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Trump predicts he'll face Clinton, break turnout records


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Trump (who speaks his mind, rarely from autocues or notes)

. . . . or

Clinton (who is basically a liar!)

The choice is yours America

(And I thought Obama was bad! Jeeeez)

It really is the 'catch cry' with Trump isn't it. He supposedly speaks his mind. It's actually rubbish. Trump simply verbalises the racism and xenophobic hatreds of the Far Right Wing lunatics. He 'speaks his mind' okay but 90% of the electorate cringe with embarrassment. It's a little like the racist hate speech from the old drunk Uncle at the party. He sure speaks his mind but no one really wants to hear it other than a few like minded redneck racists. I often hear the excuse from people 'oh, I just speak my mind and tell it the way it is'. Ah well, no actually, your just an uneducated rude tosser.

Wow! You say Trump talks cr@p and you come out with the race card without good reason? If stopping immigration is considered racist in your opinion, I'm fear for you. Have you been wrapped up in cotton wool all your life?

Funny how you don't mention his other subjects that he feels strongly about? Such as the economy and looking after veterans, doing something about ISIS to name a few?

I will tell you what is more racist than anything Trump stands for, and that is the way blacks are segregated as a target group for a candidate to try and win votes!! How backward is that?

We have black people in the UK too, but they are part of the population that vote for a party or an electorate's ideas and values. NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE DIFFERENT!

You talk about far right wing? Hitler was "far right" Trump certainly is not. The far left is way more dangerous than the far right IMO

In England, if a right wing march/demonstration takes place, the far left/socialists come out spoiling for a fight. If the lefties do the same, I cannot remember a time when the right wing had a counter demo. Funny how the left wants to not be told what to and have freedom of speech, yet they don't want the right to have their say?


I don't usually watch TV but I made it a point to catch the Sunday morning US news/discussion shows following the Nevada caucuses and South Carolina primary. Despite Trump having beaten his opponents by a greater than 10 point margin his victory was characterized as "It's a 3 man race for the nomination". Despite Hillary Clinton having but a single delegate more than Bernie Sanders (save for super delegates count which is fluid) she was characterized as "the presumptive nominee". It was extremely obvious from watching that there was a lot of media bias as to who SHOULD be the candidates for the presidency. It was also clear that Hillary Clinton has her surrogates salted throughout the media. There are TRILLIONS of dollars at stake here. The political machinery is vast.

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Trump versus Clinton for President- Is it any wonder Americans who can are leaving......It's hopeless if this occurs.

The most fringe crackpot rightwhingers left the USA long ago, the last of 'em in 2008 right after Barack Obama won.

You're new around here so keep reading to see where they went and are. coffee1.gif

The most truly fringe crackpots on the right wing side didn't leave. They just organized armed militia camps out in the mountains

So lemme modify that for you to say the most maritally stable USA rightwhingenuts are still there because they're happily with the one and only spouse, they own property and physical assets such as livestock, and they have a home arsenal of rifles, shotguns, handguns, assault rifles, automatic weapons, tons of ammunition; jeeps, an an occasional tank here and there all of which the ones who left the country didn't have and can't have over here.

The radical fringe right over here self-deported cause they couldn't hack the changes occurring back there in society, culture, election outcomes at the national level, Supreme Court rulings, the MSM, immigration trends of the past 40 years, civilian rulers, republicanism and democracy, or Bill Clinton as potus nevermind Hillary. And that's just for openers.

(Regret I almost always have to expand as trying to be pithy in posts seems to result in my point getting lost.)

Reread some of the narratives just to this thread to get the drift if not everything here and then some, literally.

Not to diminish my post but it probably didn't merit that much reply effort.

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Trump (who speaks his mind, rarely from autocues or notes)

. . . . or

Clinton (who is basically a liar!)

The choice is yours America

(And I thought Obama was bad! Jeeeez)

It really is the 'catch cry' with Trump isn't it. He supposedly speaks his mind. It's actually rubbish. Trump simply verbalises the racism and xenophobic hatreds of the Far Right Wing lunatics. He 'speaks his mind' okay but 90% of the electorate cringe with embarrassment. It's a little like the racist hate speech from the old drunk Uncle at the party. He sure speaks his mind but no one really wants to hear it other than a few like minded redneck racists. I often hear the excuse from people 'oh, I just speak my mind and tell it the way it is'. Ah well, no actually, your just an uneducated rude tosser.

Wow! You say Trump talks cr@p and you come out with the race card without good reason? If stopping immigration is considered racist in your opinion, I'm fear for you. Have you been wrapped up in cotton wool all your life?

Funny how you don't mention his other subjects that he feels strongly about? Such as the economy and looking after veterans, doing something about ISIS to name a few?

I will tell you what is more racist than anything Trump stands for, and that is the way blacks are segregated as a target group for a candidate to try and win votes!! How backward is that?

We have black people in the UK too, but they are part of the population that vote for a party or an electorate's ideas and values. NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE DIFFERENT!

You talk about far right wing? Hitler was "far right" Trump certainly is not. The far left is way more dangerous than the far right IMO

In England, if a right wing march/demonstration takes place, the far left/socialists come out spoiling for a fight. If the lefties do the same, I cannot remember a time when the right wing had a counter demo. Funny how the left wants to not be told what to and have freedom of speech, yet they don't want the right to have their say?


I don't usually watch TV but I made it a point to catch the Sunday morning US news/discussion shows following the Nevada caucuses and South Carolina primary. Despite Trump having beaten his opponents by a greater than 10 point margin his victory was characterized as "It's a 3 man race for the nomination". Despite Hillary Clinton having but a single delegate more than Bernie Sanders (save for super delegates count which is fluid) she was characterized as "the presumptive nominee". It was extremely obvious from watching that there was a lot of media bias as to who SHOULD be the candidates for the presidency. It was also clear that Hillary Clinton has her surrogates salted throughout the media. There are TRILLIONS of dollars at stake here. The political machinery is vast.

The DNC and their loyal & adoring media had Clinton in the same position at this point in 2008. The First Woman President !

Then along comes Obama out of nowhere bringing with him the more sexy & exotic First Black President tag!! They immediately dropped Hillary like a bad habit and joined the O bandwagon.

Now they are dusting off their 2008 playbook and hoping like hell that Hillary doesn't self-destruct or get indicted.

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One of the Super Tuesday states is the very liberal Massachusetts. Remember Republican Romney and Romneycare.

A new poll for the race is:

"One of the dozen-plus states that votes during next week’s (March 1) Super Tuesday is Massachusetts. A new poll, some of which was taken after Jeb Bush announced he was dropping out, shows Donald Trump with a commanding lead. The increasingly-desperate Republican Establishment continues to talk about Trump having a 35% support-ceiling, but in MA, the billionaire businessman hits 50% support. His closest rival, Establishment favorite Sen. Marco Rubio earns only 16% support."
Yep, as the OP says, Trump is going to get a record turnout in November. Say "Hello" to President Trump.
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The most fringe crackpot rightwhingers left the USA long ago, the last of 'em in 2008 right after Barack Obama won.

You're new around here so keep reading to see where they went and are. coffee1.gif

The most truly fringe crackpots on the right wing side didn't leave. They just organized armed militia camps out in the mountains

So lemme modify that for you to say the most maritally stable USA rightwhingenuts are still there because they're happily with the one and only spouse, they own property and physical assets such as livestock, and they have a home arsenal of rifles, shotguns, handguns, assault rifles, automatic weapons, tons of ammunition; jeeps, an an occasional tank here and there all of which the ones who left the country didn't have and can't have over here.

The radical fringe right over here self-deported cause they couldn't hack the changes occurring back there in society, culture, election outcomes at the national level, Supreme Court rulings, the MSM, immigration trends of the past 40 years, civilian rulers, republicanism and democracy, or Bill Clinton as potus nevermind Hillary. And that's just for openers.

(Regret I almost always have to expand as trying to be pithy in posts seems to result in my point getting lost.)

Reread some of the narratives just to this thread to get the drift if not everything here and then some, literally.

Not to diminish my post but it probably didn't merit that much reply effort.

No effort at all, believe me, so your post remains undiminished. It's easy and positive to do an expository on rightwhingenuts local and international, thx.

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Trump versus Clinton for President- Is it any wonder Americans who can are leaving......It's hopeless if this occurs.

The most fringe crackpot rightwhingers left the USA long ago, the last of 'em in 2008 right after Barack Obama won.

You're new around here so keep reading to see where they went and are. coffee1.gif

Reading a lot of your wordy statements which seem to be ideologically driven as per your avatar, are you a Marxist?


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Trump versus Clinton for President- Is it any wonder Americans who can are leaving......It's hopeless if this occurs.

The most fringe crackpot rightwhingers left the USA long ago, the last of 'em in 2008 right after Barack Obama won.

You're new around here so keep reading to see where they went and are. coffee1.gif

Reading a lot of your wordy statements which seem to be ideologically driven as per your avatar, are you a Marxist?


Thought so

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I don't live in Pattaya. Haven't lived there since 2005. How about you?

What is the collective IQ of the followers of Trump? A link would be nice to prove your theory.

You re welcome


White Republicans with limited education. laugh.png It's going to take a big leap of faith for the educated republicans to jump on board with this guy, but they may be left with little choice in the end.

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I don't live in Pattaya. Haven't lived there since 2005. How about you?

What is the collective IQ of the followers of Trump? A link would be nice to prove your theory.

You re welcome


Sadly I can't read your editorial. I have already reached my limit this month with the Washington Post for their free reads and I refuse to spend one dime on an MSM outlet.

I did manage a glimpse of the article before it was cut off with an advertisement to subscribe.

However, I will provide you with a link to the SC exit interviews of last week. There is a somewhat different opinion from the actual voters themselves than from what some editorialist thinks.

Just for the record:

1. High school or less - Trump 45%

2. Some college -------- Trump 40%

3. College Graduate -- Trump 29%

4. Post Graduate ------ Trump 32%

Nice try but another failure.


Edited by chuckd
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One of the Super Tuesday states is the very liberal Massachusetts. Remember Republican Romney and Romneycare.

A new poll for the race is:

"One of the dozen-plus states that votes during next week’s (March 1) Super Tuesday is Massachusetts. A new poll, some of which was taken after Jeb Bush announced he was dropping out, shows Donald Trump with a commanding lead. The increasingly-desperate Republican Establishment continues to talk about Trump having a 35% support-ceiling, but in MA, the billionaire businessman hits 50% support. His closest rival, Establishment favorite Sen. Marco Rubio earns only 16% support."
Yep, as the OP says, Trump is going to get a record turnout in November. Say "Hello" to President Trump.

The current governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for whom I voted as it's my native state, Republican Charlie Baker endorsed Chris Christie. Gov Baker won election in the overwhelmingly Democratic state by 10 points, in 2014, and wuz also endorsed by the very liberal Democratic people's daily newspaper, the Boston Globe.

It's the same Boston Globe people's daily that endorsed Elizabeth Warren in her successful campaign for US Senate back in 2012 and for whom I was eager to vote and did vote, by absentee ballot (as per usual). Republican Scott Brown who has endorsed Trump was run out of his Senate seat in 2012 by now Sen. Warren in a great deal and bargain for Massachusetts and the nation.

There are 11,000 registered Republicans in Boston contrasted to 194,000 registered Democrats. Republican registration in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts comprises 11.3% of the 4.1 million registered voters. Many R's in MA have gone over to become Independent (unenrolled in a party), leaving the R party in the hands of the rightwhingenuts who just luv Donald J. Trump.

Baker is very different from Christie so one shouldn't get the wrong idea about his easy going personality. Gov Baker supports marriage equality and abortion among other good issues.

FYI, a Commonwealth 'state' is technically not a state but a commonwealth 'state' is recognised by the federal government as a state because it ratified the Constitution. Commonwealth translates from the Latin res republica. It meant that as a colony of Britian a Commonwealth had considerable home rule essentially free of the Crown of England. The American Revolutionary War began in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1776 after Boston had been under seige by the Royal British Navy since early 1775 due to its constant state of active rebellion. There are four Commonwealths in the USA: Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia; Kentucky. The Revolution took effect when Virginia joined Massachusetts in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). Kentucky, which came after the USA was formed, is like Thailand, i.e., it is a later copy.

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Reading a lot of your wordy statements which seem to be ideologically driven as per your avatar, are you a Marxist?


Thought so

I knew you were thinking because I could smell the wood burning up there. gigglem.gif

As they say in Thailand, don't think too much. You might outsmart yourself. wink.png

Asking me if I'm a Marxist is like me asking you if you've stopped beating your wife.

Have you stopped doing it?

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Reading a lot of your wordy statements which seem to be ideologically driven as per your avatar, are you a Marxist?


Thought so

I knew you were thinking because I could smell the wood burning up there. gigglem.gif

As they say in Thailand, don't think too much. You might outsmart yourself. wink.png

Asking me if I'm a Marxist is like me asking you if you've stopped beating your wife.

Have you stopped doing it?

More "clever" verbal gymnastics and nonsensical replies which you strangely consider humor.

Your lengthy diatribes (i.e. forest fires), seem to be written with a superior tone (more to impress yourself perhaps which is equivalent to outsmarting yourself), and with a banal disdain for anyone that doesn't share your point of view. Therefore rather than ask you a disrespectful question in the same vein you are partial to, like are you a "leftwingnutjob", I asked you a straightforward question to which you will not directly reply. Are you a Marxist?

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I don't live in Pattaya. Haven't lived there since 2005. How about you?

What is the collective IQ of the followers of Trump? A link would be nice to prove your theory.

You re welcome


Sadly I can't read your editorial. I have already reached my limit this month with the Washington Post for their free reads and I refuse to spend one dime on an MSM outlet.

I did manage a glimpse of the article before it was cut off with an advertisement to subscribe.

However, I will provide you with a link to the SC exit interviews of last week. There is a somewhat different opinion from the actual voters themselves than from what some editorialist thinks.

Just for the record:

1. High school or less - Trump 45%

2. Some college -------- Trump 40%

3. College Graduate -- Trump 29%

4. Post Graduate ------ Trump 32%

Nice try but another failure.


Answering and sending some percentages without willing to read the links i provided on YOUR request is so fun, so you, so ...well you know...it kind of reminds me how the bigots do : i don't need scientists, all the answers are in my book

I rewrite this sentence as it can be applied to your answer as well :

There is a somewhat different opinion from the actual voters themselves than from what some editorialist thinks.

You have a strange way to show the stats to try to twist so let me rephrase this for you

1. High school or less - NOT Trump 55%

2. Some college -------- NOT Trump 60%

3. College Graduate -- NOT Trump 71%%

4. Post Graduate ------NOT Trump 68%

Sure it is less interesting for you but show YOUR failure...

well it s probably because you re a fan of Trump, this explains your answer and lack of understanding of percentagescheesy.gif

Nice failure

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Also Trump is also known to make crass comments that reveal deep seated anti-semitism and his father was

likely a KKK member. The real hardcore evangelical fundamentalists don't find his new-found religiosity and flip/flop

on abortion to be sincere.

Trump is a torpedo that will likely sink the GOP for good. I look forward to that.

Good Riddance!

Edited by arunsakda
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Also Trump is also known to make crass comments that reveal deep seated anti-semitism and his father was

likely a KKK member. The real hardcore evangelical fundamentalists don't find his new-found religiosity and flip/flop

on abortion to be sincere.

Trump is a torpedo that will likely sink the GOP for good. I look forward to that.

Good Riddance!

"...his father was likely a KKK member."

Link? laugh.png

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Cruz has been continuously setting up for Super Tuesday since last summer. Money, people on the ground, sustained resources and hard work of all kinds have been put into it consciously below the radar.

If Cruz doesn't win by actually winning he's going to find himself back home on the range again.

Rubio is less endowed but in the same pickle, i.e., Marco needs a win somewhere in some state and he needs one now. A win that is an actual win in the count, not just in the speech following another 2nd place. It seems a reasonable request of a candidate for the R party nomination to run for potus. Win one state whydontcha.

Rubio's 3-2-1 "strategy" (of dreamwork) turned out to be 3-5-2 (Iowa, NH, SC) all over the place. Marco is not running for reelection to the Senate in Florida so it's beginning to look like Rubio really doesn't have any clue of how to win a vote that isn't handed to him. I think Jeb who knows Marco politically very well wuz right on the point. Rubio can only walk, he cannot run.

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Also Trump is also known to make crass comments that reveal deep seated anti-semitism and his father was

likely a KKK member. The real hardcore evangelical fundamentalists don't find his new-found religiosity and flip/flop

on abortion to be sincere.

Trump is a torpedo that will likely sink the GOP for good. I look forward to that.

Good Riddance!

At this point it looks like your predictions are wrong on both counts. Trump has a strong showing among Hispanics and Evangelicals.

I think there is far too much emphasis and excitement surrounding the man, he is not the problem he's a SYMPTOM of an economic decline problem and a government expansion sucking away wealth. Governments do not create wealth, they just consume it. Both party's will not downsize government and their expansion reduces economic growth. Now a large % of people are hurting and thus the appeal of Trump and Sanders because they want to oust the career politicians and make the bankers accountable. The bankers see independent candidates as dangerous because they are not in their pay. If they do not own the political candidate then they may get prosecuted for crimes.

Trump's rhetoric and hard line statements should be ignored and talk of right/left wingnuts is just a waste of time if you care to look beneath the surface. If he makes the White House he has more chance of changing course if he is wrong than a career politician because they are incapable of and prevented from admitting mistakes.

Edit: Sp

Edited by Linzz
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The Hispanic vote in Nevada occurred in the Republicans only caucuses by and for the Republican party only. No Democrats allowed who anyway had their exclusive day last Saturday. And certainly no independents allowed by either party to do the caucus.

Nationally only 17% of Hispanic voters are registered as Republicans. The Hispanic figures out of the Republican caucuses in Nevada are of Hispanics registered as voting Republicans in Nevada...all dozen of 'em I'd say.

Romney in 2012 got 27% of Hispanics. GW Bush in 2004 got from Hispanic voters the percentage he needed to enable his win, 43% of Hispanics voted for him. It is common knowledge that a Republican who wants to be elected potus needs a floor of 40% of the Hispanic vote. Trump will get maybe 20% of the Hispanic voters nationally, which dooms his candidacy by that factor alone. Republican US senators up for reelection in Blue states will go down with the ship too.

Trump kaput. Or more appropriately, Trumpo and Repoob-lican senators el muerto.

Edited by Publicus
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