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Ticket to Paradise: Documentary on Isaan girls’ desire to marry farang shown at JAM

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I have had 3 Thai GF's. The last 2 Isaan. The last one against my advice went in Japan for 3 years. After 18 months she asked me for a fare of 400,000 Baht to return home. An actual fare from Japan I knew was less than 10,000 Baht. I could not accept that kind of greed and told her to stay there. The thing is Thai women in general demand more from a western man than they would a Thai man. If you don't give everything they demand they say you don't love them. Love comes from the heart and a good relationship not a bank account.

Finding a Thai GF online the usual way for a lot of falangs was not easy. Thai women are over-rated on there looks. Many are reasonably pretty and a few make good wives no doubt. But many of them are black widow spiders only to willing to devour you if you let them. Including divorce after they have taken all you have got. I signed up to a dating website for Ukranian women. The difference was remarkable, I did not have to try hard. The average income of the country is about the same as Thailand. Many are well educated, go to University, have a higher degree of intelligence and less cunning. 150 very good looking beautiful Ukranian women made the first move by writing very nice A4 letters to me. I read 11 before deciding on the 12th one. (Most of these women look like models from the covers of fashion magazines). I have establish a very good relationship and we are already discussing marriage. I offer to buy her something which is reasonably cheap and she will tell me not to, because she thinks it is too expensive. When the time comes I will not have to worry about a dowry and know everything about the culture until I am blue in the face. It is refreshing to know I can relax and feel like a human being without being trapped in or thinking about culture all the time in moving to Thailand. By the way Ukranians are Western women with a better attitude than most other Wectern countries and Thailand put together.

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I have had 3 Thai GF's. The last 2 Isaan. The last one against my advice went in Japan for 3 years. After 18 months she asked me for a fare of 400,000 Baht to return home. An actual fare from Japan I knew was less than 10,000 Baht. I could not accept that kind of greed and told her to stay there. The thing is Thai women in general demand more from a western man than they would a Thai man. If you don't give everything they demand they say you don't love them. Love comes from the heart and a good relationship not a bank account.

Finding a Thai GF online the usual way for a lot of falangs was not easy. Thai women are over-rated on there looks. Many are reasonably pretty and a few make good wives no doubt. But many of them are black widow spiders only to willing to devour you if you let them. Including divorce after they have taken all you have got. I signed up to a dating website for Ukranian women. The difference was remarkable, I did not have to try hard. The average income of the country is about the same as Thailand. Many are well educated, go to University, have a higher degree of intelligence and less cunning. 150 very good looking beautiful Ukranian women made the first move by writing very nice A4 letters to me. I read 11 before deciding on the 12th one. (Most of these women look like models from the covers of fashion magazines). I have establish a very good relationship and we are already discussing marriage. I offer to buy her something which is reasonably cheap and she will tell me not to, because she thinks it is too expensive. When the time comes I will not have to worry about a dowry and know everything about the culture until I am blue in the face. It is refreshing to know I can relax and feel like a human being without being trapped in or thinking about culture all the time in moving to Thailand. By the way Ukranians are Western women with a better attitude than most other Wectern countries a

nd Thailand put together.

Ever tried meeting girls in the real world, and not online ? Or do you not have the personality for that ?

Miss Ukraine will be no different to the 3 Miss Thailand's.

And already discussing marriage, bizarre !


The thing is Thai women in general demand more from a western man than they would a Thai man.

Ever tried meeting girls in the real world, and not online ? Or do you not have the personality for that ?

Miss Ukraine will be no different to the 3 Miss Thailand's.

And already discussing marriage, bizarre !

I agree with ThaiD, most women will try for all they can get from a guy, regardless of their respective ages or nationalities. A weak guy ends up paying more than a strong guy. They can demand the moon, but you don't have to buy it for them.

My wife's parents from Issarn, she was born in bkk. We met face to face, happenstance. I was here first foreigner. She could no even speak much English.

Her parents poor but hard working, net worth about 2m thb. Her sister got pregnant early, brother gay and confused. But all decent people. I give on avg antivirus 500 a month to parents and only few times helped sisters kids for school money.

Wife works, would not have it any other way for first ten yrs of marriage. She also contributes something to most of our int'l trips and even more domestic. She covers her expenses. I do out of love pay for much of it our daily expenses.

Six years and not one moment her angry or raging at me. She is absolutely lovely and makes friends everywhere in the world easily.

When we bump into bar girls and schemers she's quick to ID them and distance herself from those low quality people.

My wife has only told me the sweetest of white lies, never taken a baht not given -I have had a few K USD laying about the house for over six months, not a worry.

I love my wife. She's gold in this world in shit.

Many women marry with express idea of getting out if Thailand via farang. They want jobs, farang, money and may sabotage it all. This is desperation. Having said this, wife's cousin had a shit life and wanted out. She met a nice Swedish guy on FB and is now there with all benefits. He treats her well as dies his parents, really a dream... We both know its a marriage of convenience but they are same ages and I think she lives and values him and his family. She worked at a lg insurance office prior. She's studied Swedish, ambitious in the right ways. He's a great guy, gives far too much to her mother, sister... That is complicated. Oh, she too birn in bkk.

If the girl has sights on going overseas to live. Many, even bar girls know this never ends well. Most hookers are happy living in Thailand and just having guys visit, camming, holiday entertainment gik... Smart girls know how hard life is abroad, the guy interested in them of very modest means and likely to live in some equally droll place in their own countries. They have social issues. Most of all, word has been out for a long time...many if these guys are broke and getting thru Immigration hurdles for unemployed hooker not ez. Smart girls troll from abroad and have for years. Get five guys sending you 2-10k a month...Pot of gold long gone and they know it. Life abroad is hard and often cold.

I married out if love and respect for my wife. A person I felt I could trust and was far less happy without her and I'm a very independent person.

Yeah, we don't stay up late debating Thucydides vs Plutarch or how many Apsara can dance in the head of a pin but sadly I never found that it any attractive white woman that was interested in me either. We focus on fun, life and activities.

I'm fortunate but I've also spent years testing her (sadly). She's never disappointed, I'm really the weak link.

At six years, despite her looking slimmish and 30, I'm hankering for a bit if strange...but I feel guilty even thinking abt cheating on her. She'd never cheat on me.

When we are out and about, the only guy that has the hotter babe is: the guy who is clearly paying for the party service girl, the young handsome guy who has some hottie (she's dreaming he will tire if Thailand rapidly and take her out/home) and some lucky guy with a pile of money and a hot chick that is not a hooker. If you ask me how I can size these people up so...I lived in Pattaya for years lol. I can spot a hooker at 30 paces.

But even tired Issarn bar girls can be good companions. Smart girls know when to get out and an old guy can grab a really great companion thus way.

As for the losers fishing for girls from home on the Internet, well that always ends badly doesn't it?

These documentaries are always polemic and unfair to all parties. They are indirectly selling sex to be shown on tvs prime time.

Finally, I'd like to say most men I've met here don't deserve a good partner. Men her are most self serving, self absorbed, selfish people I've ever met. Not difficult many if you have issues.

Ironic, the docu exploiting the women no?

PS sorry for typos and aggressive spell checker.


Why just pick on girls from Isaan ?

When any Thai states she is looking for a farang, it is all about the money.

and it's different with white women????

It is if you don't pick from trailer parks.

Same as here, if you insist on looking for love amongst the underclasses then don't expect anything more than a bit of nice packaging.


There is just something about Issan girls and that Caramel skin... Just dont tell my wife.

Sent from my c64


and than

come to TVF to tell the stories how it all went to the dogs from there, half of these

pages filled with hard luck and stupidity stories about farangs marrying Issan girls.....

And probably more than half of these pages filled with great success stories about farangs marrying Issan girls.

Same as western marriages. Some work out and some do not.

Yes but when 2 westerners get married it is for the fight reasons, here its so she can go shopping and get as much out of the deal as possible.

Personally i'd sooner a relationship with a farm yard animal than get involved with an Isaan woman.


You go ahead and take away your gf/ wifes car in US and see how long she is going to stay with you. Only young girls fall in love. After 23years and up its all about finding a good future partner, no matter what country.

Nonsense. It's the 21st century. Women in developed countries can make their own way in the world. Plenty of them have done so, and have absolutely no need for the outdated concept of a man to provide for them.

Women in Britain get so much money off the state for being single they do not have to make their way in life.

Others just divorce and having kids and live of the husband.


I would say it's mostly the lazy and stupid Issan girls who see this as a good thing to achieve. The intelligent motivated ones normally have more sense than to marry for money, to blokes much older who they normally have absolutely nothing in common with. Fair enough if it's sex/companion in exchange for security, but in most cases that is all it is, don't lets delude ourselves.

Not too stupid to learn another language or two and marry a "hansome man".If you thing girls in Issan are lazy,you obviosly have never ventured out of your delusional cocoon.Some are even smart enough to get rid of "hansome man" and reap the benifits,while HM joins TVF and runs down all things Thai.


what I am saying is there are far more opportunities these days than prostitution or marriages of convenience for Issan girls.

Thai hookers are generally either lazy or drunks (sometimes both).

If you gave them job opportunities, they wouldn't be interested.

And the reasons are many. One they have to get pissed because of the life they often cannot avoid. If they get a job opportunity , very ofetn it will pay less than half what they can earn in a bar or they are over 35 ish and cannot get regular jobs, or if they don't have a degree there is very little hope to get any decent job paying good money , regardless of their capabilities to the job. Very sad to be honest.

I am sorry but annot agree with you. I put it down to their laziness and need to party every day. They love the life. Ok a small percentage may be as you described but the majority are there for the easy money and free parties. As they say "you can take a girl from the bar but you can never take the bar from the girl". If you do get one from the bar then generally the moment your back is turned, and given the opportunity, she will be back there either as a customer or worker. Do you think they are all forced into bar work? They love it. Unless of course the ATM walks in. Then the sad stories and the sick grandma and sick buffalo comes into play.

A lot of you blokes are a sad deluded lot that know nothing about the country they may live in.Just repeat the well worn phrases and think they are true.


Finally, I'd like to say most men I've met here don't deserve a good partner.

And most foreign men in Thailand don't get a 'good partner', they get a sex worker with a restricted customer base.

(But usually not as restricted as the foreign providers imagine)


Lived with an issarn girl for the last 12 years, and still think daily about leaving her... Shes not lazy, doesnt ask for money and is completely self sufficient with her own business. so why would i think about leaving her you ask?

Well to put it bluntly - its like living with a child, a very uneducated child. A very boring and highly volatile selfish and closed minded individual. Ofcourse i never thought that when i met her... infact i saw her as being much better than what was currently available, probably one of the better ones. But ask yourself as you live in this 3rd world, is this a step up or a step down? who benefits most from this relationship? us or them?

Do you live in a high rise condo as i have the answer for you.


and than

come to TVF to tell the stories how it all went to the dogs from there, half of these

pages filled with hard luck and stupidity stories about farangs marrying Issan girls.....

And probably more than half of these pages filled with great success stories about farangs marrying Issan girls.

Same as western marriages. Some work out and some do not.

Yes but when 2 westerners get married it is for the fight reasons, here its so she can go shopping and get as much out of the deal as possible.

Personally i'd sooner a relationship with a farm yard animal than get involved with an Isaan woman.

You realy think a farm animal would have time for a sad creature like you


I have had 3 Thai GF's. The last 2 Isaan. The last one against my advice went in Japan for 3 years. After 18 months she asked me for a fare of 400,000 Baht to return home. An actual fare from Japan I knew was less than 10,000 Baht. I could not accept that kind of greed and told her to stay there. The thing is Thai women in general demand more from a western man than they would a Thai man. If you don't give everything they demand they say you don't love them. Love comes from the heart and a good relationship not a bank account.

Finding a Thai GF online the usual way for a lot of falangs was not easy. Thai women are over-rated on there looks. Many are reasonably pretty and a few make good wives no doubt. But many of them are black widow spiders only to willing to devour you if you let them. Including divorce after they have taken all you have got. I signed up to a dating website for Ukranian women. The difference was remarkable, I did not have to try hard. The average income of the country is about the same as Thailand. Many are well educated, go to University, have a higher degree of intelligence and less cunning. 150 very good looking beautiful Ukranian women made the first move by writing very nice A4 letters to me. I read 11 before deciding on the 12th one. (Most of these women look like models from the covers of fashion magazines). I have establish a very good relationship and we are already discussing marriage. I offer to buy her something which is reasonably cheap and she will tell me not to, because she thinks it is too expensive. When the time comes I will not have to worry about a dowry and know everything about the culture until I am blue in the face. It is refreshing to know I can relax and feel like a human being without being trapped in or thinking about culture all the time in moving to Thailand. By the way Ukranians are Western women with a better attitude than most other Wectern countries and Thailand put together.

Jeez Billy,how long before we will be calling you Silly Billy.Have you ever heard of the Long Game?Oh,i forgot,she loves you because of a few swarmy emails.Guess there is still,one born every minute.


I have had 3 Thai GF's. The last 2 Isaan. The last one against my advice went in Japan for 3 years. After 18 months she asked me for a fare of 400,000 Baht to return home. An actual fare from Japan I knew was less than 10,000 Baht. I could not accept that kind of greed and told her to stay there. The thing is Thai women in general demand more from a western man than they would a Thai man. If you don't give everything they demand they say you don't love them. Love comes from the heart and a good relationship not a bank account.

Finding a Thai GF online the usual way for a lot of falangs was not easy. Thai women are over-rated on there looks. Many are reasonably pretty and a few make good wives no doubt. But many of them are black widow spiders only to willing to devour you if you let them. Including divorce after they have taken all you have got. I signed up to a dating website for Ukranian women. The difference was remarkable, I did not have to try hard. The average income of the country is about the same as Thailand. Many are well educated, go to University, have a higher degree of intelligence and less cunning. 150 very good looking beautiful Ukranian women made the first move by writing very nice A4 letters to me. I read 11 before deciding on the 12th one. (Most of these women look like models from the covers of fashion magazines). I have establish a very good relationship and we are already discussing marriage. I offer to buy her something which is reasonably cheap and she will tell me not to, because she thinks it is too expensive. When the time comes I will not have to worry about a dowry and know everything about the culture until I am blue in the face. It is refreshing to know I can relax and feel like a human being without being trapped in or thinking about culture all the time in moving to Thailand. By the way Ukranians are Western women with a better attitude than most other Wectern countries and Thailand put together.

Deluded hahahahahah. Want to here a couple of stories, you might change your mind.


Look to be honest you think any woman marries for love? Especially when the age difference is such a huge distance apart. Look I'm 64 yes I love young women but I don't fool myself that some young chick loves me, yes she loves my money but even I know once money gone she wouldn't look twice at me. It is same back home young girl marries old fart for money not because he is a stud muffin. Once you come to grips with that you can enjoy your life. But as an old fart why should I settle for some 40 plus old worn out old broad with sagging tits and attitude and more wrinkles than a charpay mutt when I can rent a low mileage model. But I let them know up front and if both agree to arrangement then who's business is it anyway? My money to spend as I please.


Give me an Issan girl over a self-absorbed entitled white woman any day. just saying.

Give me a slim 30yo Issan girl over an overweight 60yo White woman any day.

(I'm just comparing what I can reasonably expect to bag on my pension)

Globalization in full swing.

When has love become marketable?


Give me an Issan girl over a self-absorbed entitled white woman any day. just saying.

Yep I can hear all the white women screaming in despair as you hoist your man boobs over your shoulders and lumber off into the sunset with Noi


Lived with an issarn girl for the last 12 years, and still think daily about leaving her... Shes not lazy, doesnt ask for money and is completely self sufficient with her own business. so why would i think about leaving her you ask?

Well to put it bluntly - its like living with a child, a very uneducated child. A very boring and highly volatile selfish and closed minded individual. Ofcourse i never thought that when i met her... infact i saw her as being much better than what was currently available, probably one of the better ones. But ask yourself as you live in this 3rd world, is this a step up or a step down? who benefits most from this relationship? us or them?

Yes child like and I would add that many being emotionally immature and having a lack of curiosity makes it difficult to have a meaningful discussion about anything much, unless it's food or family of course. If you are looking for any sort of intellectual stimulation then it's unlikely, but not impossible, that an Issan girl will be able to provide it. If silent moods, irrational outbursts and an inability to reason are your thing though, well they are the best there is.

But the majority of men on Thaivisa forums swear blind they're simply the best women in the world . . .



Lived with an issarn girl for the last 12 years, and still think daily about leaving her... Shes not lazy, doesnt ask for money and is completely self sufficient with her own business. so why would i think about leaving her you ask?

Well to put it bluntly - its like living with a child, a very uneducated child. A very boring and highly volatile selfish and closed minded individual. Ofcourse i never thought that when i met her... infact i saw her as being much better than what was currently available, probably one of the better ones. But ask yourself as you live in this 3rd world, is this a step up or a step down? who benefits most from this relationship? us or them?

Yes child like and I would add that many being emotionally immature and having a lack of curiosity makes it difficult to have a meaningful discussion about anything much, unless it's food or family of course. If you are looking for any sort of intellectual stimulation then it's unlikely, but not impossible, that an Issan girl will be able to provide it. If silent moods, irrational outbursts and an inability to reason are your thing though, well they are the best there is.

But the majority of men on Thaivisa forums swear blind they're simply the best women in the world . . .


No, I swear they are the cheapest and most easily available women in the world.

(Aside from Pinoys, who are also cheap and available)

As for moods, outbursts and inability to reason,

I don't pay attention to any of that nonsense, she can do what she wants, I'm not listening.


Give me an Issan girl over a self-absorbed entitled white woman any day. just saying.

For a few hours sure but would slit my wrists 6 months down the road. what will you do with the lazy cow after the novelty has worn off..

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


Give me an Issan girl over a self-absorbed entitled white woman any day. just saying.

For a few hours sure but would slit my wrists 6 months down the road. what will you do with the lazy cow after the novelty has worn off..

"6 months down the road" ......... I usually find 1 or 2 hours long enough.


Give me an Issan girl over a self-absorbed entitled white woman any day. just saying.

Give me a slim 30yo Issan girl over an overweight 60yo White woman any day.

(I'm just comparing what I can reasonably expect to bag on my pension)

Globalization in full swing.

When has love become marketable?

What is love?

Relationships have nearly always been a commodity dictated by social standing, adherence to group or pure economics.... It's only the last couple of generations where people believe they are marrying for 'love'


Relationships have nearly always been a commodity dictated by social standing, adherence to group or pure economics.... It's only the last couple of generations where people believe they are marrying for 'love'

The last couple of generations in the west.

Russia, India, Asia, Africa, China ....... business as usual.


Lived with an issarn girl for the last 12 years, and still think daily about leaving her... Shes not lazy, doesnt ask for money and is completely self sufficient with her own business. so why would i think about leaving her you ask?

Well to put it bluntly - its like living with a child, a very uneducated child. A very boring and highly volatile selfish and closed minded individual. Ofcourse i never thought that when i met her... infact i saw her as being much better than what was currently available, probably one of the better ones. But ask yourself as you live in this 3rd world, is this a step up or a step down? who benefits most from this relationship? us or them?

Yes child like and I would add that many being emotionally immature and having a lack of curiosity makes it difficult to have a meaningful discussion about anything much, unless it's food or family of course. If you are looking for any sort of intellectual stimulation then it's unlikely, but not impossible, that an Issan girl will be able to provide it. If silent moods, irrational outbursts and an inability to reason are your thing though, well they are the best there is.

But the majority of men on Thaivisa forums swear blind they're simply the best women in the world . . .


No, I swear they are the cheapest and most easily available women in the world.

(Aside from Pinoys, who are also cheap and available)

As for moods, outbursts and inability to reason,

I don't pay attention to any of that nonsense, she can do what she wants, I'm not listening.

Some of us factor what's in between a woman's ears as well as what's between her legs when making a decision to stand still with her for a bit

I'll definitely admit to having put up with moodiness, tantrums and the like but Christ, man, I figured out how to swerve that shit once I hit 22

Since then, apart from the odd emotional outburst . . nada

For this reason, I continue to love women to death

You came here and married a 30-something with the mental age of a 13 year old - how can you complain?


Some of us factor what's in between a woman's ears as well as what's between her legs when making a decision to stand still with her for a bit

I doubt any man that claims to be having sex with three different women would be considered that great a catch.

Sounds like just another 'hater' or 'user' to me.


Some of us factor what's in between a woman's ears as well as what's between her legs when making a decision to stand still with her for a bit

I doubt any man that claims to be having sex with three different women would be considered that great a catch.

Sounds like just another 'hater' or 'user' to me.

Maybe not but so long as he's not lying to or deceiving any of them about where they stand with him, no harm done

I'm no hater and I'm no user - the women I deal with are adults - mind and body, mate and they appreciate a nice shag as much as I do

You DO know you didn't have to get married again to get laid here, right?

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