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Thai Officials Investigate a 54% Increase in Foreign Tourists Deaths

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83? What the <deleted> drugs are these Thai statisticians on?? What a load of complete propagandist <deleted>!

I thought the same thing! Surely this many people must die on Samui's roads every few months?

83 for the entire country for an entire year is literally unbelievable.


Thai Officials Investigate a 54% Increase in Foreign Tourists Deaths:

"tourist death case number 42"

"hey, i remember this case."

"oh yeah, farang we take from bar, no money. put plastic bag on head."

"turn blue."


"tourist death case number 43"

"hey, i remember this case..."


This report probably quoting verbatim from a Ministry press release is predictably ridiculous.

You cannot lump all deaths in together. You need to look at each and every case and categorise and find the reasons and come up with solutions and put them in place.

At best this is just a knee jerk reaction to some stats somebody put together (foreign embassies probably led by the Chinese who seem to be very good at dying here)

However, if 1 life is saved because of this, I suppose it will be worthwhile. I am not confident.

I agree, all this will do is get the thai haters and conspiracy theorists back from their hiding holes. If these figures were anyalised there is a good chance more have died from bike accidents, rather than serious injuries. Also old, sick, alcoholics, who have lost the will to live, or ran out of money do jump, and dont get pushed.


British foreign office statistics show 300-400 Brits dying in Thailand every year.

Only 83 foreigners died last year?

Sounds more like the numbers of deaths in one month to me!

I think they compile the figures by reading Thai Visa - only the "newsworthy" deaths are in the figures.


I wonder how many expats of other countries are living in Thailand?

I hear about people of all ages dying all over the world, not alone a bunch

of people older than me in Thailand. When I used to visit Phuket several years ago

I noticed there was some fellows that died by driving over the cliff and off the road between

Karan and Patong beaches. I drove the road a few times and it seems to be in better shape

as I have not heard about as many deaths in the past few years.

I hope I can still afford to visit Thailand a few more times in the next 10 years as I still have

very enjoyable visits to the country.



This calculator's broke.

In 2013 400 British nationals died in Thailand. In 2015 362 Brits lost their lives in the Kingdom.

That's a decrees of 38%. Yippee!

Charlie don't do math.

Another 166 were injured, down 160% from the previous year.

Really? I bet we had that many injured here in Pattaya alone! LOL


Guess unclear reporting here.

Alone the motorcycle accidents with injured and dead here on Koh Samui and Koh Phangan I guess are in the four-digit range per year.


It will be interesting to see how TAT spins this one! No doubt they will find some positive upside.

isnt tourist up 3,000,000% according to TAT so only a 54% increase in deaths is an excellent result, their should be a mllion baht reward someone should be collecting for these numbers


Another 166 were injured, down 160% from the previous year.

wow not only was noone injured but 60% who came here injured where miraculously cured hence the 160% figure.


"Figures released by the British government showed that between 2011 and 2012 there were 296 British deaths in Thailand.

In the 12 months up to April 1, 2013 there were 389 British deaths in Thailand, while in the same period up to April 2014 there were 362 deaths and 267 hospitalisations of British tourists."


"An Australian dies in Thailand every four days on average and hundreds more require consular help ... Figures reveal the South-East Asian kingdom is the deadliest destination for Aussies. The 100 Australians who died there last year accounted for one in eight of the 791 deaths on foreign soil."



Thailand: hub of completely made-up statistics.


probably they meant 83 murders and 166 injured from violence and not accidents, natural causes, suisides, alkohol poisoning, drug overdose etc.

this statistic shows, that attack become more vicious, resulting in deaths and not just injuries.

for those deaths I do blame the military junta, which caused raise in nationalism, xenophobia, economic misery for the poorest making them desperate. People feel mistreated, helpless, stressed and react with violence.


It will be interesting to see how TAT spins this one! No doubt they will find some positive upside.

There will be a photo session with a flower draped coffin surrounded by TAT officials at the airport departure lounge when they hit the 1.000 deaths mark.


probably they meant 86 murders and 160 injured from violence and not accidents, natural causes, suisides, alkohol poisoning, drug overdose etc


Read the OP,

"Of the 83 deaths, 34 were from road accidents, nine from swimming and boating accidents, six from congenital disease, four from suicides and 30 from other causes."

The whole shows just how inadequate are the information and detection systems.


probably they meant 86 murders and 160 injured from violence and not accidents, natural causes, suisides, alkohol poisoning, drug overdose etc


Read the OP,

"Of the 83 deaths, 34 were from road accidents, nine from swimming and boating accidents, six from congenital disease, four from suicides and 30 from other causes."

sorry, but I don't care for reading idiotic articles. However, I have read the whole discussion under


probably they meant 86 murders and 160 injured from violence and not accidents, natural causes, suisides, alkohol poisoning, drug overdose etc


Read the OP,

"Of the 83 deaths, 34 were from road accidents, nine from swimming and boating accidents, six from congenital disease, four from suicides and 30 from other causes."

sorry, but I don't care for reading idiotic articles. However, I have read the whole discussion under


The whole thing is data scrap.


54% increase is a huge jump! Something's very wrong with safety and security of Thailand. Hope the authorities will really investigate into this, and not sweep the whole issue under the carpet.

The more one should buy insurance before stepping onto Thailand soils.


More interesting reading from the article:

"Although Thailand’s tourist industry has been growing, with the number of tourist arrivals reaching almost 30 million visitors last year, tourist safety is still a major concern.

According to the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 2015, Thailand ranked 35th globally and 10th in Asia-Pacific.

For safety and security, Thailand came in 132nd place out of 141 countries and was the lowest in Asean with a score of 3.75."


British foreign office statistics show 300-400 Brits dying in Thailand every year.

Only 83 foreigners died last year?

Sounds more like the numbers of deaths in one month to me!

read again the title : laugh.png

" Foreign Tourists Deaths "

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