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Hillary Clinton: I don't know if the US is ready for a female president


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Hillary Clinton: I don't know if the US is ready for a female president
By Rob Crilly, New York

Democratic candidate says she is a better campaigner than when she lost to Barack Obama but that she still faces a struggle to persuade voters that a woman can do the top job

NEW YORK: -- Hillary Clinton believes she is a better candidate than her 2008 version but still wonders whether the US is ready for a female president.

In a lengthy interview with Vogue, accompanied by a glamorous Mario Testino photoshoot, she discusses her fears of getting sick on the campaign trail, life as a woman in the corridors of power and how she once wanted to be an astronaut.

Asked directly whether the recent failure of a woman to become the mayor of New York meant that the US was not ready for a female president, she sighed in answer.

Full story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/hillary-clinton/12162379/Hillary-Clinton-I-dont-know-if-the-US-is-ready-for-a-female-president.html

-- The Telegraph 2016-02-18

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America is ready for a woman president who is not a criminal and pathological liar.

Well Hilary Clinton is neither a criminal or a pathological liar (BTW - suggest you look the term up), so by your reckoning she's fit for President.

In my opinion the fact that she's a 'Clinton' counts against her more than her gender.

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Hillary violated numerous laws with her own personal bathroom server and classified emails. She lied about that and about Benghazi being caused by a spontaneous demonstration. If she is not indicted for these things, it proves that the same laws don't apply to everybody.

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America is ready for a woman president who is not a criminal and pathological liar.

A criminal? What exactly has she been convicted of? Must be tough for you teabaggers to face eight years with a female president after eight years with a black guy in the WH..clap2.gif

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America is ready for a woman president who is not a criminal and pathological liar.

Right ! Because America can only handle male presidents who are criminals and liars (GW Bush & Trump).

To borrow and paraphrase a well worn out Hillary chant...

What have George Bush and Trump been convicted of?

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America is ready for a woman president who is not a criminal and pathological liar.

A criminal? What exactly has she been convicted of? Must be tough for you teabaggers to face eight years with a female president after eight years with a black guy in the WH..clap2.gif

What did John Corzine get convicted of? Stole billions and got away with it, Wall St bankers? There are different laws for different folks you know. Being convicted means nothing, the elite rarely ever get convicted of anything unless its an internal squabble. Doesn't mean though that the evidence isn't overwhelming and that they should have been convicted. Bush should be in jail as a war criminal but spends his billions freely in comfort.

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America is ready for a woman president who is not a criminal and pathological liar.

Well Hilary Clinton is neither a criminal or a pathological liar (BTW - suggest you look the term up), so by your reckoning she's fit for President.

In my opinion the fact that she's a 'Clinton' counts against her more than her gender.

If you don't know that HRC is a liar, you haven't being paying attention.

She now obviously expects to not be elected, so when it happens she can blame the voters for not voting for her.

Had she been a better campaigner 8 years ago, she would have won, and I'd have been cheering for her. What a difference a few years make.

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America is ready for a woman president who is not a criminal and pathological liar.

Well Hilary Clinton is neither a criminal or a pathological liar (BTW - suggest you look the term up), so by your reckoning she's fit for President.

In my opinion the fact that she's a 'Clinton' counts against her more than her gender.

If you don't know that HRC is a liar, you haven't being paying attention.

She now obviously expects to not be elected, so when it happens she can blame the voters for not voting for her.

Had she been a better campaigner 8 years ago, she would have won, and I'd have been cheering for her. What a difference a few years make.

There's a huge difference between telling a few fibs and being a pathological liar. That was my point.

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America is ready for a woman president, and I hope that it isn't Hillary. Bernie is the only candidate running that speaks truth to the power, the only one that has stayed the course. And unlike the Republican buffoon car, not batshit crazy. Hillary is a neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals and banksters that will do/say anything to get elected and then like Obama screw the people that expected her to make a difference. Can the right wing drop Benghazi after millions of USD wasted on absolutely nothing? Perhaps if they hadn't forced cuts in the State Dept. defense budget there would have been enough personnel to repel the attack, but oh no that couldn't possibly be it, at least not in their pointy little heads. There are plenty of real reasons to attack Hillary, damn find one. For those of you that like war, from your comfortable armchairs, hang on, Hillary gets in there will be plenty, gotta' keep the big money folks happy.

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America is ready for a woman president who is not a criminal and pathological liar.

Well Hilary Clinton is neither a criminal or a pathological liar (BTW - suggest you look the term up), so by your reckoning she's fit for President.

In my opinion the fact that she's a 'Clinton' counts against her more than her gender.

If you don't know that HRC is a liar, you haven't being paying attention.

She now obviously expects to not be elected, so when it happens she can blame the voters for not voting for her.

Had she been a better campaigner 8 years ago, she would have won, and I'd have been cheering for her. What a difference a few years make.

There's a huge difference between telling a few fibs and being a pathological liar. That was my point.

While I concede she may not be pathological, telling the world that she landed under fire somewhere, when she obviously did not insults the men and women that really do face enemy fire, and is very much more than a harmless fib. A fib is like when I tell my beloved that the phone battery was flat when I forgot to call her, not saying that there was no classified government materiel on a private, illegal server.

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She is the most qualified woman in the USA to be president. So if she loses, sorry, she has a point.

I think Hilary's main problem has always been her transparent blind ambition from the very beginning. She cleverly used her position as first lady as a springboard to Senate and from there on. If you track her background it goes even further back.

She has always been a calculating Cruella de Vil, and though I don't agree with most of the silly hysteria from the right making much ado about little with her actions on emails etc., her main issue it seems to me is sincerity.

I view her, and I believe many do, as insincere, uncaring, selfish and power hungry. I think that will do her in no matter how qualified she is. By the way, I think she would be very qualified to be Pres.

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She is the most qualified woman in the USA to be president. So if she loses, sorry, she has a point.

You would never agree but the name Condoleeza Rice comes to my mind as one that is more qualified.

I'd rather Hanoi Hannah was elected US president before that woman got a foot in the door again. Even HRC would be preferable and that's something I'd never want.

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Anyone who wants to be president wants to be president.

It's not a normal thing to want.

Yes, she's more obvious than others, but so what?

I actually think she has an appealing political philosophy of public service but I don't think she's done a great job communicating it.

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Anyone who wants to be president wants to be president.

It's not a normal thing to want.

Yes, she's more obvious than others, but so what?

I actually think she has an appealing political philosophy of public service but I don't think she's done a great job communicating it.

Yes, she has crafted a good public service platform, but I feel it's only self-serving, just as her forgiveness of Bill's transgressions were.

What she lacks is charisma. Of course, it's unfair to compare her to her husband, one of the great charismatic Presidents, but charisma is not only comprised of being a charmer, but convincing people you truly care about them above all else. Bill was great at it. Hilary is not.

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I see the POTUS election is heating up among our US TV members. Good luck with your choice because heads you lose tails you lose. The only problem I have is that you have run out of true leaders (not owned by someone) that can avoid the coming world war/new cold war and as puppets of Wall street will lead the world down a dead end (pun intended) for the sake of financial gains.

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She is the most qualified woman in the USA to be president. So if she loses, sorry, she has a point.

No she doesn't. She's playing the vote for me or your prejudice card.

I thought the election was about that persons political views and their ability to lead the country?

No about their color, ethnicity, sex. religious views or sexual preference?

Ethics, honor, transparency and honesty ought to be in there somewhere.

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We sure are...as long as that female is named Elizabeth Warren. She would make an excellent VP for the time being. No Rush- or Beck-crazed wacko would try and take out President Bernie with her waiting in the wings.

Hillary is definitely the only sane and qualified GOP candidate of either gender, but a woman running you down with a bus hurts no less than when a man is doing the driving.

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