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CNX night flights... anything we can do?

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Did you not know where the airport was when you moved there.

Common sense would tell you that over time the airport would get busier not quieter.

Even if it didn't get busier, why would someone deliberately buy a place under the flight paths?

It's not as if they were a secrete.

Cheaper prices? wink.png

Some background, Chiang Mai Airport was opened in 1921 as Suthep Airport so no excuse not knowing it was there. biggrin.png

1950 photo


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Did you not know where the airport was when you moved there.

Common sense would tell you that over time the airport would get busier not quieter.

Even if it didn't get busier, why would someone deliberately buy a place under the flight paths?

It's not as if they were a secrete.

Cheaper prices? wink.png

Some background, Chiang Mai Airport was opened in 1921 as Suthep Airport so no excuse not knowing it was there. biggrin.png

1950 photo


Historical Pics

Yes, cheaper prices could certainly be had under flight paths, which IS a rational decision, but then, would rational people really complain about the noise?

I can't imagine they would suppose it to be a quiet location. Beside cemeteries would be quiet (but really bad Feng Shui) and probably cheap because of it. Next to hospitals would be quiet too. But under a flight path?


I wonder if there is a way to start a petition, or whether such a petition already exists.

You`re a Farlang, an outsider, a guest, how would you start a petition about noise levels in someone else`s country? We are under the thumb in Thailand, can`t say boo to a goose. The only way to oppose anything in Thailand is to get Thais to front it for us. The more prominent they are, the higher the chances of success. Otherwise starting a petition and getting a result can only be a pipe dream.


I'd imagine that there is no difficulty starting a petition, or even getting people to sign it.

But I'd also imagine that it would be as effective as shouting at clouds to make them give up their rain.

Airports with many flights equals money in the pocket. A few hundred people who are unhappy with noise do not.

We've already seen that the wants of foreigners living in Chiang Mai are not a very high priority to those who make the rules.

Apparently adding a hundred plus flights was.


I wonder if there is a way to start a petition, or whether such a petition already exists.

You`re a Farlang, an outsider, a guest, how would you start a petition about noise levels in someone else`s country? We are under the thumb in Thailand, can`t say boo to a goose. The only way to oppose anything in Thailand is to get Thais to front it for us. The more prominent they are, the higher the chances of success. Otherwise starting a petition and getting a result can only be a pipe dream.

Petitions just don't work very well in face cultures full stop. It's a means of public embarrassment and thus instant loss of face. No well connected and prominent Thai worth their salt would start a petition - it's not the way things get done round here.

It's also worth noting that Thais aren't immediately dismissive of farang concerns either but they are all too often delivered in such a way as to cause loss of face and then the hurt feelings caused ensure a negative result. Though in the case of immediately opening a new airport or closing the current one at night - it's unlikely that anything than an order from the top of Thai society would effect such circumstances.


It's only in the winter, they take off over the city, due to the wind direction.

The rest of the year they take off over Hang Dong.

Incorrect; the majority of flights take off and turn over the City all year long. The only time they take off to the South is when there are no incoming flights due.

They take off in both directions all year long. Wind direction isn't a big factor as there usually isn't any. Chinese flights take off north as that is their direction, bkk (and others) to the south for the same reason. If an incoming flight is close they go north and turn. When they take off south they turn left after take off to make the separation of inbound flights. Its all about saving fuel, taking off in the opposite direction and turning to your course uses more fuel.


If you own the house you can get the whole thing soundproof including double glazed windows. I was shown such a house in Sydney next to the airport, couldn't hear a thing

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

I like the sound of that. Does it also prevent one from hearing one's wife nag about one not having cleaned up the yard? Sorry I've had one too many! On a serious note I am looking into double glazing. The sound proofing, as well as the drop in the cost of cooling are a compelling argument for me to go ahead.


i get trucks driving past my shop at 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am....heck! they drive past 24hours a day! where can i sign to have a little bitch n moan because i rented a shop near a road?

the sheer audacity of them....driving around when i want to sleep...whatever next?


Deal with it or move,quite simple.

Simple, yes, but the prevailing colonial view held by the stereotypical Khun Farang poster is that if he finds something inconvenient here, it's Thailand that ought to change.

... we know that in Thailand the tolerance is different.

Different from what? I suppose that point of view, given the context in which "we" find ourselves, could be stated, "we know for (some) farang, petty intolerance borders on the ridiculous."


Another "nimby" complains about noise, and hopes for the boondoggle of the new airport. What about the nice people enjoying their country lifestyle in Sankhampaeng? Why should they suffer noise, traffic, Phuket style taxi mafias, and have their land confiscated so the Nimbies in town can sleep soundly in lodgings secured near the departure path of an existing 24 hour airport? Isn't that the epitome of hypocrisy? Do they plan on evicting the RTAF as well?

I'm directly under the RW36 departure path and having the airport 10 minutes drive away is fine with me, thank you very much. I recommend polymer frame windows and double glazing, or moving to Sankanpaeng NOW as flight numbers will only increase. There is no need for a new airport, only more terminal space. Maybe in 30 years.

As for curfews I would not be opposed personally if their was political will but since when does "the will of the people" here trump the flexibility and income for the Govt/AOT? Some of these airlines fly here late night because this is the only economical way to do so, as the aircraft are needed/make more money on other sectors in the daytime. If they could only operate before 23:00 for example they might not operate to CNX at all. I'm sure many of you want that but you may be surprised that there are many others who want the income in torist sector brought by these "invasions" and "hordes".

This should be 'fun' when they move the Airforce to San Khampaeng as they say they will do.


The fly-by-night is not simply a matter of "nimbyism". It's also a matter of civilized living. Google what happens at Heathrow to make an interesting comparison: also Paris CDG appears not to have any arrivals between midnight and 4 am:

Number of flights at night

Between 11:30pm and 6am Heathrow is restricted by the Government to 5,800 night-time take-offs and landings a year. There is also a night quota limit, which caps the amount of noise the airport can make at night. Around 80% of the night flights at Heathrow are between 4.30-6am with on average around 16 aircraft are scheduled to arrive each day between these hours. Heathrow also has a voluntary ban in place that prevents flights scheduled between 4:30am-6am from landing before 4:30am. We also do not schedule any departures between 11pm and 6am.

This is from



That's really what you have to do -- from the get-go tell yourself you can't let the noise bother you or else it will. In fact, we made the aircraft noise into a kind of game.

You can also entertain your self here - Flightradar24.com

Bit busy now. smile.png


SAZ463 was just landing as I checked this. A Swiss Air Ambulance picking up a wheezing countryman? I wonder what the cost is of an air evac like that. . .


Ive lived under the flight paths in several Australian cities. I used to use the plane noise as a de facto clock.................Oh , there's the 10pm arrival ---must be time for bed.


a petition? Wow. I think nobody did it before. But maybe a good idea if you would have some Thai people on you side. Shop owners. Rich people probably left that area already. Who wants to live in this area? Better for you to sell/move before it's too late?


I live right there as well. And I didn't even know there are night time flights hehe. I do have to stop conversations for 15 seconds when planes come over. They fly so straight over my place that around noon I can see the shadow passing as well. I think you either can sleep through it or you can't. Then it's much better to simply move. Chiangmai is still rapidly growing and no chance in hell they will restrict nighttime flights. The airport has all the legal permits for 24 hour traffic I did look that up once. But funny I was still believing there are no flights from 11 till 6 hehehe


As to rich people having left. Many thais are used to noise and love the convenient location of suthep road to nimman and the CMU faculties. Rents are higher in this area than in the quieter outskirts of town.


The fly-by-night is not simply a matter of "nimbyism". It's also a matter of civilized living. Google what happens at Heathrow to make an interesting comparison: also Paris CDG appears not to have any arrivals between midnight and 4 am:

Number of flights at night

Between 11:30pm and 6am Heathrow is restricted by the Government to 5,800 night-time take-offs and landings a year. There is also a night quota limit, which caps the amount of noise the airport can make at night. Around 80% of the night flights at Heathrow are between 4.30-6am with on average around 16 aircraft are scheduled to arrive each day between these hours. Heathrow also has a voluntary ban in place that prevents flights scheduled between 4:30am-6am from landing before 4:30am. We also do not schedule any departures between 11pm and 6am.

This is from


Heathrow, CDG these are some of the biggest and busiest airports in the world. Non stop landings every minute with the biggest aircraft. Compared to them, CM is a sleepy backwater airport with 3 or 4 flights between midnight and 06:00. Complaining about such a small number of flights which are economically important for the city is a bit of a joke.


We definitely could set our watch by some of the flights coming in/out of Detroit. There was a FedEx flight that arrived every weekday morning around 3:30 am. Often, I'd be getting into the truck to go sell at a farmer's market and Hubby would be out in the nursery checking that all the irrigation system was running properly. That usually involved getting soaking wet because he'd have to unplug a nozzle and didn't want to shut down and restart the zone to do that. It was always good to know that other people (the FedEx flight crew) had to work ghastly hours, too)

Then there was the Northwest flight, three days a week, around 4 pm non-stop to Tokyo, with connecting service to Bangkok. Sometimes, after a day of being on his feet all day, Hubby would stand in the middle of the field and wave both arms at the aircraft yelling "please, take me with you. Don't leave me here"


Another "nimby" complains about noise, and hopes for the boondoggle of the new airport. What about the nice people enjoying their country lifestyle in Sankhampaeng? Why should they suffer noise, traffic, Phuket style taxi mafias, and have their land confiscated so the Nimbies in town can sleep soundly in lodgings secured near the departure path of an existing 24 hour airport? Isn't that the epitome of hypocrisy? Do they plan on evicting the RTAF as well?

I'm directly under the RW36 departure path and having the airport 10 minutes drive away is fine with me, thank you very much. I recommend polymer frame windows and double glazing, or moving to Sankanpaeng NOW as flight numbers will only increase. There is no need for a new airport, only more terminal space. Maybe in 30 years.

As for curfews I would not be opposed personally if their was political will but since when does "the will of the people" here trump the flexibility and income for the Govt/AOT? Some of these airlines fly here late night because this is the only economical way to do so, as the aircraft are needed/make more money on other sectors in the daytime. If they could only operate before 23:00 for example they might not operate to CNX at all. I'm sure many of you want that but you may be surprised that there are many others who want the income in torist sector brought by these "invasions" and "hordes".

Profit trumps noise move its your best option. You cannot fight City Hall. A petition in Thailand you have got to be kidding.

The fly-by-night is not simply a matter of "nimbyism". It's also a matter of civilized living. Google what happens at Heathrow to make an interesting comparison: also Paris CDG appears not to have any arrivals between midnight and 4 am:

Number of flights at night

Between 11:30pm and 6am Heathrow is restricted by the Government to 5,800 night-time take-offs and landings a year. There is also a night quota limit, which caps the amount of noise the airport can make at night. Around 80% of the night flights at Heathrow are between 4.30-6am with on average around 16 aircraft are scheduled to arrive each day between these hours. Heathrow also has a voluntary ban in place that prevents flights scheduled between 4:30am-6am from landing before 4:30am. We also do not schedule any departures between 11pm and 6am.

This is from


Heathrow, CDG these are some of the biggest and busiest airports in the world. Non stop landings every minute with the biggest aircraft. Compared to them, CM is a sleepy backwater airport with 3 or 4 flights between midnight and 06:00. Complaining about such a small number of flights which are economically important for the city is a bit of a joke.

Did you actually read the quotation from the Heathrow document? If you did, you would not have written "Non-stop landings every minute" - as the quote pointed out, there are very very few (or no) landings between midnight and 4 am. No take-offs at all.

The pause in take-off and landing has nothing to do with tourism or making money (as it does in CM), but with making life as bearable as possible for those who live near Heathrow or Charles de Gaulle.


Whilst I sympathise with you....at the same time I shrug my shoulders. You chose to live near an airport, you must have realised there would be noise. Console yourself with the fact that you don't live near CDG or Heathrow etc.


If you would like a fun outlook on living under the flight path .................search for an Australian movie called --------The Castle.

Thou you will need to understand Aussie humour to appreciate it .


I would like to start a petition to keep the airport in just the same place it is now and not mess with it, beyond adding gates and a parking building.

Hear! Hear! They definitely need a bigger terminal and more parking, but it's great just where it is.

(and don't get me started on the incoming immigration hall)


They could build a parking structure and the building has already doubled in size (at least) since the time of the photo that Tywais posted. I think there's room for it to expand north-south. Looking at a Google map, it would seem the bottle neck might be space for another runway.


This is the most idiotic topic since last September's complaint about a new doctor opening up. Swampy was 40 years in the making...you might be in year 2 or 3 of the planning for a new CNX.....and when that opens, way out of town, people will still insist on using the old airport for short trips, which will mean smaller planes with more flights. You moved into an aviation area...live with it. That noise represents a large part of the CM economy. Many of those jobs require good language skills, computer skills, and engineering skills that demand more pay, and therefore pumps even more money into the economy besides what the tourists spend, which is a lot, too. The tax revenue is quite large, in case you haven't looked at a plane ticket lately. When you start talking about taking away people's livelihood; it's probably best to secure yourself, as that is a very serious offense in most societies.


This is the most idiotic topic since last September's complaint about a new doctor opening up.

It seems that there are at least a couple of dozen topics that could challenge that but it is clearly just a matter of opinion. No doubt this one is a doozie.


The fly-by-night is not simply a matter of "nimbyism". It's also a matter of civilized living. Google what happens at Heathrow to make an interesting comparison: also Paris CDG appears not to have any arrivals between midnight and 4 am:

Number of flights at night

Between 11:30pm and 6am Heathrow is restricted by the Government to 5,800 night-time take-offs and landings a year. There is also a night quota limit, which caps the amount of noise the airport can make at night. Around 80% of the night flights at Heathrow are between 4.30-6am with on average around 16 aircraft are scheduled to arrive each day between these hours. Heathrow also has a voluntary ban in place that prevents flights scheduled between 4:30am-6am from landing before 4:30am. We also do not schedule any departures between 11pm and 6am.

This is from


Heathrow, CDG these are some of the biggest and busiest airports in the world. Non stop landings every minute with the biggest aircraft. Compared to them, CM is a sleepy backwater airport with 3 or 4 flights between midnight and 06:00. Complaining about such a small number of flights which are economically important for the city is a bit of a joke.

Did you actually read the quotation from the Heathrow document? If you did, you would not have written "Non-stop landings every minute" - as the quote pointed out, there are very very few (or no) landings between midnight and 4 am. No take-offs at all.

The pause in take-off and landing has nothing to do with tourism or making money (as it does in CM), but with making life as bearable as possible for those who live near Heathrow or Charles de Gaulle.

You can't compare CNX airport with Heathrow or CDG. Those airports have a break because they are non stop for 18 hours of the day. Heathrow does have aircraft landing every minute during the daytime. Chiang Mai depending on the day of the week has 2, 3 or 4 flights between hours midnight and 06:00. This does not qualify it to be comparable to LHR, Atlanta, Beijing or Dubai , JFK etc

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