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Assad comes out fighting and says will take back “whole country” in interview


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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

The removal of Saddam is the main reason that entire region is a mess! This guy, Assad, couldn't hold a candle to him (brutal as he was), he's pure scum indiscriminately killing his own.

The main reason the entire region is a mess is due to religion. Been this way for a long time. But you are right, the disaster in Iraq didn't help things at all.

Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

Yep, he's helping ISIS by buying oil and lettting them train in Turkey and run over his borders.

Now he is bombing Kurdish fighters inside Syria that are fighting ISIS.

RT reports that Saudi Jets may be in Turkey close to the Syrian border and that the Saudis and the Turkish troops are getting ready to go in.

They have committed an act of war against Syria.

Now the Saudis who have been supplying ISIS with arms from the USA and finance want to go in to do the USA's dirty work, Nato effectivly invading Syria to overthrow Assad.

I don't think Russia will stand for that but this could spark the 3rd world war.

Syria is also buying oil from ISIS. Everybody is. Be careful with reports on RT. They are owned and controlled by the Russian government. Many reports are just propaganda pieces.

Easy to stop the 3rd world war. Stop the bombing now.

Here's an interesting read:


Thanks for the link:

Q<Assad and his intelligence services took the view that jihad could be nurtured and manipulated to serve the Syrian government’s aims.>

It looks like a very similar thinking was behind the decisions of the West. Ok, they are bad, but we are going to manipulate them to serve our interests. We will be telling everybody that they are moderate Islamists and everyone will believe us. And they will fight with Al-Assad for us. Yes, we have very strange partners in the region, Turkey and KSA, they have they own interests and we are going to have some problems to sell the public the real story. &lt;deleted&gt; the public and let the bad guys do the dirty work for us. The bloody Russians humiliated us in Syria before, they deserve to be punished for their support of the regime and their tricking us out of our plan to intervene in Syria. &lt;deleted&gt; them! You are telling us that our brilliant plan is unworkable? &lt;deleted&gt; you ! The new President will have to sort out the mess. We don't care.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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A reluctant former communications technician working for Islamic State, going by the pseudonym ‘Sherko Omer’, who managed to escape the group, told Newsweek that he travelled in a convoy of trucks as part of an ISIS unit from their stronghold in Raqqa, across Turkish border, through Turkey and then back across the border to attack Syrian Kurds in the city of Serekaniye in northern Syria in February, in order to bypass their defences.

Like I said there are plenty of articles and information one can find without to much trouble... It is easier though to be led around like a sheep or some other animal with a nose ring; very few things in geopolitics are as they seem..

“ISIS commanders told us to fear nothing at all because there was full cooperation with the Turks,” said Omer of crossing the border into Turkey, “and they reassured us that nothing will happen, especially when that is how they regularly travel from Raqqa and Aleppo to the Kurdish areas further northeast of Syria because it was impossible to travel through Syria as YPG controlled most parts of the Kurdish region.”

Omer explained that during his time with ISIS, Turkey had been seen as an ally against the Kurds. “ISIS saw the Turkish army as its ally especially when it came to attacking the Kurds in Syria. The Kurds were the common enemy for both ISIS and Turkey. Also, ISIS had to be a Turkish ally because only through Turkey they were able to deploy ISIS fighters to northern parts of the Kurdish cities and towns in Syria.”

“ISIS and Turkey cooperate together on the ground on the basis that they have a common enemy to destroy, the Kurds,” he added.

With friends like Turkey who needs enemies, no ? Unless...they are just part of the whole organized program to remove Assad.. Which I do tend to believe.. To many times ISIS was in the open transporting oil and the supposedly coalition (USA et al) could not get permission to fire.

Since Russia has stepped in, there seems to be a bunch of CYA going on with who supplies and supports ISIS and other radical elements.

" Who me, who us, can't be we are fighting them" etc etc.

Whether this whole Mid-East thing is about a pipeline and cutting Russia off from supplying Europe with gas and oil or 10,000 other reasons I find it hard to believe anything coming out of official channels about ISIS and their sponsors. Like some have said, "Putin seems to be the only one who has not spoken with a forked tongue when it comes to Syria "..

Former US Department of State senior adviser David Phillips said, “Turkey’s role has not been ambiguous — it has overtly supported the ISIL. It has provided logistical support, money, weapons, transport and healthcare to wounded warriors.”

Baghdad, Iraq – An ISIS commander was killed in Salahuddin province and his body was searched. A cell phone retrieved from the corpse revealed messages from Turkish intelligence services proving the NATO country was providing security for ISIS militants when they traveled between Turkey and Iraq. This is the second NATO country implicated in assisting ISIS troops. The first was Canada.

The IS commander was killed by Hashd al-Shaabi, a loyalist volunteer force. Jabbar al-Ma’mouri, a leader within the force made the announcement. He said, “The mobile phone also contains other important information which cannot be disclosed now, and it has been delivered to the specialized security groups for further scrutiny.”

http://www.mintpressnews.com/killed-isis-commanders-cell-phone-shows-direct-ties-to-turkish-intelligence/212317/ ISIS having Turkey's intelligence app on speed dial should make everyone with even a passing interests evaluate what they have been led to believe about ISIS, Assad, and the whole middle eastern war on terrorism IMO.

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Now this either gets consumed inside, the crude is refined on Turkish territory by the Turkish refineries, and sold in the Turkish market. Or it goes to Jihan and then in the pipelines from Jihan to the Mediterranean and sold to the international market.

Money and dollars generated by selling Iraqi and Syrian oil on the Turkish black market is like the oxygen supply to ISIS and its operation, he added. Once you cut the oxygen then ISIS will suffocate.


Bilal Erdogan is one of the three equal shareholders of BMZ Group Denizcilik , a marine transportation corporation. Naw nothing to see here; move along....

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I can't quite see how removing Assad will make Syria a better country, unless of course the Iraq, Libya model is the preferred outcome. As of this moment we have the UK, US, France, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Israel, IS, Kurds, Saudi Arabia, and so called "moderate rebels" all with a dog in this fight.

Assad at this time must be regretting destroying his chemical weapons.

So your saying it's OK for a dictator to use chemical weapons on his own people? Really????

The phrase "his own people" is meaningless and frequently used by imperialists as reason to gain support to intervene in foreign affairs. It's a civil war... everyone is killing his/her "own people."

As far as chemical weapons... when I have cockroaches in my house, do I crawl on the ground fight each one individually? Of course not... the use of chemical pesticides is much more efficient.

The war isn't going to result in good result for Syrians anyhow. It's now just about whether the nation will be under the influence of Iran or the Turkey-Saudi Arabia aligned nations.

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I can't quite see how removing Assad will make Syria a better country, unless of course the Iraq, Libya model is the preferred outcome. As of this moment we have the UK, US, France, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Israel, IS, Kurds, Saudi Arabia, and so called "moderate rebels" all with a dog in this fight.

Assad at this time must be regretting destroying his chemical weapons.

So your saying it's OK for a dictator to use chemical weapons on his own people? Really????

The phrase "his own people" is meaningless and frequently used by imperialists as reason to gain support to intervene in foreign affairs. It's a civil war... everyone is killing his/her "own people."

As far as chemical weapons... when I have cockroaches in my house, do I crawl on the ground fight each one individually? Of course not... the use of chemical pesticides is much more efficient.

The war isn't going to result in good result for Syrians anyhow. It's now just about whether the nation will be under the influence of Iran or the Turkey-Saudi Arabia aligned nations.

It's a majority Sunni country, so one would think it would align with the GCC.

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I can't quite see how removing Assad will make Syria a better country, unless of course the Iraq, Libya model is the preferred outcome. As of this moment we have the UK, US, France, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Israel, IS, Kurds, Saudi Arabia, and so called "moderate rebels" all with a dog in this fight.

Assad at this time must be regretting destroying his chemical weapons.

So your saying it's OK for a dictator to use chemical weapons on his own people? Really????

To update : a French and Italian journalist have been kidnapped in the period just before the Chemical attacks in Syria.

Al Nusra 'sold' these journalist to the FSA for weapons. They've witnessed a discussion where both fractions were aware of the chemical attacks before it happened. The discussions in English were between 2 fraction leaders and a third person who spoke perfectly English.

They have been released recently and made this public.

In the meanwhile some 36 Syrian reporters have been executed by the FSA.

Aleppo had two ammonium production factories for the local textile industry who counted previously some 3000 workshops. Almost all machinery of the textile shops moved to Turkey within the first 6 months of the Syrian civil war.

One ammonium factory has been destroyed. The other one has been used by the FSA against the Kurds, close to the Turkish border in the north. Surprisingly the same ammonia (as chemical weapon) has been used by IS franchise against the Christian Syrians.

This info is available and confirmed by western non-governmental reporters on the web. Unfortunately not in English...

Edited by Thorgal
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The phrase "his own people" is meaningless and frequently used by imperialists as reason to gain support to intervene in foreign affairs. It's a civil war... everyone is killing his/her "own people."

As far as chemical weapons... when I have cockroaches in my house, do I crawl on the ground fight each one individually? Of course not... the use of chemical pesticides is much more efficient.

The war isn't going to result in good result for Syrians anyhow. It's now just about whether the nation will be under the influence of Iran or the Turkey-Saudi Arabia aligned nations.

It's a majority Sunni country, so one would think it would align with the GCC.

Syria being dominated by the Saudi-Turkey-aligned nations would be good for Saudi and Turkish governments. I fail to see how that would be good for Syrians.

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Seems Russia just spanked Assad over this comment:


Moscow (AFP) - Russia's envoy to the UN on Friday warned long-term ally President Bashar al-Assad over his vow to retake all of Syria, saying he faced dire consequences if he did not comply with Moscow over the peace process.
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Good luck, man. And, I mean that. As a left wing Turk, I support Assad. I hope that the Islamofascist Erdogan will gradually find himself in a similar place as Saddam. Remember the endgame for him ? wink.png

It is Erdogan who is mainly responsible for the destruction in Syria !

Fault lies at the top. And at the top is Assad. He could have done things differently to avoid this whole mess. But he didn't. Just like his father.

That's correct, the man is an evil idiot. But this entire situation should of been handled differently. Now there's even more mental retards in the mix and every day I wake up it's just uglier and uglier.

Hopefully Assad is assinated soon.

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Seems Russia just spanked Assad over this comment:


Moscow (AFP) - Russia's envoy to the UN on Friday warned long-term ally President Bashar al-Assad over his vow to retake all of Syria, saying he faced dire consequences if he did not comply with Moscow over the peace process.

Eventually he will be removed, whether it's the Americans or the Russians or his own people, he will be eradicated, mark my words.

Sadly, like many evil dictators, he leaves complete devestation in his wake and damage that CANNOT be reversed.

The world will NEVER be the same. My heart bleeds for the innocent Syrian people.

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