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It’s a deal: Cameron hails ‘special status’ for Britain in EU


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Cameron held a £ 12 Billion poker hand, and left the table with nothing.

Cannot really expect anything else from a career politician.

First British PM that has given the British pupil the right of a choice, stay in Europe or leave

First British PM to take on the Brussels gravy train, without thinking how it would blow his chance of a top paid job later

First British PM to think whats best for the British people, not himself

First PM to understand all that is wrong with the EU and tell them what all the other leaders are thinking (now they all want the same as we got)

First British PM that wants to stop all the loopholes allowing uncontrolled immigration into the UK (they are queuing up in France right now)

First British PM to give Scotland a chance to break away from Britain and Europe

Oh wait lets get Blair and Brown and their cronies back and 15 years of Labor destroying the country, leaving it bankrupt., selling out to Europe

Once again we can actually survive without Germany and France and the rest of that motley crew and hold our heads high, the UK will be the envy of the world without Europe, own currency, independent and strong.


What ever you have been smoking can you send me some ?? Utter drivel.

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