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One in five British girls sexually harassed in school: Charity


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One in five British girls sexually harassed in school: Charity

LONDON (REUTERS) - At least one in five British women experienced unwanted sexual contact while they were in school and of that number, nearly half said the abuse was frequent, a children's charity reported on Monday (Feb 22).

After surveying more than 2,000 women in Britain, Plan UK found that 22 per cent had experienced sexual touching, groping, flashing or rape during their school years.

Around 60 per cent of women who said they were sexually harassed as a child have never reported the incident.

Full story: http://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/one-in-five-british-girls-sexually-harassed-in-school-charity

-- THE STRAITS TIMES 2016-02-22

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Sad to see that the proliferations of scumbags pedophiles are everywhere, even in a country with a rich traditions of good manners and education.... and even sadder that most of those acts remain unreported and thus by default encourages the culprits to continue with their dislikable acts....

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Sad to see that the proliferations of scumbags pedophiles are everywhere, even in a country with a rich traditions of good manners and education.... and even sadder that most of those acts remain unreported and thus by default encourages the culprits to continue with their dislikable acts....

This is rediculous. How are the boys supposed to get in the girls pants if the are not playing around with them. I remember when I went to school that was all we thought about and you definitely weren't getting any if you didn't try.

All of this political correctness bull has to stop before the Caucasian race is extinct. We already have the lowest birth rates in the world.

Let's get real!!!

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Sad to see that the proliferations of scumbags pedophiles are everywhere, even in a country with a rich traditions of good manners and education.... and even sadder that most of those acts remain unreported and thus by default encourages the culprits to continue with their dislikable acts....

I think that this report is about abuse by schoolboys.

I am ashamed to say that when I was around 13 years old, i sometimes took things a little further than a girl was willing about. Plenty of boys did. I never raped anyone though and don't know of any other boy that did.

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Sad to see that the proliferations of scumbags pedophiles are everywhere, even in a country with a rich traditions of good manners and education.... and even sadder that most of those acts remain unreported and thus by default encourages the culprits to continue with their dislikable acts....

I think that this report is about abuse by schoolboys.

I am ashamed to say that when I was around 13 years old, i sometimes took things a little further than a girl was willing about. Plenty of boys did. I never raped anyone though and don't know of any other boy that did.

Don't be ashamed - it's part of growing up. Getting your hands inside a girl's knickers was par for the course. Only now do they call it "unwanted sexual contact". bah.gif

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At 14 l was too much in love with my French teacher to worry about the girls in my class.

And she was French too & wore the shortest mini skirts l've ever seen.

l had plenty of competition as all the boys in our class had stars in their eyes whenever she was about.

Do you think she noticed! lolz.(l'm damn sure she got off on it!).

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Was reading a child psychologist's report that sex ed in the UK (and possibly elsewhere) has been heavily skewed by child access to porn.

These kids grow up thinking that romance is coming in someones mouth…and much worse.

I don't disagree entirely, but you got to start exploring these matters slowly and in good time.

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Sad to see that the proliferations of scumbags pedophiles are everywhere, even in a country with a rich traditions of good manners and education.... and even sadder that most of those acts remain unreported and thus by default encourages the culprits to continue with their dislikable acts....

I think that this report is about abuse by schoolboys.

I am ashamed to say that when I was around 13 years old, i sometimes took things a little further than a girl was willing about. Plenty of boys did. I never raped anyone though and don't know of any other boy that did.

Don't be ashamed - it's part of growing up. Getting your hands inside a girl's knickers was par for the course. Only now do they call it "unwanted sexual contact". bah.gif

So, in your opinion, getting your hands inside a girl's knickers against her will was perfectly ok?

Do you have daughters?

If you do, I hope for their sakes that they never meet a boy who shares your views and so suffer the kind of abuse you consider to be ok!

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So you approve of girls being subjected to unwanted sexual contact by their male peers?

What was normal back in the 50s and 60s is not now ,so most girls in our school were sexually harased it was part of growing up ,it was a very different world then
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Sad to see that the proliferations of scumbags pedophiles are everywhere, even in a country with a rich traditions of good manners and education.... and even sadder that most of those acts remain unreported and thus by default encourages the culprits to continue with their dislikable acts....

I think that this report is about abuse by schoolboys.

I am ashamed to say that when I was around 13 years old, i sometimes took things a little further than a girl was willing about. Plenty of boys did. I never raped anyone though and don't know of any other boy that did.

Don't be ashamed - it's part of growing up. Getting your hands inside a girl's knickers was par for the course. Only now do they call it "unwanted sexual contact". bah.gif

So, in your opinion, getting your hands inside a girl's knickers against her will was perfectly ok?

Do you have daughters?

If you do, I hope for their sakes that they never meet a boy who shares your views and so suffer the kind of abuse you consider to be ok!

Sometimes I really wonder how some of the posters on here ever ended up in Thailand in the first place. Seems like the holier than thou crowd would be better of trying to blend in, in the bible belt.

End of Rant

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At 14 l was too much in love with my French teacher to worry about the girls in my class.

And she was French too & wore the shortest mini skirts l've ever seen.

l had plenty of competition as all the boys in our class had stars in their eyes whenever she was about.

Do you think she noticed! lolz.(l'm damn sure she got off on it!).

"all the boys in our class had stars in their eyes"

...and lumps in their pants. biggrin.png

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Sad to see that the proliferations of scumbags pedophiles are everywhere, even in a country with a rich traditions of good manners and education.... and even sadder that most of those acts remain unreported and thus by default encourages the culprits to continue with their dislikable acts....

Nonsense! School children are remarkable in that adult measurements of guilt and remorse are non existant! Good thing it's so, imagine all of the guilt you would be carrying if you remembered or really even cared about all of the semi innocent things you got up to in school!!

Suicide would be the only option? biggrin.pngfacepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

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transam, on 22 Feb 2016 - 19:56, said:
7by7, on 22 Feb 2016 - 19:43, said:

So you approve of girls being subjected to unwanted sexual contact by their male peers?

You are twisting what the guy is saying....

So you never canoodled in the back row of the cinema....?

Well I did and was soon told off by the bird if I was out of order....biggrin.png


It would seem that some posters were either not educated in the UK, went to an all boys school or were just plain ugly when they were at school.

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So you approve of girls being subjected to unwanted sexual contact by their male peers?

I agree with you if you're talking about adults or late teens. If you're talking about kindergarden, primary or junior high then I think you're showing your inexperience in life! Up to 17 years of age girls are generally stronger and faster that boys their own age! That said, while there is a lot of squealing and rough play girls will usually give short shift to any boy that totally oversteps the mark, if not then then later with a couple of girl friends!

As told to me by both of my adult daughters! smile.pngwink.pngwai.gif

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transam, on 23 Feb 2016 - 14:57, said:transam, on 23 Feb 2016 - 14:57, said:

So who like me remembers the "fooling around days"..........Blimey, I can remember them now, a bird giving me a slap with a big smile.........Fond memories..........wub.png

I would suggest ever living creature on the planet does that stuff.......Sure adult odd balls are out there, but it really is what hormones dooooo with any earth living creature..smile.png

Your post automatically made me think of this


I do not remember any of the fooling around songs. Perhaps I was too busy wub.png

Edited by SgtRock
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transam, on 23 Feb 2016 - 14:57, said:transam, on 23 Feb 2016 - 14:57, said:

So who like me remembers the "fooling around days"..........Blimey, I can remember them now, a bird giving me a slap with a big smile.........Fond memories..........wub.png

I would suggest ever living creature on the planet does that stuff.......Sure adult odd balls are out there, but it really is what hormones dooooo with any earth living creature..smile.png

Your post automatically made me think of this


I do not remember any of the fooling around songs. Perhaps I was too busy wub.png

I remember "snogging parties" biggrin.pngohmy.png held at the homes of the older members of the church youth club.

I even remember the name of the gorgeous blonde 13/14 year old that I had a crush on, and usually ended up snogging with. No chance of a quick feel in those days - would've got a wallop for sure. Oh, Judith Jane Edwards... where are you now? wub.png

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JetsetBkk, on 23 Feb 2016 - 17:36, said:
SgtRock, on 23 Feb 2016 - 15:14, said:
transam, on 23 Feb 2016 - 14:57, said:

transam, on 23 Feb 2016 - 14:57, said:transam, on 23 Feb 2016 - 14:57, said:

So who like me remembers the "fooling around days"..........Blimey, I can remember them now, a bird giving me a slap with a big smile.........Fond memories..........wub.png

I would suggest ever living creature on the planet does that stuff.......Sure adult odd balls are out there, but it really is what hormones dooooo with any earth living creature..smile.png

Your post automatically made me think of this


I do not remember any of the fooling around songs. Perhaps I was too busy wub.png

I remember "snogging parties" biggrin.pngohmy.png held at the homes of the older members of the church youth club.

I even remember the name of the gorgeous blonde 13/14 year old that I had a crush on, and usually ended up snogging with. No chance of a quick feel in those days - would've got a wallop for sure. Oh, Judith Jane Edwards... where are you now? wub.png


Nailed it.

How sad that many many people, apparently never had a life as a kid.

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If the goverment really wanted to do anything about this, they should accept that these youngsters, once past puberty are no longer children, They are physically adults and naturally have sexual urges. In my young teen days, it was no problem for a girl to get those urges satisfied, there would be a line of boys willing to help them out. But the girls were pressured to suppress those urges. Those 13 year old girls who did give in to their urges, normally did it with a 17 year who had a motorbike and weren't interested in 13 year old boys. This is extremely frustrating for young teen boys. These unsatisfied urges can be very strong and some boys will resort to force to get some sort of gratification.

If the government was brave enough, it could put a special nurse in each school especially to relieve sexual tension in the young boys.

I lost my virginity at age 15 to an older woman, she wasn't that much older, at 19. But she was breaking the law. I say, how dare the law dictate at what age I can have sex. That day all my frustrations and deparation disappeared, At that age you are desperate to have sex.

When I was 17, I had a motorbike, a job and a rented flat and was shagging loads of 13,14 and 15 year old girls,

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transam, on 22 Feb 2016 - 19:56, said:
7by7, on 22 Feb 2016 - 19:43, said:

So you approve of girls being subjected to unwanted sexual contact by their male peers?

You are twisting what the guy is saying....

So you never canoodled in the back row of the cinema....?

Well I did and was soon told off by the bird if I was out of order....biggrin.png


It would seem that some posters were either not educated in the UK, went to an all boys school or were just plain ugly when they were at school.

I was ugly.

Tried hard though...

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It seems many posters have either missed the point of the OP or should be kept well away from young girls.

I sincerely hope it is the former.

There is a world of difference between a kiss and a grope when the girl is agreeable and not stopping when she asks you to do so.

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I think some posters are living in bygone times before social media and the internet. Loads of youngsters now start having sex at 12 -13 - its considered normal (I know this from my own kids). The big difference is that kids are accessing almost unlimited online porn (some of it pretty extreme) and they are using their mobile phones to photograph and video what they get up to - then distributing via social media. A few years ago one of my daughter's friends was almost driven to suicide by a lad who pulled her clothes off her and then made a video. The police got involved and cautioned him (he was only about 13 or 14) but once the video has been distributed it propagates almost exponentially across the web and is online potentially indefinitely.. This is a lot different to the bit of 'slap and tickle' that those of somewhat 'mature years' might be reflecting on.

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Note, please, the constant broadening of the definition of sexual harassment - no longer limited to unwanted physical touching, but extended to speech, and including 'trigger points' and 'microaggression'. This article is pure sexual politics, designed to evoke an emotional response, and perpetuate the currently popular idea (in some circles) that all men are rapists.

Appropriate parenting is, and always has been, the key to socialization. As parents abdicate their responsibilities, relying on increasingly ambitious bureaucrats and administrators to guide their kids, this nonsense gains traction.

The shift from 'anything less than a yes is a no' to a requirement for affirmative assent between college students having sex is just one more sign of the lunacy the neo-feminists have injected into the process of growing up.

People, female and male, need to learn how to manage these issues, not be shielded from them.

So pathetic.

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