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Compliments to the Royal Thai Police!

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Yep, in some households its the women that wear the pants and in this case as explained by FG its quite obvious that he was under the thumb big time.

Some men can live like that, luckily (or otherwise) Im not that type of person. I believe the driver was as FG stated...quite contrite and wanted to do the right thing. Its her that should have recieved a size 10 where the sun doesnt shine.

But getting back to the OP, well done to the BiB. Goes to show they will stick by the innocent party no matter whom they are when the evidence is cut and dry.

Good report FG.

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Lucky you weren't in Perth. Police would just say "civil matter, your problem". As happened to me when a pickup truck ran down the side of my car and took off - two weeks without a acar and $500 excess as well as loss of no claims bonus. Rather be in CM it seems.

Getting to be that way in parts of Canada.


I had a situation where I was driving on a hiway in the province and another car made a u turn on a red light Needless to say I broadsided him.

The police came took my statement and the statement of locals . Thought I was for sure in trouble even though it was not my fault

After the police said if they wanted to know the outcome of the investigation I should go to the police station

Once there the police said it was the one that made the u turn against a red light that was at fault not me

They did a good job that day


Out of curiosity, what was the settlement figure?

Enough to cover the cost of repair, but not the inconvenience.

What was the cost of the repair? In baht, not wooly or vague.


well done, good job, now pay it forward by going back to chicken vendor and giving him a nice order and a tip and thanking him for his help .... we are quick to complain about Thais not helping so lets reinforce when they do help buy lettting them know their help and consideration is appreciated.... my apologies for suggesting this if you have already done it which i suspect you have .


well done, good job, now pay it forward by going back to chicken vendor and giving him a nice order and a tip and thanking him for his help .... we are quick to complain about Thais not helping so lets reinforce when they do help buy lettting them know their help and consideration is appreciated.... my apologies for suggesting this if you have already done it which i suspect you have .

He and I are old 'friends.' I buy from him every Saturday afternoon. The Chiang Mai Fencing Club (new members welcome, by the way...) meet to play on Saturdays so I don't have a chance to shop at the talat, and I'm usually too exhausted to feel like cooking anyway. His chicken stand is on my route home, and I stop and buy enough for three good meals (two for Saturday night and one to split for Sunday breakfast) every Saturday, and have ever since he opened his stand. I made sure to stop at his stand on my way back from the Cop Shop on Sunday, and bought two more half chickens! Good stuff, but I gotta tell ya... I'm getting tired of eating chicken.... LOL!


Did the owners of the other motorbikes that were damaged

get compensation too?,

regards Worgeordie

Unlike the owner of the motorbike that chased them and ended getting compensated the other poor smucks more than likely after viewing their damaged machines just left and went home chalking it up to another day in the LOS. I would be surprised if any contacted the cop shop as their reputation has no doubt preceded them so why waste your time. Just chalk it up to being in the wrong place at the wrong time and continue life.


The woman looked as if she had been forced to swallow buffalo chips...

Priceless...I have been to Yellowstone National Park...where the buffalo roam...one can only imagine how difficult their chips would be to swallow...cheesy.gif


....I would be surprised if any contacted the cop shop as their reputation has no doubt preceded them so why waste your time. Just chalk it up to being in the wrong place at the wrong time and continue life.

In my view the RTP simply act in accordance to their level of education and competence, and in line with their well established customs and practice.

Glad someone has a positive word for a thankless job as well!


I too wonder what the cost of damages might be. The way you describe it, the truck, ..."pull in front of the bikes, then back into them, knocking several of them over, including my own."

I've been riding a scooter for 10 years here (and for 20 before that in Asia) and a bike being nudged over by a car backing up isn't going to be smashed up. A few superficial scratches and maybe a broken mirror. Most of us have had it happen at one time or another.

Did you get an estimate before you agreed to a price? Or was part of the payment supposed to be punitive?

I can't imagine a repair bill of more than 500 baht or something like that. Or did the car continue backing into your bikes like a trash compactor?

Oh, and was your bike brand new or already had a few CM dingers on it?

(You can just post a photo of your bike; you have several I gather.)

I'm just trying to get a sense of what actually happened to the bike, and understand why you would follow him and, "...pull up along side, sounding my horn until he slowed down, then pulled in front of him forcing him to stop."

You have to admit, that's flirting with, "Oh, no, not another crazy farang" territory.

Also, he could have gotten out (or someone in the vehicle you didn't see) and harmed you; it's a real possibility here (more so in the South).

Not worrying about safety in that way is foolhardy. It may not be North Peckham estate or East St. Louis, but there are plenty of folks who would have no compunction with caving your head in with a wrench. Or running you over (but that's another story...).

You said: "The policeman reminded her that they had the statements of two Thais who witnessed the event, and the photos of the truck and the license plate number."

Out of curiosity, do you think anything would have been different if there had been two foreigners as witnesses?


Good questions, all....

The damage, in my estimation, would be less than 1,000 baht. Just some heavy scratches to the faring edge and paint, and scrapes to the rear box. My reason for wanting to confront him was that he obviously saw that he had knocked over the bikes, (we saw the driver and passenger look out their windows,) and he didn't stop. As I said, I believe, after the fact, that he wanted to, but didn't. I think that had he stopped and apologized at the time, I still would have been pissed, but I would have waved him on. That's happened to me before on Moon Muang Rd. Old man in a car hit the bike I had at that time. Same sort of damage. Got out, was very sorry. Wanted to know if he could do something or pay something. I waved him on. And I believed that this fellow should have at least offered to compensate for damages. So I stopped him and told him so.

You have to admit, that's flirting with, "Oh, no, not another crazy farang" territory.

True. But I was quite sure that he knew WHY I was stopping him. And I wear a full face helmet. He probably wouldn't immediately realize I was a farang.

Also, he could have gotten out (or someone in the vehicle you didn't see) and harmed you;

Quite possibly he could have tried. It's been tried before. As I said earlier, I refuse to be bullied by the possibility of 'what might happen.' I'm not frightened off by 'what if...' Please note that I said 'frightened off.' This doesn't mean that I'm comfortable with this action. It's scary. I feel it. I just don't let it stop me from doing what I think I should be done.

And would the outcome have been different if it were two farang who were witnesses? I really don't know.

When I told the policeman that I took photos of the license plate and the sign on the side of the truck, he certainly did become more interested. He did ask if I had someone who could speak fluent Thai to talk with him, which is when I handed the phone to the chicken vendor.

Police have to listen to a LOT of different stories told. It's part of their job to find a thread of truth through it all.

And true to Thai culture, the police brought both parties together and simply acted as mediators rather than any legal function, simply reminding the woman that there were two witnesses and there were two photographs, and all added up to the fact that this truck hit these motorbikes. The policeman's Passa Thai was waaay too fast for me to follow, but I didn't get the impression that he was strong-arming them.


Glad to hear your repair costs were resolved to your satisfaction, but what about the other

scooters that were knocked down, was there any damage too them? blink.png


Glad to hear your repair costs were resolved to your satisfaction, but what about the other

scooters that were knocked down, was there any damage too them? blink.png

There were several bikes parked there. It's across the street from a Lotus Express, so bikes are pulling in and out constantly. Three bikes went down. Two of the three that went down hit the cement. The middle one only hit the other bike.

We picked up my bike and the middle bike together and saw damage only to my bike. I mounted while the two Thais were lifting the third bike and didn't see it. By the time I returned to the site, after stopping the truck, both bikes that were down were gone, as were the other bikes that had been parked there.


Gloat when the money is in your hand to pay for the repairs.

That's certainly one way to finalize the situation. If it works for you, great. Your choice. But I chose another.

I prefer to thank the Police and the witnesses when the money is in hand to pay for the repairs.

And that's just what I'm doing in this thread. smile.png



Out of curiosity, what was the settlement figure?


Domino game, perhaps 3k, not more. The others standing free? No real damage done.


Oh Lord....You are now a marked man

A defamation of character law suit launched against you may be in order here as that seems to be a popular way to exact revenge on a foreigner when the foreigner has caused Thai people a lose of face....lol

Meantime...I am almost certain the Thai women now hates all foreigners, forever, and especially foreigners from which ever country you are from.

You sir have done more ever lasting damage then you could ever have imagined...lol....while wars have been started for less...lol



He drove off because she told him too. Not making an excuse for him but remember he lives with her. Or at least probably has to deal w her on a daily basis. So he is always suffering. He did do the wrong thing. If he had done the right thing she would have .... him. Sad.

I am happy I don't have nor need such a relationship.

Great story! Just wished the cops would have pursued expenses for the other owners.


Lucky you weren't in Perth. Police would just say "civil matter, your problem". As happened to me when a pickup truck ran down the side of my car and took off - two weeks without a acar and $500 excess as well as loss of no claims bonus. Rather be in CM it seems.

Getting to be that way in parts of Canada.

Western Australia...breaking and entering or vehicle problems no visit just a reference number for the insurance over the phone.


Lucky you weren't in Perth. Police would just say "civil matter, your problem". As happened to me when a pickup truck ran down the side of my car and took off - two weeks without a acar and $500 excess as well as loss of no claims bonus. Rather be in CM it seems.

Same for California. I got T-boned by an 18 year old chick who ran a red light in Fountain Valley, CA. Cop car drove by and did not stop. I called and was told they do not respond to auto accidents unless there is an injury or blocking the roadway. Park illegally in areas cities for 2 minutes however and your car will be towed away, big earner.


Lady friend got ripped 10, 000 baht buying a non exsitant dog on the internet . She reported it , thinking that will be the end . 6 months later Royal Police told her come get her money . She went down got every penny .


Face lost, you'll be attacked by men with machetes within a week.

Just kidding (maybe). Good to hear it worked out. It usually doesn't. I'd like to say they will think twice about doing it again, but they are probably used to getting away with things.

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