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8:02 Pm All Quiet Up In Pathum Thani


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I heard some here .....but then again it might have been my television.

maybe you phone Rick O'Shea for some confirmation about the shots?

what flavour vodka were they again?

shsssh, still all quiet here in Saphan Khwai - suspect if the girls next door put a movie on I may hear gunshots.

From the rumour mill and as such, unconfirmed.

Keep your heads down all - some terrible rumour mongers out there................


Couthy. :o

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I think I heard some stealth bombers overhead earlier ........ scary!

Shhssshhh....the girls next door came home 30 mins ago: They are giggling quietly about something. As they are both qualified mechanical engineers (no bad puns plse - they are!), I suspect they know something.

Went out to the porch for a cig - more bats than normal tonight; Maybe they are fitted with micro cams to beam the info to the stealth bombers?.

I assumed by blowing smoke at them I could disguise my presence a little longer and perhaps my part of the building so that the 'smart bomb' hits elsewhere.

(If they're all that smart why do they even drop off the aircraft and blow themselves to atoms?. seems dumb to me).

Still quieter than a Scots graveyard on Thanksgiving day, I reckon the motorbike guys have got the dogs. Or is it possible that GWB has already landed Special Forces here to MAKE DEMOCRACY WORK the Texan way?.

Heavens above, one hopes not ;It's a holiday and I have better things to do than get shot to death by a bunch of red necks whilst in bed waiting for Ms C to arrive.

If you are all alive in the morning - especially the muscly chap in Soi 53, then let us know.

Don't twitch too much, it frightens the locals.


Couthy :o

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oooops sorry .... was just Mod Dam my baby chihuahua with gas!

I think I heard some stealth bombers overhead earlier ........ scary!

Shhssshhh....the girls next door came home 30 mins ago: They are giggling quietly about something. As they are both qualified mechanical engineers (no bad puns plse - they are!), I suspect they know something.

Went out to the porch for a cig - more bats than normal tonight; Maybe they are fitted with micro cams to beam the info to the stealth bombers?.

I assumed by blowing smoke at them I could disguise my presence a little longer and perhaps my part of the building so that the 'smart bomb' hits elsewhere.

(If they're all that smart why do they even drop off the aircraft and blow themselves to atoms?. seems dumb to me).

Still quieter than a Scots graveyard on Thanksgiving day, I reckon the motorbike guys have got the dogs. Or is it possible that GWB has already landed Special Forces here to MAKE DEMOCRACY WORK the Texan way?.

Heavens above, one hopes not ;It's a holiday and I have better things to do than get shot to death by a bunch of red necks whilst in bed waiting for Ms C to arrive.

If you are all alive in the morning - especially the muscly chap in Soi 53, then let us know.

Don't twitch too much, it frightens the locals.


Couthy :o

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oooops sorry .... was just Mod Dam my baby chihuahua with gas!

What, they sabotaged your dog?. The heartless swine they are. Have they no feelings?.

To steal a man's wife is one thing but to gas his dog -well, that is WAR.

No wonder the shooting stopped.

That's what happened to all the dogs outside - and here was me thinking the motorbike taxi boys had eaten them all.............


Couthy. :o

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It's daybreak now, qualtrough...

Can you give us an "all-clear" bell yet or have you been taken hostage just before sunrise?

You've missed many hourly updates.... hope all is ok there...

Hi John,

Sorry I failed to update. I was so frightened I grabbed some beer from the fridge and must have passed out at some point. I am not as brave as some other forum members. 13:07 here on Monday and still quiet. I don't understand why I am not hearing gunshots. Perhaps the holiday??

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It's daybreak now, qualtrough...

Can you give us an "all-clear" bell yet or have you been taken hostage just before sunrise?

You've missed many hourly updates.... hope all is ok there...

Hi John,

Sorry I failed to update. I was so frightened I grabbed some beer from the fridge and must have passed out at some point. I am not as brave as some other forum members. 13:07 here on Monday and still quiet. I don't understand why I am not hearing gunshots. Perhaps the holiday??

Or perhaps you are now sober... :o

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Clearly a military man . . . at ease now, couthy . . . (Do you also have pictures of deformed torsos?)

Ehhh....no, whilst Ms C does on occasion peruse her Ladybird Book of Anthropological studies when I emerge from the shower and tries to find a suitable classification, I do believe that there are no pictures of deformed torsos, blood, mayhem and death around here.

Quiet here today - no RPG's, AK's or hand gun shots.

The dogs have not appeared back but beside the motorcycle rank there is a 7/11 bag full of largish bones. Questions need asked I feel, but I ain't asking them.

However it is still early so I'll get my flak jacket on and have a walk up the soi to buy some cigs.

Should I arrive back undead -I shall report later.

(Tell the muscles chap in Soi 53 not to worry)


Couthy. :o

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2200 hours:

I have arrived back as alive as I am liable to be for the next hour or so.

Ms C turned up as I left to buy a packet of cigs.

Ms C does not like cigs.

Managed to get up the Soi to buy a bottle of beer whilst doing a Private Ryan thing, duck, dodge and hide your arse in the sand. (No sand alas).

Ms C calmly strolled up the Soi, never flinched, ducked or even narrowed her eyelids.

An occasional pop-pop in the distance suggested that we were unlikely to be gunned down in the immediate future.

I suspect that the mental guy with the bottle of Lao Khao in the Soi might be a GWB DEMOCRACY TEXAS STYLE Special Forces guy, but the last we saw of him the motorbike guys were explaining his future to him.

Gosh, it's exciting here isn't it?.

Still no dogs - and the motorbike boys seem to have put on weight.

Mr Muscle in Soi 53 - sleep soundly. You'll be o.k.........

Dispatch ends.


Couthy, :o

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