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Jeb Bush's doomed campaign


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Jeb Bush's doomed campaign
By Ashley Killough, CNN

Columbia, South Carolina (CNN)Jeb Bush always remained optimistic.

From the beginning of his candidacy last June, he pledged to run with "joy" and adopted a tortoise-and-the-hare strategy, earnestly believing that he would prevail in the end despite a crowded field of candidates.

Even as his chances became grim over the past eight months, he started handing out tiny toy turtles from his pockets to children, telling them that "slow and steady wins the race."

But in 2016, "slow and steady" was the opposite of what the country wanted.

Full story: http://us.cnn.com/2016/02/21/politics/jeb-bushs-doomed-campaign/index.html

-- CNN 2016-02-22

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The duller brother of the worst President in American history actually thought American would want more Bush.

I see Jeb as a tragic figure. violin.gif So completely delusional.

What's really tragic is the rest of the field still standing, Trump/Cruz/Rubio - ye gods. whistling.gif

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Jeb was the anointed of the powerful insiders. Now that he's in full rejection mode of the voters, they are turning to Rubio. If their votes in SC were added together, Bush and Rubio would have lost badly to Trump.

Tuesday Trump is going to crush these guys - Rubio and Cruz - in Nevada. When will they take a hint that Americans don't want them?

There are lots of rumors now that some of the biggest donors are considering backing Trump to get on the winning side. Sorry, there are no tickets for sale and that train left the station without them.

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The name was the millstone around his neck nobody wanted a repeat performance. As Trump often stated 9/11 occurred on his brothers watch and a lot more besides.

exactly !!

i hope trump wins, only because i can see he cares about his country, he has vision, he is allready a self made billionaire and if anyone can turn this mess around i think trump is the only one.

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The name was the millstone around his neck nobody wanted a repeat performance. As Trump often stated 9/11 occurred on his brothers watch and a lot more besides.

exactly !!

i hope trump wins, only because i can see he cares about his country, he has vision, he is allready a self made billionaire and if anyone can turn this mess around i think trump is the only one.

And this billionaire really cares about the majority of Americans who live on paychecks day to day. Not. (Yep he'll make a great President.)
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Jeb was the anointed of the powerful insiders. Now that he's in full rejection mode of the voters, they are turning to Rubio. If their votes in SC were added together, Bush and Rubio would have lost badly to Trump.

Tuesday Trump is going to crush these guys - Rubio and Cruz - in Nevada. When will they take a hint that Americans don't want them?

There are lots of rumors now that some of the biggest donors are considering backing Trump to get on the winning side. Sorry, there are no tickets for sale and that train left the station without them.

There has to be flight to the winning side. If things go as you say, no one is giving up.

Trump momentum is a thing, but some Republicans haven't lost their minds.

I just don't see the Republican "establishment" caving in. So, a much longer battle is in store no matter what happens.

And it looks like Trump will have a fat victory in Nevada. Bush voters will lean to Trump the winner, over their distaste for lefty Trump. Or whatever he is.

Let's say (for giggles) Trump gets the nomination, does he start cashing those fat wingnut checks? Will Donald Trump suckle at the Koch teat?

Question of the day.

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I'm no fan of his brother, or indeed the GOP in general. However to paint Jeb as some lightweight imbecile is wrong.

He is I think, the POTUS his idiot brother should have been in many respects.

He is intelligent, thoughtful and knowledgeable on policy, something severely lacking in the front-runners of the GOP Clown car.

Unfortunate for him, decades of dog whistle politics by the GOP establishment have come back to haunt them big time. The anger, hostility and bigotry they have promoted have finally produced the Frankenstein monster in Trump & Cruz that they can't control.

They unleashed this tidal wave of anger and bile, and Jeb is one of the victims.

While as an unashamed liberal Democrat I love watching this bloodbath, as a democrat I hate the fact that this madness undermines the basis of our two party democracy.

The Republic needs two functional and 'sane' parties to function.

As of today today we find ourselves with one in the lunatic asylum and one heavily medicated on magic mushrooms!

Edited by GinBoy2
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i hope trump wins, only because i can see he cares about his country, he has vision, he is allready a self made billionaire and if anyone can turn this mess around i think trump is the only one.

<deleted>! Trump is a just a narcissist who cares only about himself, whose only vision is himself in the mirror, and how has no plan whatsoever apart from spewing empty words. He does know how to tap into the fear of the struggling middle class by constantly talking about the modern day bogeyman, the immigrant. And although I agree that there are problems with the US immigration policy, the problems are the policies and not the immigrants themselves. Meanwhile the real mess is with the political economy and the criminal element, the financial sector, and the only one who is willing to turn that mess around is Sanders. But the media and the large corporations are giving Trump to the feeble minded as a diversion from the Sanders message. And in the end the US will get more of the same doggy doo doo with either Clinton or Bloomberg in the White House.

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i hope trump wins, only because i can see he cares about his country, he has vision, he is allready a self made billionaire and if anyone can turn this mess around i think trump is the only one.

<deleted>! Trump is a just a narcissist who cares only about himself, whose only vision is himself in the mirror, and how has no plan whatsoever apart from spewing empty words. He does know how to tap into the fear of the struggling middle class by constantly talking about the modern day bogeyman, the immigrant. And although I agree that there are problems with the US immigration policy, the problems are the policies and not the immigrants themselves. Meanwhile the real mess is with the political economy and the criminal element, the financial sector, and the only one who is willing to turn that mess around is Sanders. But the media and the large corporations are giving Trump to the feeble minded as a diversion from the Sanders message. And in the end the US will get more of the same doggy doo doo with either Clinton or Bloomberg in the White House.

While I don't necessarily disagree with any of your points, we have a problem!

POTUS is actual fact can do or achieve very little. This is the folly of both Trump & Sanders campaigns. They talk a great talk to their respective zealots, who actually overlap in may ways in their disenfranchisement, but they can never deliver any of it.

The framers designed the constitution that no one element of government could enact change without the agreement of the other. With the radicalization of the GOP, massive gerrymandering has resulted in a system that is so totally dysfunctional that its almost irrelevant who the POTUS is.

It's not that we haven't been here before, but history teaches us that it takes a few generations for demographics to self correct the system, which it will...unfortunately I'll be dead and buried by them, but at least my kids will benefit

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Jeb was the anointed of the powerful insiders. Now that he's in full rejection mode of the voters, they are turning to Rubio. If their votes in SC were added together, Bush and Rubio would have lost badly to Trump.

Tuesday Trump is going to crush these guys - Rubio and Cruz - in Nevada. When will they take a hint that Americans don't want them?

There are lots of rumors now that some of the biggest donors are considering backing Trump to get on the winning side. Sorry, there are no tickets for sale and that train left the station without them.

Trump to reject money...????...Do you know who is Trump?....The King of Deals and Bankruptcies!

He rejected money when was just a candidate.....because he will deal in better position when he becomes a serious potential nominated...and get even more money if nominated.......and a lot more money in the Presidency.

Please.... do not be fool!!!!

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i hope trump wins, only because i can see he cares about his country, he has vision, he is allready a self made billionaire and if anyone can turn this mess around i think trump is the only one.

<deleted>! Trump is a just a narcissist who cares only about himself, whose only vision is himself in the mirror, and how has no plan whatsoever apart from spewing empty words. He does know how to tap into the fear of the struggling middle class by constantly talking about the modern day bogeyman, the immigrant. And although I agree that there are problems with the US immigration policy, the problems are the policies and not the immigrants themselves. Meanwhile the real mess is with the political economy and the criminal element, the financial sector, and the only one who is willing to turn that mess around is Sanders. But the media and the large corporations are giving Trump to the feeble minded as a diversion from the Sanders message. And in the end the US will get more of the same doggy doo doo with either Clinton or Bloomberg in the White House.

Self made millionaire???? It is very clear that still people with any idea about Trump family's history.

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The name was the millstone around his neck nobody wanted a repeat performance. As Trump often stated 9/11 occurred on his brothers watch and a lot more besides.

exactly !!

i hope trump wins, only because i can see he cares about his country, he has vision, he is allready a self made billionaire and if anyone can turn this mess around i think trump is the only one.

And this billionaire really cares about the majority of Americans who live on paychecks day to day. Not. (Yep he'll make a great President.)

Perhaps the whole family should go into exile to Saudi Arabia, the one country in the whole world that worships the House of Bush.

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The name was the millstone around his neck nobody wanted a repeat performance. As Trump often stated 9/11 occurred on his brothers watch and a lot more besides.

Ah ha do I smell a possible conspiracy theory in this statement. Yes pitrevie thermite does cut steel and buildings like building 3 do fall down on their own. Take a look at the picture taken in Japan after it was hit by a thermo nuclear weapon. Everything was vaporized but the steel was still standing then as it does today. Yes I guess old architecture was stronger than the new stuff today but then what do I know. All I know it was not long after 9/11 that the fear factor took over NSA got a big bump in their budget and the Patriot act was born and America will never be the same again.

Edited by elgordo38
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The duller brother of the worst President in American history actually thought American would want more Bush.

I see Jeb as a tragic figure. violin.gif So completely delusional.

What's really tragic is the rest of the field still standing, Trump/Cruz/Rubio - ye gods. whistling.gif

Go to Google and take a walk into the past to the days of Prescott Bush and WW2. Then Google General Smedly and FDR and it makes for interesting reading. It shows you that yes the rich can almost overthrow America and suffer no repercussions well back in those days anyways. Those were the days of the wild wild west booze runners making illegal big bucks and the history of some of these are the creme de la creme of society today. Where do you think money laundering started?

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Jeb was the anointed of the powerful insiders. Now that he's in full rejection mode of the voters, they are turning to Rubio. If their votes in SC were added together, Bush and Rubio would have lost badly to Trump.

Tuesday Trump is going to crush these guys - Rubio and Cruz - in Nevada. When will they take a hint that Americans don't want them?

There are lots of rumors now that some of the biggest donors are considering backing Trump to get on the winning side. Sorry, there are no tickets for sale and that train left the station without them.

Yes the rats will be abandoning ye ole ship Bush and swimming towards Trump. Its time to put your wallet away Donald an avalanche of money is coming your way. Clean money dirty money no one cares. The congress has blown the doors off of this one. The power brokers want to put the gloves on you Donald and hold your arms up in the air and shout "Your our boy" Ole Jeb may just lay in the middle of the ring and let you put your foot on his chest for a personal selfie. When this moment arrives you will show your true mettle. Are you with them or against them as you so frequently state?

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The name was the millstone around his neck nobody wanted a repeat performance. As Trump often stated 9/11 occurred on his brothers watch and a lot more besides.

Ah ha do I smell a possible conspiracy theory in this statement. Yes pitrevie thermite does cut steel and buildings like building 3 do fall down on their own. Take a look at the picture taken in Japan after it was hit by a thermo nuclear weapon. Everything was vaporized but the steel was still standing then as it does today. Yes I guess old architecture was stronger than the new stuff today but then what do I know. All I know it was not long after 9/11 that the fear factor took over NSA got a big bump in their budget and the Patriot act was born and America will never be the same again.

Anything you think you smell from my statement is purely fantasy. I leave that sort of mad conjecture to Alex Jones.

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The name was the millstone around his neck nobody wanted a repeat performance. As Trump often stated 9/11 occurred on his brothers watch and a lot more besides.

exactly !!

i hope trump wins, only because i can see he cares about his country, he has vision, he is allready a self made billionaire and if anyone can turn this mess around i think trump is the only one.

Trump is a self-made billionair??? Some economist recently figured that if Trump had simply invested his inheritance in index funds, he'd be worth roughly what he is today. To be fair, that projection depends on the assumption that Trump would have lived a low key life. Still, self-made hardly applies to the heir of a huge fortune.

Edited by stillbornagain
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I'm no fan of his brother, or indeed the GOP in general. However to paint Jeb as some lightweight imbecile is wrong.

He is I think, the POTUS his idiot brother should have been in many respects.

He is intelligent, thoughtful and knowledgeable on policy, something severely lacking in the front-runners of the GOP Clown car.

Unfortunate for him, decades of dog whistle politics by the GOP establishment have come back to haunt them big time. The anger, hostility and bigotry they have promoted have finally produced the Frankenstein monster in Trump & Cruz that they can't control.

They unleashed this tidal wave of anger and bile, and Jeb is one of the victims.

While as an unashamed liberal Democrat I love watching this bloodbath, as a democrat I hate the fact that this madness undermines the basis of our two party democracy.

The Republic needs two functional and 'sane' parties to function.

As of today today we find ourselves with one in the lunatic asylum and one heavily medicated on magic mushrooms!

You do realize that Jeb Bush listed as his foreign policy advisers the same people who served as advisers to G.W. Bush and pushed for the War in Iraq? How thoughtful was that?

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