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Why are there so many farang problem drinkers in Thailand?


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One reason you cant call a Pakistani a Paki in England is because 40 million white people will tell you its offensive.

I have a local shop near me called Paki. It is run by Pakistanis and plenty of white people go there to get what they need.

You have to understand you are offending a lot of non Pakistanis by calling a Pakistani a Paki.

Hope you now understand

No one has the right to not be offended. If we are to limit freedom of speech after "the offended" we will end up with nothing.

Should I be offended at being called a Scot? No I wouldn't.

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'Brit' and 'Scot' aren't just shortened versions of British and Scottish, they're nouns in their own right referring to individuals with those nationalities. You don't call refer to an individual from Britain 'A British'.

However, 'Paki' is not the equivalent noun for someone from Pakistan. Equating it with these words shows a certain ignorance of the English language - probably willfully so in some cases.

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Fair enough for you I guess - but some of us actually like women.

They are horrid creatures. God should have given blokes vagina's instead of women.

Could you please expand on that?

Do you really want a man with that kind of attitude to expand on such a moronic statement?

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'Brit' and 'Scot' aren't just shortened versions of British and Scottish, they're nouns in their own right referring to individuals with those nationalities. You don't call refer to an individual from Britain 'A British'.

However, 'Paki' is not the equivalent noun for someone from Pakistan. Equating it with these words shows a certain ignorance of the English language - probably willfully so in some cases.

So what is the shortened version of folk from Pakistan....?

I am English....What is OK for folk to call me.......?

Clearly reading comprehension is a bit of an issue for you. Brit is not short for British. It's the noun equivalent of an adjective.

For people from Pakistan - as for those from many countries - the noun and adjective are the same word - 'Pakistani'.

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'Brit' and 'Scot' aren't just shortened versions of British and Scottish, they're nouns in their own right referring to individuals with those nationalities. You don't call refer to an individual from Britain 'A British'.

However, 'Paki' is not the equivalent noun for someone from Pakistan. Equating it with these words shows a certain ignorance of the English language - probably willfully so in some cases.

So what is the shortened version of folk from Pakistan....?

I am English....What is OK for folk to call me.......?

Had it occurred to you that there just might not be one?

What's the shortened version for describing a German or and Icelander? "Germ"?? "Ice-y"??

You're trying to redefine what people should take offence at having never, yourself, been oppressed or maligned on account of either the colour of your skin or your race.

Why not just be thankful for your good fortune instead of sitting here insisting that you, too, are a "victim"


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'Brit' and 'Scot' aren't just shortened versions of British and Scottish, they're nouns in their own right referring to individuals with those nationalities. You don't call refer to an individual from Britain 'A British'.

However, 'Paki' is not the equivalent noun for someone from Pakistan. Equating it with these words shows a certain ignorance of the English language - probably willfully so in some cases.

So what is the shortened version of folk from Pakistan....?

I am English....What is OK for folk to call me.......?

Clearly reading comprehension is a bit of an issue for you. Brit is not short for British. It's the noun equivalent of an adjective.

For people from Pakistan - as for those from many countries - the noun and adjective are the same word - 'Pakistani'.

I'm not sure he knows what a noun or an adjective is

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Fair enough for you I guess - but some of us actually like women.

They are horrid creatures. God should have given blokes vagina's instead of women.

Could you please expand on that?

Do you really want a man with that kind of attitude to expand on such a moronic statement?

Not really, I just wanted to see why he made a statement like that, and yes, as you say, it was moronic.

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'Brit' and 'Scot' aren't just shortened versions of British and Scottish, they're nouns in their own right referring to individuals with those nationalities. You don't call refer to an individual from Britain 'A British'.

However, 'Paki' is not the equivalent noun for someone from Pakistan. Equating it with these words shows a certain ignorance of the English language - probably willfully so in some cases.

So what is the shortened version of folk from Pakistan....?

I am English....What is OK for folk to call me.......?

Clearly reading comprehension is a bit of an issue for you. Brit is not short for British. It's the noun equivalent of an adjective.

For people from Pakistan - as for those from many countries - the noun and adjective are the same word - 'Pakistani'.

So you think it's OK for a Pakistani to call me, an English guy, a Brit, but an English guy cannot call a Pakistani a Paki...?

Yes. Because 'Brit' is the correct noun for a British individual. The equivalent for an individual from Pakistan is 'Pakistani', not 'Paki'.

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Finally I pondered an age old question:

Is giving birth more painful than getting kicked in the nuts?

Women always maintain that giving birth is way more painful than a guy getting kicked in the nuts, but how could they "know"?

If getting kicked in the nuts once or twice gave guys a free ride for the rest of their life .......

My guess is we'd all be lining up.

Short term pain, for long term gain.

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Anyone saying that farang is not exclusively for white people have no idea what they are on about.


This is complete and total disinformation. Not just misinformation, but disinformation. Lies made up to justify racial hatred.

The inaccuracy of Asheron's statement can be readily confirmed by anyone. Just ask the next black or brown non-Thai you encounter in Thailand if they are ever referred to as a 'farang' by Thais. Ninety-nine percent of the time the answer will be: 'All the time!'

Choosing to be perpetually angry and indignant over something when a tiny effort to educate yourself would alleviate the problem. Sad, really.

Just because many people do not know the meaning of a word and ue it wrong does not change the meaning of the word. Just like you do not know what the word racism mean does not chagne the meaning.

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'Brit' and 'Scot' aren't just shortened versions of British and Scottish, they're nouns in their own right referring to individuals with those nationalities. You don't call refer to an individual from Britain 'A British'.

However, 'Paki' is not the equivalent noun for someone from Pakistan. Equating it with these words shows a certain ignorance of the English language - probably willfully so in some cases.

So what is the shortened version of folk from Pakistan....?

I am English....What is OK for folk to call me.......?

Had it occurred to you that there just might not be one?

What's the shortened version for describing a German or and Icelander? "Germ"?? "Ice-y"??

You're trying to redefine what people should take offence at having never, yourself, been oppressed or maligned on account of either the colour of your skin or your race.

Why not just be thankful for your good fortune instead of sitting here insisting that you, too, are a "victim"


You live in such a la-la-land that it's hard to imagine you not using velcro shoes as shoelaces are too hard to tie.

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'Brit' and 'Scot' aren't just shortened versions of British and Scottish, they're nouns in their own right referring to individuals with those nationalities. You don't call refer to an individual from Britain 'A British'.

However, 'Paki' is not the equivalent noun for someone from Pakistan. Equating it with these words shows a certain ignorance of the English language - probably willfully so in some cases.

So what is the shortened version of folk from Pakistan....?

I am English....What is OK for folk to call me.......?

Had it occurred to you that there just might not be one?

What's the shortened version for describing a German or and Icelander? "Germ"?? "Ice-y"??

You're trying to redefine what people should take offence at having never, yourself, been oppressed or maligned on account of either the colour of your skin or your race.

Why not just be thankful for your good fortune instead of sitting here insisting that you, too, are a "victim"


You live in such a la-la-land that it's hard to imagine you not using velcro shoes as shoelaces are too hard to tie.

Yep, your modus operandi is becoming clearer with each post

To wit, when someone lays it down in simple language that you find difficult to argue against, you chuck your toys and resort to petty insults

Try making your argument in simple terms without coming over as an angry little man

Edited by Cypress Hill
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CH, it seems you do not like posts that have different thoughts to yourself....Back off from trying to degrade folk for talking....

And hey, install a spell checker, even ol' Trans has one..........laugh.png.......Sorry CH.....


Advising ME to install a spell-checker??

Christ, that's rich

Oh and I'm not trying to "degrade" folk for talking unlike the other guy you seem to be cheerleading for who can't help but pop off cheap shots whenever he can't make his point stick

Edited by Cypress Hill
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CH, it seems you do not like posts that have different thoughts to yourself....Back off from trying to degrade folk for talking....

And hey, install a spell checker, even ol' Trans has one..........laugh.png.......Sorry CH.....


Advising ME to install a spell-checker??

Christ, that's rich

Oh and I'm not trying to "degrade" folk for talking unlike the other guy you seem to be cheerleading for

If my spelling was off you would have found it...Not going there cos there ain't any...

You read wrong about who I agree with or not.....YOUR gray cells do that....

Get your ass in gear and be constructive guy....thumbsup.gif

Can someone decipher this gibberish?

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CH, it seems you do not like posts that have different thoughts to yourself....Back off from trying to degrade folk for talking....

And hey, install a spell checker, even ol' Trans has one..........laugh.png.......Sorry CH.....


Advising ME to install a spell-checker??

Christ, that's rich

Oh and I'm not trying to "degrade" folk for talking unlike the other guy you seem to be cheerleading for

If my spelling was off you would have found it...Not going there cos there ain't any...

You read wrong about who I agree with or not.....YOUR gray cells do that....

Get your ass in gear and be constructive guy....thumbsup.gif

Can someone decipher this gibberish?

He's asking you to stop being a 'Wad'.

Is that clear enough?

Have a nice day CH, nice to see you again.

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So why not Britisher being correct...?

Why on earth would it be?

I was under the impression that English was your native language, but I'm beginning to think it must not be.

Those from India etc use the word Britisher..........Do we now have TWO standards...?

Britisher is a recognised dictionary word....Or in your opinion not to be used IF you come from the UK....?

It's not exactly in current usage, is it?

But what point do you think you're proving here? Even if 'Britisher' was the correct word, 'Paki' is not, and never has been.

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Monday is a no beers day guys. time to stock up.

Just had 10 cartons of Leo's finest delivered, I hope it is enough.

Leo and finest are two words that should not be used in the same sentense.

When the union is made in a glass with ice they go together perfectly.

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Monday is a no beers day guys. time to stock up.

Just had 10 cartons of Leo's finest delivered, I hope it is enough.

Leo and finest are two words that should not be used in the same sentense.
When the union is made in a glass with ice they go together perfectly.

Ice in beer is another no no.

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Monday is a no beers day guys. time to stock up.

Just had 10 cartons of Leo's finest delivered, I hope it is enough.

Leo and finest are two words that should not be used in the same sentense.
When the union is made in a glass with ice they go together perfectly.
Ice in beer is another no no.
Ice in beer is heathen but frozen glasses are OK.
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