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Red Bull And Heart


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Well, a personal story and a general warning.

Background : I am a past sportman (national university team 20 years ago) 45 y old. Right now I do smoke (about a pack per day, let say 15 ciggies per days), do not drink, but I am heavily stressed and have little time to sleep.

Last monday I got suplementary work to do, and I suposed coffe will not help (drink a lot so can not drink more), so I tested Red Bull and M150. I drank one of each monday, one of each tuesday.

Wenesday morning, while working I felt a huge pain my chest, located left side, just under my nipple

I went to lay, it was difficult because no position was given me relief. I felt over tired, impossibleto breath (was causing extra pain), and I was at nearly 180 pulses.

So bottom line is be extra careful while using those drink, they can put you down (I think it was not worst because I do drink alcohol, and somewhere I still keep an athletic body).

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You smoke, drink, work so much so you have no time to sleep and are heavilly stressed then you blame your heart problems on two bottles of Red Bull????????

Sound like bull to me.

Well I supposed to have wrote : I do NOT drink. Last acohol I drink was 4 years ago.

I do agree the causes are well know (tobacco + coffe + stress), what I tried to describe is the reason why I passed from a state of potential sick man to a state of sickman.

Anyway it's an advice I tried to give, take it or leave it, it will make no difference for me :o

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these 2 bottle of liquid dope might have been the revelator of a more serious problem.

go visit a doctor and insist to have a heart diagram...

most of the time, bad things happen starting from a small chess pain ...

take care of yourself!

how old are you?


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  • 3 weeks later...
Well, a personal story and a general warning.

Background : I am a past sportman (national university team 20 years ago) 45 y old. Right now I do smoke (about a pack per day, let say 15 ciggies per days), do not drink, but I am heavily stressed and have little time to sleep.

Last monday I got suplementary work to do, and I suposed coffe will not help (drink a lot so can not drink more), so I tested Red Bull and M150. I drank one of each monday, one of each tuesday.

Wenesday morning, while working I felt a huge pain my chest, located left side, just under my nipple

I went to lay, it was difficult because no position was given me relief. I felt over tired, impossibleto breath (was causing extra pain), and I was at nearly 180 pulses.

So bottom line is be extra careful while using those drink, they can put you down (I think it was not worst because I do drink alcohol, and somewhere I still keep an athletic body).

I dont know about M150, but my husband was advised by the doctors in Australia not to drink Red Bull, as i can give qutie high pulpitations, my husband was rushed to hospital from work one night, only 29 and very healthy, does not smoke and drinks a little. The doctor put it down to too many Red Bulls. I advise anyone wanting a quick fix of energy not to resort to Red Bull. Look after your body.

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I sometimes feel like that when I drink that stuff. It's probably all of that sugar. There's only 50mg of caffiene (about two cans of coke) in each bottle due to government regulations.


without any warning about some added stuffs ...

similar to emphetamines, a kind of danger for those who don't have a strong heart and generaly a good physical condition.

as lipovitanD, all these stuffs are made for business for Thai's, be smarter and avoid them :o

beside, there are two kinds of red bull, the small bottle, and the medium one.

the small one has about twice the potency of the medium one, so be carefull.

and of course the small one is cheaper ...


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I had a similar unpleasant reaction to Red Bull and M150. I don't think I suffered an M.I. but probably an allergic reaction to the ingredients. I doubt it was the caffeine, because caffeine is in Coffee, Tea and Cola.

However as previous posters have said: seek medical opinion for chest pains. Over 50% of heart attack victims are admitted to hospital with indigestion tablets in their pocket.

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