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Thailand BANNED: Harvard blocks Thai users from its Facebook page over dentist drama


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She basically stole 30 million from the Thai government whether you like it or not. Can't believe some people are defending her. Thailand sends her to US and pays for her education so she can come back and practice in her country, what does she do? Stays in US and gives the middle finger to the Thai government. She did not honor her contract. I wouldn't go to this dentist, seems to have no character whatsoever. Harvard is doing an unethical thing here by giving job to this person who has a very bad character. She wants to say in US? Ok fine but she should at least pay her government back for the money they've spent on her.

Sorry guys, this time Thailand is right.

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It's OK America is the land of the free. {Except on Facebook & in Harvard University}. Seems like Harvard is willing to support corruption by not investigating the situation and answering the critics. That is what debate in free speech is about. When people go outside of Thailand they can still comment on FB!

Because it's not Harvard's job to settle this matter. If Mahidol wants to sue her in Thai court, let them. If her guarantors want to sue her in Thai court, let them. But Harvard is not a party to her actions anymore than your boss should fire you if you miss a credit card payment.

Why should Harvard investigate this? It's entirely a civil matter. She has not been charged by the Thai government/police for violating a law. This is 100% contract law meaning that unless she applied for the loan/scholarship under false pretenses (like she never had any intent on returning), she has to suffer only the financial damages. But, Mahidol did her a favor by allowing her to lay off the financial risk on her guarantors. If she failed to return, those people signed a contract stating that they would pay off her obligations.

So, really, her dispute is with the guarantors. They are free to sue her in Thai courts. That is the remedy for breach of contract claims.

And Facebook is a platform owned and controlled by a private entity. They have zero obligation to respect free speech. If you want proof of that, try creating a FB page that promotes nazism or ISIS. Likewise, if your ex-girlfriend decides to blast your Facebook page with thousands of messages saying that you cheated on her, Facebook gives you the tools to stop that and prevent her from posting. By your logic, aren't her free speech rights being violated?

Anybody who claims a private company is not allowing them to express free speech knows absolutely nothing about free speech.

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She basically stole 30 million from the Thai government whether you like it or not. Can't believe some people are defending her. Thailand sends her to US and pays for her education so she can come back and practice in her country, what does she do? Stays in US and gives the middle finger to the Thai government. She did not honor her contract. I wouldn't go to this dentist, seems to have no character whatsoever. Harvard is doing an unethical thing here by giving job to this person who has a very bad character. She wants to say in US? Ok fine but she should at least pay her government back for the money they've spent on her.

Sorry guys, this time Thailand is right.

Nope. You're 100% wrong.

She did not steal 30 million from the Thai government. Mahidol University entered into a contract with her and in the contract there were specific remedies for Mahidol University if she did not honor her part of the agreement. They are exercising those rights by going after the people who guaranteed her loan.

They have a right to be angry but so do I if I co-sign for someone and they don't pay their loan. That's why I don't co-sign for anyone. It's stupid unless you are a blood relative of that person and are so intimate with their character that you don't mind taking that risk.

I'm not defending her. I think what she did was horrible. But, at the end of the day, it's contract law. Mahidol entered into a contract with her. Unless she had actively been planning on never returning and never honoring her obligations when she signed the contract, this is really no different than someone who gets upside down in a mortgage or can't afford to make their car payments. It's not theft. It's a civil dispute that should be played out in Thai courts where the contract was executed, under Thai contract laws, and all parties to the contract are Thai citizens.

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I don't use facebook. But I think it is funny that people or institutions love to post their view on Facebook, but as soon as they see something negative from somebody they block comments or reviews or block entire countries!

28000+ misplaced copy-and-paste comments from delusional Thais is harassment and spam, not normal views.

I hope they block the country permanently if the comments continue. And block each user, and while there are doing that, force all those Thais using Facebook with fake names to change to their legal names. That will end the harassment quick.

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