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Do you use a dash cam ?

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What's the neatest installation dash cam? The one my wife uses currently is a spaghetti of hanging wires

Just depends on the installer.

Agree. My set up has front and rear camera, not a wire in sight all have been fed either via the roof lining or the front down pillar. Cant even see the screen as that's mounted behind the mirror. Tidy as they come.
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My expensive cam is a RoadEyes Recpro. Available on Amazon for about 267 Euros. The GPS function uses Google maps and the included software to show speed, position on the map, direction of impact and other information. Removing the memory card and putting it in a card reader for a computer only shows the video plus time and date information that comes from the GPS. If you have been driving below the speed limit, using the software gives all the information your insurance company may want. If you were over the speed limit, you obviously don't want to show that to the police. The unit has a remote control for all the settings. You can't accidentally change settings on the unit itself. Playback on the 3 inch screen also does not show the speed.

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I've had a Dash-Cam in my last 3 cars - I wouldn't want to be driving without one.

I haven't needed it yet - but its there just in case.

The Dash-Cam in my latest car is the

and has two cameras (Forwards and Rear). It has no screen which I like as it make the cam smaller inconspicuous - it hides behind the rear-view mirror. I can view the captured videos over a Wifi Connection to the cam.

The installation was simple - wires tucked behind the upholstery.

I have a Brand New One of these still in its Box, Bought from UK

Never Got Round to Installing it, also with a 64Gb High Speed Card . . . .

Would you be interested in selling, if you are not going to install the Dash-Cam?

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Novelty warn off now ,too lazy to bother with it.[emoji372][emoji23]

Not like you have to wind it up. It comes on when you turn on the ignition, how hard is that?

Thanks Giddy, ive mastered the ignition, but not the fact the silly ting doesnt rewind and tecord auto,cant be bothered clearing the memory all the time. Or perhaps i cant understand the Chin Translation to Chinglish in the booklet.wub.pnggigglem.gif

All dash cams have loop recording. It doesn't matter that the card is full - new files will simply overwrite the oldest files.

O.K. im wrong again,just got a Chinese Guy to help me. hes set it perfect from the book,recons id pushed the wrong settings.Thats the second time ive ducked it up.wai.gif Try Again.!!.facepalm.gif

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One of my colleagues got nailed recently to the tune of tens of thousands of Baht, when the local guy showed up at the police station, with 3 "mystery witnesses" that he swears were nowhere near the accident scene.

That's when I ordered my dash cam. Whether the cam shows exactly who's right or wrong, I reckon its presence would at least discourage this type of shenanigans.

Edited by fstarbkk
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What's the neatest installation dash cam? The one my wife uses currently is a spaghetti of hanging wires

Not sure you would call it the neatest but mine is mounted on the windscreen and hidden by the rear view mirror. If the camera is in line of sight then at some point you are going to sneak a look at the camera screen making driving more dangerous so my personal preference is for a camera that you know starts and stops with the ignition but one that you cannot normally see. This also ensures that there is only a couple of inches of feed cable visible before it hides inside the roof lining,

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What's the cost of your average dash cam?

I take it is it easy enough to get them installed in Thailand?

Are dash cams generally only available online or are they for sale in stores here?

Price range is 800 baht up. If you walk around any IT mall like Fortune, Pantip, Zeer etc. you will see shops with them on display. Transcend and Proof are two popular brands 2,000 - 5,000 baht. I'd look for ones with Full HD quality for clear video quality. Installation is relatively easy but shops selling them usually have someone or can suggest someone who can install and stealth the cables for you, a few hundred baht probably. Plenty of on-line sellers have been discussed in previous dashcam threads, along with a few reviews so see what you find. Personally I like to view some actual videos and see the product first hand before I buy.

Transcend Car Video Recorders

Proof Car Cameras

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My expensive cam is a RoadEyes Recpro. Available on Amazon for about 267 Euros. The GPS function uses Google maps and the included software to show speed, position on the map, direction of impact and other information. Removing the memory card and putting it in a card reader for a computer only shows the video plus time and date information that comes from the GPS. If you have been driving below the speed limit, using the software gives all the information your insurance company may want. If you were over the speed limit, you obviously don't want to show that to the police. The unit has a remote control for all the settings. You can't accidentally change settings on the unit itself. Playback on the 3 inch screen also does not show the speed.


To be 100 percent honest, I would have never paid 267 Euros for a car cam. I happened to to see a new one for sale that was owned by a guy who bought two of them in France for 250 Euros each. He decided that he didn't need two vehicles here in Thailand so he sold me the extra one for 3,500 baht. It was still in the box with manuals and everything that came with it. It does work a treat.

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The thing to remember is "it's your fault Thailand", you will be blamed at fault even if you are not, but video evidence is un disputable in your favor. A Farang in an accident is just like crashing into an ATM machine. Buy a good dash cam and good luck on the highways of Thailand.

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I've driven in a lot of countries and Thailand is pretty bad!

A highlight was counting 5 accidents on the way to Pattaya on a Friday evening last year. At least one of them fatal.

It's just the mentality here. Stupid driving habits, lack of driving skill, lack of road manners, lack of general road safety and the dreaded U turns..

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"It seems to me that the roads here are some of the worst I have ever driven on. "

Seems like the OP have not been around the world very much.....

there is a lot worse roads out there to explore


Of course, in this big world, there are bound to be worse roads. What is the point and what has that got to do with whether or not to purchase a dash cam?

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Any accident you're around to worry about ain't that bad...

It is bad if someone (BiB) are trying to string you up after a Motocycle rider pulled out into your path and he's endeded up seriously hurt of worse.

This is why I have a Cam - I've had too many near misses with Motocycles and other vehicles - the cam proves innocence and fault.

Thus: when I'm driving down the road (within the speed limit) and a motorcycle cuts infront of me without looking, I'll have proof that there was not much I could do to avoid him,

Recently a friend of mine was involved in an accident - A motorcycle pulled out in front of him. He swerved to avoid the motorcyclist, side swiped another car and hit the barrier - He had to pay out some money for the damages (18,000 baht I think). The motorcycle simply carried on as if nothing had happened. Had they had a Dash-Cam the motorcyclists could have been apprehended and possibly face charges..

Either way unless you are speeding, driving dangerously or breaking the law yourself a Dash-Cam can only be a good thing to have.

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It sticks on the windscreen and it plugs into the USB port in your cig lighter or elsewhere. Not exactly rocket science. It turns on when you turn the ignition on, it shuts off when the car does. You can just forget about it. And no way would you find yourself watching the screen. It is only showing what is in front of you which is much easier to see with your own eyes. Unless you have a rear camera too, and that would be like watching the rear view mirror, which you need to do from time to time.

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thailand roads the worst you have driven in i challenge any of you expert farangs to drive in sri lanka i lived there for 7 years f===== nightmare not driving but dodgem cars more like it and thats from a guy that has 43 years driving experience ha ha your thoughts and comments please thailand in my opinion is very good

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The question you need to ask yourself: in the event of a disagreement of fault between a farang and a Thai driver, who would the police and/or insurance company automatically take sides with?

Even with my top of the range insurance, I have a Dash Cam, 1200 baht at Pantip (+ another 300 for the memory card) turns on and off with the car, and it's seriously cheap peace of mind that should I ever get in an accident and it's not my fault, I have evidence to prove it, after all videos don't lie.

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For all you guys saying "farang at fault" let me assure you it's not just you...

When a motorbike hits a Porsche, both Thai, the police still give their pity to the motorcycle rider, because it's his life that's in instant financial ruin if they are at fault. You do have to also have some compassion too. In my latest incident, I agreed to shared blame - my car gets fixed by my insurance, his bike get fixed by himself, no other liability, no-one's life ruined.

If I wasn't planning on selling the car, I might not have been so generous though tongue.png

Edit: Yes, this was the guy that lied, and manufactured witnesses. Without the dashcam, it would have been all my fault, meaning he gets a new motorbike and some compensation on top. That wasn't going to happen - my generosity has limits :)

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Some years back, I was going home from work. A bus had stopped in the oncoming lane and a fat girl ran from the back of the bus and did the doggy dart right in front of me. I had absolutely no way to avoid her. Fortunately I wasn't going fast and she was just bruised up with no serious injuries. Of course it was MY fault. The police confiscated my car until I settled with her. It cost me 10,000 baht. I didn't bother to even notify my insurance company. I needed my car back and didn't want the thing drug out. I have no idea if a car cam would have helped or not.

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Nothing to lose and everything to gain by having one. The only effort on my part is to manually turn on the infra red for night vision, but that's just a case of touching a button.

This is my second camera, the first one crapped out after a month or so. Miraculously I got a refund. The second one didn't have the GPS sensor that recorded your speed on to the film. A good idea in my opinion as you don't want your video evidence to display 160 kph when Somchai does a U-turn in front of you on his Honda 50 powered mobile restaurant.

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Yes to using a cab cam and keep the 'worst of situations' on file, or send to police/tnn24.

Better still will be using a cab cam and rear cam, as a lot of stupidity comes from the rear.

Since the police are not usually involved after any accidents (insurance company called to deal with them), video proof may be needed to ensure you don't pay for what you shouldn't.

Good on the bikes that use helmet cams as well.

Shop around for what best suits 'you'.

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