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Brexit , will it effect Sterling?

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I'm not a Brit, just an outsider and certainly not an economist. I think the Euro is doomed and that the pound will increase in value. At this point, I'd much rather hold pounds than Euros.

If a Brexit it is then it would deal the EU a serious blow, one of the 2 big hitters in the group walks away and that leaves Germany to fund the whole shebang, no wonder they have sympathies with us!

It all a guess what would happen of course but what markets dont like is uncertainty. I would expect that in the event of an in vote that both currencies would rise as the status quo is maintained. With an out vote I would expect both currencies to fall initially until the events are taken stock of and the future becomes clearer, that might take a while, but, if the UK did embrace the exit and challenges and success was seen then the pound would rise again. The Euro I see as doomed in the long term, its the currency of a socialist block that is well meaning but precariously funded. It might have worked if it were restricted to the northern Europeans only, no meds, no easterns and no France. Too many different cultures and work ethics ask any Greek.

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I have read a lot on the subject,and the way I see it is those who have an axe to grind want to stay in and those who do not have an axe to grind say it will not matter much one way or the other,although it could be the beginning of the end of the E.U.

As for myself anything Blair says is good ,then I tend to think we should do the opposite,but the clincher was Kinnokio,saying we should stay in ,this is the guy who said that when he joined the E.U he would try to clean it up ,but instead got his wife and kids jobs in Brussells ,made millions and did nothing ,well he convinced me ,get out and don't stop running away


IF the UK leaves and IF the union collapses as a result, IF, GBP will be seen as a safe haven fund for transient Euro holders hence it will appreciate.

and it goes without saying that the Indian subcontinent will beg the Queen to send a Viceroy to Delhi and the East India Company back to Kolkata once the European Union has collapsed making Sterling the safe haven no.1 currency. i am sure that relevant plans exist also in Nigeria, Kenia and Zimbabwe crazy.gif


IF the UK leaves and IF the union collapses as a result, IF, GBP will be seen as a safe haven fund for transient Euro holders hence it will appreciate.

and it goes without saying that the Indian subcontinent will beg the Queen to send a Viceroy to Delhi and the East India Company back to Kolkata once the European Union has collapsed making Sterling the safe haven no.1 currency. i am sure that relevant plans exist also in Nigeria, Kenia and Zimbabwe crazy.gif


Well you would know Naam although I don't think the pound will become a safe haven I don't think it will tank


It's not going to be a Brexit it's going to be a ENGexit and it's gonna be a mess,the rules have still not been set if there is a majority of 1

to leave do you think that will be enough.Or more likely there will have to be a majority of well think of a number,the government can and will make the rules of the referendum to suit there wishes,it normally takes a 3 to 1 majority to change such fundamental agreements.its gonna be messy but fun to watch and Sterling will suffer.


IF the UK leaves and IF the union collapses as a result, IF, GBP will be seen as a safe haven fund for transient Euro holders hence it will appreciate.

and it goes without saying that the Indian subcontinent will beg the Queen to send a Viceroy to Delhi and the East India Company back to Kolkata once the European Union has collapsed making Sterling the safe haven no.1 currency. i am sure that relevant plans exist also in Nigeria, Kenia and Zimbabwe crazy.gif


Well you would know Naam although I don't think the pound will become a safe haven I don't think it will tank

It's probably going to do one or the other, it's already fallen quite a bit.


One of the more useful articles I've read on Brexit:


It's an article which paraphrases an investment note from Capital Economics, commissioned by Neil Woodford, two very very strong names in the world of UK economics and worth a read, not solely because of the investment aspect but because of the scene it sets.


IF the UK leaves and IF the union collapses as a result, IF, GBP will be seen as a safe haven fund for transient Euro holders hence it will appreciate.

and it goes without saying that the Indian subcontinent will beg the Queen to send a Viceroy to Delhi and the East India Company back to Kolkata once the European Union has collapsed making Sterling the safe haven no.1 currency. i am sure that relevant plans exist also in Nigeria, Kenia and Zimbabwe crazy.gif


Well you would know Naam although I don't think the pound will become a safe haven I don't think it will tank

It's probably going to do one or the other, it's already fallen quite a bit.

our discussion is academic because the British Empire will not leave the EU. and for those who think and hope (like me!) that the EU will crumble and the arrogant parasites and maggots in Brussels are sent back home my advice is: "don't hold your breath!"


I'm not a Brit, just an outsider and certainly not an economist. I think the Euro is doomed and that the pound will increase in value. At this point, I'd much rather hold pounds than Euros.

If a Brexit it is then it would deal the EU a serious blow, one of the 2 big hitters in the group walks away and that leaves Germany to fund the whole shebang, no wonder they have sympathies with us!

It all a guess what would happen of course but what markets dont like is uncertainty. I would expect that in the event of an in vote that both currencies would rise as the status quo is maintained. With an out vote I would expect both currencies to fall initially until the events are taken stock of and the future becomes clearer, that might take a while, but, if the UK did embrace the exit and challenges and success was seen then the pound would rise again. The Euro I see as doomed in the long term, its the currency of a socialist block that is well meaning but precariously funded. It might have worked if it were restricted to the northern Europeans only, no meds, no easterns and no France. Too many different cultures and work ethics ask any Greek.

Why should it leave Germany to pay for the ones on the gravy train ,they can pull out too.

I think the socialist plan was to make the poor countries wealthy off the backs of the richer countries. Socialism has never worked and never will work. The UK would do well to get out of that mess. Ole Maggie had it right with her views on socialism.


Socialism has never worked and never will work.

So........how do you explain the Nordic countries?

Not exactly socialism Jeremy CORBYN style is it



Socialism has never worked and never will work.

So........how do you explain the Nordic countries?


Being rich in energy sure helps !

Crashing oil prices may soon crimp their life styles.



Socialism has never worked and never will work.

So........how do you explain the Nordic countries?


Being rich in energy sure helps !

Crashing oil prices may soon crimp their life styles.

Not forgetting the huge influx of immigrants that is straining their systems as well, it might pave the way for a change of direction.


I will look with interest at the monday exchange rates, expecting the £ to be falling still, or will the cabinet supporting our heroic leader cause a change the £s fortunes?


My guess is that the Pound will strengthen on Monday, markets will be telling us it's good news that Cameron got what he (almost) wanted at the summit, ergo, the UK will not be Brexit'ing.

Tuesdays story may be different however.


Fall at first because of the unknown and the uncertainty.

It will return to normal and may even surprise you when new trade agreements are in place.


pounds will go to the moon. only poor countries will stay in the CEE. don't be idiot. Switzerland and Norway are not in The CEE and are better.

when UK will be out, many things will improve for UK.


and it goes without saying that the Indian subcontinent will beg the Queen to send a Viceroy to Delhi and the East India Company back to Kolkata once the European Union has collapsed making Sterling the safe haven no.1 currency. i am sure that relevant plans exist also in Nigeria, Kenia and Zimbabwe crazy.gif


Well you would know Naam although I don't think the pound will become a safe haven I don't think it will tank

It's probably going to do one or the other, it's already fallen quite a bit.

our discussion is academic because the British Empire will not leave the EU. and for those who think and hope (like me!) that the EU will crumble and the arrogant parasites and maggots in Brussels are sent back home my advice is: "don't hold your breath!"

You've convinced me, I think it was the part about the Viceroy to India that did it, we're definitely going to leave, would you care to wager?



Socialism has never worked and never will work.

So........how do you explain the Nordic countries?


Being rich in energy sure helps !

Crashing oil prices may soon crimp their life styles.

Sweden has no oil but its "socialist" environment matches that of Norway.



Socialism has never worked and never will work.

So........how do you explain the Nordic countries?


Being rich in energy sure helps !

Crashing oil prices may soon crimp their life styles.

Sweden has no oil but its "socialist" environment matches that of Norway.

Again,not socialism Jeremy CORBYN style


people are now scared to leave. they have been brainwashed. like the USA.... everything not American is bad.

little by little the bad guys will destroy Europe. it s an inside job and you can not leave because you live in fear and this is exactly what they want.


My guess is that the Pound will strengthen on Monday, markets will be telling us it's good news that Cameron got what he (almost) wanted at the summit, ergo, the UK will not be Brexit'ing.

Tuesdays story may be different however.

And indeed it might have were it not for Boris, bless him:

"The pound has dropped sharply against the dollar over uncertainty about a possible UK exit from the European Union.

In early trading in London, the pound was down 1.4% against the dollar to $1.42000.

It comes after London Mayor Boris Johnson joined the campaign to leave the EU following Prime Minister David Cameron setting a June referendum date".



we all know that if UK leaves Europe, it 's the end of the world. look at Norway.... they are so poor that they want join Europe but nobody want them...

:) sarcasm....


If anything, Europe will become second rate because it has lost the only player with a pair of boll***s and which also happens to be buddy-buddy with the US (they can't stand talking to the sausage eaters and froggies).

as long as learned men spread this kind of paramount wisdom, the British Empire will -with a little help from a willing umpire (like 1966)- prevail and rule unchallenged.



If anything, Europe will become second rate because it has lost the only player with a pair of boll***s and which also happens to be buddy-buddy with the US (they can't stand talking to the sausage eaters and froggies).

as long as learned men spread this kind of paramount wisdom, the British Empire will -with a little help from a willing umpire (like 1966)- prevail and rule unchallenged.


It was a Russian football referee in 1966 Naam, umpires are in cricket, yet another game invented by the British, we should make the world pay royalties on the games we invented wonderful philanthropists that we are we gave them away free so the world could enjoy themselves.


If anything, Europe will become second rate because it has lost the only player with a pair of boll***s and which also happens to be buddy-buddy with the US (they can't stand talking to the sausage eaters and froggies).

as long as learned men spread this kind of paramount wisdom, the British Empire will -with a little help from a willing umpire (like 1966)- prevail and rule unchallenged.


It was a Russian football referee in 1966 Naam, umpires are in cricket, yet another game invented by the British, we should make the world pay royalties on the games we invented wonderful philanthropists that we are we gave them away free so the world could enjoy themselves.

a Roossian? no vunder! it's a vell known fakt zat zem Roossians hate us Tchermans smile.png


off topic... my wife is a cricket fan, an even more boring game than baseball. i used to make her angry with remarks such as "it's frustrating when these chaps lift their legs and then don't pee" and "wasn't that a clear foul? why doesn't the ringmaster whistle, shows the red card and rules 11meter penalty kick?"

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