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Saudi official says kingdom ready to send troops to Syria


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I think if you research things a bit more, you'd find the US doesn't have a stake in this game and doesn't want to get involved. Syria is not strategic to the US. The other players are causing the US to get involved due to the humanitarian disaster and the massive consequences in the EU. The poor leadership in Syria is allowing ISIS to blossom. Something that could have an impact on the US.

Same with Libya. The US helped, but was primarily an EU operation.

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I think if you research things a bit more, you'd find the US doesn't have a stake in this game and doesn't want to get involved. Syria is not strategic to the US. The other players are causing the US to get involved due to the humanitarian disaster and the massive consequences in the EU. The poor leadership in Syria is allowing ISIS to blossom. Something that could have an impact on the US.

Same with Libya. The US helped, but was primarily an EU operation.

I think that's what they want us to believe but it's clear Assad is not their preferred Syrian leader, he won't be swayed by them.

There's been plenty of other humanitarian crisis where the US (& its allies) haven't responded and there will be plenty more.

Anyhoo, the US would be wise at this point in time to pull back, because the Russians are in town now and they MEAN BUSINESS.

It's a dangerous situation and it seems every player its own agenda and it's going to get even messier.

You think certain western nations would of learnt a lesson from Iraq but it seems they haven't. Many ME countries are ruled with an iron fist, barbaric leaderships doing nasty things to their own people. You remove these rulers and absolute havoc errupts as all the violent folk in line for the position tussle to outdo each other and force their own hand. The Americans were warned about this long before George Bush senior invaded and now exactly what they were told would happen has happened and the struggles there will almost certainly continue for infinity.

I think the Saudis are very much in bed with the USA, however their relationship won't last forever, relationships built on lies and receipt never do.

So where next? There's still a few tiny pockets of the ME that ARNT in complete termoil yet. 55555

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The US may not like Assad, but they're not going to get involved over just that. The Russian's are indiscriminately bombing entire towns. It's a humanitarian disaster they've created. And killed many innocent civilians. Shame on them.


Here's the people's lives they are ruining. I'm sure Russia will be helping them rebuild when it's all over? LOL


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The US may not like Assad, but they're not going to get involved over just that. The Russian's are indiscriminately bombing entire towns. It's a humanitarian disaster they've created. And killed many innocent civilians. Shame on them.


Here's the people's lives they are ruining. I'm sure Russia will be helping them rebuild when it's all over? LOL


Are these bombs similar to the ones the Americans and their allies have dropped on thousands of civilians in Iraq?

As time goes by, the world will see what has happened and I don't think it's going to reveal anyone as an angel.

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I think if you research things a bit more, you'd find the US doesn't have a stake in this game and doesn't want to get involved. Syria is not strategic to the US. The other players are causing the US to get involved due to the humanitarian disaster and the massive consequences in the EU. The poor leadership in Syria is allowing ISIS to blossom. Something that could have an impact on the US.

Same with Libya. The US helped, but was primarily an EU operation.

i [not so] humbly beg to differ as far as "not strategic" is concerned. the Russian naval facility in Tartus has been a pain in the neck since it was established.

on "Libya"... the EU-bootlickers followed orders from across the Atlantic.

all the above of course in my [not so] humble opinion whistling.gif

Edited by Naam
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Agreed! But don't think that alone would cause the US to get involved. It's been there for many years.

Interesting article on LIbya and NATO. Worth a read:


Europe’s capabilities deficit was laid bare by NATO’s Libyan mission, say John Podesta and Ken Gude. Although the U.S. took a back seat, the need for its assistance in many areas underlined European military shortcomings. Now it’s time to address them


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So, Saudi Arabia might be sending soldiers to Syria ??

Well, Saudi Arabia is a Washington puppet. They will send soldiers IF Washington allows them to. I think it would be very silly for them to send soldiers. Saudi Arabia wants to have conflict with Iran, but their survival is dependant on the USA. Yes, Saudi Arabia can take on Iran in proxy wars in Syria and Yemen, but only because Washington is backing them.

If America was not backing Saudi Arabia, Iran would simply beat the living daylights out of Saudi Arabia in a war. Notice how Saudi Arabia is not a democracy. It practices a form of Islam that is more strict than Iran's. And there's little freedom of speech and expression in Saudi Arabia. Yet, the USA still backs them, Washingon is still the puppet-master behind the puppet.

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All foreign troops currently in Syria should leave. Too complicated now...

leave and let the IS cancer spread?

I'm not sure the foreign troops there are doing much anyway! LOL Russia is bombing everything, including rebels fighting IS. Who know's what Saudia Arabia and Iran are up to. Complicated....But Russia's bombing has definitely upped the humanitarian crisis. These 20,000 people are not all IS terrorists.


Terrorists flourish when there's a power vacuum, or a weak (corrupt) leader. Like we have in Syria and Libya. IMHO!


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So, Saudi Arabia might be sending soldiers to Syria ??

Well, Saudi Arabia is a Washington puppet. They will send soldiers IF Washington allows them to. I think it would be very silly for them to send soldiers. Saudi Arabia wants to have conflict with Iran, but their survival is dependant on the USA. Yes, Saudi Arabia can take on Iran in proxy wars in Syria and Yemen, but only because Washington is backing them.

If America was not backing Saudi Arabia, Iran would simply beat the living daylights out of Saudi Arabia in a war. Notice how Saudi Arabia is not a democracy. It practices a form of Islam that is more strict than Iran's. And there's little freedom of speech and expression in Saudi Arabia. Yet, the USA still backs them, Washingon is still the puppet-master behind the puppet.

I beg to differ. The Saudis have outspent the Iranians by a huge margin on arms and probably have a twenty year advantage over Iran regarding technology. From Yemen we hear mainly bitching about alleged Saudi war crimes, but be very sure indeed that if they were taking a beating from the Iranians we would be hearing about that instead. Anyway I suspect this question will soon be answered by a direct military confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran.


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All foreign troops currently in Syria should leave. Too complicated now...

If all foreign troops leave Syria don't you think IS will take Syria, Iraq, Lybia and create caliphate as IS actually wanted?

Lybia? I prefer Labia!

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All foreign troops currently in Syria should leave. Too complicated now...

But the 'Cartel' has just got things right where they need them.

They must protect the petrodollar and having the correct 'installed' government in Syria is a vital link in their chain.

There's no going back now, things will intensify and of course the barbaric Saudis just can't wait to amp it up a notch.

I would have asked in what way Syria is a vital link in anything to do with the petrodollar, but that might result in the usual convulsed and over-reaching conspiracy theories. While it is nice and tidy to tie almost any conflict to a handful of often quoted causes, it doesn't quite relate to how complex things are.

I'm only mildly into certain 'conspiracy' theories. Having said that, even blind freddy can see that Putin Has outplayed Obama in the ME. If Russia ends up with a 'controlling hand' in any number of ME countries then we might just find that Oil, gas and a few other thing may no longer be sold in USD. The result of that would be Catestrophic for the USA. Let's face it, one of the real reasons USA invaded Iraq was due to the fact Sadam had thumbed his nose at the states and wasn't going to play ball the USA way. Clearly, there were no weapons of mass destruction & Saddam, like Bin Laden had nothing to do with the attacks on the USA in 2001.

Anyhoooo, the USA needs to ensure that the cards in the ME fall a certain way, anything else will result In the unthinkable and the BIGWIGS that control the money matters wouldn't like that.

At this point, Russia & China and just one or two important middle eastern countries may end up Changing the rules of the game.

Now I certainly don't blame the USA for the entire mess as several hundred years of history has shown that the political Middle East has been a poo fight, long before these issues came into play.

We are living in very dangerous times & the majority of humans on the earth seem oblivious to it. I'm not one of them. Now the Saudis have an agenda, most of the players do, so this will get interesting.

The USSR had a lot of clout in the Middle East, and for many years. The USD was still the currency to have and to deal with. Call me a skeptic, but doubt this is going to change anytime soon (not a BRICSter). IS there any major oil producing country in the Middle East which seems to lean this way?

Anyway, this topic is about Syria - not a major player when it comes to oil production.

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I think if you research things a bit more, you'd find the US doesn't have a stake in this game and doesn't want to get involved. Syria is not strategic to the US. The other players are causing the US to get involved due to the humanitarian disaster and the massive consequences in the EU. The poor leadership in Syria is allowing ISIS to blossom. Something that could have an impact on the US.

Same with Libya. The US helped, but was primarily an EU operation.

I think that's what they want us to believe but it's clear Assad is not their preferred Syrian leader, he won't be swayed by them.

There's been plenty of other humanitarian crisis where the US (& its allies) haven't responded and there will be plenty more.

Anyhoo, the US would be wise at this point in time to pull back, because the Russians are in town now and they MEAN BUSINESS.

It's a dangerous situation and it seems every player its own agenda and it's going to get even messier.

You think certain western nations would of learnt a lesson from Iraq but it seems they haven't. Many ME countries are ruled with an iron fist, barbaric leaderships doing nasty things to their own people. You remove these rulers and absolute havoc errupts as all the violent folk in line for the position tussle to outdo each other and force their own hand. The Americans were warned about this long before George Bush senior invaded and now exactly what they were told would happen has happened and the struggles there will almost certainly continue for infinity.

I think the Saudis are very much in bed with the USA, however their relationship won't last forever, relationships built on lies and receipt never do.

So where next? There's still a few tiny pockets of the ME that ARNT in complete termoil yet. 55555

"the US would be wise at this point in time to pull back, because the Russians are in town now and they MEAN BUSINESS" - earlier you state that Syria coming under Russian influence (as if it wasn't like that for ages), would be a failure for USA interests. How does pulling back sit with the previous analysis ?

Both the USA and Russia got a bad history regarding the consequences of direct military involvement (especially so when it comes to ground troop presence). Somehow, no expectations of the Russians to have learned anything...

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So, Saudi Arabia might be sending soldiers to Syria ??

Well, Saudi Arabia is a Washington puppet. They will send soldiers IF Washington allows them to. I think it would be very silly for them to send soldiers. Saudi Arabia wants to have conflict with Iran, but their survival is dependant on the USA. Yes, Saudi Arabia can take on Iran in proxy wars in Syria and Yemen, but only because Washington is backing them.

If America was not backing Saudi Arabia, Iran would simply beat the living daylights out of Saudi Arabia in a war. Notice how Saudi Arabia is not a democracy. It practices a form of Islam that is more strict than Iran's. And there's little freedom of speech and expression in Saudi Arabia. Yet, the USA still backs them, Washingon is still the puppet-master behind the puppet.

I beg to differ. The Saudis have outspent the Iranians by a huge margin on arms and probably have a twenty year advantage over Iran regarding technology. From Yemen we hear mainly bitching about alleged Saudi war crimes, but be very sure indeed that if they were taking a beating from the Iranians we would be hearing about that instead. Anyway I suspect this question will soon be answered by a direct military confrontation between Saudi Arabia and Iran.


Back in 1990, Saddam Hussein of Iraq sent a load of soldiers into Kuwait. Kuwait fell, almost without a fight. Most people do reckon, that the Iraqi soldiers could have easily carried on driving their army trucks, and gone into Saudi Arabia. The reason why they didn't take over Saudi Arabia as well, is because it would have made Iraq look far worse.

As we know, it was the Americans and a UN coalition that removed the Iraqi soldiers out of Kuwait. Surely, all of us agree that no way, no way could Saudi Arabia defend itself against Iraq, no way could Saudi Arabia remove the Iraqi soldiers out of Kuwait ?? And Saddam himself had fought a decade-long war against Iran.

Yes, you're right, Saudi Arabia has spent a stack of money buying American weapons. But Iran has got the men who are willing to fight and die for their nation. Has Saudi Arabia got the men ? Saudi Arabia pumps out oil, and it's playboy princes buy flash cars and have holidays in Europe and America. Most people know that young men in Saudi Arabia are simply not going to fight and die to protect such as system. The Saudi's have got enough money to finance proxy wars, and pay for others to do the fighting, but they themselves fight ?

Also, cynics will say that buying US arms, what is it really about ? Simple, Washington demands that Saudi Arabia buys American arms, this gives profit to the US defence contracters. In return, Washington is willing to remind Saudi Arabia's enemies to not attack Saudi Arabia. Washington will wage war against those who attack Saudi Arabia. But Washington demands a price that must be paid. After all, nothing is for free.

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Opening a second front only based on your military superiority, when you're well aware that you're losing the first one ?

Reminds me the same mistakes of the Persian empire under Darius and his son Xerxes.

History repeats itself...

IS controlled since the beginning the Tigris and the Euphrate and never lost the strategic positions to control civil stability (un)stability in the regions covering Iraq and Syria through control the dams and drying up the rivers.

Increased diseases like cholera and lack of sufficient water capacity were by the way one of main reasons for the refugee peak. Same tactics have been used in Biblical era.

I'm surprised that IS leadership was aware and able to apply with a minimum of resistance since the beginning of this conflict the same evil strategy. This is normally thought in more reputable military academies in master classes military history.

Even so, the crucial fall of Ramadi was almost 'given' to IS under the coalition. Iraqi Shia troops wanted to support the Iraqi Sunni troops but were 'advised' not to proceed under advise of the coalition. The IS troops moving from Raqqa to Ramadi were never stopped...

The mass exodus of refugees to Europe followed short after the fall of Ramadi.

Yemeni rebels entered and attacked KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) in Jazan. KSA has for the first time in his history a negative deficit of more than 100 billion USD. For the first time in its his history the price of gasoline (from peak oil) at the gas station rised with 50%.

KSA army started a deal with Egypt where Egypt had to supply soldiers for the Yemen war while food will be provided for Egypt. Also this cooperation vanished. The same has been initiated with Lybia and Tunisia.

The short military intervention of UAEmirati troops in Yemen also vanished.

Qatar had to intervene financially to supply financial and military hardware to the Syrian rebels, when KSA was not able to fulfill the same support in time.

KSA won't have any Shia support since the massive public executions of Nimr-al-Nimr and 46 other Shia clerics from last month.

France and US moved its fleet into the Persian gulf just after the Russian intervention in Syria. But US has still diplomatic, different opinions with KSA.

Iran and Israel will be implicated in a later stage, but that's too soon...

OP is based on negative propaganda to continue refugee crisis and to acknowledge the failed military campaign in Syria and Iraq...

Edited by Thorgal
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The so-called IS is a terror organization that recruited all vagabonds and deliberately was given the title of "Islamic" just to misguide and distribute wrong and fake and bloody image about Islam, just to accuse Muslims,

The rusty regime of Assad, killing his people with his allies to destroy the remaining broken parts in his country, under the title of fighting the terrorism, especially the most and recently famous brand named one (ISIS)

bombing in Paris, or anywhere else, just say IS and will be believed immediately, because the bloody image is there,

The current regime in Egypt, killing and imprisoning all its opponents under the title of fighting terrorism of IS

In Libya, Tunisia, Yemen and Iraq etc.. ISIS becoming as international brand name, and all these local corrupted wooden regimes in the region easily to fabricate some stories, then apply a state of emergency and curfew, just to silent any voices demanding freedom of speech, or job seekers etc, as long IS is threat, all must be silent or his neck under the shoe !! and that's what the big brothers want ....

The final target is to get these nations one kill another, one accuse another, destroying each other homes by own hands, just hire some of their local vagabonds and trigger them to demonize and spoil around, to keep them fighting and killing each other while other nations keep building and developing and making new discoveries,

This ISIS is one of the biggest lie in the beginning of 21st century, anything against Islam and Muslims can be adopted and marketed internationally and became the main topic in the media propaganda !!

What the HELL all this killing for? why keep destroying humanity like this?

However, no one of us will remain forever in this world, sooner of later we'll leave to another just world,

A world where no lies, no propaganda, no fabricated stories, no fake news..

There everything built to be just and transparent and accurate justice for everyone,

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