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World affairs, ME/NA/EU/NE/ASEAN/ and World Affairs

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There will be those who will insist that what happens in Syria or other points between including the Middle East, North Africa, Europe, the Near East, Russia, China, Southern Asia, and the Far East are not connected. That's ignorance. What is transpiring in the Middle East and elsewhere over the decades has a direct effect on the stability of Thailand.

Most people view the powderkeg in the Middle East as something completely dissociated with Thailand, and are events only local in their affect. That is either ignorance, or an adherence to a specific partisan political dogma that is also based on ignorance or on deliberate public misdirection. Basically, most people don't have a clue what's really going on, because...life is good! "Bartender! A round for the house!"

Syria is a sovereign country which is being attacked from multiple sources. That's a fact. Russia has a base in Syria that was established decades ago. That's a fact. Russia's presence in Syria is legitimate because the sovereign nation of Syria allows them to operate within the country for the national interests of Syria and the national interests of Russia. That's a fact. Russia is the only country legitimately operating within the borders of the sovereign nation of Syria. That's a fact.

Now let's get into the 'grey area' of psyops. I'm going to keep it short although I could expound.

Western media has been condensed down to the control of six corporations. That fact can be easily sourced. This is now the biased source of most Western world 'news'
Large Western corporations and Western government interests are essentially the same. Mussolini called this Fascism. If you find the term 'Fascism' offensive, use Corporatism. Fascism seeks as it's goal to coalesce governments and corporations into a single source of power to wield in the global acquisition of global resources, and for the sole benefit of those complicit in establishing a fascist entity or state.

The current 'spoils of war' that are being sought are the mineral and oil rich areas of the globe.

At this moment that includes oil and mineral rich areas, or areas of logistic strategic importance including:
Iraq (taken)
Libya (taken)

Syria (work in progress)

Yemen (work in progress)

North Africa (in general) [work in progress]
Sudan (work in progress)

DR Congo (work in progress)
Most countries along the Great Rift Valley in Africa (work in progress)
Afghanistan (work in progress other than Kabul)
Djiboiuti, Mayyyun, Egypt (Suez), Counties bordering the Strait of Hormuz, Crimea, Counties bordering the Strait Malacca (Strategic)
Iran (target)
China (target)

Russia (primary target for it's large land mass, resources, and strategic importance)*
The Geographical Pivot of History
Halford John Mackinder 1904
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives
Zbigniew Brzezinski 2006
Collaraly writings by The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, and think-tanks including The Rand Corporation

The strategies and references are in the public domain.

Why should you and Thailand care? You're downwind is my most salient response.

Syria is a the red-line in the sand drawn now by Russia for reasons of national security. What can this lead to? World War for one, and nuclear war for two.






For those who wish to attack me personally with name calling and perjoratives, simply read my signature at the bottom of this post, if you're intelligence enough to comprehend that is.

For those who wish to attack the veracity of my sources, I use the same public source as are published by Western Neocons and some that aren't. Do you're own homework.

As you enjoy your beer and drinks at Nana Plaza, or enjoy cruising the Patpong area of Phutket for gals and fun, or are sleepily enjoying your retirement slumber in Chiang Mai, understand that events not that far away could upset your normalcy bias as fast as you can say, "Bob's Your Uncle."

Are you prepared for that eventuality living here in Thailand?

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