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Violence escalates in Israel and West Bank


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Violence escalates in Israel and West Bank


JERUSAELM: -- The Palestinian Health Ministry says at least 25 people were wounded in clashes with Israel Defence Forces at a refugee camp near the West Bank city of Ramallah. The IDF raided the camp to make an arrest.

The ministry claims several Palestinians were hit with live bullets.

Separately, Israeli security forces have arrested the head of the armed Palestinian Tanzim organisation. Jamal Abu Lil is reportedly accused of planning shooting attacks and funding military activity.

Israeli police said a Palestinian woman was shot and wounded by IDF troops in the West Bank city of Hebron on Sunday .. after trying to stab an Israeli soldier.

Dozens of people attended a funeral of two 15-year-old Palestinians who were shot dead by IDF troops in Jenin after throwing rocks at Israeli cars. Israeli police say that one had open fire on soldiers.

Last night, 2 assailants fired at security forces near Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. Forces responded & shot attackers pic.twitter.com/Msueja0WMV

— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) February 15, 2016
In another incident, a Palestinian tried to stab an Israeli paramilitary policeman at a checkpoint in the West Bank, near Jerusalem, and was shot dead, police said.

Israeli security forces have killed at least 163 Palestinians, 107 of whom Israel says were assailants, while the others were shot dead during violent anti-Israeli protests, as the bloodshed persists into a fifth month.

Stabbings, shootings and car rammings by Palestinians have killed 27 Israelis and a US citizen since early October.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-02-16

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let's see where it all will end, the Palestinians with no regards for lives values and sanctity, trying

to force a point, thinking that Israel will back down, pipe dreams, they don't know who they're

dealing with, or maybe they know, but hasn't downed on them yet that with knives and bullets they

will achieve nothing, only many more dead Palestinians.....

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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price. The world is watching who is doing the extra judicial killing and brings Israel's grossly unjust treatment of Palestinians under the spotlight of the international and social media. It is not winning Israel any friends.The EU in particular, its largest trading partner, notes Israel's actions and drives more nations into recognizing the state of Palestine.

The fact that the fight against illegal Israel occupation is persisting demonstrates, as John Kerry said, that the status quo is untenable.

If Israel ultimately wants to live in permanent peace with its neighbors, this is not the way to go about it.

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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price.

The Palestinian Arabs started the conflict in the first place, refused an opportunity to get their own country, lost numerous wars and then turned to strictly terrorism which did them no good either. It is about time that the realized that violence has only hurt them and agree to a peace deal. Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light. Islamic terrorism will never win.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price. The world is watching who is doing the extra judicial killing and brings Israel's grossly unjust treatment of Palestinians under the spotlight of the international and social media. It is not winning Israel any friends.The EU in particular, its largest trading partner, notes Israel's actions and drives more nations into recognizing the state of Palestine.

The fact that the fight against illegal Israel occupation is persisting demonstrates, as John Kerry said, that the status quo is untenable.

If Israel ultimately wants to live in permanent peace with its neighbors, this is not the way to go about it.

Pressure on Israel will decrease rather than increase. This is because even the Arabs are sick of Palestinian whining and are rapidly making peace with Israel. Europe has its own self-inflicted problems which will make them realize they are in the same boat as Israel, the U.K. Government has for example banned BDS boycotts from any UK government institution. Here's a picture to make Israel haters heads explode, can anyone guess who it shows?


Edited by Steely Dan
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Here we go again, the usual Israel can do no wrong against everyone else. I'll try and stay out of this one, as it's no more unexpected than the sun coming up in the morning.

Whatever, till Israel makes peace ( allows the two state solution ), it's going to have to deal with this sort of thing forever.

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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price.

The Palestinian Arabs started the conflict in the first place, refused an opportunity to get their own country, lost numerous wars and then turned to strictly terrorism which did them no good either. It is about time that the realized that violence has only hurt them and agree to a peace deal. Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light. Islamic terrorism will never win.

I disagree with your pseudo history.
Just because the bully Zionism wins does not make it right.
Every colonial enterprise in history has either failed or ended up absorbing the people colonized. Palestine will be no different.
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You have posted dishonest versions of history on here over and over again and I have provided proof from credible sources to prove you wrong. Please keep your made up stories and hateful, propoganda websites to yourself.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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You have posted dishonest versions of history on here over and over again and I have provided proof from credible sources to prove you wrong. Please keep your made up stories and hateful, propoganda websites to yourself.

Israel , please continue building this fence around your country to protect you from the predators and the rest of the world from you ...!

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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price. The world is watching who is doing the extra judicial killing and brings Israel's grossly unjust treatment of Palestinians under the spotlight of the international and social media. It is not winning Israel any friends.The EU in particular, its largest trading partner, notes Israel's actions and drives more nations into recognizing the state of Palestine.
The fact that the fight against illegal Israel occupation is persisting demonstrates, as John Kerry said, that the status quo is untenable.
If Israel ultimately wants to live in permanent peace with its neighbors, this is not the way to go about it.

Illegal occupation persists for some reasons. After Israel return of Gaza to Gazans, Hamas took over. Israelis are just weary that the same does not happen on the west bank - of which:

1/ occupation was the result of a victorious counter-attack as Jordan attacked in 1967 (Six-Day war). Israel did not strike the first blow, but counter-attacked, and

2/ The Mandate granted the West Bank to Israel, but Jordan annexed it in 1948. All this is history and can be verified.

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On one hand, Palestinians are been indoctrinated to hate Jews at early age - google Farfour, where a Mickey Mouse impersonator is persecuted by "Jewish characters" to army of children learning war against the Jews using plastic or wood guns, to geography schoolbooks where Palestine spreads from the Mediterranea to th Jordan river, all financed by the EU.

On the other hand, Israelis 'playing' legitimate defense and killing those who attempt to stab [or shoot] them, even inside Israel's boundaries.

And a Palestinian president who claims Israel wants to change the status of the Temple Mount known to Muslims as Haram el Shariff, and Israel should get their 'filthy feet' out of it, when actually the PA is arch-corrupt.

A recipe for disaster. Or a miracle. Or the Messiah. Or...

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Every colonial enterprise in history has either failed or ended up absorbing the people colonized.

You mean like the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia? They did not fail. They "absorbed" the few enemies who were left.

The problem for Zionist colonialism is twofold:
Unlike most other European colonialist enterprises the resident Palestinian population, although poorly led, armed and finaced, outnumbered the invaders and they still do in the greater Palestinian diaspora. They are not going away however much the Israelis oppress them as in the OP.
Zionism started the enterprise about 100 years too late in the 1890s. Other European colonialists conducted their genocide of the resident aboriginals away from the glare of the international and social media. But as in the OP the whole world is watching Israel's barbaric behavior this time.
For these reasons Zionism will ultimatey fail, and Israel will end up making peace with its neighbors, who through natural transmigrations will become the majority in Israel.
Edited by dexterm
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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price.

The Palestinian Arabs started the conflict in the first place, refused an opportunity to get their own country, lost numerous wars and then turned to strictly terrorism which did them no good either. It is about time that the realized that violence has only hurt them and agree to a peace deal. Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light. Islamic terrorism will never win.

I disagree with your pseudo history.

Just because the bully Zionism wins does not make it right.

Every colonial enterprise in history has either failed or ended up absorbing the people colonized. Palestine will be no different.

The Jews are indigenous to Israel, just as the Berbers were to parts of North Africa or the Copts were to Egypt. It was the Arab invaders who were the colonists. Makes your nonsense about colonialism a non sequitur.
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The problem for Zionist colonialism is twofold:

In other words, this statement is NOT TRUE, like most of the fake "history" you post on this forum.

Every colonial enterprise in history has either failed or ended up absorbing the people colonized.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price.

The Palestinian Arabs started the conflict in the first place, refused an opportunity to get their own country, lost numerous wars and then turned to strictly terrorism which did them no good either. It is about time that the realized that violence has only hurt them and agree to a peace deal. Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light. Islamic terrorism will never win.

I disagree with your pseudo history.

Just because the bully Zionism wins does not make it right.

Every colonial enterprise in history has either failed or ended up absorbing the people colonized. Palestine will be no different.

The Jews are indigenous to Israel, just as the Berbers were to parts of North Africa or the Copts were to Egypt. It was the Arab invaders who were the colonists. Makes your nonsense about colonialism a non sequitur.
How come 36 of the 37 signatories of Israel's Declaration of Independence were born in Eastern Europe, along with most of their Prime Ministers since?
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The problem for Zionist colonialism is twofold:

In other words, this statement is NOT TRUE, like most of the fake "history" you post on this forum.

Every colonial enterprise in history has either failed or ended up absorbing the people colonized.

Notice the "or".

No time for absurd deflections today.

Back to the OP.

Netanyahu's heavy handed approach is clearly not working if peace with its neighbors is Israel's goal. As the Topic indicates...the violence is escalating.

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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price. The world is watching who is doing the extra judicial killing and brings Israel's grossly unjust treatment of Palestinians under the spotlight of the international and social media. It is not winning Israel any friends.The EU in particular, its largest trading partner, notes Israel's actions and drives more nations into recognizing the state of Palestine.

The fact that the fight against illegal Israel occupation is persisting demonstrates, as John Kerry said, that the status quo is untenable.

If Israel ultimately wants to live in permanent peace with its neighbors, this is not the way to go about it.

Pressure on Israel will decrease rather than increase. This is because even the Arabs are sick of Palestinian whining and are rapidly making peace with Israel. Europe has its own self-inflicted problems which will make them realize they are in the same boat as Israel, the U.K. Government has for example banned BDS boycotts from any UK government institution. Here's a picture to make Israel haters heads explode, can anyone guess who it shows?

attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Co

Interesting way of puting it mr. terorrist: whining Palestinians. I hope one day the "whiners" will go after you. You are a disgrace.

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Thats because they are the majority and right , unlike Palestine which has never wanted and never will live in peace , even the Saudi govt have said so ,

Or, they simply shout the loudest...

Edited by mjnaus
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Freedom fighters in every struggle for independence against occupying European colonialists have paid a heavy price.

The Palestinian Arabs started the conflict in the first place, refused an opportunity to get their own country, lost numerous wars and then turned to strictly terrorism which did them no good either. It is about time that the realized that violence has only hurt them and agree to a peace deal. Israel has no choice but to keep killing one terrorist after another until they see the light. Islamic terrorism will never win.

I disagree with your pseudo history.

Just because the bully Zionism wins does not make it right.

Every colonial enterprise in history has either failed or ended up absorbing the people colonized. Palestine will be no different.

The Jews are indigenous to Israel, just as the Berbers were to parts of North Africa or the Copts were to Egypt. It was the Arab invaders who were the colonists. Makes your nonsense about colonialism a non sequitur.

What a joke!

Please have a look at the israeli and tell me most of them come from this region of the world...

Colonialism is denounced by UN and Palestine has been recognized by 142 countries so far in the world.

ISrael is a bully and always will be

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I am curious about the absence of the usual amount of Hamas rocket action.

Perhaps they don't want to give the Israelis an excuse to bomb the c*** out of Gaza again. It also allows the impression of a David and Goliath struggle, which it is, but this time the Zionists are the Goliath.

I did say I'd TRY and stay out, but sometimes there is something different to comment about, as this is.

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Thats because they are the majority and right , unlike Palestine which has never wanted and never will live in peace , even the Saudi govt have said so ,

Or, they simply shout the loudest...

No its always the lefty handwringers that shout the loudest and if they are not listened to just riot and demonstrate

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Sums of the Israel demonization agenda in a nutty shell.

Disgusting hate speech.

ALL here please JOIN ME in condemning such hate speech. Including any SINCERE critics of Israeli government policies (like me) that are not infected with the disease of Israel demonization (thinly veiled Jew hating, in the case above, not veiled at all).


Edited by seedy
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Illegal occupation persists for some reasons. After Israel return of Gaza to Gazans, Hamas took over. Israelis are just weary that the same does not happen on the west bank - of which:

1/ occupation was the result of a victorious counter-attack as Jordan attacked in 1967 (Six-Day war). Israel did not strike the first blow, but counter-attacked, and

2/ The Mandate granted the West Bank to Israel, but Jordan annexed it in 1948. All this is history and can be verified.

Occupation "persists for some reasons. After..."

I for one do not hold the West Bank as occupied, regardless of what others assert. In your post above I would invite you to go back even further, when the 'West Bank' was agreed to belong to the Jews- by the Arabs. It was here Jordan first stole that land. What happened in 67 was sequel. This is among the valuable lessons the Arab world has learned from the radical left- repeat something often enough and eventually you compromise the premises from which all parties build their argument.

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