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Pope vs. Trump: 'Not Christian' to only build border walls


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Papa Frank is obviously correct, and if the POPE don't know what's Christian, who does?

On the other hand, the USA is not a theocracy, Christian or otherwise.

Non Christians can be expected to miss that this pope represents only approx 1/2 of the world's Christians. In fact, the majority of reformation was rejection of catholic papal excess. This is forever ago to social media minds today; it is only a nap ago to the Catholic Church, the oldest continuing institution in the West if not the world. Its been no more than an afternoon nap since the Catholic Church intruded as State in all affairs. The world just be alarmed, not incredulous like a drunken uncle acted the fool at holiday. This is a serious breach of long established protocol- you, papist, pulpit. You, politician, over there.

Its a curious development as this jesuit pope is a militant theologian, and kin with the modern Western left. But he is a religious icon. How does this work out, the Progressives and the Papacy? I am unsure how the left answers this.

Point 2 (unrelated to above post): This pope has variously been noted in TV forums as a uniter, Hope, divider, and other less polite titles by those like me. Whatever this pontiff is he is clearly no longer entitled to a wider berth as "religious leader" because he purports to represent unseen forces in the clouds. When religion acts on the secular it loses the former and has credibility with neither.

When this pope, fresh from his meeting with the leader of Byzantium Christianity, injects himself into the secular to condemn the proposed building of a wall (Context=Vatican and Byzantium), it reveals finally he has no clothes- no frock, no See, no Rock, nothing. He is just a man... just a socialist man with a white scapular. When this man leverages his personal politics to count christian souls in or count christian souls out of the Christian embrace with Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit, something even darker is defined.

So I guess that Pope John-Paul II, another highly politically engaged Pope, was another failure.

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I have read all the posts on this topic with great interest and I would like, as an outsider to every aspect of the topic, to make the following observations.

Some people have the weirdest understanding of history.

Some people have the weirdest understanding of Christianity.

Some people have the weirdest understanding of democracy.

Isn't this a funny old world.

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Papa Frank is obviously correct, and if the POPE don't know what's Christian, who does?

On the other hand, the USA is not a theocracy, Christian or otherwise.

Non Christians can be expected to miss that this pope represents only approx 1/2 of the world's Christians. In fact, the majority of reformation was rejection of catholic papal excess. This is forever ago to social media minds today; it is only a nap ago to the Catholic Church, the oldest continuing institution in the West if not the world. Its been no more than an afternoon nap since the Catholic Church intruded as State in all affairs. The world just be alarmed, not incredulous like a drunken uncle acted the fool at holiday. This is a serious breach of long established protocol- you, papist, pulpit. You, politician, over there.

Its a curious development as this jesuit pope is a militant theologian, and kin with the modern Western left. But he is a religious icon. How does this work out, the Progressives and the Papacy? I am unsure how the left answers this.

Point 2 (unrelated to above post): This pope has variously been noted in TV forums as a uniter, Hope, divider, and other less polite titles by those like me. Whatever this pontiff is he is clearly no longer entitled to a wider berth as "religious leader" because he purports to represent unseen forces in the clouds. When religion acts on the secular it loses the former and has credibility with neither.

When this pope, fresh from his meeting with the leader of Byzantium Christianity, injects himself into the secular to condemn the proposed building of a wall (Context=Vatican and Byzantium), it reveals finally he has no clothes- no frock, no See, no Rock, nothing. He is just a man... just a socialist man with a white scapular. When this man leverages his personal politics to count christian souls in or count christian souls out of the Christian embrace with Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit, something even darker is defined.

So I guess that Pope John-Paul II, another highly politically engaged Pope, was another failure.

Its a fair question. So, the issue may distill down to popes have generally been increasingly (openly) politicizing their office in the modern era, and former pope's perhaps even set up the conditions for the current pope to have even more currency with modern politics.

Or, perhaps the pope has a worldview that is contrary to my own and I take issue with it, more easily see failures where perhaps few may be, etc. Perhaps this pope does have a disagreeable worldview that when expressed politically is offensive to a lot more then just me. Multiple things may be true at the same time. Were it not for the pope's expressed ideology being nearly verbatim the marxist worldview I would presume its just my subjective take. Its not.

When the Catholic Pope decides to interject himself/The Church into one of America's most contentious political elections this alone speaks to a problem, and a risk assessment/decision making process at the Holy See whereby they conclude inserting into American politics is a wise choice/risk. When the pope further chooses sides, not so much on electoral sides but on a uniquely American social issue, and according to his perspective a person is or his not a christian, there is a serious problem. Thus, the appeal to "the other pope did this or that" misses the point; this pope is doing something qualitatively different (and his politics are anathema to my own).

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So I guess that Pope John-Paul II, another highly politically engaged Pope, was another failure.

Every Pope has been a failure, as the Catholic Church itself finds a way to bleed peasants in the poorest areas of the world while amassing huge wealth. The Catholic Church is nothing more than a money machine posing as a religion.

NOW the "Pope" questions Trump's Christianity re The Wall while living behind a huge wall and having some of the toughest immigration rules in the world.

Tell me. Just how many spaces has the Vatican reserved for Muslim and Hispanic economic opportunists who want to waltz in and collect benefits? Would they give any of those people some of their jobs? Would they discriminate re religion? No? Then why the bullshit toward Trump? Huh?

The Popes have all been a bunch of <deleted> hypocrites to the core.


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^^^ Yeah, but the Pope ain't gonna be POTUS. Trump will be.


......in your wet dreams.

Las Vegas Nevada, 2/19/2015

"Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders vied with each other Thursday night to see who could pander the most to illegal immigrants. Both also bashed Republican front-runner Donald Trump — and Hillary got booed."
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He may look sillier to you, but his poll numbers keep going up.

He will get the nomination. But becoming a president is a different story, but Bernie and Clinton will destroy him due to the Black and Hispanic vote. Election participation rate is higher among blacks and hispanics compared to whites!

Actually, you're completely and utterly wrong. Turnout among blacks and hispanics, particularly hispanics is much lower.

Neither Bernie nor Hillary need to say anything about Trump or the rest of the right wingers right now. All they need to do is stand back and hope they don't get tarnished by stray bits of stinky mud the rowdy Republican boys are slinging at each other.

When it comes time for either B or H to debate with whomever emerges from the mud pit, it will be grand entertainment. It should be obvious that the smart people assisting the campaigns of B and H have a whole lot of ammunition they can unload. They're not going to shoot their wads now. Trump, in particular has enough soiled laundry to fill a railcar. He can shout "lies" until he's red as a beet, but the videos of things he's said don't lie. And then there are the divorces and bankruptcies, and name-calling galore. Trumps got more negatives than an algebra class. However, I don't think Trump will get the Republican nod. I think it will be Cruz. Sure would be fun watching Trump erupt in anger every minute, though, when being outfoxed by Hillary or Sanders.

If Trump goes independent, the Reps will do worse than any of the bean counters predict.

Go Donald GO!! Muslims done, Mexicans done, Catholics done. Now let's see who's next............ Just give me a moment!

....fat women. Trump has already railed against them, in reference to Rosie. If you offend fat women, that's 40% of the US electorate alienated.

Edited by boomerangutang
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"The Pope has suggested that Donald J. Trump is not Christian because he wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. He said, “A person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be and not building bridges is not Christian.” I agree that as Christians we should try to build bridges with everyone that we possibly can, but that doesn’t mean that we should compromise our national security. Donald Trump isn’t the only one who wants to build a wall—other Republican candidates Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, and John Kasich as well as millions of Americans, also want to build a wall—in order to protect America from enemies who want to use the U.S./Mexican border as a way to enter our country and do us harm. Are they not Christian either? My advice to the Pontiff—reach out and build a bridge to Donald Trump. Who knows where he may be this time next year!" - Donald Trump, Facebook.

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^^^ Yeah, but the Pope ain't gonna be POTUS. Trump will be.


Trump has not only caught the attention of Americans, he's caught the attention of people throughout the world to include leaders in all sectors from government to diplomats and militaries, businesses and corporations, and all else.

Whatever one thinks of the pope he was speaking as a foreign observer of the US presidential election and he spoke from his own particular frame of reference and world view, i.e., religion, in his instance Catholic Christianity.

What is important about the pope's statement is not that he is a religious leader. The important point is that he as a person living in a foreign country expressed his mortification of Donald Trump as a candidate for potus. The pope is but one among the huge number globally that are horrified by the thought of Trump as potus.

There's little more to it than that.

Trump not only scares Americans. He scares and repels the world.

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"The Pope has suggested that Donald J. Trump is not Christian because he wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. He said, “A person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be and not building bridges is not Christian.” I agree that as Christians we should try to build bridges with everyone that we possibly can, but that doesn’t mean that we should compromise our national security. Donald Trump isn’t the only one who wants to build a wall—other Republican candidates Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, and John Kasich as well as millions of Americans, also want to build a wall—in order to protect America from enemies who want to use the U.S./Mexican border as a way to enter our country and do us harm. Are they not Christian either? My advice to the Pontiff—reach out and build a bridge to Donald Trump. Who knows where he may be this time next year!" - Donald Trump, Facebook.

First you say that ""The Pope has suggested that Donald J. Trump is not Christian because he wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico."

then you follow with the quote “A person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be and not building bridges is not Christian.”

The two statements do not reconcile, obviously in the quote he did not say between the US and Mexico it said"wherever they may be"

Also I am afraid the Popes statement has gone over most peoples head. He did not mean , literal walls or literal bridges, There are many good Christians who build walls and many bad Christians who build Bridges.

by walls He meant Divisiveness and by Bridges he meant inclusiveness facepalm.gif

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Taking a look a what I see that Americans on other venues think of this issue - my unofficial poll show many people who don't support Trump... support Trump on this issue. This pope is a leftist socialist and what goes on in American politics is none of his business ...

Wow! Criticism about a wall from a man who lives is high walled city state ... can't make this kind of hypocrisy up.


Edited by JDGRUEN
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"The Pope has suggested that Donald J. Trump is not Christian because he wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. He said, “A person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be and not building bridges is not Christian.” I agree that as Christians we should try to build bridges with everyone that we possibly can, but that doesn’t mean that we should compromise our national security. Donald Trump isn’t the only one who wants to build a wall—other Republican candidates Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, and John Kasich as well as millions of Americans, also want to build a wall—in order to protect America from enemies who want to use the U.S./Mexican border as a way to enter our country and do us harm. Are they not Christian either? My advice to the Pontiff—reach out and build a bridge to Donald Trump. Who knows where he may be this time next year!" - Donald Trump, Facebook.

First you say that ""The Pope has suggested that Donald J. Trump is not Christian because he wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico."

then you follow with the quote “A person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be and not building bridges is not Christian.”

The two statements do not reconcile, obviously in the quote he did not say between the US and Mexico it said"wherever they may be"

Also I am afraid the Popes statement has gone over most peoples head. He did not mean , literal walls or literal bridges, There are many good Christians who build walls and many bad Christians who build Bridges.

by walls He meant Divisiveness and by Bridges he meant inclusiveness facepalm.gif

I agree, taken far too literally. The Pope's response in full to a reporter asking about Trump's comments on building a wall, saying the Pope is a political man, a pawn of the Mexican government (insulting remark) and can American Catholics vote for Thump.

"Thank God he said I was a politician because Aristotle defined the human person as 'animal politicus.' At least I am a human person. As to whether I am a pawn, well, maybe, I don't know. I'll leave that up to your judgment and that of the people. And then, a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the Gospel. As far as what you said about whether I would advise to vote or not to vote, I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt".


So far as right wing comments regarding the walls of Vatican City, yet more BS; protected by heritage laws and could not be demolished. Vatican City is 108.9 acres, without high rise buildings, with a resident population of 1,000 which equates to a higher population density of most Sovereign States.

Edited by simple1
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"The Pope has suggested that Donald J. Trump is not Christian because he wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. He said, “A person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be and not building bridges is not Christian.” I agree that as Christians we should try to build bridges with everyone that we possibly can, but that doesn’t mean that we should compromise our national security. Donald Trump isn’t the only one who wants to build a wall—other Republican candidates Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, and John Kasich as well as millions of Americans, also want to build a wall—in order to protect America from enemies who want to use the U.S./Mexican border as a way to enter our country and do us harm. Are they not Christian either? My advice to the Pontiff—reach out and build a bridge to Donald Trump. Who knows where he may be this time next year!" - Donald Trump, Facebook.

First you say that ""The Pope has suggested that Donald J. Trump is not Christian because he wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico."

then you follow with the quote “A person who thinks only about building walls wherever they may be and not building bridges is not Christian.”

The two statements do not reconcile, obviously in the quote he did not say between the US and Mexico it said"wherever they may be"

Also I am afraid the Popes statement has gone over most peoples head. He did not mean , literal walls or literal bridges, There are many good Christians who build walls and many bad Christians who build Bridges.

by walls He meant Divisiveness and by Bridges he meant inclusiveness facepalm.gif

Quote from the OP.

It is painfully obvious what the Pope meant and who he was addressing his remarks to.


"Francis' comments came hours after he concluded a visit to Mexico, where he prayed at the border for people who died trying to reach the U.S. While speaking to reporters on the papal plane, he was asked what he thought of Trump's campaign pledge to build a wall along the entire length of the border and expel millions of people in the U.S. illegally.

"A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian," he said. While Francis said he would "give the benefit of the doubt" because he had not heard Trump's border plans independently, he added, "I say only that this man is not a Christian if he has said things like that."
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He who lives behind tall walls with the Swiss Guard guarding him and keeping everyone out, shouldn't throw stones.


An aerial view.



I do believe those walls have been in place for a few hundred years, hardly something this pope built, not to mention many of them form parts of the building structures, not all of them of course.

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^^^ Yeah, but the Pope ain't gonna be POTUS. Trump will be.


Trump has not only caught the attention of Americans, he's caught the attention of people throughout the world to include leaders in all sectors from government to diplomats and militaries, businesses and corporations, and all else.

Whatever one thinks of the pope he was speaking as a foreign observer of the US presidential election and he spoke from his own particular frame of reference and world view, i.e., religion, in his instance Catholic Christianity.

What is important about the pope's statement is not that he is a religious leader. The important point is that he as a person living in a foreign country expressed his mortification of Donald Trump as a candidate for potus. The pope is but one among the huge number globally that are horrified by the thought of Trump as potus.

There's little more to it than that.

Trump not only scares Americans. He scares and repels the world.

Beautifully written Sir, well said!

POTUS should be a person who engages his brain before his mouth, we have seen this fail many times in recent history.

Donald Trump has PROVEN beyond reasonable doubt that he is incapable of doing so !

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He may look sillier to you, but his poll numbers keep going up.

He will get the nomination. But becoming a president is a different story, but Bernie and Clinton will destroy him due to the Black and Hispanic vote. Election participation rate is higher among blacks and hispanics compared to whites!

Actually, you're completely and utterly wrong. Turnout among blacks and hispanics, particularly hispanics is much lower.

Neither Bernie nor Hillary need to say anything about Trump or the rest of the right wingers right now. All they need to do is stand back and hope they don't get tarnished by stray bits of stinky mud the rowdy Republican boys are slinging at each other.

When it comes time for either B or H to debate with whomever emerges from the mud pit, it will be grand entertainment. It should be obvious that the smart people assisting the campaigns of B and H have a whole lot of ammunition they can unload. They're not going to shoot their wads now. Trump, in particular has enough soiled laundry to fill a railcar. He can shout "lies" until he's red as a beet, but the videos of things he's said don't lie. And then there are the divorces and bankruptcies, and name-calling galore. Trumps got more negatives than an algebra class. However, I don't think Trump will get the Republican nod. I think it will be Cruz. Sure would be fun watching Trump erupt in anger every minute, though, when being outfoxed by Hillary or Sanders.

If Trump goes independent, the Reps will do worse than any of the bean counters predict.

Go Donald GO!! Muslims done, Mexicans done, Catholics done. Now let's see who's next............ Just give me a moment!

....fat women. Trump has already railed against them, in reference to Rosie. If you offend fat women, that's 40% of the US electorate alienated.

Now that would make for a fun election. Trump, one republican, Bernie and Hillary all running on the final ballot. Are US people finally getting a real choice?

Edited by stevenl
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Americans would be wise to look at recent history in Australia where a rich and powerful businessman was elected to Federal Parliment. His name Clive Palmer and he's a dead ringer for Donald in many ways and hasn't he had the touch of Errol Flynn, everything his hand his hand on ends up looking like a Pattaya Street walker at 5am on a Sunday morning.

The Pope is sending a hidden message to America, ignore it at your own peril.

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The Pope embraces Castro who is a supreme human rights violator, imprisoning and murdering his opposition while at the same time rebuking Trump for wanting to build a wall like the one the Pope has around the Vatican. First of all American politics is none of the Pope's business and second he should sweep around his own door before criticizing others.

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It's ironic that, with all this talk by Republicans about the border with Mexico, each candidate trying to out-tough the next - none have contacted the US border patrolmen and women who are working 24-7 at the border region. BTW, there is already a stout wall over much of the border. At some places, Mexicans leave notes for loved-ones (on the other side), tucked into the wall. Perhaps Trump would want to arrest those folks also.

What's next for the tough-guy Republicans? Shoot on sight, anyone without white skin who is lurking near the wall? Reps are wanting the US to resemble E.Germany's Stasi. Indeed, the Rep candidates would have fit right in as Stasi officials. .....or perhaps along the river between N.Korea and China. Get your gun Donald. There's a Wetback right now, swimming across the Rio Grande. Shoot the loser!

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^^^ Yeah, but the Pope ain't gonna be POTUS. Trump will be.


Trump has not only caught the attention of Americans, he's caught the attention of people throughout the world to include leaders in all sectors from government to diplomats and militaries, businesses and corporations, and all else.

Whatever one thinks of the pope he was speaking as a foreign observer of the US presidential election and he spoke from his own particular frame of reference and world view, i.e., religion, in his instance Catholic Christianity.

What is important about the pope's statement is not that he is a religious leader. The important point is that he as a person living in a foreign country expressed his mortification of Donald Trump as a candidate for potus. The pope is but one among the huge number globally that are horrified by the thought of Trump as potus.

There's little more to it than that.

Trump not only scares Americans. He scares and repels the world.

Beautifully written Sir, well said!

POTUS should be a person who engages his brain before his mouth, we have seen this fail many times in recent history.

Donald Trump has PROVEN beyond reasonable doubt that he is incapable of doing so !

'"POTUS should be a person who engages his brain before his mouth, we have seen this fail many times in recent history.'

Most recently...

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

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He who lives behind tall walls with the Swiss Guard guarding him and keeping everyone out, shouldn't throw stones.


An aerial view.



I do believe those walls have been in place for a few hundred years, hardly something this pope built, not to mention many of them form parts of the building structures, not all of them of course.

I did not say the Pope built it ... but he lives in it. And purportedly the walls were built to protect the Vatican from invading Muslim hordes long ago.. One cannot live in a Enormous walled compound - actually a city-state and receive benefits from the security it provides then assail others for wanting to build a wall for security. And if people die trying to get across the desert from Mexico into the USA - IT IS A KNOWN FACT FOR DECADES THAT IT IS DANGEROUS. And that with full knowledge that such a crossing are dangerous people who do it anyway are fools not victims nor heroes. We as American citizens have FULL RIGHT to protect ourselves and our country... The Pope is a radical socialist who feels the need to become a politician -- he should return to his country and run for political office. His comments to any American or our my country is an affront - an insult. He came to the U,S. not long ago and insulted us - he may be the pope but he is not God ... he is nothing more than a radical leftist hiding behind his cloak .. If he keeps this up after the new president is elected I hope the new president Trump or Cruz invites the Vatican Diplomatic mission over for a chat and tell them advising the pope to stay out of American affairs would result in their Embassy being allowed to remain occupied by their Diplomatic Corps.

I am happy to say that the Pope's words increased Trump's popularity considerably ...

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^^^ Yeah, but the Pope ain't gonna be POTUS. Trump will be.


Trump has not only caught the attention of Americans, he's caught the attention of people throughout the world to include leaders in all sectors from government to diplomats and militaries, businesses and corporations, and all else.

Whatever one thinks of the pope he was speaking as a foreign observer of the US presidential election and he spoke from his own particular frame of reference and world view, i.e., religion, in his instance Catholic Christianity.

What is important about the pope's statement is not that he is a religious leader. The important point is that he as a person living in a foreign country expressed his mortification of Donald Trump as a candidate for potus. The pope is but one among the huge number globally that are horrified by the thought of Trump as potus.

There's little more to it than that.

Trump not only scares Americans. He scares and repels the world.

Beautifully written Sir, well said!

POTUS should be a person who engages his brain before his mouth, we have seen this fail many times in recent history.

Donald Trump has PROVEN beyond reasonable doubt that he is incapable of doing so !

'"POTUS should be a person who engages his brain before his mouth, we have seen this fail many times in recent history.'

Most recently...

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

Exactly !

We won't mention other ones about weapons of mass destruction or not having sexual relations with a certain Monica lewinski person either 55555

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