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Do We Lose Touch as an Expat Living in Thailand? by The Pattaya Sleuth


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It's not a moral thing. I just prefer a partner who's actually into me. I manage ok without having to pay, so I'm not losing out.

I would seem that keep your money is the most important to you.

Not at all.

It's fascinating how hard some of you find it to understand that some people simply prefer not to sleep with prostitutes. It's really not an unusual thing at all.

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It's not a moral thing. I just prefer a partner who's actually into me. I manage ok without having to pay, so I'm not losing out.

I would seem that keep your money is the most important to you.

Not at all.

It's fascinating how hard some of you find it to understand that some people simply prefer not to sleep with prostitutes. It's really not an unusual thing at all.

Sleeping with them is not required.

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It's not a moral thing. I just prefer a partner who's actually into me. I manage ok without having to pay, so I'm not losing out.

I would seem that keep your money is the most important to you.

Not at all.

It's fascinating how hard some of you find it to understand that some people simply prefer not to sleep with prostitutes. It's really not an unusual thing at all.

Sleeping with them is not required.


But it's a sign of how badly some lose touch with reality after living here a while - that they're surprised that most men prefer not to use prostitutes, or they begin to believe that the majority of farang men share their preference for Asian women.

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Getting back to losing touch....Since we've lost touch of this thread....

In some ways it's inevitable - it's a loss of commonality with your surroundings.....

Move here - adapt and forge a new chapter of life creating another sense of commonality.....

Visit your prior country and it has changed - part that is reaquiring the things you still recognize + many things have actually changed - only you were not there every day to let it soak/set in and it's an abrupt experience....

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You'll have to excuse me if I don't understand where you are coming from.

You're saying most men would not find Thai women appealing? I think the stats of falang men hooking up with Thai women would contradict that assertion. Perhaps you can explain why expat couples who come here are twice as likely to divorce compared to if they stayed in their home country.

Personally, I delight in the care and affection I get from my Thai GF. She's street-smart, which is actually more valuable in Thailand than a lot of the formal education.

What did your exes look like? Just a personal observation, but all the English women I've met seem to have legs like beer kegs. Perhaps it's that famous British cuisine.

Did your high-achieving exes think they were fishing in the shallow end of the pond with you, or something to do with your bait?

I do get a bit tired of TV posters who seek to perpetuate the canard of Thais being stupid and trivial. In some ways, they are smarter than we are.

At least I can claim I've only made the mistake of marriage once. 4 times? That's ridiculous.

Last time I checked, most Western men were married to Western women, not Thai women so I'd be interested to see the "stats" you allude to.

I suppose that expat couples who come here are twice as likely to divorce because while a husband might WANT to stray back home with a young hard body, he wouldn't have a hope in hell. In Thailand, though, he does. Simple as that - it all depends where the easy pickings are

Question for you, though . . . why weren't YOU chasing Thai tail in your 20s and 30s? I mean, they're the best thing since sliced bread, right? Or did you discover your taste for them around the time nothing over a 2/10 Western female would give you the time of day?

Isn't it convenient that the only women you actually have a shot at suddenly become the creme de la creme of womanhood?

My exes were good-looking with only the GP being pretty average and, no, I never married them. They were long-term girlfriends so who cares what English women you've met?

Smarter than we are?? Yeah not in any way that actually matters, they're not

The stats I'm referring to are those of Western men in relationships with Thai women in Thailand. Yes, most Western men are married to Western women in Western countries. As a statement of the bleeding obvious combined with a red herring, that does take some beating.

I was married in my early twenties. The biggest mistake of my life was to stay in a marriage for 28 years out of a sense of duty and responsibility. In hindsight, I should have walked away after a fortnight. After that, I had a relationship with a Western woman for 15 years. We slowly drifted apart.

I don't consider myself handsome; however, I'm not ugly either. Most women I've met seem comfortable with my looks. So your sneers about fishing in the shallow end and 2/10 Western females are irrelevant.

Coming to Thailand was a revelation to me. That doesn't mean I went bar-crazy. In fact, my Thai GF has been chosen very carefully.

So you decide what actually matters in terms of smart? I'm not going to bother trying to explain to you the various areas in which Thais are better than us. It would be like trying to explain the social benefits of gun control to Donald Trump. I'll give one example though - one only has to take a ride in the Tube in London to work out the personal hygiene of some Brits borders on disgusting. But perhaps you're the exception, and shower daily.

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Anytime a discussion turns to generalities, ie starts with "Most [ethnic or nationality of football club supporter]..." will end up a train wreck.

The opinion starter will go to hell and back to defend his premise, the ones for which the premise doesn't hold true, will attack. Both will use worse and worse examples and analogies.

The reality is different for everyone. Some people love prostitutes, some people don't. When you use "most" or "all" --> it depends on how you define it. All Englishmen over 40 who has been to Thailand or divorced? All Europeans? Why bother? So you seem to be the wisest on the internet?

Besides generalizing and stereotyping, why bother imposing your values on others. Let's just talk about how to be happy in this LOS.

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Anytime a discussion turns to generalities, ie starts with "Most [ethnic or nationality of football club supporter]..." will end up a train wreck.

The opinion starter will go to hell and back to defend his premise, the ones for which the premise doesn't hold true, will attack. Both will use worse and worse examples and analogies.

The reality is different for everyone. Some people love prostitutes, some people don't. When you use "most" or "all" --> it depends on how you define it. All Englishmen over 40 who has been to Thailand or divorced? All Europeans? Why bother? So you seem to be the wisest on the internet?

Besides generalizing and stereotyping, why bother imposing your values on others. Let's just talk about how to be happy in this LOS.

You have a point. I won't waste my time further.

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The stats I'm referring to are those of Western men in relationships with Thai women in Thailand. Yes, most Western men are married to Western women in Western countries. As a statement of the bleeding obvious combined with a red herring, that does take some beating.

I was married in my early twenties. The biggest mistake of my life was to stay in a marriage for 28 years out of a sense of duty and responsibility. In hindsight, I should have walked away after a fortnight. After that, I had a relationship with a Western woman for 15 years. We slowly drifted apart.

I don't consider myself handsome; however, I'm not ugly either. Most women I've met seem comfortable with my looks. So your sneers about fishing in the shallow end and 2/10 Western females are irrelevant.

Coming to Thailand was a revelation to me. That doesn't mean I went bar-crazy. In fact, my Thai GF has been chosen very carefully.

So you decide what actually matters in terms of smart? I'm not going to bother trying to explain to you the various areas in which Thais are better than us. It would be like trying to explain the social benefits of gun control to Donald Trump. I'll give one example though - one only has to take a ride in the Tube in London to work out the personal hygiene of some Brits borders on disgusting. But perhaps you're the exception, and shower daily.

28 years? sick.gif God, how awful!

Thank God I saw through that marriage BS

Yes I guess I DO decide what type of smart is important to me. Sorry but knowing which stall to buy som tam from simply doesn't count

I didn't come to Thailand and suddenly decide that the women were the best in the world because, based on what I look for in a woman, the overwhelming majority of those I've seen and met come up woefully short.

Zero interests beyond gossip, lakhorn, iPhones, Hello Kitty, pandas and sharing pictures of food . . . and those weren't even bargirls or freelancers

No, I think a lot of guys just sing Thai women's praises because they're the only ones available to them.

If it works for you, great but some of us need a lot more than a pretty face and a passive nature

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Interesting thread with some interesting replies and a generally positive vibe to it which is a refreshing change from the usual cynicism! For me, I guess I have not lived here long enough to properly answer the question but what I can say is that I try and keep in touch by reading the online newspaper of my hometown daily. It would be nice to visit my hometown a bit more often, so that I am not too "out of touch" with what's going on there.

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Interesting thread with some interesting replies and a generally positive vibe to it which is a refreshing change from the usual cynicism! For me, I guess I have not lived here long enough to properly answer the question but what I can say is that I try and keep in touch by reading the online newspaper of my hometown daily. It would be nice to visit my hometown a bit more often, so that I am not too "out of touch" with what's going on there.

I like to watch the BBC London news online, just to keep up with what's happening back there - although I doubt I'll ever live there permanently again.

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Interesting thread with some interesting replies and a generally positive vibe to it which is a refreshing change from the usual cynicism! For me, I guess I have not lived here long enough to properly answer the question but what I can say is that I try and keep in touch by reading the online newspaper of my hometown daily. It would be nice to visit my hometown a bit more often, so that I am not too "out of touch" with what's going on there.

I like to watch the BBC London news online, just to keep up with what's happening back there - although I doubt I'll ever live there permanently again.

I would only move back to Australia if I divorced from my wife but I hope that never happens. It looks like I am here for the long haul!

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Have had old friends and even family give me hell about staying in touch. They think it is a one way street and it is up to me to always contact them first. My best and true friends however are friends for life and we keep in contact. It is always great to talk to them and we are all interested in each other's adventures and experiences. Living in Thailand is just another topic in our discussions.

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Yeah, a lot of farang men who came to Thailand hook up with Thai women. But farang men as a whole? The overwhelming majority prefer farang women.

The overwhelming majority of farang men prefer farang women. That is a very narrow statement.

Id wager the overwhelming number of farang men have never had a relationship with an Asian woman. So, how would they know whether or not they prefer farang women?

And why haven't they had a relationship with an Asian woman?

Because they prefer farang women.

Amazing, simply amazing, perhaps that explains why I prefer Earth women to Martian women;. That, my overly biased friend, is intended to be flippant.

Most farang men do not know any Asians well enough for a relationship. For example, Asians constitute only 6% of the US population and most are concentrated in a few states. Many states have less than 1% Asian population.

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SoiBiker said, "So you think most farang men prefer asian women, but never get the chance to meet one? Do you really think that's a more likely explanation than most farang men just aren't especially interested in them, and are happily chasing farang women?"

You need to go back and read what I said, maybe three more times. I never suggested most farang men prefer Asian women; although most on this forum seem to. More simply put, I said most farang men do not know Asian women well enough to make that decision.

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Yeah, a lot of farang men who came to Thailand hook up with Thai women. But farang men as a whole? The overwhelming majority prefer farang women.

The overwhelming majority of farang men prefer farang women. That is a very narrow statement.

Id wager the overwhelming number of farang men have never had a relationship with an Asian woman. So, how would they know whether or not they prefer farang women?

And why haven't they had a relationship with an Asian woman?

Because they prefer farang women.

Amazing, simply amazing, perhaps that explains why I prefer Earth women to Martian women;. That, my overly biased friend, is intended to be flippant.

Most farang men do not know any Asians well enough for a relationship. For example, Asians constitute only 6% of the US population and most are concentrated in a few states. Many states have less than 1% Asian population.

So you think most farang men prefer asian women, but never get the chance to meet one?

Do you really think that's a more likely explanation than most farang men just aren't especially interested in them, and are happily chasing farang women?

No - It's more than likely that they might not be in area with large concentration of them.....They always draw the most (hotly contested) attention....Which most will not respond to.....I lived in CA and have been exclusively with Asian women for 3 decades.... So - if someone lived in the middle states their chances of dating/finding/entering in the social circle of some would be reduced.....

However - as pointed out before Asian women are considered the most desirable on earth.....

SB - you might have the perfect 10 - for you......Others clearly and overwhelmingly do not agree.....So why DO you get online and contend against the very site that you are on.....Go find a pro Brit woman site (if there are any) and extol your wife's superiority there? <removed> Edited by CharlieH
personal remark/trolling removed.
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Yeah, a lot of farang men who came to Thailand hook up with Thai women. But farang men as a whole? The overwhelming majority prefer farang women.

The overwhelming majority of farang men prefer farang women. That is a very narrow statement.

I’d wager the overwhelming number of farang men have never had a relationship with an Asian woman. So, how would they know whether or not they prefer farang women?

That is a very good point. Most people date what is available to them. Even in the US, which is very racially diverse, many people feel uncomfortable dating outside their race. They may want to, but just cant make it over that barrier. Maybe becasue the daing population for any specific non-white group is much more limited.

I only dated white girls until I moved to California. I always wanted to date outside my race and now I don't think I would ever go back.

Edit: I was just reading the thread and responded accordingly. Now I see the moderation above.

Edited by 1BADDAT
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One place for sure.....

I find when I'm in a grocery store buying things I wonder what the pricing is now back in the US for the same items.....It's been so long now that any comparisons are year's removed......

Trust me...you don't want to know. It's depressing how expensive it is here for normal things.
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One place for sure.....

I find when I'm in a grocery store buying things I wonder what the pricing is now back in the US for the same items.....It's been so long now that any comparisons are year's removed......

Trust me...you don't want to know. It's depressing how expensive it is here for normal things.

its clear the west has organised this regime against Thailand so less western men can enjoy there money and free time.

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