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MIDI keyboard for Reason 8 and Windows 10


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I actually live near to Pattaya but I suspect that the Bangkok forum may be more productive for me.

I was using Reason 6 and Windows 8 with a CME M-Key to compose on computer. Recently, I have upgraded to Reason 8 and Windows 10 and I can no longer use my MIDi keyboard to input the notes. I cannot find a website to give me a driver to make things compatible and I have made a few enquiries in Pattaya but no one seems to stock MIDI keyboards.

I bought the CME in Bangkok for 5000 baht, but I am unsure of the shop. I think it was an instrument shop in Paragon.

Can anyone help me to either get a driver to make the CME compatible or (more likely) the supplier for a new MIDI keyboard, please?

Many thanks in anticipation.

On an off-topic matter, since upgrading Windows I can no longer use my webcam. I usually use my iPad for Skyping but it would be convenient to use my PC, too. If you happen to know what webcams are compatible with Windows 10 and where I might purchase one, I would be be grateful for the information.

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Got an iPad? Garageband is free and my keyboard works perfectly as well as my guitars and mic. Inexpensive adaptors and an iRig Pro mic. I love this set up. Plenty of inexpensive apps for musicians. I use my new iPhone 6S Plus. You really need the bigger screen iPhone for it to be a useful tool.

Windows isn't known as a friendly platform for musicians.

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Thanks for both responses. A friend suggested that I uninstall the MIDI driver and re-install it. This has worked. So, the news is that Windows 10 and Reason 8.3 and CME M-Key are compatible with each other and I am silly for not thinking it worthwhile to carry out a simple software solution. Rather like someone not trying - shut down and reboot. I appreciate both pieces of advice. Pinot, I shall bear in mind the possibility of using Garageband on my iPad.

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