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Advice about Bar Girl


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Mate, you're 24.

There'll be plenty more girls from plenty more bars in plenty more cities before you decide to take the plunge.

I presume you weren't a virgin before this life-altering damsel rocked your world.

Remember the experience for what it was and await the next one.

Edited by Cynical Sailor
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Mate, you're 24.

There'll be plenty more girls from plenty more bars in plenty more cities before you decide to take the plunge.

I presume you weren't a virgin before this life-altering damsel rocked your world.

Remember the experience for what it was and await the next one.

It's not about the sex. I know there'll be more girls, but the village is what's intriguing me. It seems so daft to me.

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At this point I wish I was trolling. But I've gotten some serious, mature responses which I greatly appreciate.

You may wish to enlighten us as to why you appear to be posting from outside Thailand :)

Proxy server. Don't trust the public wifi, plus if I insult the King I won't get arrested at the gate (but I'd never do that).

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At this point I wish I was trolling. But I've gotten some serious, mature responses which I greatly appreciate.

You may wish to enlighten us as to why you appear to be posting from outside Thailand smile.png

Proxy server. Don't trust the public wifi, plus if I insult the King I won't get arrested at the gate (but I'd never do that).

A wise man :)

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You were in bed with her until this morning and you are leaving the country today. Right now you are in Udon. I take it you flew direct to Udon and will now turn around and head back to Phuket or are booked on a flight to Bangkok and then fly out tonight. Why did you go to Udon for a few hours?

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You were in bed with her until this morning and you are leaving the country today. Right now you are in Udon. I take it you flew direct to Udon and will now turn around and head back to Phuket or are booked on a flight to Bangkok and then fly out tonight. Why did you go to Udon for a few hours?

Who said I was in Udon? Thats where she is from. I was in Phuket, flew to DMK, and am now at BKK.

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Very tempted to shut it down as a "Troll" but will give it the benefit of the doubt , but move it over to the Pub forum.

I'm not trolling. Wanted to give background instead of saying "some hooker asked me to come to her house" and know what to expect if I did. But I feel that I've gotten enough feedback that you can shut it down now. Thanks to all the serious posters, flights boarding I'm off.

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You were in bed with her until this morning and you are leaving the country today. Right now you are in Udon. I take it you flew direct to Udon and will now turn around and head back to Phuket or are booked on a flight to Bangkok and then fly out tonight. Why did you go to Udon for a few hours?

Who said I was in Udon? Thats where she is from. I was in Phuket, flew to DMK, and am now at BKK.
Ok sorry I thought you said you are in Udon. She is from a village near Udon. Sure, come back and pay her a visit. Why not.
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I'm sorry but do you get engaged with every hooker you meet the night before? meeting a girls family is a serious thing here. Young girls don't bring boys home to meet her parents. It is just not done unless she is introducing her fiance'.

What do you think is going to happen in her village when you meet her family?

If a woman that you just meet asks you how much you earn, it is a bad sign.

You are a way out of poverty and prostitution and nothing more. If you have a savior complex which you appear to, by your first comment about the other guy she was talking to. Like she needs you to save her from sleeping with another guy. Hate to break it to you but your drunk azz isn't a prize either. You were a way for her to eat a meal. She wouldn't have been any less happy with any other guy.

I know that you have two heads, one that thinks and the other that believes it thinks. Stop listening to your pecker. This girl is just using you as you did her. There is no depth there and anything that you are trying to read into it will blow up in your face.

For the rest of your life you will have to justify your relationship or just lie to people.

Dad where did you and mom meet. Oh it is a funny story "she was working in a bar as a prostitute and I thought that I was a better prize for her than the old fat guy she was with. So I waited to the end of the night so I didn't have to pay the bar, I then gave her the worst shag I could and gave her a lowball tip. It really was different though because we used google translate to have a very deep conversation."

If this isn't a troll. You are deluding yourself fully.

If you want to enjoy a village homestay experience, then just take a tour. Don't delude yourself to thinking that a week with a village prostitute and her family is an insight to real Thai life.

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