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Why are there so many farang problem drinkers in Thailand?


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What you fail to recognize is how the drinker sees and feels about what you have pointed out.

To them, there is no problem and they do not ever consider themselves to be problem drinkers or certainly not alcoholics ( God forbid the use of that word to describe their habitual slovenly conduct...everyday ) while even one day without their alcohol and the varying degree of alcohol buzz they enjoy everyday would be unthinkable.

Life would be sooo boooooorrrrrrring without their beloved alcohol.

In my experiences with alcoholics and habitual heavy drinkers I have come to surmise the majority of them believe they are enjoying life far more so with alcohol and the alcohol buzz than those that do not drink while they have no problem at all finding like minded people everywhere they go as drinking alcohol and getting drunk is a common social pastime...everywhere in the world.

Most of them glorify their drinking and love to tell other drinkers and anyone that will listen about their drunken escapades and how much they can drink and still function...and or how much they got away with while drunk.

For the majority of them the party never ends and or they are always looking for the party...just like they were when they were in their teens and first started drinking and getting drunk and enjoying life and the party hardy adventures they experienced as many do have the time of their life when drinking and getting drunk.

They are continually chasing the excitement and drinking adventures while they do have a lot of fun most of the time and that fact encourages them to carry on as drinking and getting drunk is fun and funny and funnier.

They love to drink and laugh and socialize and carry on as if they are still in their teens.

Ya-Hoo....party hardy.

Their vice is everywhere and socially accepted and socially practiced, so, being drunk, to a degree everyday, is not something that they even question themselves on ...if ever.

In the long run it is just something they do as a habit and have no inclination to stop as stopping would ruin their day.

Note: This is a generalization of course but based on my observations and experiences with drunks and habitual heavy drinkers and or the "no doubt abut it alcoholics" that seemingly abound near everywhere you go.


Edited by gemguy
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How many bars are there where you come from OP?

Out of that number, how many of them are open? Or do you know what goes on behind closed doors?

How many visitors do you get coming and going month in, month out to your home town/city?

IMO, countries like Thailand are holiday destinations where normal people arrive after saving for their holidays. What happens on holiday is not normal practice as regards how most people act at home during their normal existence and they probably have just reason to kick back and let themselves go for a while before their return to routine.

In my years here, both as a bar fly and as a bar owner, i have seen many professional people acting like teenagers just turning off age for the period that they were here for. Loving every minute until it ends.

Everyone has a story, has a reason. Don't judge too harshly.......................wink.png

i just want to second that, adding i do not have any idea where you got your persentage from?? did you get to find all the farangs in thailand and can you please inform the rest of us as to how many live in thailand, and of that how many are like you just here on holidays, trying to enjoy themselves, i for the life of me, have not seen any evidence from you as to be able to judge other people's actions, i say live your own life and if this behaviour does not sit well with you, maybe you need to find another country to have your negative thoughts .
He walked into a bar and counted 10 people 7 who appeared to be drunk. I second that observation

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I drink most days in Thailand whereas in England 10 yrs ago I drank maybe once a week. So I believe it is a serious question.

My reason is that when I finish work I am very hot and like the thought of a cold beer. On the days when I think I'll give the beer a miss it rarely happens, as usually a friend or two arrive with a carrier full of Chang. We sit and chat and have a beer or two till the mozzies get too much.

It's probably the freedom of been able to without someone judging. Although I have one friend that swears Chang is more addictive than other beers.

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Just trying to emulate the Thais

From personal experience like most adults ii is a social thing to do. I do on occasions visit a bar after a heavy workout and late evening tennis. I guess self discipline is key in "Existence". Adults are not adults they are children in a candy shop... or smorgasbord like eating is discipline... I seldom go to one as I see many people over weight and like pigs in a feeding pen...snorting and pushing to get the most of what is available.

I am older and see myself in a movie theater watching a "LIFE" movie that has no plot... always picture ones self as actor or viewer...a viewer observes and has no control of out come "visiting a bar and seeing drunks argue and fight".... as actor I can always focus on what makes me question a out come...yes kid in candy shop...eat candy out of control.... an adult in a eating frenzy eat as much as what I dean as value for my money ..... a social drinker turned alcoholic...it is a choice. We all must listen to the inner voice of reason "do I really enjoy this?"...always a action and reaction this is the universe.

For myself I have reached a point of where it is all "unfolding as planned..the movie is great... let the people drink...just let police (if you believe... your guardian angle ) keep this negative energy from harming you.

Have your guardian angel keep U safe while traveling n Thailand and choose wisely your Theater of Life!

Peace be with you always! Ron


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There are certainly a lot of people who like to drink in bars but it doesn't follow that they are problem drinkers. I come across a lot of people, drinking in bars, who are simply looking for someone to chat to. I don't see them as problem drinkers as I rarely see anyone staggering about incapable or engaging in fights. You can experience both these behaviours in almost any UK town on a typical Friday night. I suspect that more people here go out to drink rather than stay at home to drink, as is common in the UK. If you enjoy drinking and don't break the law or upset anyone as a consequence, then why is it a problem ? Many of us came here to escape the nanny state !

Remember, beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy !

Edited by Rajab Al Zarahni
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OP is a troll post... but what the hell... i feel like answering...

So 70% of the expats you meet have an issue with alcohol? How do you actually know that? What is an "alcohol issue/problem" according to you, 1 beer a day, 10 beers every saturday, 3 beers every second day and so on? How do you know that the people you have met are actually expats and not just 1-2 month tourists (technically almost all the white monkeys in Thailand are tourists)?

And lastly, why do you care if someone drinks? It's frankly none of your business, take your socialist wannabe high horse attitude and put it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

So you like a drink then? So do I.

I don't get smashed, but if i wanted too, as you say, what's it to do with them.

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The life of the professional foreign drinker in Thailand is much facilitated by the ease (while the money lasts) with which they can acquire a "minder" who will perform the duties that are usually undertaken by a co-dependant.

Codependency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's a factor that may influence the alcoholic to choose Pattaya (where I met a lot of drunks, looked after by ladies) rather than Benidorm, as the place to finish themselves off.

My assessment is, of course, entirely anecdotal. (I've never been to Benidorm)

I have been there (Benidorm), got pissed every night...lol. We were all young once?
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OP is a troll post... but what the hell... i feel like answering...

So 70% of the expats you meet have an issue with alcohol? How do you actually know that? What is an "alcohol issue/problem" according to you, 1 beer a day, 10 beers every saturday, 3 beers every second day and so on? How do you know that the people you have met are actually expats and not just 1-2 month tourists (technically almost all the white monkeys in Thailand are tourists)?

And lastly, why do you care if someone drinks? It's frankly none of your business, take your socialist wannabe high horse attitude and put it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

So you like a drink then? So do I.

I don't get smashed, but if i wanted too, as you say, what's it to do with them.

More often than not, nothing at all if he/she drinks responsibly but, really, is Thailand the land of self-restraint?

Most of the time, people get loud, aggressive and impose those states on others who happen to be nearby but aren't inebriated

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OP is a troll post... but what the hell... i feel like answering...

So 70% of the expats you meet have an issue with alcohol? How do you actually know that? What is an "alcohol issue/problem" according to you, 1 beer a day, 10 beers every saturday, 3 beers every second day and so on? How do you know that the people you have met are actually expats and not just 1-2 month tourists (technically almost all the white monkeys in Thailand are tourists)?

And lastly, why do you care if someone drinks? It's frankly none of your business, take your socialist wannabe high horse attitude and put it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

So you like a drink then? So do I.

I don't get smashed, but if i wanted too, as you say, what's it to do with them.

More often than not, nothing at all if he/she drinks responsibly but, really, is Thailand the land of self-restraint?

Most of the time, people get loud, aggressive and impose those states on others who happen to be nearby but aren't inebriated

How come I am no problem when had a few beers, and l am English....?

My singing is renowned in LOS after I have had a few beers.......Ask Weegee..laugh.png

Because, from what I gather from your previous posts, you can't actually afford to get hammered

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OP is a troll post... but what the hell... i feel like answering...

So 70% of the expats you meet have an issue with alcohol? How do you actually know that? What is an "alcohol issue/problem" according to you, 1 beer a day, 10 beers every saturday, 3 beers every second day and so on? How do you know that the people you have met are actually expats and not just 1-2 month tourists (technically almost all the white monkeys in Thailand are tourists)?

And lastly, why do you care if someone drinks? It's frankly none of your business, take your socialist wannabe high horse attitude and put it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

So you like a drink then? So do I.

I don't get smashed, but if i wanted too, as you say, what's it to do with them.

More often than not, nothing at all if he/she drinks responsibly but, really, is Thailand the land of self-restraint?

Most of the time, people get loud, aggressive and impose those states on others who happen to be nearby but aren't inebriated

Is it only me that finds profanic words offensive, the more alcohol consumed the more louder and the more the expletives are rolled of the tongue, sometimes 2 or 3 per sentence.

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OP is a troll post... but what the hell... i feel like answering...

So 70% of the expats you meet have an issue with alcohol? How do you actually know that? What is an "alcohol issue/problem" according to you, 1 beer a day, 10 beers every saturday, 3 beers every second day and so on? How do you know that the people you have met are actually expats and not just 1-2 month tourists (technically almost all the white monkeys in Thailand are tourists)?

And lastly, why do you care if someone drinks? It's frankly none of your business, take your socialist wannabe high horse attitude and put it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

So you like a drink then? So do I.

I don't get smashed, but if i wanted too, as you say, what's it to do with them.

More often than not, nothing at all if he/she drinks responsibly but, really, is Thailand the land of self-restraint?

Most of the time, people get loud, aggressive and impose those states on others who happen to be nearby but aren't inebriated

Yeah, you could be right, but the loud aggressive types are few and far between. I don't drink that much these days, but some of the guys i know, drink 6 or 7, even more, every night. But they are far from aggressive...lol.

I stopped going regularly because i saw the light, and stopped (slowed down), before 'it' stopped me. Plus, the mrs wouldn't let me go...555

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I was never interested in booze - hate being drunk and hate hangovers even more

I prefer other recreational drugs

Sure but if you are ingesting the same amount of recreational drugs to be on par with an alcoholic then you are going to have serious serious side effects. but if you smoke the odd joint then why bother posting it.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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I was never interested in booze - hate being drunk and hate hangovers even more

I prefer other recreational drugs

Sure but if you are ingesting the same amount of recreational drugs to be on par with an alcoholic then you are going to have serious serious side effects. but if you smoke the odd joint then why bother posting it.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

What do preferences have to do with quantities used?

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OP is a troll post... but what the hell... i feel like answering...

So 70% of the expats you meet have an issue with alcohol? How do you actually know that? What is an "alcohol issue/problem" according to you, 1 beer a day, 10 beers every saturday, 3 beers every second day and so on? How do you know that the people you have met are actually expats and not just 1-2 month tourists (technically almost all the white monkeys in Thailand are tourists)?

And lastly, why do you care if someone drinks? It's frankly none of your business, take your socialist wannabe high horse attitude and put it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

So you like a drink then? So do I.

I don't get smashed, but if i wanted too, as you say, what's it to do with them.

More often than not, nothing at all if he/she drinks responsibly but, really, is Thailand the land of self-restraint?

Most of the time, people get loud, aggressive and impose those states on others who happen to be nearby but aren't inebriated

Is it only me that finds profanic words offensive, the more alcohol consumed the more louder and the more the expletives are rolled of the tongue, sometimes 2 or 3 per sentence.
It must be only you mate....i love a good swear, my mrs uses some of them in public, and i have to say "shh, don't say that here", and she says, "oh, its ok, they are Thai, they don't understand anyway"....bless her. Edited by Ghostnigel
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I was never interested in booze - hate being drunk and hate hangovers even more

I prefer other recreational drugs

Sure but if you are ingesting the same amount of recreational drugs to be on par with an alcoholic then you are going to have serious serious side effects. but if you smoke the odd joint then why bother posting it.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

What do preferences have to do with quantities used?

Well the thread is about problem drinking. What's the point of coming here to say I have one cup of mint tea a day? It adds nothing of value

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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I was never interested in booze - hate being drunk and hate hangovers even more

I prefer other recreational drugs

Sure but if you are ingesting the same amount of recreational drugs to be on par with an alcoholic then you are going to have serious serious side effects. but if you smoke the odd joint then why bother posting it.

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

What do preferences have to do with quantities used?

Well the thread is about problem drinking. What's the point of coming here to say I have one cup of mint tea a day? It adds nothing of value

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

Oh I see

Only those with addiction issues can comment on the topic?

OK gotcha

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OP is a troll post... but what the hell... i feel like answering...

So 70% of the expats you meet have an issue with alcohol? How do you actually know that? What is an "alcohol issue/problem" according to you, 1 beer a day, 10 beers every saturday, 3 beers every second day and so on? How do you know that the people you have met are actually expats and not just 1-2 month tourists (technically almost all the white monkeys in Thailand are tourists)?

And lastly, why do you care if someone drinks? It's frankly none of your business, take your socialist wannabe high horse attitude and put it somewhere the sun doesn't shine.

So you like a drink then? So do I.

I don't get smashed, but if i wanted too, as you say, what's it to do with them.

More often than not, nothing at all if he/she drinks responsibly but, really, is Thailand the land of self-restraint?

Most of the time, people get loud, aggressive and impose those states on others who happen to be nearby but aren't inebriated

Is it only me that finds profanic words offensive, the more alcohol consumed the more louder and the more the expletives are rolled of the tongue, sometimes 2 or 3 per sentence.
It must be only you mate....i love a good swear, my mrs uses some of them in public, and i have to say "shh, don't say that here", and she says, "oh, its ok, they are Thai, they don't understand anyway"....bless her.

A class act no doubt.

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