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Obama: No excuse for GOP not to vote on a court nominee


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At the moment it is just (more and more polarized) politics: both sides shouting out loud how bad the other one is, and they can't help it if the other side does bad things.

We'll just have to wait a bit for the Obama candidate and see what happens then.


The constitution clearly says that the President nominates judges. It is more black and white than the Right to Bear Arms. There are no well-organised militia required.

So he's going to nominate a replacement - big deal, that's his job.

What I don't understand is the stupid, hypocritical squealing from the right, because they're making themselves look stupid.

All they had to do was obstruct the process like they obstruct everything else, and they would have achieved the same objective.

Instead of which they've been inventing imaginary traditions and coming out with blathering nonsense to excuse why they're going to do what they were going to do anyway.

It really doesn't put them in a good light.

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"Obama knows nothing about the American justice system."

really? "first African American president of the Harvard Law Review,", "practiced civil rights, voting rights, and employment law as well as real-estate transactions and corporate law as an attorney with Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a position he held until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2005.", "By 1993, Obama was teaching Current Issues in Racism and the Law—a class he designed—and added Constitutional Law III in 1996." (http://www.law.uchicago.edu/alumni/magazine/spring09/greenloungetowhitehouse).

Try again.

I'm sure he could add to "racism and the law" from his experience last 8 years. Reagan nominated (and had confirmed) justice during his last year, confirmed by many of those same who say shouldn't be done. Unless it is a repub pres it seems.

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Republicans are screwed. If they pass the nomination, they lose the majority on the court. All the bullshit like Citizen's United, restrictions on women's right to choose, voter ID garbage, etc, etc, go right out the window. Everything that this wingnut court allowed (embraced) will be chucked out under a majority of fair judges not bent on a right wing agenda.


A woman's right to choose is enough to turn an election with an overwhelming majority of Americans believing abortion should be legal. All the clowns are for forced births. Republicans will lose the election on this issue alone.

The majority do believe abortion should be legal. But an even more overwhelming majority (probably close to 9-1 if not higher) are against partial birth abortions or selling baby parts.

Liberals here love to put so much value on what the "rest of the world" thinks. Well, I've never met a non-America who thought voter ID was anything more than common sense. They are totally baffled that the Democrats (who they have been told by their own media that the Dems are the "good guys") are opposed to voter ID.

As for the nominee, sure, let them vote once Obama nominates someone and the confirmation process finishes. There is no law saying which way they have to vote, and the Senate is small enough that the Dems won't be able to pass off votes by their pets or dead people like they so often do in larger elections.

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It's nice to see Obama returning to the Constitution.

He has ignored it for so long, I was thinking perhaps there were no copies of it in this White House.

Looks like they dusted off one.

Please indicate one case where Obama has ignored or violated the constitution. Just because some a$$h0les on Fox news say he has, doesn't make it true.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has ruled that President Barack Obama violated the Constitution in order unilateral changes to immigration laws in the latest such ruling against executive overreach by the President.


Here is another article about the same decision that is a little bit less biased http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/11/fifth-circuit-obama-immigration/415077/

Look, Obama issued some executive orders relating to immigration based on the complete inability of the Republican led congress to pass any legislation. Some states took it to court and the fifth circuit upheld a lower court's decision that this was not constitutional in a 2-1 decision. The justice department will now take it to the supreme court. This is how the system works. As long as Obama abides by the decisions of the courts he is not "violating the constitution". Other Presidents have issued executive orders in the past, including Saint Ronald Reagan who issued almost 400 of them. Were they all "violating the constitution"?

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It's nice to see Obama returning to the Constitution.

He has ignored it for so long, I was thinking perhaps there were no copies of it in this White House.

Looks like they dusted off one.

Please indicate one case where Obama has ignored or violated the constitution. Just because some a$$h0les on Fox news say he has, doesn't make it true.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has ruled that President Barack Obama violated the Constitution in order unilateral changes to immigration laws in the latest such ruling against executive overreach by the President.


Here is another article about the same decision that is a little bit less biased http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/11/fifth-circuit-obama-immigration/415077/

Look, Obama issued some executive orders relating to immigration based on the complete inability of the Republican led congress to pass any legislation. Some states took it to court and the fifth circuit upheld a lower court's decision that this was not constitutional in a 2-1 decision. The justice department will now take it to the supreme court. This is how the system works. As long as Obama abides by the decisions of the courts he is not "violating the constitution". Other Presidents have issued executive orders in the past, including Saint Ronald Reagan who issued almost 400 of them. Were they all "violating the constitution"?

Not all executive orders are of the Constitution-violating type. Look at this list of Reagan's and I challenge you or anyone else here to find ONE executive order that comes close to what Obama has tried to pull...


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It's nice to see Obama returning to the Constitution.

He has ignored it for so long, I was thinking perhaps there were no copies of it in this White House.

Looks like they dusted off one.

Please indicate one case where Obama has ignored or violated the constitution. Just because some a$$h0les on Fox news say he has, doesn't make it true.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has ruled that President Barack Obama violated the Constitution in order unilateral changes to immigration laws in the latest such ruling against executive overreach by the President.


Here is another article about the same decision that is a little bit less biased http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/11/fifth-circuit-obama-immigration/415077/

Look, Obama issued some executive orders relating to immigration based on the complete inability of the Republican led congress to pass any legislation. Some states took it to court and the fifth circuit upheld a lower court's decision that this was not constitutional in a 2-1 decision. The justice department will now take it to the supreme court. This is how the system works. As long as Obama abides by the decisions of the courts he is not "violating the constitution". Other Presidents have issued executive orders in the past, including Saint Ronald Reagan who issued almost 400 of them. Were they all "violating the constitution"?

During the calendar years of 2009 and 2010, the entire Legislative and Executive branches were controlled by the Democrats.

Where was immigration reform then?

They could have passed any legislation they wanted...and they did nothing.

Put some blame where it really belongs.

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It's nice to see Obama returning to the Constitution.

He has ignored it for so long, I was thinking perhaps there were no copies of it in this White House.

Looks like they dusted off one.

The White House has always had the copy of the real and actual Constitution. This is in contrast to the copy the rightwhingers have which is the same archaic one Antonin Scalia had and hopefully is going to be buried with him.

There isn't anything Republicans can do to prevent President Obama nominating someone once Scalia gets planted. President Obama's nominee to succeed the scalywag Scalia needs 60 votes so youse guyz might just go ahead to a Trump rally cause the Republicans in Washington don't need you. None of you.

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It's nice to see Obama returning to the Constitution.

He has ignored it for so long, I was thinking perhaps there were no copies of it in this White House.

Looks like they dusted off one.

Please indicate one case where Obama has ignored or violated the constitution. Just because some a$$h0les on Fox news say he has, doesn't make it true.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has ruled that President Barack Obama violated the Constitution in order unilateral changes to immigration laws in the latest such ruling against executive overreach by the President.


Here is another article about the same decision that is a little bit less biased http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/11/fifth-circuit-obama-immigration/415077/

Look, Obama issued some executive orders relating to immigration based on the complete inability of the Republican led congress to pass any legislation. Some states took it to court and the fifth circuit upheld a lower court's decision that this was not constitutional in a 2-1 decision. The justice department will now take it to the supreme court. This is how the system works. As long as Obama abides by the decisions of the courts he is not "violating the constitution". Other Presidents have issued executive orders in the past, including Saint Ronald Reagan who issued almost 400 of them. Were they all "violating the constitution"?

During the calendar years of 2009 and 2010, the entire Legislative and Executive branches were controlled by the Democrats.

Where was immigration reform then?

They could have passed any legislation they wanted...and they did nothing.

Put some blame where it really belongs.

Well 131 the thread topic is not immigration nor is it about the Democrats and immigration. An immigration executive action is before the Court for a vote so that would be germane.

In that one the tea party US District Court Judge appointed by GW Bush down there Texas way did not rule on the Constitutionality of it. Fellow rightwhingers on the appeals court did rule it unconstitutional --without being asked to do so.

So scotus will have to settle that one again for the umteenth time but on this one with eight justices. A 4-4 vote would of course leave the appeals court ruling intact. However, a 6-2 vote would smash it.

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The arguments (or lack thereof) put forward by the republicans to deny the president's prerogatives are laughable and ridicule the republican party in my eyes.

It's almost as if all the braindead drivel was written by agents of the democrats to discredit the republicans.

The fact that kind of nonsense appeals to a significant part of americans is appalling.

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