restrictions could be as simple as putting a 25% tariff on everything coming in from China. China's economy would crash much worse than it is. Americans would have to pay more or do without trinkets from WalMart.

3. Restrict China's access to international banking. No one can trade without it. China has been selling USD (treasuries) like crazy to raise cash to prop up its stock market and economy. The US could call all of the treasuries that China owns as due and payable and wipe out China's foreign USD reserves. The treasuries (US debt) that China has been holding are held so that China can have dollars for international trading. They have to have them to trade because few will accept Chinese money for payment for anything. As China has sold that US debt it has been happily bought up by a worldwide market where there is always a demand for the treasuries. It has zero impact on the US, but China can't survive without those dollar equivalents.

The West is far from being out of bullets to deal with China.


Sure ....try any of the three points and see if you get any eventual success ?

1) no one is stopping the stealth fighters we all know their range and their capabilities ...any political will to shoot civilians ? Guess not

2) yes stop buying Chinese exports please ...we are begging you to do that eventually all these factories making cheap shit can close down and help the pollution index ....think hard though your middle class now have to start paying $60 bucks for your Barbie dolls and forget about the $1 KMart specials

Or you can do what you guys do best export your crap and pollution to poorer countries and think you are doing them a favor by giving them your cheap manufacturing sectors and the pollution with it

Besides the Chinese have been building ties with all countries for trade while you talk rhetorics Everyday on your talk shows

Oh last point start making your own iPhones too

3) try that and see the intl markets will allow you too

Edited by LawrenceChee
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I was in Tibet several years ago. There is a museum and it talks about how Tibet wanted to become part of China. Brushes over everything. Amazing they get away with this crap.

While there, I bought a "free tibet" t-shirt. My guide wouldn't let me wear it. Said I'd for sure get arrested. So much for freedom of speech there...

Freedom of speech is not a part of the Chinese gov't. I don't think people said what they wanted to the Emperors in the past.

The problem with this expansionism is that along with claiming this reef-cum-island is that then starts the territorial water right of way.

This will likely not end well.

The flip side of this freedom of speech is everyone wants to talk even if it makes no sense ...try posting something against the kingdom or the general junta here if you have no common sense or lack basic understanding of cultural norms

It's like this in Asia ....if you don't like it you can probably hide behind a VPN or head back to the west where you have complete sense of "freedom" but wait for some that would ruin the pension payouts which is insufficient to survive ....

Telling people they can leave if they don't like it here doesn't help. And it's not just about using a VPN. It's about getting the truth on the news. Something that doesn't happen in China. Freedom of the press helps keep politicians honest.

Back to the topic, please.

Didn't keep the west honest ....you truly believe your news media keeps the congress honest ...now that's morning balooney !!!!

Hahahahahhahahha :)

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The irritating reality is while the Chinese continues to talk ...the west are the ones pushing the cowboy attitude trying to spurt on a fight

Reminds us of the dumb mentality they had in ME where they thought they could go in bomb it in beautiful CNN sequential runs and then head home in glory

Turns out the amount of bombing and al the technology mattered nothing ....at the end of the day the USA or the west have no capability on the ground to sustain and win the grounds

Same scenario here ....Chinese been here for 5000 years and they wont be going away and they know as Long as they talk and the west is the first to fire the media paints you as the dumb nuts

Let's go back to the spark that started this. China ignoring international laws and staking a claim in an area that isn't there's to claim. Then causing massive ecological disaster on these extremely sensitive reefs.

Can't blame the US for that. Squarely in the hands of the Chinese. Take a look at this graphic. Disgusting.


Everthing used to be in international waters, until claimed by a country.

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Naturally don't agree with the Chinese island grabbing, but perhaps the armchair generals are getting a little too confident that the US will be able to bitch slap them.

My understanding is that the Chinese have the capability via subs and land to sea missiles to sink a carrier group. If so how hard will the US actually push? They also have the Russian air defence system, so there would be no easy bombing runs like the ME.

As to Oz, don't see that as our problem. The more we try and act tough the more ridiculous we look, without the world bully standing behind us we are a pissant military power and all of Asia knows it.

About time we again had an independent foreign policy that serves our interests and not the US. Should bail that idiot TPP as well.

In 2010 US officially adopted the Doctrine of Air-Sea Battle (to succeed Land-Air battle since WW2) specifically to deal with new military capabilities of the CCP Dictators in Beijing and in Moscow; add Iran looking down the road a bit.

Air-Sea Battle is the effective response to the small elite units of PLA that are technologically capable in the new systems of A2/AD, which is Anti-Access and Area Denial defense systems to support offensive weaponry. A2/AD is designed to prevent penetration of the land mass.

So to simply remove the clash, Air-Sea Battle includes stand-off capabilities outside the range of the CCP's A2/AD systems. One central aspect of the stand-off bombardment is that the US offensive missiles (since 2012) travel at 7.5 times the speed of sound. Missiles launched from land to include islands, on and under the sea, by air. CCP can't blink but even then they're screwed.

CCP does not have the Russian air defense A2/AD system (presently deployed in Syria). Putin does not want Beijing to have its hands on that kind of technology and neither does anyone else. The system is truly advanced, however, Pentagon knows to disrupt the weakest point(s) of a system's kill chain is to disarm/disable the whole thing. Kindly take note.

Air-Sea Battle locks the PLA Navy inside the first strategic island chain (Southern Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines to Borneo). That makes the Chinese Navy a sitting duck trapped in the coastal waters between the continental mainland and the first island chain. And ducks on a pond in the South China Sea.

Japan has strategically repositioned its self defense forces from having been concentrated in the North against Russia to concentrating in the South because of the CCP Dictators in Beijing. Japan is now placing missiles throughout the Ryukyu Island chain from Japan to Taiwan to assure that the Chinese Navy never makes it to blue waters.

Australian recon planes do operate in the SCS area as a part of the Freedom of Navigation exercises. The Australian AF have also been contacted by the PLA Navy in flying over the dangerous areas to be told they violate Chinese law and have of course ignored Beijing. After the International Court issues its ruling on the Phils case against CCP, expected later this year, Australia will commit its Navy to the exercises on the sea itself. So will other countries at that point.

Again, we will overfly and ships will traverse all territory CCP arbitrarily and wrongfully claims belongs to them. Fact is, CCP claims more Chinese territory outside of China than exists in the CCP China itself. To include the northern third of India, next to Tibet.

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The irritating reality is while the Chinese continues to talk ...the west are the ones pushing the cowboy attitude trying to spurt on a fight

Reminds us of the dumb mentality they had in ME where they thought they could go in bomb it in beautiful CNN sequential runs and then head home in glory

Turns out the amount of bombing and al the technology mattered nothing ....at the end of the day the USA or the west have no capability on the ground to sustain and win the grounds

Same scenario here ....Chinese been here for 5000 years and they wont be going away and they know as Long as they talk and the west is the first to fire the media paints you as the dumb nuts

Let's go back to the spark that started this. China ignoring international laws and staking a claim in an area that isn't there's to claim. Then causing massive ecological disaster on these extremely sensitive reefs.

Can't blame the US for that. Squarely in the hands of the Chinese. Take a look at this graphic. Disgusting.


Everthing used to be in international waters, until claimed by a country.

Not really. Read these for good info:



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Exactly why the west is as dangerous as North Korea seems to think everything can be sorted with nukes

Me think you are lamely out of ideas

Nukes are obviously not part of a solution. The poster probably is exaggerating the exasperation that many of us feel: about China blatantly taking possession of islands which aren't theirs. Plus, if any bombs (of any type) were used, they probably wouldn't be targeted on the islands themselves. They're small. No one wants to damage the islands. The neighboring countries (and the west) just don't like to see China throwing its weight around with claims of ownership of them and the surrounding seas. It's ugly.

The closest example in recent history is the Shetland Islands. Argentina, which has a pretty decent navy, was not far away, but a smaller country very far away was able to sail over and kick butt, and within days, the Argentinians left. I'm not saying who's right and who's wrong on the Shetlands/Malvines issue, just pointing out precedence of how easy and quick an occupier can be kicked off some small islands.

The SCS could spark a war (so could China's problems with Taiwan, with India, with Japan, etc). China better hope Trump or Cruz don't get in the driver's seat. They would relish a military tussle there in the SCS. The other contenders for US prez aren't blanched endives either. I'm not a Trump fan, but I do acknowledge that dynamic action is what's needed sometimes, in dire scenarios.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Without quoting anyone to start or sustain an argument, the US has stealth bombers that can fly right through the CCP's air defense and especially to remote islands. Those planes (B-2 Spirit) have a range of 10,000 miles (16,000 kms) without mid-air refueling which they can also do. They are very much available right there in Diego Garcia. They could be home by lunch time.

If necessary the US can do at least the following 3 things.

1. Fly stealth bombers over those new islands and put them about 100 feet below sea level. If the US were Russia or China they'd simply deny doing it. No nukes required, BTW. Some bunker busters might be handy.

2. Restrict trade with China as has been done with other countries recently. The US is the #1 buyer of Chinese exports and China is an export economy. The restrictions could be as simple as putting a 25% tariff on everything coming in from China. China's economy would crash much worse than it is. Americans would have to pay more or do without trinkets from WalMart.

3. Restrict China's access to international banking. No one can trade without it. China has been selling USD (treasuries) like crazy to raise cash to prop up its stock market and economy. The US could call all of the treasuries that China owns as due and payable and wipe out China's foreign USD reserves. The treasuries (US debt) that China has been holding are held so that China can have dollars for international trading. They have to have them to trade because few will accept Chinese money for payment for anything. As China has sold that US debt it has been happily bought up by a worldwide market where there is always a demand for the treasuries. It has zero impact on the US, but China can't survive without those dollar equivalents.

The West is far from being out of bullets to deal with China.


Sure ....try any of the three points and see if you get any eventual success ?

2) yes stop buying Chinese exports please ...we are begging you to do that eventually all these factories making cheap shit can close down and help the pollution index ....think hard though your middle class now have to start paying $60 bucks for your Barbie dolls and forget about the $1 KMart specials

And just which W. country do your ancestors hail from that doesn't buy a lot of Chinese crap? The EU buys about as much junk from China as the US does. On a per capita basis, Australia and Canada buy plenty.

So which of these countries isn't "exporting their pollution"? They are also exporting their jobs. We don't have to take any shit off China.

Do you think the US couldn't make everything that's made in China for the US and maybe bring enough jobs home to balance the additional costs? Do you think everything is a zero sum?

FWIW I WANT the US to bring all of those jobs home so let's get busy. Let's get busy just like we were after WWII and the middle class was prospering better than ever before or since. We actually made our own cars, radios and TV sets and people could afford them because they had those good jobs.

The US can cut China off from the world banking system and from the USD and close its doors. It can't do biz without USD.


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2) yes stop buying Chinese exports please ...we are begging you to do that eventually all these factories making cheap shit can close down and help the pollution index ....think hard though your middle class now have to start paying $60 bucks for your Barbie dolls and forget about the $1 KMart specials

That sounds like a win/win/win to me.

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Without quoting anyone to start or sustain an argument, the US has stealth bombers that can fly right through the CCP's air defense and especially to remote islands. Those planes (B-2 Spirit) have a range of 10,000 miles (16,000 kms) without mid-air refueling which they can also do. They are very much available right there in Diego Garcia. They could be home by lunch time.

If necessary the US can do at least the following 3 things.

1. Fly stealth bombers over those new islands and put them about 100 feet below sea level. If the US were Russia or China they'd simply deny doing it. No nukes required, BTW. Some bunker busters might be handy.

2. Restrict trade with China as has been done with other countries recently. The US is the #1 buyer of Chinese exports and China is an export economy. The restrictions could be as simple as putting a 25% tariff on everything coming in from China. China's economy would crash much worse than it is. Americans would have to pay more or do without trinkets from WalMart.

3. Restrict China's access to international banking. No one can trade without it. China has been selling USD (treasuries) like crazy to raise cash to prop up its stock market and economy. The US could call all of the treasuries that China owns as due and payable and wipe out China's foreign USD reserves. The treasuries (US debt) that China has been holding are held so that China can have dollars for international trading. They have to have them to trade because few will accept Chinese money for payment for anything. As China has sold that US debt it has been happily bought up by a worldwide market where there is always a demand for the treasuries. It has zero impact on the US, but China can't survive without those dollar equivalents.

The West is far from being out of bullets to deal with China.


Sure ....try any of the three points and see if you get any eventual success ?

1) no one is stopping the stealth fighters we all know their range and their capabilities ...any political will to shoot civilians ? Guess not

2) yes stop buying Chinese exports please ...we are begging you to do that eventually all these factories making cheap shit can close down and help the pollution index ....think hard though your middle class now have to start paying $60 bucks for your Barbie dolls and forget about the $1 KMart specials

Or you can do what you guys do best export your crap and pollution to poorer countries and think you are doing them a favor by giving them your cheap manufacturing sectors and the pollution with it

Besides the Chinese have been building ties with all countries for trade while you talk rhetorics Everyday on your talk shows

Oh last point start making your own iPhones too

3) try that and see the intl markets will allow you too

The market for cheap junk will continue to be satisfied by those least developed economies that since 2013 have begun to pick up where the CCP China has been dropping off. CCP China has no hold on the global economy. It has even less claim over the South China Sea. It needs to be cautious of overplaying its unimportant self-importance. You too can be replaced by cheaper labor.

PC16: Sixteen Countries Quietly Filling Void Left by Declining China

List of Nations Primed to Succeed China

Marketwired Stratfor

July 30, 2013 8:00 AM

- China's economic problems have opened the door for 16 disparate countries, from Ethiopia and Mexico to Indonesia and Peru, to become global drivers of manufacturing growth, according to a new report issued today by Stratfor, a leading geopolitical intelligence firm.

As early as January of 2000, Stratfor has forecast the slowdown and shift of the Chinese economy and the firm asserts that China is now at the limits of its low wage, high growth phase and now asserts that the "The Post-China 16" or "PC16" will succeed it.

The PC16 by region:

Indian Ocean Basin - Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Myanmar.

South China Sea periphery - Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, and Vietnam.

Latin America - Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru.


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Without quoting anyone to start or sustain an argument, the US has stealth bombers that can fly right through the CCP's air defense and especially to remote islands. Those planes (B-2 Spirit) have a range of 10,000 miles (16,000 kms) without mid-air refueling which they can also do. They are very much available right there in Diego Garcia. They could be home by lunch time.

If necessary the US can do at least the following 3 things.

1. Fly stealth bombers over those new islands and put them about 100 feet below sea level. If the US were Russia or China they'd simply deny doing it. No nukes required, BTW. Some bunker busters might be handy.

2. Restrict trade with China as has been done with other countries recently. The US is the #1 buyer of Chinese exports and China is an export economy. The restrictions could be as simple as putting a 25% tariff on everything coming in from China. China's economy would crash much worse than it is. Americans would have to pay more or do without trinkets from WalMart.

3. Restrict China's access to international banking. No one can trade without it. China has been selling USD (treasuries) like crazy to raise cash to prop up its stock market and economy. The US could call all of the treasuries that China owns as due and payable and wipe out China's foreign USD reserves. The treasuries (US debt) that China has been holding are held so that China can have dollars for international trading. They have to have them to trade because few will accept Chinese money for payment for anything. As China has sold that US debt it has been happily bought up by a worldwide market where there is always a demand for the treasuries. It has zero impact on the US, but China can't survive without those dollar equivalents.

The West is far from being out of bullets to deal with China.


Sure ....try any of the three points and see if you get any eventual success ?

2) yes stop buying Chinese exports please ...we are begging you to do that eventually all these factories making cheap shit can close down and help the pollution index ....think hard though your middle class now have to start paying $60 bucks for your Barbie dolls and forget about the $1 KMart specials

And just which W. country do your ancestors hail from that doesn't buy a lot of Chinese crap? The EU buys about as much junk from China as the US does. On a per capita basis, Australia and Canada buy plenty.

So which of these countries isn't "exporting their pollution"? They are also exporting their jobs. We don't have to take any shit off China.

Do you think the US couldn't make everything that's made in China for the US and maybe bring enough jobs home to balance the additional costs? Do you think everything is a zero sum?

FWIW I WANT the US to bring all of those jobs home so let's get busy. Let's get busy just like we were after WWII and the middle class was prospering better than ever before or since. We actually made our own cars, radios and TV sets and people could afford them because they had those good jobs.

The US can cut China off from the world banking system and from the USD and close its doors. It can't do biz without USD.


Do it .....bring all those factories back ....your ranting jogs my memory that USA has still refused to rectify the Kyoto treaty ....

Nothing is impossible I am sure there are hard working Americans who could do with those jobs ...probably be a shock for the average American after all the factories have been insured etc etc how much the end products will cost ....as you know big corporations send these manufacturing jobs to Asia and China knowing that they can exploit cheap wages and deplorable working conditions at the expense of profit

Tell your government to do the responsible thing first before ranting like a wild dog :)

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Without quoting anyone to start or sustain an argument, the US has stealth bombers that can fly right through the CCP's air defense and especially to remote islands. Those planes (B-2 Spirit) have a range of 10,000 miles (16,000 kms) without mid-air refueling which they can also do. They are very much available right there in Diego Garcia. They could be home by lunch time.

If necessary the US can do at least the following 3 things.

1. Fly stealth bombers over those new islands and put them about 100 feet below sea level. If the US were Russia or China they'd simply deny doing it. No nukes required, BTW. Some bunker busters might be handy.

2. Restrict trade with China as has been done with other countries recently. The US is the #1 buyer of Chinese exports and China is an export economy. The restrictions could be as simple as putting a 25% tariff on everything coming in from China. China's economy would crash much worse than it is. Americans would have to pay more or do without trinkets from WalMart.

3. Restrict China's access to international banking. No one can trade without it. China has been selling USD (treasuries) like crazy to raise cash to prop up its stock market and economy. The US could call all of the treasuries that China owns as due and payable and wipe out China's foreign USD reserves. The treasuries (US debt) that China has been holding are held so that China can have dollars for international trading. They have to have them to trade because few will accept Chinese money for payment for anything. As China has sold that US debt it has been happily bought up by a worldwide market where there is always a demand for the treasuries. It has zero impact on the US, but China can't survive without those dollar equivalents.

The West is far from being out of bullets to deal with China.


Sure ....try any of the three points and see if you get any eventual success ?

1) no one is stopping the stealth fighters we all know their range and their capabilities ...any political will to shoot civilians ? Guess not

2) yes stop buying Chinese exports please ...we are begging you to do that eventually all these factories making cheap shit can close down and help the pollution index ....think hard though your middle class now have to start paying $60 bucks for your Barbie dolls and forget about the $1 KMart specials

Or you can do what you guys do best export your crap and pollution to poorer countries and think you are doing them a favor by giving them your cheap manufacturing sectors and the pollution with it

Besides the Chinese have been building ties with all countries for trade while you talk rhetorics Everyday on your talk shows

Oh last point start making your own iPhones too

3) try that and see the intl markets will allow you too

The market for cheap junk will continue to be satisfied by those least developed economies that since 2013 have begun to pick up where the CCP China has been dropping off. CCP China has no hold on the global economy. It has even less claim over the South China Sea. It needs to be cautious of overplaying its unimportant self-importance. You too can be replaced by cheaper labor.

PC16: Sixteen Countries Quietly Filling Void Left by Declining China

List of Nations Primed to Succeed China

Marketwired Stratfor

July 30, 2013 8:00 AM

- China's economic problems have opened the door for 16 disparate countries, from Ethiopia and Mexico to Indonesia and Peru, to become global drivers of manufacturing growth, according to a new report issued today by Stratfor, a leading geopolitical intelligence firm.

As early as January of 2000, Stratfor has forecast the slowdown and shift of the Chinese economy and the firm asserts that China is now at the limits of its low wage, high growth phase and now asserts that the "The Post-China 16" or "PC16" will succeed it.

The PC16 by region:

Indian Ocean Basin - Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Myanmar.

South China Sea periphery - Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, and Vietnam.

Latin America - Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru.


That's the whole point these days ....reducing the factories getting people to spend responsibly and stop a credit living

But it's not the easiest thing to say ....no doubt the factories will shift to ASEAN countries but this mean pollution is closer to those active in Thai Visa

I'm sure this will start another thread ...

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Without quoting anyone to start or sustain an argument, the US has stealth bombers that can fly right through the CCP's air defense and especially to remote islands. Those planes (B-2 Spirit) have a range of 10,000 miles (16,000 kms) without mid-air refueling which they can also do. They are very much available right there in Diego Garcia. They could be home by lunch time.

If necessary the US can do at least the following 3 things.

1. Fly stealth bombers over those new islands and put them about 100 feet below sea level. If the US were Russia or China they'd simply deny doing it. No nukes required, BTW. Some bunker busters might be handy.

2. Restrict trade with China as has been done with other countries recently. The US is the #1 buyer of Chinese exports and China is an export economy. The restrictions could be as simple as putting a 25% tariff on everything coming in from China. China's economy would crash much worse than it is. Americans would have to pay more or do without trinkets from WalMart.

3. Restrict China's access to international banking. No one can trade without it. China has been selling USD (treasuries) like crazy to raise cash to prop up its stock market and economy. The US could call all of the treasuries that China owns as due and payable and wipe out China's foreign USD reserves. The treasuries (US debt) that China has been holding are held so that China can have dollars for international trading. They have to have them to trade because few will accept Chinese money for payment for anything. As China has sold that US debt it has been happily bought up by a worldwide market where there is always a demand for the treasuries. It has zero impact on the US, but China can't survive without those dollar equivalents.

The West is far from being out of bullets to deal with China.


Sure ....try any of the three points and see if you get any eventual success ?

1) no one is stopping the stealth fighters we all know their range and their capabilities ...any political will to shoot civilians ? Guess not

2) yes stop buying Chinese exports please ...we are begging you to do that eventually all these factories making cheap shit can close down and help the pollution index ....think hard though your middle class now have to start paying $60 bucks for your Barbie dolls and forget about the $1 KMart specials

Or you can do what you guys do best export your crap and pollution to poorer countries and think you are doing them a favor by giving them your cheap manufacturing sectors and the pollution with it

Besides the Chinese have been building ties with all countries for trade while you talk rhetorics Everyday on your talk shows

Oh last point start making your own iPhones too

3) try that and see the intl markets will allow you too

The market for cheap junk will continue to be satisfied by those least developed economies that since 2013 have begun to pick up where the CCP China has been dropping off. CCP China has no hold on the global economy. It has even less claim over the South China Sea. It needs to be cautious of overplaying its unimportant self-importance. You too can be replaced by cheaper labor.

PC16: Sixteen Countries Quietly Filling Void Left by Declining China

List of Nations Primed to Succeed China

Marketwired Stratfor

July 30, 2013 8:00 AM

- China's economic problems have opened the door for 16 disparate countries, from Ethiopia and Mexico to Indonesia and Peru, to become global drivers of manufacturing growth, according to a new report issued today by Stratfor, a leading geopolitical intelligence firm.

As early as January of 2000, Stratfor has forecast the slowdown and shift of the Chinese economy and the firm asserts that China is now at the limits of its low wage, high growth phase and now asserts that the "The Post-China 16" or "PC16" will succeed it.

The PC16 by region:

Indian Ocean Basin - Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Myanmar.

South China Sea periphery - Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, and Vietnam.

Latin America - Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru.


That's the whole point these days ....reducing the factories getting people to spend responsibly and stop a credit living

But it's not the easiest thing to say ....no doubt the factories will shift to ASEAN countries but this mean pollution is closer to those active in Thai Visa

I'm sure this will start another thread ...

In Asean Bangkok is not publicly or actively involved in the SCS contest. Bangkok is not suffering or fretting the economic and financial fall of the CCP in their personal PRC. Thailand's problem is flooding not global economics or regional territorial disputes in the SCS. Thailand's army and air force have always been made in the USA while its Navy has always been made in China. Raynong pollution hasn't ever bothered me in Thailand either. So people who presume to speak for the interests of expats in Thailand might need to reevaluate their unimportant self-importance.

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Without quoting anyone to start or sustain an argument, the US has stealth bombers that can fly right through the CCP's air defense and especially to remote islands. Those planes (B-2 Spirit) have a range of 10,000 miles (16,000 kms) without mid-air refueling which they can also do. They are very much available right there in Diego Garcia. They could be home by lunch time.

If necessary the US can do at least the following 3 things.

1. Fly stealth bombers over those new islands and put them about 100 feet below sea level. If the US were Russia or China they'd simply deny doing it. No nukes required, BTW. Some bunker busters might be handy.

2. Restrict trade with China as has been done with other countries recently. The US is the #1 buyer of Chinese exports and China is an export economy. The restrictions could be as simple as putting a 25% tariff on everything coming in from China. China's economy would crash much worse than it is. Americans would have to pay more or do without trinkets from WalMart.

3. Restrict China's access to international banking. No one can trade without it. China has been selling USD (treasuries) like crazy to raise cash to prop up its stock market and economy. The US could call all of the treasuries that China owns as due and payable and wipe out China's foreign USD reserves. The treasuries (US debt) that China has been holding are held so that China can have dollars for international trading. They have to have them to trade because few will accept Chinese money for payment for anything. As China has sold that US debt it has been happily bought up by a worldwide market where there is always a demand for the treasuries. It has zero impact on the US, but China can't survive without those dollar equivalents.

The West is far from being out of bullets to deal with China.

Sure ....try any of the three points and see if you get any eventual success ?

1) no one is stopping the stealth fighters we all know their range and their capabilities ...any political will to shoot civilians ? Guess not

2) yes stop buying Chinese exports please ...we are begging you to do that eventually all these factories making cheap shit can close down and help the pollution index ....think hard though your middle class now have to start paying $60 bucks for your Barbie dolls and forget about the $1 KMart specials

Or you can do what you guys do best export your crap and pollution to poorer countries and think you are doing them a favor by giving them your cheap manufacturing sectors and the pollution with it

Besides the Chinese have been building ties with all countries for trade while you talk rhetorics Everyday on your talk shows

Oh last point start making your own iPhones too

3) try that and see the intl markets will allow you too
The market for cheap junk will continue to be satisfied by those least developed economies that since 2013 have begun to pick up where the CCP China has been dropping off. CCP China has no hold on the global economy. It has even less claim over the South China Sea. It needs to be cautious of overplaying its unimportant self-importance. You too can be replaced by cheaper labor.

PC16: Sixteen Countries Quietly Filling Void Left by Declining China
List of Nations Primed to Succeed China
Marketwired Stratfor
July 30, 2013 8:00 AM

- China's economic problems have opened the door for 16 disparate countries, from Ethiopia and Mexico to Indonesia and Peru, to become global drivers of manufacturing growth, according to a new report issued today by Stratfor, a leading geopolitical intelligence firm.

As early as January of 2000, Stratfor has forecast the slowdown and shift of the Chinese economy and the firm asserts that China is now at the limits of its low wage, high growth phase and now asserts that the "The Post-China 16" or "PC16" will succeed it.

The PC16 by region:

Indian Ocean Basin - Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Myanmar.
South China Sea periphery - Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
Latin America - Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru.

That's the whole point these days ....reducing the factories getting people to spend responsibly and stop a credit living

But it's not the easiest thing to say ....no doubt the factories will shift to ASEAN countries but this mean pollution is closer to those active in Thai Visa

I'm sure this will start another thread ...

In Asean Bangkok is not publicly or actively involved in the SCS contest. Bangkok is not suffering or fretting the economic and financial fall of the CCP in their personal PRC. Thailand's problem is flooding not global economics or regional territorial disputes in the SCS. Thailand's army and air force have always been made in the USA while its Navy has always been made in China. Raynong pollution hasn't ever bothered me in Thailand either. So people who presume to speak for the interests of expats in Thailand might need to reevaluate their unimportant self-importance.

Not really presumably to speak for others but looking at the threads there are a lot of whiners in the forum ....when the factories of dong guan shift down to Thailand ....yes you will get an inkling of what's coming ...for those have not spend a week there in Dongguan best not presume to be an expert in China and spourt thrash .... Best to take a flight there have a good look and then say for certainty whether you want that to come down to ASEAN

I got one have been there and know it's not a walk in the park for the pollution index and don't want it anyway near Chiangmai where my family resides
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