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NCPO threatens to summon critics of charter draft


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What the history books tell about Thailand’s first constitution.

King Prajadhipok (Rama VII) signed the document and issued a brief statement. "I am willing to surrender the powers I formerly exercised to the people as a whole, but I am not willing to turn them over to any individual or any group to use in an autocratic manner without heeding the voice of the people."

​Ever heard about constructive and positive criticism?

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He also urged critics of the charter to submit their opinions to the junta through approved channels, such as government complaint centers and soldiers in charge of the charter PR campaign in their respective provinces.

see, ... the junta is open and willing to hear your criticisms.

And they know where you live.


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Junta Threatens to Summon Critics of Charter Draft

Yet another headline which demonstrates how an increasingly paranoid and belligerent caretaker government is undermining ts own credibility. The Thai citizens most in need of attitude adjustment clearly are not the numerous independent critics of the Charter, but rather those NCPO members determined to push through their flawed reform document at any price.

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Junta Threatens to Summon Critics of Charter Draft

Yet another headline which demonstrates how an increasingly paranoid and belligerent caretaker government is undermining ts own credibility. The Thai citizens most in need of attitude adjustment clearly are not the numerous independent critics of the Charter, but rather those NCPO members determined to push through their flawed reform document at any price.

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Do they really think that these tactics are going to work. What you are doing are arresting anyone who given a negative few on the character.

Not sure how you see it, but it current _is_ working haha

Thing is, smart people and those in position of power (read those as 2 seperate entities, I'm not referring that people in power are by default smart...as these guys keep proving day after day) rely on the stupid folks to not realise that they have strengh in numbers. I mean to say, it doesn't help if there is a random group fighting against the big guys and being left on their own, too few, too powerless.

However, if "everyone" stands up and starts marching, you then have the supreme power of the nation moving to make a change and there is no goverment that can stop that....besides mowing them down by the thousands which is likely to get worldwide attention and would be detrimental in whatever action they would take. Fear for their lives however is a big thing to people worldwide.

Fortunately Thailand isn't able to play dangerous games like North Korea, so the hesitation of things escalating wouldn't be near as worrysome.

Yes, unfortunately the "D word" is off limits when discussing the current regime.

Yes, Democrazy is a bad word thumbsup.gif

"Fortunately Thailand isn't able to play dangerous games...."

Sorry, but I think they will go to any lengths if they feel that their grip on power is threatened.

Indeed. Those in power have now close to absolute power but... is this not what the libtards, antiThaksinistas and other istas wanted?

Abhisit: bad, bad! Yingluck: bad bad! Suthep: He good, he different!

...and so the myopia spread until yet another coup was hatched with the help of the likes of Suthep..

It's not only Thais affected by that myopia but also most TV members who feel they are holier than thou.

I can only repeat the old phrase of folksy wisdom: careful what you wish for...

For a few years we will have in Thailand a Hobson's choice type of establishment.

careful what you wish for...

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